# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0107 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} Function {} {open } { Fl_Window foo_window {open xywh {733 489 320 320} type Double resizable visible } { Fl_Tabs {} {open selected xywh {10 10 300 200} selection_color 4 labelcolor 7 resizable } { Fl_Group {} { label Label1 open xywh {10 30 300 180} selection_color 1 hide resizable } { Fl_Input {} { label {input:} xywh {60 50 240 40} } Fl_Input {} { label {input2:} xywh {60 90 240 30} } Fl_Input {} { label {input3:} xywh {60 120 240 80} } } Fl_Group {} { label tab2 open xywh {10 30 300 180} selection_color 2 } { Fl_Button {} { label button1 callback {fl_message("Test to see if this modal window prevents you from " "changing the tabs. It should.");} xywh {20 60 100 30} code0 {\#include } } Fl_Input {} { label {input in box2} xywh {140 100 100 30} } Fl_Button {} { label {This is stuff inside the Fl_Group "tab2"} xywh {30 140 260 30} } Fl_Button {} { label {Test event blocking by modal window} callback {fl_message("Make sure you cannot change the tabs while this modal window is up");} xywh {30 170 260 30} code0 {\#include } } } Fl_Group {} { label tab3 open xywh {10 30 300 180} selection_color 3 hide } { Fl_Button {} { label button2 xywh {20 60 60 80} } Fl_Button {} { label button xywh {80 60 60 80} } Fl_Button {} { label button xywh {140 60 60 80} } } Fl_Group {} { label tab4 open xywh {10 30 300 180} selection_color 5 labelfont 2 hide } { Fl_Button {} { label button2 xywh {20 50 60 110} } Fl_Button {} { label button xywh {80 50 60 110} } Fl_Button {} { label button xywh {140 50 60 110} } } Fl_Group {} { label { tab5 } open xywh {10 30 300 180} labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL hide } { Fl_Button {} { label button2 xywh {20 80 60 80} } Fl_Button {} { label button xywh {90 90 60 80} } Fl_Clock {} { label {Make sure this clock does not use processor time when this tab is hidden or window is iconized} xywh {160 50 100 100} box OSHADOW_BOX color 238 selection_color 0 labelfont 8 labelsize 10 align 130 } } } Fl_Input {} { label {inputA:} xywh {60 220 130 30} } Fl_Input {} { label {inputB:} xywh {60 250 250 30} } Fl_Button {} { label cancel callback {exit(1);} xywh {180 290 60 30} code0 {\#include } } Fl_Return_Button {} { label OK callback {exit(0);} xywh {250 290 60 30} code0 {\#include } } } }