Known Bugs and Feature Requests in FLTK 1.3.5

This is a list of open STR's (Software Trouble Reports) and RFE's (Requests for Enhancement) at the time of the release of FLTK 1.3.5 (Jan. 2019). The current list can be viewed online at FLTK's Development Roadmap. FLTK 1.3.5 is expected to be the last release in the 1.3.x series. Only very serious bugs may be addressed in a future 1.3.6 release.
All open STR's and RFE's of FLTK 1.3.x will be considered for FLTK 1.4.0, if possible.

Click on a bug report to see its current state or to add comments and/or patches online.

FLTK 1.3 (62 Open Features, 62 Open Bugs)

FLTK 1.3 is the LATEST STABLE BRANCH based on FLTK 1.1.10. It adds internationalization, UTF-8 (Unicode), printing support, Doxygen based documentation, and several new widgets including Fl_Native_File_Chooser, Fl_Table, and Fl_Tree. FLTK 1.3 is no longer in active development but still gets some important bug fixes (and for instance new macOS support).

STR # Summary Subsystem Status Priority
2862 Fl_Table keyboard nav issue: can't use tab to navigate off the widget Core Library Pending MOD
2895 Fl_Tree: SINGLE mode selection issues Core Library Active MOD
2944 Mac OS X Fl_Gl_Window bugs - all FLTK versions Core Library Pending MOD
2961 1.3 very slow on X11 with Unicode locale X11 New MOD
3001 Flickering while resizing X11 New MOD
3018 Selects unclicked cells/rows/cols in the Fl_Table. Core Library Pending MOD
3030 resize behavior of widgets in an Fl_Tree Core Library Pending MOD
3170 Fl_Table_Row callback not called Core Library New MOD
3188 Callback added using Fl::add_timeout is not called (X11) Core Library Active MOD
3235 Segmentation fault in Fl_Preferences Core Library New MOD
3252 Fl_Native_File_Chooser and Fl_Gl_Window on MacOS X MacOS New MOD
3259 Incompatibilty with tmux on OSX MacOS New MOD
3321 [X11/Xft] Overlapping lines (font rendering problems) X11 New MOD
3337 Fl_Text_Display: sometimes selection doesn't work Core Library New MOD
3346 FreeBSD/NetBSD: cannot build with make without running configure before Build Files New MOD
3352 Linux: Tiny window problem if child group larger than window Core Library Pending MOD
3358 checkbox labels become bold when OPTIONS_VISIBLE_FOCUS is off Core Library Pending MOD
3377 Fl::grab() breaks event handling for some controls Core Library New MOD
3378 script changes for compiling fltk on Solaris Build Files New MOD
3384 setting up an offscreen area crashes when no Window exists yet (X11 only) Core Library New MOD
3410 Fl_Shared_Image:find() doesn't find some existing images Image Support Active MOD
3434 Support building with unusual prefix Build Files Pending MOD
3441 fl_filename_relative returns a wrong path Core Library Pending MOD
3455 Windows are not positioned at 0,0 when there is no window manager. X11 New MOD
3458 GLUT compatibility mode segfaults when there's no current window GLUT Emulation New MOD
3462 Fullscreen windows not updated when screens are added or removed Core Library New MOD
3489 alpha blending does not work correctly in Fl_Image.cxx Image Support New MOD
3494 check box not visible using gtk+ scheme Core Library New MOD
3497 fltk-config - support cross compile Build Files New MOD
3502 Cannot use Chinese input method in linux for fltk >= 1.3.4 Core Library New MOD
2791 Minmum size for tiles in an Fl_Tile Core Library New LOW
2797 X errors occur when XDBE disabled + Fl_Double_Windows resized to zero on W or H Core Library New LOW
2798 X11 coordinate clipping - label X11 New LOW
2828 Fl_Tree RFE's Core Library New LOW
2844 Fl_Text_Display: needs keyboard nav for caret motion and keyboard selection Core Library New LOW
2892 Fl_Text_Display::position_to_line(): Consistency check ptvl failed Core Library New LOW
2908 Menu_::find_index(const char*) doesn't handle escape sequence correctly Core Library Pending LOW
2909 Fl_Tile does not pass FL_RELEASE event to children Core Library New LOW
2978 FL_DND_LEAVE not passed to handle() function Core Library Pending LOW
2983 Documentation isn't built correctly. Build Files New LOW
3077 fl_normal_measure does not give correct size for FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT Core Library New LOW
3080 Implicit type conversion from int64 to int32 in fl_draw Core Library New LOW
3134 fl_clip_box fails on X11 with large coordinates X11 New LOW
3147 Assigning Ctrl+Shift+0 to a Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar item does not work using Visual Studio 2012 WIN32 New LOW
3175 Fl_Text_Editor overstrike mode doesn't behave as expected Core Library New LOW
3186 fl_filename_match() inconsistent with case sensitivity Core Library New LOW
3201 unix Fl_Window::show _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW event needed to raise X11 New LOW
3214 Fl_Tree::clear() does not delete widgets (only items) Core Library Pending LOW
3220 Can select multiple items in Fl_Tree even in FL_TREE_SELECT_SINGLE mode Core Library Active LOW
3225 Problem with shown directory in fl_file_chooser Example Programs New LOW
3261 FLTK and glutChangeToMenuEntry GLUT Emulation New LOW
3273 Fl::screen_dpi() returns generic Xinerama values X11 New LOW
3282 Fl_Table::handle() returns 1 on right clicks Core Library New LOW
3290 Fl_Help_Dialog does not number ordered lists Core Library New LOW
3292 Fl_Browser: trouble pre-selecting item #1 with type() HOLD or SELECT Core Library New LOW
3293 show_item_top() causes tree redraw position bug Core Library New LOW
3301 Fl_Text_Display::scroll(line) not working with wrap_mode() Core Library New LOW
3341 Fl_File_Chooser has no icons under more recent distributions Core Library New LOW
3382 wrong DC clean-up on Windows WIN32 New LOW
3408 setting Fl_Scroll inactive doesn't draw the background inactive Core Library New LOW
3409 libpng MacOS New LOW
3438 using ASCII function when Unicode version is available (mingw-w64) Unicode support New LOW
2676 Enhance error reporting on broken Xft installations (was:fl_alert dialogs etc crashes in XftTextExtents32 on Solaris) X11 New RFE
2728 Add test program to test for shadowed variables (-Wshadow) Test Framework New RFE
2790 Patch allow fluid generate constructor without arguments for Widget_Class FLUID New RFE
2794 Fluid hacked FLUID New RFE
2815 Implementation of Fl_Text_Display backdrop Core Library New RFE
2821 MouseWheel acceleration patch OS support New RFE
2824 Adding scroller animation to FLTK Core Library New RFE
2838 Add Colors to FL_Text_Display (+ underscore + strikethru) Core Library New RFE
2842 putting new widget on place of user's click FLUID New RFE
2843 Fluid: "space evenly" makes the same distance between pairs FLUID New RFE
2867 ADding bgcolor to Style_Table_Entry Core Library New RFE
2875 More general methods to select fonts with attributes BOLD/ITALIC (Patch supplied) X11 New RFE
2882 a minimum knob-size for Fl_Scrollbar widget Core Library New RFE
2894 problem with pressed_menu_button_ Core Library New RFE
2896 Better looking menu dividers Core Library New RFE
2902 FL_HOLD_BROWSER selection positioning Core Library New RFE
2923 New Cursors for fltk-1.3 Core Library New RFE
2924 New Cursors for fltk-1.3 and fltk-3.0 WIN32 New RFE
2926 Remove hardcoded extra pixels from menu window size Core Library New RFE
2936 fluid: needs mods to allow defining a 'namespace' FLUID New RFE
2941 RFE: fl_text_extents(): support multiple lines Core Library New RFE
2950 Menu Item behaviour Core Library New RFE
2952 fluid - Adding win32 icon WIN32 New RFE
2980 Fl::event_text() returns no meaningful value for FL_DND_ENTER and FL_DND_DRAG on Windows WIN32 New RFE
2981 Fl::event_text() returns "<unknown>" for FL_DND_ENTER and FL_DND_DRAG on X11 X11 New RFE
2992 New widget: Fl_Gl_Window_Group Core Library New RFE
3003 New class Fl_Toggle_Browser for fltk-1.3.x . Core Library New RFE
3007 Suggestion for improvement to the standard file-chooser. Core Library New RFE
3015 Allow hiding scrollbars in Fl_Help_View Core Library New RFE
3017 FLTK & icons for each scheme. Core Library New RFE
3020 Function for blending two images with different depth of color. Image Support New RFE
3021 Logotip for FLTK None New RFE
3029 Build FLTK via Clang compiler and native Windows tools Build Files New RFE
3052 Fl_Tabs enhancement: tab scrolling when there are too many tabs Core Library New RFE
3053 Fl_Tabs enhancement - being able to move tabs around Core Library New RFE
3074 Patch for Browser supporting copy to clipboard of selected lines Core Library New RFE
3092 Fl_Pack: add right-to-left and bottom-to-top packing Core Library New RFE
3094 Fl_Scroll: to control the hscrollbar by wheel of mouse Core Library New RFE
3112 whether we should define these macros in FLTK sourse files?(strdup stricmp...) Multiple New RFE
3126 Image resizing algorithm Image Support New RFE
3136 Patch to add an option to the Fl_Native_file_Chooser and Fl_File_Chooser to allow selection of either a file or a directory Core Library New RFE
3171 Equivalent of names.h for Fl_Table::TableContext enum Core Library New RFE
3174 Scrollbar of deactivated Fl_Text_Editor not working Core Library New RFE
3180 Linux printer panel, 3 problems X11 New RFE
3181 3d pie chart Core Library New RFE
3189 Diagonal cursors from themes for Linux (patch) X11 New RFE
3193 Change the Background Color of Checkboxes and Radio Round Indicators for Deactivated Fl_Check_Buttons and Fl_Radio_Round_Buttons Core Library New RFE
3210 FLTK 1.3.3 indentation fixed fluid version Core Library Pending RFE
3218 method for deleting child from a Fl_Group Core Library New RFE
3229 X11 dual clipboard control X11 New RFE
3240 Fl_Html_View - more capable replacement for Fl_Help_View Core Library New RFE
3260 FLTK's glut and special key combinations on OS X MacOS New RFE
3279 RFE: option to disable special character handling in menus Core Library New RFE
3317 Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar: needs documentation caveats Core Library New RFE
3329 Support for tablet features (pen pressure, tilt, etc) Core Library New RFE
3330 Fl_Window transparency control in FLTK Core Library New RFE
3393 enable DND for Fl_Window Core Library New RFE
3426 Fluid Browser Window: Add status bar at bottom when "Show Completion Dialogs" are disabled FLUID New RFE
3440 Drawing bitmap text in Fl_Gl_Window is impossible in macOS when initialized with FL_OPENGL3 OpenGL New RFE
3456 Fl_Input Readonly Cursor Core Library New RFE
3466 FLTK and 16 images Image Support New RFE
3492 fltk-config shouldn't report its own dependencies Config Files New RFE

FLTK 1.4 (121 Open Features, 69 Open Bugs)

FLTK 1.4 will add even more features to the FLTK 1 branch. This is the CURRENT DEVELOPMENT BRANCH where new features are added and bugs are fixed.
There is no release schedule yet.

STR # Summary Subsystem Status Priority
1869 avoid recursing event handlers (Fl::readqueue, Fl::check) Core Library New HIGH
1986 X-server freezes when a window is opened while the menu is open X11 Pending HIGH
2634 fl_help_view bug fixes and new features Core Library New HIGH
2639 Fl_Pack resizes hidden widgets, which it doesn't touch when visible. Core Library New HIGH
2678 internationalization (fluid) FLUID New HIGH
2861 Enabling "Extract gettext" on fluid menus + possibility of static initialization of strings FLUID New HIGH
3231 editor.cxx: changed_cb() inducing reading uninitialized memory Example Programs Pending HIGH
3238 Fl_Group::clear method should be virtual Core Library New HIGH
3242 Re-enable nested (aka "recursive") common dialogs Core Library Active HIGH
3271 Socket for MS-WINDOWS is UINT_PTR Core Library New HIGH
3284 Cairo integration needs redesign Cairo New HIGH
3289 Fl_Menu_Items don't have i18n function in them when spit from fluid FLUID New HIGH
3327 Public members Fl::awake_ring_*_ should be private Core Library New HIGH
3395 Fl_Text_Display and Fl_Text_Editor has significant clipping on redraw when font sizes are changed. Core Library Pending HIGH
3399 X11 Drag and drop issue when displaying popup on recept of payload X11 New HIGH
3413 security advisory: all use of *snprintf() Core Library New HIGH
3436 use of isspace(), ispunct(), and others must correctly test unicode characters Core Library New HIGH
24 Fluid should support sub-windows FLUID Pending MOD
1650 relative widget image path is uncorrect if fl file not saved where created FLUID New MOD
1859 Fluid callbacks in declaration blocks not working correctly FLUID New MOD
1919 Fl_Tile uses resizable() interface for different functionality None New MOD
1993 No redraw when dragging windows WIN32 New MOD
2112 OSX: changing a window's size() affects size_range() max MacOS New MOD
2131 test/help: The 'search window' doesn't work for text within <PRE> Example Programs New MOD
2284 Bad return value handling from "getc" in Fl_BMP_Image c'tor Image Support New MOD
2306 fltk's use of snprintf() should be hardened -- recommend alternatives Core Library New MOD
2663 OpenGL overlay bug on Windows 7 + Intel graphics OpenGL New MOD
3013 Fixes to use of config.h header Core Library New MOD
3287 Potential array overrun in Fl::get_font() Core Library New MOD
3357 fltk-1.4.x-r12117 Windows Data Types bug WIN32 New MOD
3412 Fl_Text_Display scroll bug (style table with font != textsize() + wrap) Core Library Pending MOD
3415 CMake: Programs may need some definitions from FLTK to work correctly Build Files Active MOD
3416 Changes to compile FLTK 1.4 with OpenWatcom 1.9 Build Files New MOD
3419 examples/OpenGL*.cxx needs Makefile entries Build Files New MOD
3443 cmake/Visual Studio: control /MT vs /MD compiler flags Build Files New MOD
3454 MinGW build errors (undefined: S_OK and __FD_ISSET) WIN32 Pending MOD
3465 scilinux 6.3: Setting FL_SCREEN font falling back to FL_HELVETICA Core Library New MOD
3508 fltk2ms() could be public, also does not translate KP_Enter WIN32 New MOD
469 Drawing problem when FL_ROUNDED_BOX and Fl_Menu_Button Core Library New LOW
702 Fl_Scrollbar increments incorrectly in specific situation Core Library New LOW
810 Fl_File_Chooser value(const char*) not wholly functional Core Library New LOW
1115 Windows shown while popup menu was active disappear when the menu is dismissed. WIN32 New LOW
1373 per-window vsync control OpenGL New LOW
1597 Fl_Help_View: HTML problems with font size + <UL> Core Library New LOW
1679 Borderless windows on WIN32 do not appear on the taskbar WIN32 New LOW
1742 Fl_Browser: Inconsistent behavior of value() Core Library New LOW
1860 Would like ability to specify software rendering for OpenGL contexts OpenGL New LOW
1925 Fl_Text_Display should have a member for secondary selection color Core Library New LOW
1997 fl_file_chooser(...) has a glitch WIN32 New LOW
2132 Fluid's Write Code shortcut does not work FLUID New LOW
2145 FL_ROUND_UP_BOX+Fl_Button+"gtk+" scheme: focus box draws outside widget Core Library New LOW
2251 Fl_Pack resize() and draw() behavior should be improved Core Library New LOW
2617 Inconsistent behavior for Fl_Window on win32 Core Library New LOW
2658 set_fonts() comments Documentation New LOW
2901 Fl_Browser format codes Core Library Pending LOW
3179 Opening a popup dialog while a menu is open hangs X X11 Pending LOW
3334 Minor bug fixes to Fl_Tabs. Core Library New LOW
3354 v1.4: Include file discrepancy to v1.3 Core Library New LOW
3368 Fl_Help_View may leak memory when images are in the HTML Core Library New LOW
3396 Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 X11 New LOW
3424 X11: Fl_Window::default_cursor(FL_CURSOR_NONE) iterates X11 New LOW
3432 Fl_Tree with FL_TREE_SELECT_SINGLE_DRAGGABLE Drops Into Wrong Place Core Library New LOW
3433 Add contents of Article #415 on resizing to the docs Documentation New LOW
3448 fl_text_extents() width not correct with Xft+Pango and internal italic/bold fonts X11 New LOW
3449 FL_Window - New SKIP_TASKBAR Flag and Patch Core Library Pending LOW
3461 Follow up to: [RFE] STR #2927: Please make 'LEADING' constant in FL_Menu.cxx an alterable API method Core Library New LOW
3470 In fluid code editor, cursor turns into gray box on typing FLUID New LOW
3471 CMake improvements Build Files Pending LOW
3476 nanosvg: rendering artecfacts under certain conditions (rounding?) Image Support New LOW
45 Help_View does not handle tables with border properly (and more) Core Library New RFE
214 function objects for callbacks. Core Library Pending RFE
275 fl_ask, fl_alert, fl_file_chooser, fl_* positioning Core Library New RFE
298 FLUID "commenting out" would be nice FLUID New RFE
334 technical change : remove statics in fl_ask Core Library Active RFE
460 Provide save() member function to Fl_Image subclasses Image Support New RFE
470 up / down indicator when portion of menu is off screen Core Library New RFE
749 Enable a right-click copy/paste menu for all Input/Output/Editor/Display widgets Core Library New RFE
767 Removeing titlebar but keeping border.(win32) WIN32 New RFE
829 Support for animated GIFs in Fl_GIF_Image Image Support Pending RFE
900 Fl::add_timeout will also consume all the time of embedded low speed CPU Core Library New RFE
1029 Fl::font(), Fl::size(), etc. for changing defaults Core Library New RFE
1903 Check for missing functionalities from original UTF8 patch Unicode support New RFE
1923 Enhance non-modal windows on Mac OS X MacOS New RFE
1981 [PATCH] Add "stay on top"-feature to Fl_Window Core Library New RFE
1984 provide a hook to override default event delivery Core Library New RFE
1989 Support for Multiple Cursor interaction (MPX) Core Library New RFE
2014 Digital Mars C++ support for FLTK 1.3 Multiple New RFE
2022 Deriving from Fl_Chart Core Library New RFE
2041 Addition of a FL_TOOLTIP event (PoC) Core Library Pending RFE
2059 Support for CDash Build Files New RFE
2060 fluid should rewrite files conservatively on "Write Code" FLUID New RFE
2081 add opengl 3 support to fltk OpenGL New RFE
2083 Add maximize, minimize caps to FL_Window Core Library New RFE
2118 Multisample support on Windows OpenGL New RFE
2148 Use iconv() if provided by glibc OS support New RFE
2154 Support XIM on UTF-8 and GBK locale, update XIM support on GB2312. Unicode support New RFE
2162 [PATCH] Wrap CJK characters in Fl_Input_ Unicode support New RFE
2175 why dose not FLTK support framebuffer directly? Core Library New RFE
2177 Fl::add_handler() additional data parameter Core Library New RFE
2178 Allow Fl_X::make_xid() to call user defined function Core Library New RFE
2179 Allow receiving events before FLTK handles them Core Library New RFE
2180 pkg-config support Config Files New RFE
2188 [PATCH] Support win32 accessibility via MSAA WIN32 New RFE
2242 Enable usage of FLTK fonts in cairo context (patch included) Cairo New RFE
2314 Width option for the Fl_Menu_Item Core Library New RFE
2338 Propose to add a new method to Fl_Widget Fl_Widget::parent_root() Core Library New RFE
2340 Allow setting both a window icon and a mask pixmap in the X11 version. X11 New RFE
2402 Widget Associations Core Library New RFE
2411 ICC Colour management policy Core Library New RFE
2445 Small modification to Fl_Value_Input to allow precize steps with left mouse button Core Library New RFE
2446 Allow easy customization for special purposes Core Library New RFE
2453 Enable cups printing on unix platforms (include a patch) X11 New RFE
2454 Fl_Tree: need to fix keyboard nav of *child fltk widgets* added to tree Core Library New RFE
2482 glutKeyboardUpFunc, glutSpecialUpFunc, glutLeaveMainLoop GLUT Emulation New RFE
2494 Patch that adds some macros to the extra code lines FLUID New RFE
2583 transparency for fl_draw_image() Core Library New RFE
2586 Consolidate fluid settings into one dialog FLUID New RFE
2609 shape functions (fl_rectf etc.) support alpha Core Library New RFE
2610 Add another method for Fl_Menu_Button to allow popup at specific position Core Library New RFE
2624 Placement of widgets be Group relative Core Library New RFE
2633 New methods for Fl_JPEG_Image and Fl_PNG_Image to encode from Fl_Image Image Support New RFE
2642 Need examples and docs for how to build apps against DLL version of FLTK Core Library New RFE
2662 Docs for "Drawing Things In FLTK" should cover coordinate space of widgets vs. windows Documentation New RFE
2675 Patch for a new "oxy" theme of FLTK 1.3 (with gradient). Core Library Pending RFE
2692 right justify option for scroll window Core Library New RFE
2751 Limit input field characters in fl_ask, fl_input and friends. Core Library Active RFE
2752 Allow down arrow to open input-choice drop down menu Core Library Active RFE
2753 Capture enter as click on button with focus Core Library New RFE
2755 Allow color change on Browser selection bar based on focus Core Library New RFE
2756 New browser checkbox widget Core Library New RFE
2757 Allows shortcuts on browser items Core Library New RFE
2762 Ability to set icon character for fl_choice Core Library New RFE
2763 Full Selection Movement when using Keyboard in Browser Core Library New RFE
2766 New configurable option to change symbol prefix character Core Library New RFE
2767 Fix scrollbar visiblity from causing miscalcuation on select() Core Library New RFE
2785 Evalayout with FLTK one attempt Core Library New RFE
2792 Change of logic used on browser_ when no selection Core Library New RFE
2793 Option to change FL_SHORTCUT logic Core Library New RFE
2799 Menus can suddenly disappear Core Library New RFE
2822 Fl_Input UTF-8 handling Unicode support New RFE
2876 Make xft font sorting work (patch supplied) X11 New RFE
2916 Remove CMake or Autotools build system Build Files New RFE
2951 DoubleSlider for selecting low and high values within min/max range Core Library New RFE
2982 Cannot build outside of source tree. Build Files New RFE
3100 [patch] Allow printing to be disabled Build Files New RFE
3204 Fl_Shared_Image improvements Core Library New RFE
3211 Scrolling Tabs Widget Core Library Active RFE
3222 Make the text box area of Fl_Value_Slider etc. user settable Core Library New RFE
3224 add CMake package registry option Build Files New RFE
3241 Suggesting int Fl_Menu_::value(item) return -1 if item is in a submenu Core Library New RFE
3264 The autotools build system does not build FLTKConfig.cmake Build Files New RFE
3277 Fl_Text_Display virtual method Core Library New RFE
3288 Consistent configuration macros Config Files New RFE
3296 Improvement of bilinear scaling of images Image Support New RFE
3297 New implementation of Fl_Shared_Image... Image Support New RFE
3313 Speedup fl_read_image() for X11 Image Support New RFE
3314 Make some private Fl_Tabs methods protected Core Library New RFE
3336 Include some example fluid files Example Programs New RFE
3339 fltk-config: would be nice if one could add extra libs to --compile Config Files New RFE
3347 prefixing embedded jpeg/png/zlib symbols Image Support New RFE
3350 Some fix to handle dll multi injection and ejection DLL/DSO Pending RFE
3351 optionally changing Fl_Choice's dropdown behavior Core Library New RFE
3355 Support generation of UTF-8 file from FLUID FLUID New RFE
3360 fltk manpage improvements Documentation New RFE
3364 Fl_Text_Display: wrong text width calculation? Core Library New RFE
3370 use XDG basedir-spec Core Library New RFE
3371 Wayland Display Server Protocol support Core Library New RFE
3372 Vulkan API support Core Library New RFE
3379 General documentation improvements/elaborations Documentation New RFE
3380 Change FLUID codegeneration behavior for "Widget Clas" with "relative" option "ON" FLUID New RFE
3383 Allow alpha image with Fl_Image_Surface::image() Image Support New RFE
3392 Fl::set_font() limited to italic and bold fonts Core Library New RFE
3405 Please add more comments to Core Library New RFE
3418 Promote current scaling factor to child processes Core Library New RFE
3442 fluid: ^V (paste) should paste new item below current selection FLUID New RFE
3451 Option to disable visibility on Linux Build Files New RFE
3453 Fl_Text_Display: Highlight current line (Patch) Core Library New RFE
3460 Small fluid annoyance bugs FLUID Active RFE
3467 create Fl_File_Icon from embedded image data Image Support New RFE
3477 add oxy scheme Core Library Pending RFE
3479 loop bar similar to Fl_Progress Core Library New RFE
3485 Cumulative Patch for 1.4 addressing several STR Multiple New RFE
3486 system tray functionality OS support New RFE
3487 Added support for Ctrl-Shift-U to enter unicode chars to input field and enhance UTF8 support. Unicode support New RFE
3495 build library without dependencies on X11 Build Files New RFE
3501 Fl_Help_View: copy text selection Core Library New RFE
3504 read Windows icon file (.ico) Image Support New RFE
3505 Add FLTK as package for the Hunter packaging system Build Files New RFE
3509 Modernize FLTK: replace Porsche logo with Tesla logo in"test/Pixmaps" Example Programs New RFE
3510 Fl_Native_File_Chooser_GTK not using dlclose() New RFE