// // Unit tests for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2022 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // #include "unittests.h" #include #include #include // fl_text_extents() #if HAVE_GL #include #endif #if 0 // not testing yet: void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1) void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) Draw one or two lines between the given points. void fl_loop(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) void fl_loop(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) Outline a 3 or 4-sided polygon with lines. void fl_polygon(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) void fl_polygon(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) Draw vertical and horizontal lines. A vertical line is drawn first, then a horizontal, then a vertical. #endif // // --- test drawing shapes that are not transformed by the drawing matrix ------ // void draw_fast_shapes() { int a = 0, b = 0, i; // 1: draw a filled rectangle (fl_rectf) fl_color(FL_GREEN); for (i=0; i<=40; i++) { fl_point(a+i, b); fl_point(a+i, b+20); } for (i=0; i<=20; i++) { fl_point(a, b+i); fl_point(a+40, b+i); } fl_color(FL_RED); for (i=1; i<=39; i++) { fl_point(a+i, b+1); fl_point(a+i, b+19); } for (i=1; i<=19; i++) { fl_point(a+1, b+i); fl_point(a+39, b+i); } fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rectf(a+1, b+1, 39, 19); // 2: draw a one units wide frame b+=24; fl_color(FL_GREEN); for (i=0; i<=40; i++) { fl_point(a+i, b); fl_point(a+i, b+20); } for (i=0; i<=20; i++) { fl_point(a, b+i); fl_point(a+40, b+i); } fl_color(FL_GREEN); for (i=2; i<=38; i++) { fl_point(a+i, b+2); fl_point(a+i, b+18); } for (i=2; i<=18; i++) { fl_point(a+2, b+i); fl_point(a+38, b+i); } fl_color(FL_RED); for (i=1; i<=39; i++) { fl_point(a+i, b+1); fl_point(a+i, b+19); } for (i=1; i<=19; i++) { fl_point(a+1, b+i); fl_point(a+39, b+i); } fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rect(a+1, b+1, 39, 19); // 3: draw a three units wide frame b+=24; fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_rect(a, b, 41, 21); fl_rect(a+4, b+4, 33, 13); fl_color(FL_RED); fl_rect(a+1, b+1, 39, 19); fl_rect(a+3, b+3, 35, 15); fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 3); fl_rect(a+2, b+2, 37, 17); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 1); // 4: draw fl_xyline b+=24; fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_rect(a, b+8, 41, 3); // single line fl_rect(a+45, b, 41, 3); // horizontal, then vertical line fl_rect(a+83, b, 3, 21); fl_rect(a+90, b, 21, 3); // horizontal, vertical, horizontal line fl_rect(a+109, b, 3, 21); fl_rect(a+109, b+18, 21, 3); fl_color(FL_RED); fl_rectf(a+1, b+9, 39, 1); // single line fl_rectf(a+46, b+1, 39, 1); // two lines fl_rectf(a+84, b+1, 1, 19); fl_rectf(a+91, b+1, 20, 1); // three lines fl_rectf(a+110, b+1, 1, 19); fl_rectf(a+110, b+19, 19, 1); // three lines fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_xyline(a+1, b+9, a+39); fl_xyline(a+46, b+1, a+84, b+19); fl_xyline(a+91, b+1, a+110, b+19, a+128); b+=24; fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_rect(a, b+7, 41, 5); // single line fl_rect(a+45, b, 41, 5); // horizontal, then vertical line fl_rect(a+81, b, 5, 21); fl_rect(a+90, b, 22, 5); // horizontal, vertical, horizontal line fl_rect(a+108, b, 5, 21); fl_rect(a+108, b+16, 22, 5); fl_color(FL_RED); fl_rectf(a+1, b+8, 39, 3); // single line fl_rectf(a+46, b+1, 39, 3); // two lines fl_rectf(a+82, b+1, 3, 19); fl_rectf(a+91, b+1, 20, 3); // three lines fl_rectf(a+109, b+1, 3, 19); fl_rectf(a+109, b+17, 20, 3); // three lines fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 3); fl_xyline(a+1, b+9, a+39); fl_xyline(a+46, b+2, a+83, b+19); fl_xyline(a+91, b+2, a+110, b+18, a+128); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 1); // 5: draw fl_xyline b+=24; fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_rect(a+9, b, 3, 21); // single line fl_rect(a+45, b, 3, 21); // horizontal, then vertical line fl_rect(a+45, b+18, 41, 3); fl_rect(a+90, b, 3, 11); // horizontal, vertical, horizontal line fl_rect(a+90, b+9, 40, 3); fl_rect(a+127, b+9, 3, 12); fl_color(FL_RED); fl_rectf(a+10, b+1, 1, 19); // single line fl_rectf(a+46, b+1, 1, 19); // two lines fl_rectf(a+46, b+19, 39, 1); fl_rectf(a+91, b+1, 1, 10); // three lines fl_rectf(a+91, b+10, 38, 1); fl_rectf(a+128, b+10, 1, 10); // three lines fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_yxline(a+10, b+1, b+19); fl_yxline(a+46, b+1, b+19, a+84); fl_yxline(a+91, b+1, b+10, a+128, b+19); b+=24; fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_rect(a+8, b, 5, 21); // single line fl_rect(a+45, b, 5, 21); // horizontal, then vertical line fl_rect(a+45, b+16, 41, 5); fl_rect(a+90, b, 5, 11); // horizontal, vertical, horizontal line fl_rect(a+90, b+8, 40, 5); fl_rect(a+125, b+8, 5, 13); fl_color(FL_RED); fl_rectf(a+9, b+1, 3, 19); // single line fl_rectf(a+46, b+1, 3, 19); // two lines fl_rectf(a+46, b+17, 39, 3); fl_rectf(a+91, b+1, 3, 10); // three lines fl_rectf(a+91, b+9, 38, 3); fl_rectf(a+126, b+9, 3, 11); // three lines fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 3); fl_yxline(a+10, b+1, b+19); fl_yxline(a+47, b+1, b+18, a+84); fl_yxline(a+92, b+1, b+10, a+127, b+19); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 1); // 6: fast diagonal lines b+=24; fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_point(a, b); fl_point(a+1, b); fl_point(a, b+1); fl_point(a+20, b+20); fl_point(a+19, b+20); fl_point(a+20, b+19); fl_color(FL_RED); fl_point(a+1, b+1); fl_point(a+19, b+19); fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_line(a+1, b+1, a+19, b+19); fl_color(FL_GREEN); fl_point(a+25+1, b); fl_point(a+25, b+1); fl_point(a+25+4, b); fl_point(a+25, b+4); fl_point(a+25+20, b+19); fl_point(a+25+19, b+20); fl_point(a+25+16, b+20); fl_point(a+25+20, b+16); fl_color(FL_RED); fl_point(a+25+2, b+2); fl_point(a+25+18, b+18); fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 5); fl_line(a+25+1, b+1, a+25+19, b+19); fl_line(a+50+1, b+1, a+50+20, b+20, a+50+39, b+1); fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 1); } #if HAVE_GL class Ut_GL_Rect_Test : public Fl_Gl_Window { public: Ut_GL_Rect_Test(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Gl_Window(x, y, w, h) { box(FL_FLAT_BOX); } void draw() FL_OVERRIDE { draw_begin(); fl_color(color()); fl_rectf(0, 0, w(), h()); draw_fast_shapes(); draw_end(); } }; #endif class Ut_Native_Rect_Test : public Fl_Window { public: Ut_Native_Rect_Test(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Window(x, y, w, h) { box(FL_FLAT_BOX); end(); } void draw() FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Window::draw(); draw_fast_shapes(); } }; class Ut_Rect_Test : public Fl_Group { // 520 x 365 public: static Fl_Widget *create() { return new Ut_Rect_Test(UT_TESTAREA_X, UT_TESTAREA_Y, UT_TESTAREA_W, UT_TESTAREA_H); } Ut_Rect_Test(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Group(x, y, w, h) { label("Testing FLTK fast shape calls.\n" "These calls draw horizontal and vertical lines, frames, and rectangles.\n\n" "No red pixels should be visible. " "If you see bright red lines, or if parts of the green frames are hidden, " "drawing alignment is off."); align(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP); box(FL_BORDER_BOX); int a = x+16, b = y+34; Fl_Box *t = new Fl_Box(a, b-24, 80, 18, "native"); t->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); /* NativeRectTest *nr = */ new Ut_Native_Rect_Test(a+23, b-1, 200, 200); t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "1"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing filled rectangle alignment.\n\n" // Description: "This draws a black rectangle, surrounded by a green frame.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing, filled rectangles draw too big (see fl_rectf).\n\n" "If red pixels are showing, filled rectangles are drawn too small." ); b+=24; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "2"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing rectangle frame alignment.\n\n" // Description: "This draws a black frame, surrounded on the inside and outside by a green frame.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, rectangular frame drawing schould be adjusted (see fl_rect).\n\n" "If red pixels show in the corners of the frame in hidpi mode, line endings should be adjusted." ); b+=24; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "3"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing scaled frame alignment.\n\n" // Description: "This draws a 3 units wide black frame, surrounded on the inside and outside by a green frame.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, line width schould be adjusted (see fl_line_style).\n\n" "If red pixels show in the corners of the frame in hidpi mode, line endings should be adjusted." ); b+=24; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "4"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing fl_xyline.\n\n" // Description: "This draws 3 versions of fl_xyline surronded with a green outline.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, fl_xyline must be adjusted." ); b+=48; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "5"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing fl_yxline.\n\n" // Description: "This draws 3 versions of fl_yxline surronded with a green outline.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, fl_yxline must be adjusted." ); b+=48; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "6"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing fl_line(int...).\n\n" // Description: "This draws 2 lines at differnet widths, and one connected line.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "Green and red pixels mark the beginning and end of single lines." "The line caps should be flat, the joints should be of type \"miter\"." ); #if HAVE_GL a = x+16+250, b = y+34; t = new Fl_Box(a, b-24, 80, 18, "OpenGL"); t->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); /*GLRectTest *glr = */ new Ut_GL_Rect_Test(a+31, b-1, 200, 200); t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 26, 18, "1a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing filled rectangle alignment.\n\n" // Description: "This draws a black rectangle, surrounded by a green frame.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing, filled rectangles draw too big (see fl_rectf).\n\n" "If red pixels are showing, filled rectangles are drawn too small." ); b+=24; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 26, 18, "2a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing rectangle frame alignment.\n\n" // Description: "This draws a black frame, surrounded on the inside and outside by a green frame.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, rectangular frame drawing schould be adjusted (see fl_rect).\n\n" "If red pixels show in the corners of the frame in hidpi mode, line endings should be adjusted." ); b+=24; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 26, 18, "3a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing scaled frame alignment.\n\n" // Description: "This draws a 3 units wide black frame, surrounded on the inside and outside by a green frame.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, line width schould be adjusted (see fl_line_style).\n\n" "If red pixels show in the corners of the frame in hidpi mode, line endings should be adjusted." ); b+=24; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 26, 18, "4a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing fl_xyline.\n\n" // Description: "This draws 3 versions of fl_xyline surronded with a green outline.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, fl_xyline must be adjusted." ); b+=48; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 26, 18, "5a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing fl_yxline.\n\n" // Description: "This draws 3 versions of fl_yxline surronded with a green outline.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "If green pixels are missing or red pixels are showing, fl_yxline must be adjusted." ); b+=48; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 26, 18, "6a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing fl_line(int...).\n\n" // Description: "This draws 2 lines at differnet widths, and one connected line.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "Green and red pixels mark the beginning and end of single lines." "The line caps should be flat, the joints should be of type \"miter\"." ); #endif t = new Fl_Box(x+w-1,y+h-1, 1, 1); resizable(t); } }; UnitTest rects(UT_TEST_FAST_SHAPES, "Fast Shapes", Ut_Rect_Test::create);