// // "$Id$" // // Preferences methods for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 2002-2005 by Matthias Melcher. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: // // http://www.fltk.org/str.php // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "flstring.h" #include #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) # include # include #elif defined (__APPLE__) # include # include #else # include #endif char Fl_Preferences::nameBuffer[128]; /** * create the initial preferences base * - root: machine or user preferences * - vendor: unique identification of author or vendor of application * Must be a valid directory name. * - application: vendor unique application name, i.e. "PreferencesTest" * multiple preferences files can be created per application. * Must be a valid file name. * example: Fl_Preferences base( Fl_Preferences::USER, "fltk.org", "test01"); */ Fl_Preferences::Fl_Preferences( Root root, const char *vendor, const char *application ) { node = new Node( "." ); rootNode = new RootNode( this, root, vendor, application ); } /** * create the initial preferences base * - path: an application-supplied path * example: Fl_Preferences base( "/usr/foo" ); */ Fl_Preferences::Fl_Preferences( const char *path, const char *vendor, const char *application ) { node = new Node( "." ); rootNode = new RootNode( this, path, vendor, application ); } /** * create a Preferences node in relation to a parent node for reading and writing * - parent: base name for group * - group: group name (can contain '/' seperated group names) * example: Fl_Preferences colors( base, "setup/colors" ); */ Fl_Preferences::Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences &parent, const char *key ) { rootNode = parent.rootNode; node = parent.node->addChild( key ); } /** * create a Preferences node in relation to a parent node for reading and writing * - parent: base name for group * - group: group name (can contain '/' seperated group names) * example: Fl_Preferences colors( base, "setup/colors" ); */ Fl_Preferences::Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences *parent, const char *key ) { rootNode = parent->rootNode; node = parent->node->addChild( key ); } /** * destroy individual keys * - destroying the base preferences will flush changes to the prefs file * - after destroying the base, none of the depending preferences must be read or written */ Fl_Preferences::~Fl_Preferences() { if (!node->parent()) delete rootNode; // DO NOT delete nodes! The root node will do that after writing the preferences } /** * return the number of groups that are contained within a group * example: int n = base.groups(); */ int Fl_Preferences::groups() { return node->nChildren(); } /** * return the group name of the n'th group * - there is no guaranteed order of group names * - the index must be within the range given by groups() * example: printf( "Group(%d)='%s'\n", ix, base.group(ix) ); */ const char *Fl_Preferences::group( int ix ) { return node->child( ix ); } /** * return 1, if a group with this name exists * example: if ( base.groupExists( "setup/colors" ) ) ... */ char Fl_Preferences::groupExists( const char *key ) { return node->search( key ) ? 1 : 0 ; } /** * delete a group * example: setup.deleteGroup( "colors/buttons" ); */ char Fl_Preferences::deleteGroup( const char *key ) { Node *nd = node->search( key ); if ( nd ) return nd->remove(); return 0; } /** * return the number of entries (name/value) pairs for a group * example: int n = buttonColor.entries(); */ int Fl_Preferences::entries() { return node->nEntry; } /** * return the name of an entry * - there is no guaranteed order of entry names * - the index must be within the range given by entries() * example: printf( "Entry(%d)='%s'\n", ix, buttonColor.entry(ix) ); */ const char *Fl_Preferences::entry( int ix ) { return node->entry[ix].name; } /** * return 1, if an entry with this name exists * example: if ( buttonColor.entryExists( "red" ) ) ... */ char Fl_Preferences::entryExists( const char *key ) { return node->getEntry( key )>=0 ? 1 : 0 ; } /** * remove a single entry (name/value pair) * example: buttonColor.deleteEntry( "red" ); */ char Fl_Preferences::deleteEntry( const char *key ) { return node->deleteEntry( key ); } /** * read an entry from the group */ char Fl_Preferences::get( const char *key, int &value, int defaultValue ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); value = v ? atoi( v ) : defaultValue; return ( v != 0 ); } /** * set an entry (name/value pair) */ char Fl_Preferences::set( const char *key, int value ) { sprintf( nameBuffer, "%d", value ); node->set( key, nameBuffer ); return 1; } /** * read an entry from the group */ char Fl_Preferences::get( const char *key, float &value, float defaultValue ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); value = v ? (float)atof( v ) : defaultValue; return ( v != 0 ); } /** * set an entry (name/value pair) */ char Fl_Preferences::set( const char *key, float value ) { sprintf( nameBuffer, "%g", value ); node->set( key, nameBuffer ); return 1; } /** * read an entry from the group */ char Fl_Preferences::get( const char *key, double &value, double defaultValue ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); value = v ? atof( v ) : defaultValue; return ( v != 0 ); } /** * set an entry (name/value pair) */ char Fl_Preferences::set( const char *key, double value ) { sprintf( nameBuffer, "%g", value ); node->set( key, nameBuffer ); return 1; } // remove control sequences from a string static char *decodeText( const char *src ) { int len = 0; const char *s = src; for ( ; *s; s++, len++ ) { if ( *s == '\\' ) if ( isdigit( s[1] ) ) s+=3; else s+=1; } char *dst = (char*)malloc( len+1 ), *d = dst; for ( s = src; *s; s++ ) { char c = *s; if ( c == '\\' ) { if ( s[1] == '\\' ) { *d++ = c; s++; } else if ( s[1] == 'n' ) { *d++ = '\n'; s++; } else if ( s[1] == 'r' ) { *d++ = '\r'; s++; } else if ( isdigit( s[1] ) ) { *d++ = ((s[1]-'0')<<6) + ((s[2]-'0')<<3) + (s[3]-'0'); s+=3; } else s++; // error } else *d++ = c; } *d = 0; return dst; } /** * read a text entry from the group * the text will be moved into the given text buffer * text will be clipped to the buffer size */ char Fl_Preferences::get( const char *key, char *text, const char *defaultValue, int maxSize ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); if ( v && strchr( v, '\\' ) ) { char *w = decodeText( v ); strlcpy(text, w, maxSize); free( w ); return 1; } if ( !v ) v = defaultValue; if ( v ) strlcpy(text, v, maxSize); else text = 0; return ( v != defaultValue ); } /** * read a text entry from the group * 'text' will be changed to point to a new text buffer * the text buffer must be deleted with 'free(text)' by the user. */ char Fl_Preferences::get( const char *key, char *&text, const char *defaultValue ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); if ( v && strchr( v, '\\' ) ) { text = decodeText( v ); return 1; } if ( !v ) v = defaultValue; if ( v ) text = strdup( v ); else text = 0; return ( v != defaultValue ); } /** * set an entry (name/value pair) */ char Fl_Preferences::set( const char *key, const char *text ) { const char *s = text; int n=0, ns=0; for ( ; *s; s++ ) { n++; if ( *s<32 || *s=='\\' || *s==0x7f ) ns+=4; } if ( ns ) { char *buffer = (char*)malloc( n+ns+1 ), *d = buffer; for ( s=text; *s; ) { char c = *s; if ( c=='\\' ) { *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = '\\'; s++; } else if ( c=='\n' ) { *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = 'n'; s++; } else if ( c=='\r' ) { *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = 'r'; s++; } else if ( c<32 || c==0x7f ) { *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = '0'+((c>>6)&3); *d++ = '0'+((c>>3)&7); *d++ = '0'+(c&7); s++; } else *d++ = *s++; } *d = 0; node->set( key, buffer ); free( buffer ); } else node->set( key, text ); return 1; } // convert a hex string to binary data static void *decodeHex( const char *src, int &size ) { size = strlen( src )/2; unsigned char *data = (unsigned char*)malloc( size ), *d = data; const char *s = src; int i; for ( i=size; i>0; i-- ) { int v; char x = tolower(*s++); if ( x >= 'a' ) v = x-'a'+10; else v = x-'0'; v = v<<4; x = tolower(*s++); if ( x >= 'a' ) v += x-'a'+10; else v += x-'0'; *d++ = (uchar)v; } return (void*)data; } /** * read a binary entry from the group * the data will be moved into the given destination buffer * data will be clipped to the buffer size */ char Fl_Preferences::get( const char *key, void *data, const void *defaultValue, int defaultSize, int maxSize ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); if ( v ) { int dsize; void *w = decodeHex( v, dsize ); memmove( data, w, dsize>maxSize?maxSize:dsize ); free( w ); return 1; } if ( defaultValue ) memmove( data, defaultValue, defaultSize>maxSize?maxSize:defaultSize ); return 0; } /** * read a binary entry from the group * 'data' will be changed to point to a new data buffer * the data buffer must be deleted with 'free(data)' by the user. */ char Fl_Preferences::get( const char *key, void *&data, const void *defaultValue, int defaultSize ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); if ( v ) { int dsize; data = decodeHex( v, dsize ); return 1; } if ( defaultValue ) { data = (void*)malloc( defaultSize ); memmove( data, defaultValue, defaultSize ); } else data = 0; return 0; } /** * set an entry (name/value pair) */ char Fl_Preferences::set( const char *key, const void *data, int dsize ) { char *buffer = (char*)malloc( dsize*2+1 ), *d = buffer;; unsigned char *s = (unsigned char*)data; for ( ; dsize>0; dsize-- ) { static char lu[] = "0123456789abcdef"; unsigned char v = *s++; *d++ = lu[v>>4]; *d++ = lu[v&0xf]; } *d = 0; node->set( key, buffer ); free( buffer ); return 1; } /** * return the size of the value part of an entry */ int Fl_Preferences::size( const char *key ) { const char *v = node->get( key ); return v ? strlen( v ) : 0 ; } /** * creates a path that is related to the preferences file * and that is usable for application data beyond what is covered * by Fl_Preferences. * - 'getUserdataPath' actually creates the directory * - 'path' must be large enough to receive a complete file path * example: * Fl_Preferences prefs( USER, "matthiasm.com", "test" ); * char path[FL_PATH_MAX]; * prefs.getUserdataPath( path ); * sample returns: * Win32: c:/Documents and Settings/matt/Application Data/matthiasm.com/test/ * prefs: c:/Documents and Settings/matt/Application Data/matthiasm.com/test.prefs */ char Fl_Preferences::getUserdataPath( char *path, int pathlen ) { if ( rootNode ) return rootNode->getPath( path, pathlen ); return 0; } /** * write all preferences to disk * - this function works only with the base preference group * - this function is rarely used as deleting the base preferences flushes automatically */ void Fl_Preferences::flush() { if ( rootNode && node->dirty() ) rootNode->write(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // helper class to create dynamic group and entry names on the fly // /** * create a group name or entry name on the fly * - this version creates a simple unsigned integer as an entry name * example: * int n, i; * Fl_Preferences prev( appPrefs, "PreviousFiles" ); * prev.get( "n", 0 ); * for ( i=0; inode->dirty() ) write(); if ( filename_ ) free( filename_ ); if ( vendor_ ) free( vendor_ ); if ( application_ ) free( application_ ); delete prefs_->node; } // read a preferences file and construct the group tree and with all entry leafs int Fl_Preferences::RootNode::read() { char buf[1024]; FILE *f = fopen( filename_, "rb" ); if ( !f ) return 0; fgets( buf, 1024, f ); fgets( buf, 1024, f ); fgets( buf, 1024, f ); Node *nd = prefs_->node; for (;;) { if ( !fgets( buf, 1024, f ) ) break; // EOF or Error if ( buf[0]=='[' ) // read a new group { int end = strcspn( buf+1, "]\n\r" ); buf[ end+1 ] = 0; nd = prefs_->node->find( buf+1 ); } else if ( buf[0]=='+' ) // { // value of previous name/value pair spans multiple lines int end = strcspn( buf+1, "\n\r" ); if ( end != 0 ) // if entry is not empty { buf[ end+1 ] = 0; nd->add( buf+1 ); } } else // read a name/value pair { int end = strcspn( buf, "\n\r" ); if ( end != 0 ) // if entry is not empty { buf[ end ] = 0; nd->set( buf ); } } } fclose( f ); return 0; } // write the group tree and all entry leafs int Fl_Preferences::RootNode::write() { makePathForFile(filename_); FILE *f = fopen( filename_, "wb" ); if ( !f ) return 1; fprintf( f, "; FLTK preferences file format 1.0\n" ); fprintf( f, "; vendor: %s\n", vendor_ ); fprintf( f, "; application: %s\n", application_ ); prefs_->node->write( f ); fclose( f ); return 0; } // get the path to the preferences directory char Fl_Preferences::RootNode::getPath( char *path, int pathlen ) { strlcpy( path, filename_, pathlen); char *s; for ( s = path; *s; s++ ) if ( *s == '\\' ) *s = '/'; s = strrchr( path, '.' ); if ( !s ) return 0; *s = 0; char ret = makePath( path ); strcpy( s, "/" ); return ret; } // create a node that represents a group // - path must be a single word, prferable alnum(), dot and underscore only. Space is ok. Fl_Preferences::Node::Node( const char *path ) { if ( path ) path_ = strdup( path ); else path_ = 0; child_ = 0; next_ = 0; parent_ = 0; entry = 0; nEntry = NEntry = 0; dirty_ = 0; } // delete this and all depending nodes Fl_Preferences::Node::~Node() { Node *nx; for ( Node *nd = child_; nd; nd = nx ) { nx = nd->next_; delete nd; } if ( entry ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nEntry; i++ ) { if ( entry[i].name ) free( entry[i].name ); if ( entry[i].value ) free( entry[i].value ); } free( entry ); } if ( path_ ) free( path_ ); } // recursively check if any entry is dirty (was changed after loading a fresh prefs file) char Fl_Preferences::Node::dirty() { if ( dirty_ ) return 1; if ( next_ && next_->dirty() ) return 1; if ( child_ && child_->dirty() ) return 1; return 0; } // write this node (recursively from the last neighbor back to this) // write all entries // write all children int Fl_Preferences::Node::write( FILE *f ) { if ( next_ ) next_->write( f ); fprintf( f, "\n[%s]\n\n", path_ ); for ( int i = 0; i < nEntry; i++ ) { char *src = entry[i].value; if ( src ) { // hack it into smaller pieces if needed fprintf( f, "%s:", entry[i].name ); int cnt; for ( cnt = 0; cnt < 60; cnt++ ) if ( src[cnt]==0 ) break; fwrite( src, cnt, 1, f ); fprintf( f, "\n" ); src += cnt; for (;*src;) { for ( cnt = 0; cnt < 80; cnt++ ) if ( src[cnt]==0 ) break; fputc( '+', f ); fwrite( src, cnt, 1, f ); fputc( '\n', f ); src += cnt; } } else fprintf( f, "%s\n", entry[i].name ); } if ( child_ ) child_->write( f ); dirty_ = 0; return 0; } // set the parent node and create the full path void Fl_Preferences::Node::setParent( Node *pn ) { parent_ = pn; next_ = pn->child_; pn->child_ = this; sprintf( nameBuffer, "%s/%s", pn->path_, path_ ); free( path_ ); path_ = strdup( nameBuffer ); } // add a child to this node and set its path (try to find it first...) Fl_Preferences::Node *Fl_Preferences::Node::addChild( const char *path ) { sprintf( nameBuffer, "%s/%s", path_, path ); char *name = strdup( nameBuffer ); Node *nd = find( name ); free( name ); dirty_ = 1; return nd; } // create and set, or change an entry within this node void Fl_Preferences::Node::set( const char *name, const char *value ) { for ( int i=0; i=nEntry ) return; char *&dst = entry[ lastEntrySet ].value; int a = strlen( dst ); int b = strlen( line ); dst = (char*)realloc( dst, a+b+1 ); memcpy( dst+a, line, b+1 ); dirty_ = 1; } // get the value for a name, returns 0 if no such name const char *Fl_Preferences::Node::get( const char *name ) { int i = getEntry( name ); return i>=0 ? entry[i].value : 0 ; } // find the index of an entry, returns -1 if no such entry int Fl_Preferences::Node::getEntry( const char *name ) { for ( int i=0; inext_ ) { Node *nn = nd->find( path ); if ( nn ) return nn; } const char *s = path+len+1; const char *e = strchr( s, '/' ); if (e) strlcpy( nameBuffer, s, e-s+1 ); else strlcpy( nameBuffer, s, sizeof(nameBuffer)); nd = new Node( nameBuffer ); nd->setParent( this ); return nd->find( path ); } } return 0; } // find a group somewhere in the tree starting here // caller must not set 'offset' argument // - if the node does not exist, 'search' returns NULL // - if the pathname is "." (current node) return this node // - if the pathname is "./" (root node) return the topmost node // - if the pathname starts with "./", start the search at the root node instead Fl_Preferences::Node *Fl_Preferences::Node::search( const char *path, int offset ) { if ( offset == 0 ) { if ( path[0] == '.' ) { if ( path[1] == 0 ) { return this; // user was searching for current node } else if ( path[1] == '/' ) { Node *nn = this; while ( nn->parent_ ) nn = nn->parent_; if ( path[2]==0 ) { // user is searching for root ( "./" ) return nn; } return nn->search( path+2, 2 ); // do a relative search on the root node } } offset = strlen( path_ ) + 1; } int len = strlen( path_ ); if ( len < offset-1 ) return 0; len -= offset; if ( ( len <= 0 ) || ( strncmp( path, path_+offset, len ) == 0 ) ) { if ( len > 0 && path[ len ] == 0 ) return this; if ( len <= 0 || path[ len ] == '/' ) { for ( Node *nd = child_; nd; nd = nd->next_ ) { Node *nn = nd->search( path, offset ); if ( nn ) return nn; } return 0; } } return 0; } // return the number of child nodes (groups) int Fl_Preferences::Node::nChildren() { int cnt = 0; for ( Node *nd = child_; nd; nd = nd->next_ ) cnt++; return cnt; } // return the n'th child node const char *Fl_Preferences::Node::child( int ix ) { Node *nd; for ( nd = child_; nd; nd = nd->next_ ) { if ( !ix-- ) break; } if ( nd && nd->path_ ) { char *r = strrchr( nd->path_, '/' ); return r ? r+1 : nd->path_ ; } return 0L ; } // remove myself from the list and delete me (and all children) char Fl_Preferences::Node::remove() { Node *nd = 0, *np; if ( parent_ ) { nd = parent_->child_; np = 0L; for ( ; nd; np = nd, nd = nd->next_ ) { if ( nd == this ) { if ( np ) np->next_ = nd->next_; else parent_->child_ = nd->next_; break; } } } delete this; dirty_ = 1; return ( nd != 0 ); } // // End of "$Id$". //