# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0100 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 Function {make_alignment_window()} {open } { Fl_Window alignment_window { label Preferences open xywh {469 112 365 340} modal visible } { Fl_Box {} { label {Grid:} xywh {10 25 130 130} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelsize 12 align 5 } Fl_Input horizontal_input { label {Horizontal:} user_data 1 user_data_type long callback alignment_cb tooltip {Horizontal grid spacing.} xywh {90 35 40 20} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX code0 {o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE|FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);} } Fl_Input vertical_input { label {Vertical:} user_data 2 user_data_type long callback alignment_cb tooltip {Vertical grid spacing.} xywh {90 65 40 20} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX code0 {o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE|FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);} } Fl_Input snap_input { label {Snap:} user_data 3 user_data_type long callback alignment_cb tooltip {Snap to grid within this many pixels.} xywh {90 95 40 20} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX code0 {o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE|FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);} } Fl_Button {} { label Close callback {alignment_window->hide();} selected tooltip {Close this dialog.} xywh {295 305 60 25} } Fl_Box {} { label {Output File Names:} xywh {10 175 345 120} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelsize 12 align 5 } Fl_Box {} { label {Use "name.ext" to set name or just ".ext" to set only extension.} xywh {20 185 325 15} labelsize 10 align 148 } Fl_Input header_file_input { label {Header File:} user_data 1 user_data_type {void*} callback header_input_cb tooltip {The name of the generated header file.} xywh {100 205 245 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX when 1 textfont 4 } Fl_Input code_file_input { label {Code File:} user_data 1 user_data_type {void*} callback code_input_cb tooltip {The name of the generated code file.} xywh {100 235 245 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX when 1 textfont 4 } Fl_Light_Button include_H_from_C_button { label {Include Header from Code} callback include_H_from_C_button_cb tooltip {Include the header file from the code file.} xywh {100 265 170 20} value 1 labelsize 12 } Fl_Box {} { label {Internationalization:} xywh {150 25 205 130} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelsize 12 align 5 } Fl_Choice i18n_type_chooser { label {Use:} callback i18n_type_cb open tooltip {Type of internationalization to use.} xywh {220 35 125 20} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box BORDER_BOX } { menuitem {} { label None xywh {0 0 100 20} } menuitem {} { label {GNU gettext} xywh {0 0 100 20} } menuitem {} { label {POSIX catgets} xywh {0 0 100 20} } } Fl_Input i18n_include_input { label {\#include:} callback i18n_text_cb tooltip {The include file for internationalization.} xywh {220 65 125 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX textfont 4 hide } Fl_Input i18n_file_input { label {File:} callback i18n_text_cb tooltip {The name of the message catalog.} xywh {220 95 125 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX textfont 4 hide } Fl_Input i18n_set_input { label {Set:} callback i18n_text_cb tooltip {The message set number.} xywh {220 125 125 20} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX textfont 4 hide } Fl_Input i18n_function_input { label {Function:} callback i18n_text_cb tooltip {The function to call to internationalize the labels and tooltips.} xywh {220 95 125 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX textfont 4 hide } } } decl {extern void i18n_cb(Fl_Choice *,void *);} {}