# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 0.99 gridx 10 gridy 10 snap 3 Function {} {open } { Fl_Window {} {open xywh {143 188 318 443} resizable visible } { Fl_Slider control { label {move this} callback {fast->value(o->value()); if (!Fl::pushed()) slow->value(o->value());} xywh {90 200 30 200} code0 {o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED|FL_WHEN_RELEASE|FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED);} } Fl_Slider fast { label {fast redraw} xywh {140 200 30 200} deactivate } Fl_Slider slow { label {slow redraw} xywh {190 200 30 200} deactivate } Fl_Box {} { label {The left slider has changed( FL_WHEN_CHANGED | FL_WHEN_RELEASE | FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED) so it produces a callback on both drag and release mouse events. The middle slider (representing a widget with low overhead) is changed on every mouse movement. The right slider (representing a widget with high overhead) is only updated when the mouse is released, by checking if Fl::pushed() is zero.} selected xywh {10 10 300 180} box DOWN_BOX color {53 47} labelfont 4 labelsize 12 align 148 } } }