// // "$Id: Fl_Browser_.cxx,v 2001/09/29 22:59:45 easysw Exp $" // // Base Browser widget class for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2001 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // #include #include #include #include #include // This is the base class for browsers. To be useful it must be // subclassed and several virtual functions defined. The // Forms-compatable browser and the file chooser's browser are // subclassed off of this. // Yes, I know this should be a template... // This has been designed so that the subclass has complete control // over the storage of the data, although because next() and prev() // functions are used to index, it works best as a linked list or as a // large block of characters in which the line breaks must be searched // for. // A great deal of work has been done so that the "height" of a data // object does not need to be determined until it is drawn. This was // done for the file chooser, because the height requires doing stat() // to see if the file is a directory, which can be annoyingly slow // over the network. /* redraw bits: 1 = redraw children (the scrollbar) 2 = redraw one or two items 4 = redraw all items */ static void scrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget* s, void*) { ((Fl_Browser_*)(s->parent()))->position(int(((Fl_Scrollbar*)s)->value())); } static void hscrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget* s, void*) { ((Fl_Browser_*)(s->parent()))->hposition(int(((Fl_Scrollbar*)s)->value())); } int Fl_Browser_::scrollbar_width_ = 16; // return where to draw the actual box: void Fl_Browser_::bbox(int& X, int& Y, int& W, int& H) const { Fl_Boxtype b = box() ? box() : FL_DOWN_BOX; X = x()+Fl::box_dx(b); Y = y()+Fl::box_dy(b); W = w()-Fl::box_dw(b); H = h()-Fl::box_dh(b); if (scrollbar.visible()) { W -= scrollbar_width_; if (scrollbar.align() & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) X += scrollbar_width_; } if (W < 0) W = 0; if (hscrollbar.visible()) { H -= scrollbar_width_; if (scrollbar.align() & FL_ALIGN_TOP) Y += scrollbar_width_; } if (H < 0) H = 0; } int Fl_Browser_::leftedge() const { int X, Y, W, H; bbox(X, Y, W, H); return X; } // The scrollbars may be moved again by draw(), since each one's size // depends on whether the other is visible or not. This skips over // Fl_Group::resize since it moves the scrollbars uselessly. void Fl_Browser_::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::resize(X, Y, W, H); // move the scrollbars so they can respond to events: bbox(X,Y,W,H); scrollbar.resize( scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_LEFT ? X-scrollbar_width_ : X+W, Y, scrollbar_width_, H); hscrollbar.resize( X, scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_TOP ? Y-scrollbar_width_ : Y+H, W, scrollbar_width_); } // Cause minimal update to redraw the given item: void Fl_Browser_::redraw_line(void* l) { if (!redraw1 || redraw1 == l) {redraw1 = l; damage(FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE);} else if (!redraw2 || redraw2 == l) {redraw2 = l; damage(FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE);} else damage(FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL); } // Figure out top() based on position(): void Fl_Browser_::update_top() { if (!top_) top_ = item_first(); if (position_ != real_position_) { void* l; int ly; int y = position_; // start from either head or current position, whichever is closer: if (!top_ || y <= (real_position_/2)) { l = item_first(); ly = 0; } else { l = top_; ly = real_position_-offset_; } if (!l) { top_ = 0; offset_ = 0; real_position_ = 0; } else { int h = item_quick_height(l); // step through list until we find line containing this point: while (ly > y) { void* l1 = item_prev(l); if (!l1) {ly = 0; break;} // hit the top l = l1; h = item_quick_height(l); ly -= h; } while ((ly+h) <= y) { void* l1 = item_next(l); if (!l1) {y = ly+h-1; break;} l = l1; ly += h; h = item_quick_height(l); } // top item must *really* be visible, use slow height: for (;;) { h = item_height(l); if ((ly+h) > y) break; // it is big enough to see // go up to top of previous item: void* l1 = item_prev(l); if (!l1) {ly = y = 0; break;} // hit the top l = l1; y = position_ = ly = ly-item_quick_height(l); } // use it: top_ = l; offset_ = y-ly; real_position_ = y; } damage(FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL); } } // Change position(), top() will update when update_top() is called // (probably by draw() or handle()): void Fl_Browser_::position(int y) { if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y == position_) return; position_ = y; if (y != real_position_) redraw_lines(); } void Fl_Browser_::hposition(int x) { if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x == hposition_) return; hposition_ = x; if (x != real_hposition_) redraw_lines(); } // Tell whether item is currently displayed: int Fl_Browser_::displayed(void* x) const { int X, Y, W, H; bbox(X, Y, W, H); int yy = H+offset_; for (void* l = top_; l && yy > 0; l = item_next(l)) { if (l == x) return 1; yy -= item_height(l); } return 0; } // Insure this item is displayed: // Messy because we have no idea if it is before top or after bottom: void Fl_Browser_::display(void* x) { update_top(); if (x == item_first()) {position(0); return;} int X, Y, W, H; bbox(X, Y, W, H); void* l = top_; Y = -offset_; // see if it is at the top or just above it: if (l == x) {position(real_position_+Y); return;} // scroll up a bit void* lp = item_prev(l); if (lp == x) {position(real_position_+Y-item_quick_height(lp)); return;} // search forward for it: for (; l; l = item_next(l)) { int h1 = item_quick_height(l); if (l == x) { if (Y <= H) { // it is visible or right at bottom Y = Y+h1-H; // find where bottom edge is if (Y > 0) position(real_position_+Y); // scroll down a bit } else { position(real_position_+Y-(H-h1)/2); // center it } return; } Y += h1; } // search backward for it, if found center it: l = lp; Y = -offset_; for (; l; l = item_prev(l)) { int h1 = item_quick_height(l); Y -= h1; if (l == x) { if ((Y + h1) >= 0) position(real_position_+Y); else position(real_position_+Y-(H-h1)/2); return; } } } // redraw, has side effect of updating top and setting scrollbar: void Fl_Browser_::draw() { int drawsquare = 0; if (damage() & FL_DAMAGE_ALL) { // redraw the box if full redraw Fl_Boxtype b = box() ? box() : FL_DOWN_BOX; draw_box(b, x(), y(), w(), h(), color()); drawsquare = 1; } update_top(); int full_width_ = full_width(); int full_height_ = full_height(); int X, Y, W, H; bbox(X, Y, W, H); int dont_repeat = 0; J1: // see if scrollbar needs to be switched on/off: if ((has_scrollbar_ & VERTICAL) && ( (has_scrollbar_ & ALWAYS_ON) || position_ || full_height_ > H)) { if (!scrollbar.visible()) { scrollbar.set_visible(); drawsquare = 1; bbox(X, Y, W, H); } } else { top_ = item_first(); real_position_ = offset_ = 0; if (scrollbar.visible()) { scrollbar.clear_visible(); clear_damage(damage()|FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL); } } if ((has_scrollbar_ & HORIZONTAL) && ( (has_scrollbar_ & ALWAYS_ON) || hposition_ || full_width_ > W)) { if (!hscrollbar.visible()) { hscrollbar.set_visible(); drawsquare = 1; bbox(X, Y, W, H); } } else { real_hposition_ = 0; if (hscrollbar.visible()) { hscrollbar.clear_visible(); clear_damage(damage()|FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL); } } // Check the vertical scrollbar again, just in case it needs to be drawn // because the horizontal one is drawn. There should be a cleaner way // to do this besides copying the same code... if ((has_scrollbar_ & VERTICAL) && ( (has_scrollbar_ & ALWAYS_ON) || position_ || full_height_ > H)) { if (!scrollbar.visible()) { scrollbar.set_visible(); drawsquare = 1; bbox(X, Y, W, H); } } else { top_ = item_first(); real_position_ = offset_ = 0; if (scrollbar.visible()) { scrollbar.clear_visible(); clear_damage(damage()|FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL); } } bbox(X, Y, W, H); fl_clip(X, Y, W, H); // for each line, draw it if full redraw or scrolled. Erase background // if not a full redraw or if it is selected: void* l = top(); int yy = -offset_; for (; l && yy < H; l = item_next(l)) { int hh = item_height(l); if (hh <= 0) continue; if ((damage()&(FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL|FL_DAMAGE_ALL)) || l == redraw1 || l == redraw2) { if (item_selected(l)) { fl_color(active_r() ? selection_color() : inactive(selection_color())); fl_rectf(X, yy+Y, W, hh); } else if (!(damage()&FL_DAMAGE_ALL)) { fl_color(color()); fl_rectf(X, yy+Y, W, hh); } item_draw(l, X-hposition_, yy+Y, W+hposition_, hh); if (l == selection_ && Fl::focus() == this) { draw_focus(FL_NO_BOX, X, yy+Y+1, W, hh); } int w = item_width(l); if (w > max_width) {max_width = w; max_width_item = l;} } yy += hh; } // erase the area below last line: if (!(damage()&FL_DAMAGE_ALL) && yy < H) { fl_color(color()); fl_rectf(X, yy+Y, W, H-yy); } fl_pop_clip(); redraw1 = redraw2 = 0; if (!dont_repeat) { dont_repeat = 1; // see if changes to full_height caused by calls to slow_height // caused scrollbar state to change, in which case we have to redraw: full_height_ = full_height(); full_width_ = full_width(); if ((has_scrollbar_ & VERTICAL) && ((has_scrollbar_ & ALWAYS_ON) || position_ || full_height_>H)) { if (!scrollbar.visible()) goto J1; } else { if (scrollbar.visible()) goto J1; } if ((has_scrollbar_ & HORIZONTAL) && ((has_scrollbar_ & ALWAYS_ON) || hposition_ || full_width_>W)) { if (!hscrollbar.visible()) goto J1; } else { if (hscrollbar.visible()) goto J1; } } // update the scrollbars and redraw them: int dy = top_ ? item_quick_height(top_) : 0; if (dy < 10) dy = 10; if (scrollbar.visible()) { scrollbar.damage_resize( scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_LEFT ? X-scrollbar_width_ : X+W, Y, scrollbar_width_, H); scrollbar.value(position_, H, 0, full_height_); scrollbar.linesize(dy); if (drawsquare) draw_child(scrollbar); else update_child(scrollbar); } if (hscrollbar.visible()) { hscrollbar.damage_resize( X, scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_TOP ? Y-scrollbar_width_ : Y+H, W, scrollbar_width_); hscrollbar.value(hposition_, W, 0, full_width_); hscrollbar.linesize(dy); if (drawsquare) draw_child(hscrollbar); else update_child(hscrollbar); } // draw that little square between the scrollbars: if (drawsquare && scrollbar.visible() && hscrollbar.visible()) { fl_color(parent()->color()); fl_rectf(scrollbar.x(), hscrollbar.y(), scrollbar_width_,scrollbar_width_); } real_hposition_ = hposition_; } // Quick way to delete and reset everything: void Fl_Browser_::new_list() { top_ = 0; position_ = real_position_ = 0; hposition_ = real_hposition_ = 0; selection_ = 0; offset_ = 0; max_width = 0; max_width_item = 0; redraw_lines(); } // Tell it that this item is going away, and that this must remove // all pointers to it: void Fl_Browser_::deleting(void* l) { if (displayed(l)) { redraw_lines(); if (l == top_) { real_position_ -= offset_; offset_ = 0; top_ = item_next(l); if (!top_) top_ = item_prev(l); } } else { // we don't know where this item is, recalculate top... real_position_ = 0; top_ = 0; } if (l == selection_) selection_ = 0; if (l == max_width_item) {max_width_item = 0; max_width = 0;} } void Fl_Browser_::replacing(void* a, void* b) { redraw_line(a); if (a == selection_) selection_ = b; if (a == top_) top_ = b; if (a == max_width_item) {max_width_item = 0; max_width = 0;} } void Fl_Browser_::inserting(void* a, void* b) { if (displayed(a)) redraw_lines(); if (a == top_) top_ = b; } void* Fl_Browser_::find_item(int my) { update_top(); int X, Y, W, H; bbox(X, Y, W, H); void* l; int yy = Y-offset_; for (l = top_; l; l = item_next(l)) { int hh = item_height(l); if (hh <= 0) continue; yy += hh; if (my <= yy || yy>=(Y+H)) return l; } return 0; } int Fl_Browser_::select(void* l, int i, int docallbacks) { if (type() == FL_MULTI_BROWSER) { if (selection_ != l) { if (selection_) redraw_line(selection_); selection_ = l; redraw_line(l); } if ((!i)==(!item_selected(l))) return 0; item_select(l, i); redraw_line(l); } else { if (i && selection_ == l) return 0; if (!i && selection_ != l) return 0; if (selection_) { item_select(selection_, 0); redraw_line(selection_); selection_ = 0; } if (i) { item_select(l, 1); selection_ = l; redraw_line(l); display(l); } } Fl::event_clicks(0); if (docallbacks) do_callback(); return 1; } int Fl_Browser_::deselect(int docallbacks) { if (type() == FL_MULTI_BROWSER) { int change = 0; for (void* p = item_first(); p; p = item_next(p)) change |= select(p, 0, docallbacks); return change; } else { if (!selection_) return 0; item_select(selection_, 0); redraw_line(selection_); selection_ = 0; return 1; } } int Fl_Browser_::select_only(void* l, int docallbacks) { if (!l) return deselect(docallbacks); int change = 0; if (type() == FL_MULTI_BROWSER) { for (void* p = item_first(); p; p = item_next(p)) if (p != l) change |= select(p, 0, docallbacks); } change |= select(l, 1, docallbacks); display(l); return change; } int Fl_Browser_::handle(int event) { // must do shortcuts first or the scrollbar will get them... if (event == FL_ENTER || event == FL_LEAVE) return 1; if (event == FL_KEYBOARD && type() >= FL_HOLD_BROWSER) { void* l1 = selection_; void* l = l1; if (!l) l = top_; if (!l) l = item_first(); if (l) { if (type()==FL_HOLD_BROWSER) switch (Fl::event_key()) { case FL_Down: while ((l = item_next(l))) if (item_height(l)>0) {select_only(l, 1); break;} return 1; case FL_Up: while ((l = item_prev(l))) if (item_height(l)>0) { select_only(l, 1); break;} return 1; } else switch (Fl::event_key()) { case FL_Enter: select_only(l, 1); return 1; case ' ': selection_ = l; select(l, !item_selected(l), 1); return 1; case FL_Down: while ((l = item_next(l))) { if (Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT|FL_CTRL)) select(l, l1 ? item_selected(l1) : 1, 1); if (item_height(l)>0) goto J1; } return 1; case FL_Up: while ((l = item_prev(l))) { if (Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT|FL_CTRL)) select(l, l1 ? item_selected(l1) : 1, 1); if (item_height(l)>0) goto J1; } return 1; J1: if (selection_) redraw_line(selection_); selection_ = l; redraw_line(l); display(l); return 1; } } } if (Fl_Group::handle(event)) return 1; int X, Y, W, H; bbox(X, Y, W, H); int my; static char change; static char whichway; static int py; switch (event) { case FL_PUSH: if (!Fl::event_inside(X, Y, W, H)) return 0; take_focus(); my = py = Fl::event_y(); change = 0; if (type() == FL_NORMAL_BROWSER || !top_) ; else if (type() != FL_MULTI_BROWSER) { change = select_only(find_item(my), when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } else { void* l = find_item(my); whichway = 1; if (Fl::event_state(FL_CTRL)) { // toggle selection: TOGGLE: if (l) { whichway = !item_selected(l); change = select(l, whichway, when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } } else if (Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT)) { // extend selection: if (l == selection_) goto TOGGLE; // state of previous selection determines new value: whichway = l ? !item_selected(l) : 1; // see which of the new item or previous selection is earlier, // by searching from the previous forward for this one: int down; if (!l) down = 1; else {for (void* m = selection_; ; m = item_next(m)) { if (m == l) {down = 1; break;} if (!m) {down = 0; break;} }} if (down) { for (void* m = selection_; m != l; m = item_next(m)) select(m, whichway, when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } else { void* e = selection_; for (void* m = item_next(l); m; m = item_next(m)) { select(m, whichway, when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); if (m == e) break; } } // do the clicked item last so the select box is around it: if (l) select(l, whichway, when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); change = 1; } else { // select only this item change = select_only(l, when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } } return 1; case FL_DRAG: // do the scrolling first: my = Fl::event_y(); if (my < Y && my < py) { int p = real_position_+my-Y; if (p<0) p = 0; position(p); } else if (my > (Y+H) && my > py) { int p = real_position_+my-(Y+H); int h = full_height()-H; if (p > h) p = h; if (p<0) p = 0; position(p); } if (type() == FL_NORMAL_BROWSER || !top_) ; else if (type() == FL_MULTI_BROWSER) { void* l = find_item(my); void* t; void* b; // this will be the range to change if (my > py) { // go down t = selection_ ? item_next(selection_) : 0; b = l ? item_next(l) : 0; } else { // go up t = l; b = selection_; } for (; t && t != b; t = item_next(t)) change |= select(t, whichway, when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); if (l) selection_ = l; } else { void* l1 = selection_; void* l = (Fl::event_x()x()+w()) ? selection_ : find_item(my); select_only(l, when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED); change = (l != l1); } py = my; return 1; case FL_RELEASE: if (type() == FL_SELECT_BROWSER) { void* t = selection_; deselect(); selection_ = t; } if (change) { if (when() & FL_WHEN_RELEASE) do_callback(); else if (!(when()&FL_WHEN_CHANGED)) set_changed(); } else { if (when() & FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED) do_callback(); } return 1; case FL_FOCUS: case FL_UNFOCUS: if (type() >= FL_HOLD_BROWSER) { redraw(); return 1; } else return 0; } return 0; } Fl_Browser_::Fl_Browser_(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* l) : Fl_Group(x, y, w, h, l), scrollbar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), // they will be resized by draw() hscrollbar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) { box(FL_NO_BOX); align(FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); position_ = real_position_ = 0; hposition_ = real_hposition_ = 0; offset_ = 0; top_ = 0; when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE_ALWAYS); selection_ = 0; color(FL_WHITE); selection_color(FL_SELECTION_COLOR); scrollbar.callback(scrollbar_callback); //scrollbar.align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); // back compatability? hscrollbar.callback(hscrollbar_callback); hscrollbar.type(FL_HORIZONTAL); textfont_ = FL_HELVETICA; textsize_ = FL_NORMAL_SIZE; textcolor_ = FL_BLACK; has_scrollbar_ = BOTH; max_width = 0; max_width_item = 0; redraw1 = redraw2 = 0; end(); } // Default versions of some of the virtual functions: int Fl_Browser_::item_quick_height(void* l) const { return item_height(l); } int Fl_Browser_::incr_height() const { return item_quick_height(item_first()); } int Fl_Browser_::full_height() const { int t = 0; for (void* p = item_first(); p; p = item_next(p)) t += item_quick_height(p); return t; } int Fl_Browser_::full_width() const { return max_width; } void Fl_Browser_::item_select(void*, int) {} int Fl_Browser_::item_selected(void* l) const {return l==selection_;} // // End of "$Id: Fl_Browser_.cxx,v 2001/09/29 22:59:45 easysw Exp $". //