README - Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK) Version 1.4.0 ------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS FLTK? The Fast Light Tool Kit ("FLTK", pronounced "fulltick") is a a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX(r)/Linux(r) (X11), Microsoft(r) Windows(r), and macOS(r). FLTK provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat and supports 3D graphics via OpenGL(r) and its built-in GLUT emulation. It was originally developed by Mr. Bill Spitzak and is currently maintained by a small group of developers across the world with a central repository in the US. LICENSING FLTK comes with complete free source code. FLTK is available under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. Contrary to popular belief, it can be used in commercial software! (Even Bill Gates could use it.) ON-LINE DOCUMENTATION The documentation in HTML and PDF forms can be created by Doxygen from the source files. HTML and PDF versions of this documentation is also available from the FLTK web site at: BUILDING AND INSTALLING FLTK UNDER UNIX AND macOS Beginning with FLTK 1.4 the main and recommended build system is CMake. CMake is a "build system generator" and can be used to create Makefile's, Ninja build files, Xcode (macOS), Visual Studio (Windows) IDE files and many more. Please see README.CMake.txt for further information. Alternatively FLTK can be built with autoconf + make, the build system used in FLTK 1.3 and earlier versions. Please be aware that the following information may be outdated because it is no longer actively maintained. In most cases you can just type "make". This will run configure with the default (no) options and then compile everything. FLTK uses GNU autoconf to configure itself for your UNIX platform. The main things that the configure script will look for are the X11, OpenGL (or Mesa), and JPEG header and library files. Make sure that they are in the standard include/library locations. If they aren't you need to define the CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and LDFLAGS environment variables. If you aren't using "gcc", "g++", "c++", or "CC" for your C++ compiler, you'll also need to set the CXX environment variable. Similarly, if you aren't using "gcc" or "cc" for your C compiler you'll need to set the CC environment variable. You can run configure yourself to get the exact setup you need. Type "./configure <options>". Options include: --enable-cygwin - Enable the Cygwin libraries (Windows) --enable-debug - Enable debugging code & symbols --disable-gl - Disable OpenGL support --enable-shared - Enable generation of shared libraries --enable-threads - Enable multithreading support --enable-xdbe - Enable the X double-buffer extension --enable-xft - Enable the Xft library (anti-aliased fonts) --bindir=/path - Set the location for executables [default = /usr/local/bin] --libdir=/path - Set the location for libraries [default = /usr/local/lib] --includedir=/path - Set the location for include files. [default = /usr/local/include] --prefix=/dir - Set the directory prefix for files [default = /usr/local] When the configure script is done you can just run the "make" command. This will build the library, FLUID tool, and all of the test programs. To install the library, become root and type "make install". This will copy the "fluid" executable to "bindir", the header files to "includedir", and the library files to "libdir". To install additional files and icons to be used by the main desktop environments such as KDE, GNOME and XFCE, you will also need to run "make install-desktop" as root. GIT USERS If you've just checked out a fresh copy of FLTK from GIT, you'll need to generate an initial version of 'configure' by running 'make makeinclude' (we don't include a copy of configure in git). MAKE TARGETS make -- builds the library + test programs (does not install) make install -- builds and installs make clean -- clean for a rebuild make distclean -- like 'clean', but also removes docs, configure, fltk-config ( cd src; make ) -- builds just the fltk libraries BUILDING FLTK UNDER MICROSOFT WINDOWS There are two ways to build FLTK under Microsoft Windows. The first is to use CMake to create the Visual C++ project files in your favorite development directory, then build FLTK with Visual Studio. The second method is to use a GNU-based development tool. To build with the Cygwin or MinGW tools, use the supplied configure script as specified in the UNIX section above: sh configure ...options... See README.Windows.txt and README.CMake.txt for more info. BUILDING HTML DOCUMENTATION If you want to build the HTML documentation: ( cd documentation && make html ) If you want to build the PDF documentation: ( cd documentation && make pdf ) FLTK uses doxygen for documentation, so you'll at least need doxygen installed for creating html docs, and LaTeX for creating PDF docs. INTERNET RESOURCES FLTK is available on the 'net in a bunch of locations: - WWW: [for reporting bugs] [source code] GENERAL QUESTIONS To join the FLTK mailing list, go the following web page:!forum/fltkgeneral You can find detailed instructions how you can register for the mailing list (even w/o a Google mail address) at the bottom of this page: REPORTING BUGS If you are new to FLTK, or have general questions about how to use FLTK, or aren't sure if you found a bug, please ask first on the fltk.general group forum at:!forum/fltkgeneral See paragraph GENERAL QUESTIONS above for more info. If you are sure you found a bug, please see the following page for further information: TRADEMARKS Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of the X/Open Group, Inc. OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. Mac OS is a registered trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. COPYRIGHT FLTK is copyright 1998-2020 by Bill Spitzak and others, see the CREDITS file for more info. This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this file is missing or damaged, see the license at: