// Common dialog implementation for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2022 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
\cond DriverDev
\addtogroup DriverDeveloper
\file Fl_Message.cxx - Base class for common dialogs.
This is the base class for all common FLTK dialog windows used in
fl_message(), fl_ask(), fl_choice(), fl_input(), and fl_password().
\note Internal use only. This class may be changed as required
without notice.\n
This class is reserved for FLTK's internal usage in common dialogs
in FLTK 1.4.x and later. The header file is "hidden" in the src/
folder and not installed with the public header files.
\since 1.4.0
All common dialogs can be altered by changing the contents of some
static class variables. This is done by accessor methods like
fl_message_title() and others defined in FL/fl_ask.H. This is for
backwards compatibility with FLTK 1.3.x and earlier.
\note The documentation is only visible if the CMake option
#include "flstring.h"
#include "Fl_Message.h" // intentionally "hidden" in src/...
#include "FL/fl_string_functions.h" // fl_strdup()
// Fl_Message static variables
const char *Fl_Message::message_title_default_;
const char *Fl_Message::message_title_;
const char *Fl_Message::message_icon_label_;
Fl_Box *Fl_Message::message_icon_;
char *Fl_Message::input_buffer_;
int Fl_Message::input_size_;
int Fl_Message::enable_hotspot_ = 1;
int Fl_Message::form_x_ = 0;
int Fl_Message::form_y_ = 0;
int Fl_Message::form_position_ = 0; // 0 = not set, 1 = absolute, 2 = centered
Fl_Message's internal button callback.
This callback function is used when the user pushes a button, presses the
\c Return key, or uses a valid shortcut for one of the buttons.
The internal return value \p retval_ is set according to the button that
was invoked (0, 1, 2) and \p window_closed_ is set to 0 (dialog closed
by dialog button). Then the dialog window is closed (hidden).
void Fl_Message::button_cb_(Fl_Widget *w, void *d) {
Fl_Window *window = w->window();
Fl_Message *dialog = (Fl_Message *)window->user_data();
dialog->window_closed_ = 0;
dialog->retval_ = fl_int(d); // button
} // button_cb_()
Fl_Message's internal window callback.
This callback function is used internally when the dialog window is closed
by the user with the window close button or by pressing \c Escape.
The internal return value \p retval_ is set to 0 (i.e. button 0) and
\p window_closed_ is set to -1 (Escape) or -2 (window close button).
Then the dialog window is closed (hidden).
void Fl_Message::window_cb_(Fl_Widget *w, void *d) {
Fl_Window *window = (Fl_Window *)w;
Fl_Message *dialog = (Fl_Message *)window->user_data();
if ((Fl::event() == FL_KEYBOARD || Fl::event() == FL_SHORTCUT) &&
(Fl::event_key() == FL_Escape))
dialog->window_closed_ = -1;
dialog->window_closed_ = -2;
dialog->retval_ = 0; // either window or button 0
} // window_cb_()
Fl_Message constructor.
The constructor creates a default message window and sets the icon type
to the given \p iconlabel which can be any character (or string).
If fl_message_icon_label() has been called before this label is used
instead and reset to NULL after the message window has been created.
Message text box (Fl_Box), icon (Fl_Box), and an input (Fl_Input) widgets
are created and initialized. Three buttons are created and arranged right to
left in the message window. The second (middle) button is an Fl_Return_Button.
The message window is set to modal()
Fl_Message::Fl_Message(const char *iconlabel)
: window_(0)
, retval_(0)
, window_closed_(0) {
// Make sure that the dialog does not become the child of some current group.
Fl_Group *previous_group = Fl_Group::current();
if (previous_group)
// create widgets
window_ = new Fl_Window(400, 150, NULL);
message_ = new Fl_Message_Box(60, 25, 340, 20);
input_ = new Fl_Input(60, 37, 340, 23);
Fl_Box *icon_template = message_icon(); // use template for icon box
icon_ = new Fl_Box(10, 10, 50, 50);
if (message_icon_label_) { // fl_message_icon_label() has been called
message_icon_label_ = 0;
} else if (icon_template->label()) { // sticky icon template label() has been set
} else { // default string (c'tor argument)
window_->end(); // don't add the buttons automatically
// create the buttons (positions: right to left)
// button 1 is a return button
for (int b = 0, x = 310; b < 3; b++, x -= 100) {
if (b == 1) {
button_[b] = new Fl_Return_Button(x, 70, 90, 23);
} else {
button_[b] = new Fl_Button(x, 70, 90, 23);
button_[b]->align(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_WRAP);
button_[b]->callback(button_cb_, fl_voidptr(b));
// add the buttons left to right for tab navigation
for (int b = 2; b >= 0; b--) {
window_->resizable(new Fl_Box(60, 10, 110 - 60, 27));
window_->callback(window_cb_, this);
// restore previous group
Resizes the form and widgets so that they hold everything
that is asked of them.
void Fl_Message::resizeform() {
int i;
int message_w, message_h;
int text_height;
int button_w[3], button_h[3];
int x, w, h, max_w, max_h;
const int icon_size = 50;
fl_font(message_->labelfont(), message_->labelsize());
message_w = message_h = 0;
fl_measure(message_->label(), message_w, message_h);
message_w += 10;
message_h += 10;
if (message_w < 340)
message_w = 340;
if (message_h < 30)
message_h = 30;
fl_font(button_[0]->labelfont(), button_[0]->labelsize());
memset(button_w, 0, sizeof(button_w));
memset(button_h, 0, sizeof(button_h));
for (max_h = 25, i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (button_[i]->visible()) {
fl_measure(button_[i]->label(), button_w[i], button_h[i]);
if (i == 1)
button_w[1] += 20; // account for return button arrow
button_w[i] += 30;
button_h[i] += 10;
if (button_h[i] > max_h)
max_h = button_h[i];
if (input_->visible())
text_height = message_h + 25;
text_height = message_h;
max_w = message_w + 10 + icon_size;
w = button_w[0] + button_w[1] + button_w[2] - 10;
if (w > max_w)
max_w = w;
// if the button horizontally overlap the icon, make sure that they are drawn
// below to icon by making the text part at least as tall as the icon.
if (w > message_w && text_height < icon_size) {
int pad_h = icon_size-text_height;
message_h += pad_h;
text_height += pad_h;
message_w = max_w - 10 - icon_size;
w = max_w + 20;
h = max_h + 30 + text_height;
window_->size(w, h);
window_->size_range(w, h, w, h);
message_->resize(20 + icon_size, 10, message_w, message_h);
icon_->resize(10, 10, icon_size, icon_size);
icon_->labelsize(icon_size - 10);
input_->resize(20 + icon_size, 10 + message_h, message_w, 25);
for (x = w, i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (button_w[i]) {
x -= button_w[i];
button_[i]->resize(x, h - 10 - max_h, button_w[i] - 10, max_h);
Does all Fl_Message window internals for messages with and w/o an input field.
This method finalizes the layout of the message window, arranges (shows or hides)
the buttons and the optional text input widget, sets the message window title,
pops up the window, and waits for user input.
The message window is positioned according to the positioning options set before
calling the message function.
The private variables \p retval_ and \p window_closed_ are set depending
on the user action (pushing a button or closing the window).
\note The above mentioned variables must be evaluated before the event
loop is called because they might be overwritten by another dialog.
It is safe to evaluate the variables before the message function returns.
\param[in] fmt printf style format used in the user function call
\param[in] ap argument list provided by the user function call
\param[in] b0 text of button 0 (right: usually the "cancel" button)
\param[in] b1 text of button 1 (middle)
\param[in] b2 text of button 2 (left)
\returns return code
\retval 0 for Escape, window close, or button 0
\retval 1 button 1 was pushed
\retval 2 button 2 was pushed
int Fl_Message::innards(const char *fmt, va_list ap, const char *b0, const char *b1, const char *b2) {
Fl::pushed(0); // stop dragging (STR #2159)
char buffer[1024];
if (!strcmp(fmt, "%s")) {
message_->label(va_arg(ap, const char *));
} else {
::vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, fmt, ap);
if (fl_message_size_ == -1)
if (b0) {
button_[1]->position(210, 70);
} else {
button_[1]->position(310, 70);
if (b1) {
} else
if (b2) {
} else
if (button_[1]->visible() && !input_->visible())
if (form_position_) {
if (form_position_ == 2) { // centered
form_x_ -= window_->w() / 2;
form_y_ -= window_->h() / 2;
window_->position(form_x_, form_y_);
form_x_ = form_y_ = form_position_ = 0;
} else if (enable_hotspot_)
window_->hotspot(b0 ? button_[0] : button_[1]);
if (b0 && Fl_Widget::label_shortcut(b0))
// set the one-time window title, if defined and a specific title is not set
if (!window_->label() && message_title_) {
message_title(0); // reset global message title (compat.)
// set default window title, if defined and a specific title is not set
if (!window_->label() && message_title_default_)
// deactivate Fl::grab() because it is incompatible with modal windows
Fl_Window *g = Fl::grab();
if (g)
Fl_Group *current_group = Fl_Group::current(); // make sure the dialog does not interfere with any active group
while (window_->shown())
if (g) // regrab the previous popup menu, if there was one
return retval_;
Gets the default icon container (Fl_Box) used in common dialogs.
Many common dialogs like fl_message(), fl_alert(), fl_ask(),
fl_choice(), fl_input(), and fl_password() display an icon.
You can use this method to get the icon box (Fl_Box) and modify
the icon's box type, font, fontsize etc.
\since FLTK 1.4.0
\note This method replaces the deprecated method fl_message_icon().
Note that this new method correctly returns an Fl_Box * pointer,
whereas fl_message_icon() returns Fl_Widget *.
The current icon default values are:
- width and height: 50 (currently not changeable)
- labelfont(FL_TIMES_BOLD)
- labelsize(34)
- color(FL_WHITE)
- labelcolor(FL_BLUE)
These values may be changed in a future FLTK version (although this
is not very likely to happen).
If you change this then the changed values are used for subsequently
started common dialogs. This is intended to change the icon layout
for your application at startup time. It is not recommended to change
the default values for each message.
Fl_Box *Fl_Message::message_icon() {
if (!Fl_Message::message_icon_) { // not yet initialized
Fl_Group *current_group = Fl_Group::current();
Fl_Box *o = Fl_Message::message_icon_ = new Fl_Box(10, 10, 50, 50);
return Fl_Message::message_icon_;
Does all Fl_Message window internals for messages with a text input field.
\param[in] fmt printf style format used in the user function call
\param[in] ap argument list provided by the user function call
\param[in] defstr default string given by the user
\param[in] type either FL_NORMAL_INPUT or FL_SECRET_INPUT (password)
\param[in] maxchar max. number of allowed characters (not bytes)
\param[in] str true: return type is string, false: internal buffer
\returns pointer to string or NULL if cancel or escape were hit
\see innards()
const char *Fl_Message::input_innards(const char *fmt, va_list ap, const char *defstr, uchar type, int maxchar, bool str) {
message_->position(60, 10);
if (maxchar > 0)
int r = innards(fmt, ap, fl_cancel, fl_ok, 0);
if (!r)
return 0;
if (input_->value()) {
int size = input_->size() + 1;
if (!str) { // need to store the value in pre-allocated buffer
// The allocated input buffer starts with size 0 and is allocated
// in multiples of 128 bytes >= size. If both the size and the pointer
// are 0 (NULL) then realloc() allocates a /new/ buffer.
if (size > input_size_) {
size += 127;
size &= ~127;
input_buffer_ = (char *)realloc(input_buffer_, size);
input_size_ = size;
// Store the input. Note that value() can contain null bytes,
// so we use memcpy and add a terminating null byte as well.
memcpy(input_buffer_, input_->value(), input_->size());
input_buffer_[input_->size()] = '\0';
return (input_buffer_);
} else { // string version: return value() which will be copied
return input_->value();
} else
return 0;
/** Sets the title of the dialog window used in many common dialogs.
This window \p title will be used in the next call of one of the
common dialogs like fl_message(), fl_alert(), fl_ask(), fl_choice(),
fl_input(), fl_password().
The \p title string is copied internally, so that you can use a
local variable or free the string immediately after this call. It
applies only to the \b next call of one of the common dialogs and
will be reset to an empty title (the default for all dialogs) after
that call.
\param[in] title window label, string copied internally
void Fl_Message::message_title(const char *title) {
if (message_title_) {
free((void *)message_title_);
message_title_ = 0;
if (title)
message_title_ = fl_strdup(title);
/** Sets the default title of the dialog window used in many common dialogs.
This window \p title will be used in all subsequent calls of one of the
common dialogs like fl_message(), fl_alert(), fl_ask(), fl_choice(),
fl_input(), fl_password(), unless a specific title has been set
with fl_message_title(const char *title).
The default is no title. You can override the default title for a
single dialog with fl_message_title(const char *title).
The \p title string is copied internally, so that you can use a
local variable or free the string immediately after this call.
\param[in] title default window label, string copied internally
void Fl_Message::message_title_default(const char *title) {
if (message_title_default_) {
free((void *)message_title_default_);
message_title_default_ = 0;
if (title)
message_title_default_ = fl_strdup(title);
void Fl_Message::icon_label(const char *str) {
message_icon_label_ = str;
// handle ctrl-c (command-c on macOS) to copy message text
int Fl_Message_Box::handle(int e) {
int mods = Fl::event_state() & (FL_META|FL_CTRL|FL_ALT);
switch (e) {
if (Fl::event_key() == 'c' && mods == FL_COMMAND) {
Fl::copy(label(), int(strlen(label())), 1);
return 1;
return Fl_Box::handle(e);