// // Widget factory code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Type classes for most of the fltk widgets. Most of the work // is done by code in Fl_Widget_Type.C. Also a factory instance // of each of these type classes. // // This file also contains the "new" menu, which has a pointer // to a factory instance for every class (both the ones defined // here and ones in other files) // // Copyright 1998-2017 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // #include "factory.h" #include "fluid.h" #include "Fl_Window_Type.h" #include "Fl_Group_Type.h" #include "pixmaps.h" #include "undo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../src/flstring.h" #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Box_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Box";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Widget";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w, int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Box(x,y,w,h,"label");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Box_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 5; } }; static Fl_Box_Type Fl_Box_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item buttontype_menu[] = { {"Normal",0,0,(void*)0}, {"Toggle",0,0,(void*)FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON}, {"Radio",0,0,(void*)FL_RADIO_BUTTON}, {0}}; class Fl_Button_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return buttontype_menu;} public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Widget_Type::ideal_size(w, h); w += 2 * (o->labelsize() - 4); h = (h / 5) * 5; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Button";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Button";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Button(x,y,w,h,"button");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Button_Type();} int is_button() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 2; } }; static Fl_Button_Type Fl_Button_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Return_Button_Type : public Fl_Button_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Button_Type::ideal_size(w, h); int W = o->h(); if (o->w()/3 < W) W = o->w()/3; w += W + 8 - o->labelsize(); } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Return_Button";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::ReturnButton";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Return_Button(x,y,w,h,"button");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Return_Button_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 23; } }; static Fl_Return_Button_Type Fl_Return_Button_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Repeat_Button_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Repeat_Button";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::RepeatButton";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Repeat_Button(x,y,w,h,"button");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Repeat_Button_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 25; } }; static Fl_Repeat_Button_Type Fl_Repeat_Button_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Light_Button_Type : public Fl_Button_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Button_Type::ideal_size(w, h); w += 4; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Light_Button";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::LightButton";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Light_Button(x,y,w,h,"button");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Light_Button_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 24; } }; static Fl_Light_Button_Type Fl_Light_Button_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Check_Button_Type : public Fl_Button_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Button_Type::ideal_size(w, h); w += 4; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Check_Button";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::CheckButton";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Check_Button(x,y,w,h,"button");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Check_Button_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 3; } }; static Fl_Check_Button_Type Fl_Check_Button_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Round_Button_Type : public Fl_Button_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Button_Type::ideal_size(w, h); w += 4; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Round_Button";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::RadioButton";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Round_Button(x,y,w,h,"button");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Round_Button_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 4; } }; static Fl_Round_Button_Type Fl_Round_Button_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include static Fl_Menu_Item browser_type_menu[] = { {"No Select",0,0,(void*)FL_NORMAL_BROWSER}, {"Select",0,0,(void*)FL_SELECT_BROWSER}, {"Hold",0,0,(void*)FL_HOLD_BROWSER}, {"Multi",0,0,(void*)FL_MULTI_BROWSER}, {0}}; class Fl_Browser_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return browser_type_menu;} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Browser *myo = (Fl_Browser *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h -= Fl::box_dh(o->box()); w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); h = ((h + fl_height() - 1) / fl_height()) * fl_height() + Fl::box_dh(o->box()); if (h < 30) h = 30; if (w < 50) w = 50; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Browser";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Browser";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Browser* b = new Fl_Browser(x,y,w,h); // Fl_Browser::add calls fl_height(), which requires the X display open. // Avoid this when compiling so it works w/o a display: if (!batch_mode) { char buffer[20]; for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { sprintf(buffer,"Browser Line %d",i); b->add(buffer); } } return b; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Browser_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 31; } }; static Fl_Browser_Type Fl_Browser_type; int Fl_Browser_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Browser *myo = (Fl_Browser*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } class Fl_Check_Browser_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return browser_type_menu;} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Check_Browser *myo = (Fl_Check_Browser *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h -= Fl::box_dh(o->box()); w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()) - fl_height(); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); h = ((h + fl_height() - 1) / fl_height()) * fl_height() + Fl::box_dh(o->box()); if (h < 30) h = 30; if (w < 50) w = 50; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Check_Browser";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::CheckBrowser";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Check_Browser* b = new Fl_Check_Browser(x,y,w,h); // Fl_Check_Browser::add calls fl_height(), which requires the X display open. // Avoid this when compiling so it works w/o a display: if (!batch_mode) { char buffer[20]; for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { sprintf(buffer,"Browser Line %d",i); b->add(buffer); } } return b; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Check_Browser_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 32; } }; static Fl_Check_Browser_Type Fl_Check_Browser_type; int Fl_Check_Browser_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Check_Browser *myo = (Fl_Check_Browser*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } class Fl_Tree_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { if (h < 60) h = 60; if (w < 80) w = 80; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Tree";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::TreeBrowser";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Tree* b = new Fl_Tree(x,y,w,h); if (!batch_mode) { b->add("/A1/B1/C1"); b->add("/A1/B1/C2"); b->add("/A1/B2/C1"); b->add("/A1/B2/C2"); b->add("/A2/B1/C1"); b->add("/A2/B1/C2"); b->add("/A2/B2/C1"); b->add("/A2/B2/C2"); } return b; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Tree_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 50; } }; static Fl_Tree_Type Fl_Tree_type; class Fl_File_Browser_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return browser_type_menu;} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_File_Browser *myo = (Fl_File_Browser *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h -= Fl::box_dh(o->box()); w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()) + fl_height(); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); h = ((h + fl_height() - 1) / fl_height()) * fl_height() + Fl::box_dh(o->box()); if (h < 30) h = 30; if (w < 50) w = 50; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_File_Browser";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::FileBrowser";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_File_Browser* b = new Fl_File_Browser(x,y,w,h); // Fl_File_Browser::add calls fl_height(), which requires the X display open. // Avoid this when compiling so it works w/o a display: if (!batch_mode) { b->load("."); } return b; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_File_Browser_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 33; } }; static Fl_File_Browser_Type Fl_File_Browser_type; int Fl_File_Browser_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_File_Browser *myo = (Fl_File_Browser*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item counter_type_menu[] = { {"Normal",0,0,(void*)FL_NORMAL_COUNTER}, {"Simple",0,0,(void*)FL_SIMPLE_COUNTER}, {0}}; class Fl_Counter_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return counter_type_menu;} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 41; } public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Counter";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Counter";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Counter(x,y,w,h,"counter:");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Counter_Type();} }; static Fl_Counter_Type Fl_Counter_type; int Fl_Counter_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Counter *myo = (Fl_Counter*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item spinner_type_menu[] = { {"Integer",0,0,(void*)FL_INT_INPUT}, {"Float", 0,0,(void*)FL_FLOAT_INPUT}, {0}}; class Fl_Spinner_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return spinner_type_menu;} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 47; } public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Spinner *myo = (Fl_Spinner *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h = fl_height() + myo->textsize() - 6; if (h < 15) h = 15; w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()) + h / 2; if (w < 40) w = 40 ; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Spinner";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Spinner";} int is_spinner() const FL_OVERRIDE { return 1; } Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Spinner(x,y,w,h,"spinner:"); } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Spinner_Type();} }; static Fl_Spinner_Type Fl_Spinner_type; int Fl_Spinner_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Spinner *myo = (Fl_Spinner*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = (Fl_Font)myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item input_type_menu[] = { {"Normal",0,0,(void*)FL_NORMAL_INPUT}, {"Multiline",0,0,(void*)FL_MULTILINE_INPUT}, {"Secret",0,0,(void*)FL_SECRET_INPUT}, {"Int",0,0,(void*)FL_INT_INPUT}, {"Float",0,0,(void*)FL_FLOAT_INPUT}, {0}}; class Fl_Input_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return input_type_menu;} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Input *myo = (Fl_Input *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h = fl_height() + myo->textsize() - 6; w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); if (h < 15) h = 15; if (w < 15) w = 15; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Input";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Input";} int is_input() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Input *myo = new Fl_Input(x,y,w,h,"input:"); myo->value("Text Input"); return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Input_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 14; } void copy_properties() FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Widget_Type::copy_properties(); Fl_Input_ *d = (Fl_Input_*)live_widget, *s = (Fl_Input_*)o; d->textfont(s->textfont()); d->textsize(s->textsize()); d->textcolor(s->textcolor()); d->shortcut(s->shortcut()); } }; static Fl_Input_Type Fl_Input_type; int Fl_Input_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Input_ *myo = (Fl_Input_*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_File_Input_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return 0;} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_File_Input *myo = (Fl_File_Input *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h = fl_height() + myo->textsize() + 4; w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); if (h < 20) h = 20; if (w < 50) w = 50; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_File_Input";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::FileInput";} int is_input() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_File_Input *myo = new Fl_File_Input(x,y,w,h,"file:"); myo->value("/now/is/the/time/for/a/filename.ext"); return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_File_Input_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 30; } }; static Fl_File_Input_Type Fl_File_Input_type; int Fl_File_Input_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_File_Input *myo = (Fl_File_Input*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Text_Display_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Text_Display *myo = (Fl_Text_Display *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h -= Fl::box_dh(o->box()); w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); h = ((h + fl_height() - 1) / fl_height()) * fl_height() + Fl::box_dh(o->box()); if (h < 30) h = 30; if (w < 50) w = 50; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Text_Display";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::TextDisplay";} int is_text_display() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Text_Display *myo = new Fl_Text_Display(x,y,w,h); return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Text_Display_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 28; } }; static Fl_Text_Display_Type Fl_Text_Display_type; int Fl_Text_Display_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Text_Display *myo = (Fl_Text_Display*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Text_Editor_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Text_Editor *myo = (Fl_Text_Editor *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h -= Fl::box_dh(o->box()); w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); h = ((h + fl_height() - 1) / fl_height()) * fl_height() + Fl::box_dh(o->box()); if (h < 30) h = 30; if (w < 50) w = 50; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Text_Editor";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::TextEditor";} int is_text_display() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Text_Editor *myo = new Fl_Text_Editor(x,y,w,h); return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Text_Editor_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 29; } }; static Fl_Text_Editor_Type Fl_Text_Editor_type; int Fl_Text_Editor_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Text_Editor *myo = (Fl_Text_Editor*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Simple_Terminal_Type : public Fl_Text_Editor_Type { public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Simple_Terminal";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::SimpleTerminal";} int is_text_display() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Widget *myo = 0L; if (batch_mode) { // The Fl_Simple_Terminal constructor attaches a buffer which in turn // opens a connection to the display. In batch mode, we create the // superclass Fl_Text_Display to avoid that. myo = new Fl_Text_Display(x,y,w,h); } else { myo = new Fl_Simple_Terminal(x,y,w,h); } return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Simple_Terminal_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 52; } }; static Fl_Simple_Terminal_Type Fl_Simple_Terminal_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Clock_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Clock";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Clock";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Clock(x,y,w,h);} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Clock_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 34; } }; static Fl_Clock_Type Fl_Clock_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Help_View_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Help_View *myo = (Fl_Help_View *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h -= Fl::box_dh(o->box()); w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); h = ((h + fl_height() - 1) / fl_height()) * fl_height() + Fl::box_dh(o->box()); if (h < 30) h = 30; if (w < 50) w = 50; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Help_View";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::HelpView";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Help_View *myo = new Fl_Help_View(x,y,w,h); if (!batch_mode) { myo->value("

Fl_Help_View Widget

" "

This is a Fl_Help_View widget.

"); } return myo;} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Help_View_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 35; } }; static Fl_Help_View_Type Fl_Help_View_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Progress_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Progress";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::ProgressBar";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Progress *myo = new Fl_Progress(x,y,w,h,"label"); myo->value(50); return myo;} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Progress_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 36; } }; static Fl_Progress_Type Fl_Progress_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Adjuster_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Adjuster";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Adjuster";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Adjuster(x,y,w,h);} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Adjuster_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 40; } }; static Fl_Adjuster_Type Fl_Adjuster_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item dial_type_menu[] = { {"Dot",0,0,(void*)0}, {"Line",0,0,(void*)FL_LINE_DIAL}, {"Fill",0,0,(void*)FL_FILL_DIAL}, {0}}; class Fl_Dial_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return dial_type_menu;} int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Dial";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Dial";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Dial(x,y,w,h);} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Dial_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 42; } }; static Fl_Dial_Type Fl_Dial_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item roller_type_menu[] = { {"Vertical",0,0,(void*)0}, {"Horizontal",0,0,(void*)FL_HORIZONTAL}, {0}}; class Fl_Roller_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return roller_type_menu;} int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Roller";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Roller";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Roller(x,y,w,h);} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Roller_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 43; } }; static Fl_Roller_Type Fl_Roller_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item slider_type_menu[] = { {"Vertical",0,0,(void*)FL_VERT_SLIDER}, {"Horizontal",0,0,(void*)FL_HOR_SLIDER}, {"Vert Fill",0,0,(void*)FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER}, {"Horz Fill",0,0,(void*)FL_HOR_FILL_SLIDER}, {"Vert Knob",0,0,(void*)FL_VERT_NICE_SLIDER}, {"Horz Knob",0,0,(void*)FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER}, {0}}; class Fl_Slider_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return slider_type_menu;} int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 2;} public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Slider";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Slider";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Slider(x,y,w,h,"slider:");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Slider_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 37; } }; static Fl_Slider_Type Fl_Slider_type; static Fl_Menu_Item scrollbar_type_menu[] = { {"Vertical",0,0,(void*)FL_VERT_SLIDER}, {"Horizontal",0,0,(void*)FL_HOR_SLIDER}, {0}}; class Fl_Scrollbar_Type : public Fl_Slider_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return scrollbar_type_menu;} int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 3;} public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Scrollbar";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Scrollbar";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Scrollbar(x,y,w,h);} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Scrollbar_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 38; } }; static Fl_Scrollbar_Type Fl_Scrollbar_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include static Fl_Menu_Item output_type_menu[] = { {"Normal",0,0,(void*)FL_NORMAL_OUTPUT}, {"Multiline",0,0,(void*)FL_MULTILINE_OUTPUT}, {0}}; class Fl_Output_Type : public Fl_Input_Type { Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return output_type_menu;} public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Output *myo = (Fl_Output *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h = fl_height() + myo->textsize() - 6; w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); if (h < 15) h = 15; if (w < 15) w = 15; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Output";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Output";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Output *myo = new Fl_Output(x,y,w,h,"output:"); myo->value("Text Output"); return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Output_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 27; } }; static Fl_Output_Type Fl_Output_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Value_Input_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Value_Input *myo = (Fl_Value_Input *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h = fl_height() + myo->textsize() - 6; w -= Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); if (h < 15) h = 15; if (w < 15) w = 15; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Value_Input";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::ValueInput";} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} int is_value_input() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Value_Input *myo = new Fl_Value_Input(x,y,w,h,"value:"); return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Value_Input_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 44; } }; static Fl_Value_Input_Type Fl_Value_Input_type; int Fl_Value_Input_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Value_Input *myo = (Fl_Value_Input*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Value_Output_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type { public: void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Value_Output *myo = (Fl_Value_Output *)o; fl_font(myo->textfont(), myo->textsize()); h = fl_height() + myo->textsize() - 6; w = o->w() - Fl::box_dw(o->box()); int ww = (int)fl_width('m'); w = ((w + ww - 1) / ww) * ww + Fl::box_dw(o->box()); if (h < 15) h = 15; if (w < 15) w = 15; } const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Value_Output";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::ValueOutput";} int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; int is_valuator() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Value_Output *myo = new Fl_Value_Output(x,y,w,h,"value:"); return myo; } Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Value_Output_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 45; } }; static Fl_Value_Output_Type Fl_Value_Output_type; int Fl_Value_Output_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Value_Output *myo = (Fl_Value_Output*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class Fl_Value_Slider_Type : public Fl_Slider_Type { int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE; public: const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Value_Slider";} const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::ValueSlider";} Fl_Widget *widget(int x,int y,int w,int h) FL_OVERRIDE { return new Fl_Value_Slider(x,y,w,h,"slider:");} Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Value_Slider_Type();} int pixmapID() FL_OVERRIDE { return 39; } }; static Fl_Value_Slider_Type Fl_Value_Slider_type; int Fl_Value_Slider_Type::textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) { Fl_Value_Slider *myo = (Fl_Value_Slider*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)factory)->o : o); switch (w) { case 4: case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break; case 1: myo->textfont(f); break; case 2: myo->textsize(s); break; case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern class Fl_Function_Type Fl_Function_type; extern class Fl_Code_Type Fl_Code_type; extern class Fl_CodeBlock_Type Fl_CodeBlock_type; extern class Fl_Data_Type Fl_Data_type; extern class Fl_Decl_Type Fl_Decl_type; extern class Fl_DeclBlock_Type Fl_DeclBlock_type; extern class Fl_Comment_Type Fl_Comment_type; extern class Fl_Class_Type Fl_Class_type; extern class Fl_Window_Type Fl_Window_type; extern class Fl_Widget_Class_Type Fl_Widget_Class_type; extern class Fl_Group_Type Fl_Group_type; extern class Fl_Pack_Type Fl_Pack_type; extern class Fl_Flex_Type Fl_Flex_type; extern class Fl_Tabs_Type Fl_Tabs_type; extern class Fl_Scroll_Type Fl_Scroll_type; extern class Fl_Table_Type Fl_Table_type; extern class Fl_Tile_Type Fl_Tile_type; extern class Fl_Input_Choice_Type Fl_Input_Choice_type; extern class Fl_Choice_Type Fl_Choice_type; extern class Fl_Menu_Bar_Type Fl_Menu_Bar_type; extern class Fl_Menu_Button_Type Fl_Menu_Button_type; extern class Fl_Menu_Item_Type Fl_Menu_Item_type; extern class Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_Type Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_type; extern class Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_Type Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_type; extern class Fl_Submenu_Type Fl_Submenu_type; extern class Fl_Wizard_Type Fl_Wizard_type; extern void select(Fl_Type *,int); extern void select_only(Fl_Type *); /** List all known types. This is used to convert a type name into a pointer to the prototype. This list may contain types that are supported in .fl files, but not available in the *New* menu. */ static Fl_Type *known_types[] = { // functions (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Function_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Code_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_CodeBlock_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Decl_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_DeclBlock_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Class_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Widget_Class_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Comment_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Data_type, // groups (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Window_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Group_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Pack_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Flex_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Tabs_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Scroll_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Tile_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Wizard_type, // buttons (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Button_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Return_Button_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Light_Button_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Check_Button_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Repeat_Button_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Round_Button_type, // valuators (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Slider_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Scrollbar_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Value_Slider_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Adjuster_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Counter_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Spinner_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Dial_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Roller_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Value_Input_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Value_Output_type, // text (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Input_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Output_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Text_Editor_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Text_Display_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_File_Input_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Simple_Terminal_type, // menus (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Menu_Bar_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Menu_Button_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Choice_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Input_Choice_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Submenu_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Menu_Item_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_type, // browsers (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Browser_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Check_Browser_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_File_Browser_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Tree_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Help_View_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Table_type, // misc (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Box_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Clock_type, (Fl_Type*)&Fl_Progress_type, }; /** Create and add a new widget to the widget tree. Fluid will try to set a default postion for widgets to the user's expectation. Using the context menu will put new widgets at the position of the mouse click. Pulldown menu and bin actions will generate widgets no too far from previously added widgets in the same group. Widgets can be added by dragging them from the widget bin to the desired location. By setting the strategy, widgets are added as the last child of a group (this is done when reading them from a file), or close to the current widget, which the user would expect in interactive mode. \param[in] inPrototype pointer to one of the FL_..._type prototype; note the lower case 't' in type. \param[in] strategy add after current or as last child \see add_new_widget_from_file(const char*, int) add_new_widget_from_user(Fl_Type*, int) add_new_widget_from_user(const char*, int) */ Fl_Type *add_new_widget_from_user(Fl_Type *inPrototype, Strategy strategy) { undo_checkpoint(); undo_suspend(); Fl_Type *t = ((Fl_Type*)inPrototype)->make(strategy); if (t) { if (t->is_widget() && !t->is_window()) { Fl_Widget_Type *wt = (Fl_Widget_Type *)t; // Set font sizes... wt->o->labelsize(Fl_Widget_Type::default_size); Fl_Font f; int s = Fl_Widget_Type::default_size; Fl_Color c; wt->textstuff(2, f, s, c); // Resize and/or reposition new widget... int w = 0, h = 0; wt->ideal_size(w, h); if ((t->parent && t->parent->is_flex())) { // Do not resize or layout the widget. Flex will need the widget size. } else if (!strcmp(wt->type_name(), "Fl_Menu_Bar")) { // Move and resize the menubar across the top of the window... wt->o->resize(0, 0, w, h); } else { if (Fl_Window_Type::popupx != 0x7FFFFFFF) { // If this callback was called from the RMB popup menu in a window, // popupx and popupy will contain the mouse coordinates at RMB event. wt->o->resize(Fl_Window_Type::popupx, Fl_Window_Type::popupy, w, h); } else { // If popupx is invalid, use the default position and find a good // size for the widget. wt->o->size(w, h); } } } // make the new widget visible select_only(t); set_modflag(1); t->open(); } else { undo_current --; undo_last --; } undo_resume(); return t; } /** Create and add a new widget to the widget tree. \param[in] inName find the right prototype by this name \param[in] strategy where to add the node \return the newly created node \see add_new_widget_from_file(const char*, int) add_new_widget_from_user(Fl_Type*, int) add_new_widget_from_user(const char*, int) */ Fl_Type *add_new_widget_from_user(const char *inName, Strategy strategy) { Fl_Type *prototype = typename_to_prototype(inName); if (prototype) return add_new_widget_from_user(prototype, strategy); else return NULL; } /** Callback for all menu items. */ static void cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) { Fl_Type *t = NULL; if (Fl_Type::current && Fl_Type::current->is_group()) t = ((Fl_Type*)v)->make(kAddAsLastChild); else t = ((Fl_Type*)v)->make(kAddAfterCurrent); select_only(t); } Fl_Menu_Item New_Menu[] = { {"Code",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {"Function/Method",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Function_type}, {"Code",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Code_type}, {"Code Block",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_CodeBlock_type}, {"Declaration",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Decl_type}, {"Declaration Block",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_DeclBlock_type}, {"Class",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Class_type}, {"Widget Class",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Widget_Class_type}, {"Comment",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Comment_type}, {"Inlined Data",0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Data_type}, {0}, {"Group",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Window_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Group_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Pack_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Flex_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Tabs_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Scroll_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Tile_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Wizard_type}, {0}, {"Buttons",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Button_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Return_Button_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Light_Button_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Check_Button_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Repeat_Button_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Round_Button_type}, {0}, {"Valuators",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Slider_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Scrollbar_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Value_Slider_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Adjuster_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Counter_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Spinner_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Dial_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Roller_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Value_Input_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Value_Output_type}, {0}, {"Text",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Input_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Output_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Text_Editor_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Text_Display_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_File_Input_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Simple_Terminal_type}, {0}, {"Menus",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Menu_Bar_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Menu_Button_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Choice_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Input_Choice_type}, {0,0,cb, (void*)&Fl_Submenu_type}, {0,0,cb, (void*)&Fl_Menu_Item_type}, {"Checkbox Menu Item",0,cb, (void*)&Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_type}, {"Radio Menu Item",0,cb, (void*)&Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_type}, {0}, {"Browsers",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Browser_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Check_Browser_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_File_Browser_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Tree_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Help_View_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Table_type}, {0}, {"Other",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Box_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Clock_type}, {0,0,cb,(void*)&Fl_Progress_type}, {0}, {0}}; #include /** Modify a menuitem to display an icon in front of the label. This is implemented using Fl_Multi_Label as the labeltype (FL_MULTI_LABEL). The icon may be null. If ic is null only the text (is assigned to the label and Fl_Multi_Label is not used. \param[in] mi pointer to tme menu item that will be modified \param[in] ic icon for the menu, may be NULL \param[in] txt new label text, may *not* be NULL, will not be copied */ static void make_iconlabel(Fl_Menu_Item *mi, Fl_Image *ic, const char *txt) { if (ic) { char *t1 = new char[strlen(txt)+6]; strcpy(t1, " "); strcat(t1, txt); strcat(t1, "..."); Fl_Multi_Label *ml = new Fl_Multi_Label; ml->labela = (char*)ic; ml->labelb = t1; ml->typea = FL_IMAGE_LABEL; ml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL; ml->label(mi); } else { if (txt != mi->text) mi->label(txt); } } void fill_in_New_Menu() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(New_Menu)/sizeof(*New_Menu); i++) { Fl_Menu_Item *m = New_Menu+i; if (m->user_data()) { Fl_Type *t = (Fl_Type*)m->user_data(); if (m->text) { make_iconlabel( m, pixmap[t->pixmapID()], m->label() ); } else { const char *n = t->type_name(); if (!strncmp(n,"Fl_",3)) n += 3; if (!strncmp(n,"fltk::",6)) n += 6; make_iconlabel( m, pixmap[t->pixmapID()], n ); } } } } /** Find the correct prototype for a given type name. \param[in] inName a C string that must match type_name() or alt_type_name() of one of the known Fl_Type classes. \return the matching prototype or NULL */ Fl_Type *typename_to_prototype(const char *inName) { if (inName==NULL || *inName==0) return NULL; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(known_types)/sizeof(*known_types); i++) { Fl_Type *prototype = known_types[i]; if (fl_ascii_strcasecmp(inName, prototype->type_name())==0) return prototype; if (fl_ascii_strcasecmp(inName, prototype->alt_type_name())==0) return prototype; } return NULL; } /** Create and add a new type node to the widget tree. This is used by the .fl file reader. New types are always created as the last child of the first compatible parent. New widgets have a default setup. Their position, sizem and label will be read next in the file. \param[in] inName a C string that described the type we want \param[in] strategy add after current or as last child \return the type node that was created or NULL \see add_new_widget_from_file(const char*, int) add_new_widget_from_user(Fl_Type*, int) add_new_widget_from_user(const char*, int) */ Fl_Type *add_new_widget_from_file(const char *inName, Strategy strategy) { reading_file = 1; // makes labels be null Fl_Type *prototype = typename_to_prototype(inName); if (!prototype) return NULL; Fl_Type *new_node = prototype->make(strategy); reading_file = 0; return new_node; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Since I have included all the .H files, do this table here: // This table is only used to read fdesign files: struct symbol {const char *name; int value;}; static symbol table[] = { {"BLACK", FL_BLACK}, {"RED", FL_RED}, {"GREEN", FL_GREEN}, {"YELLOW", FL_YELLOW}, {"BLUE", FL_BLUE}, {"MAGENTA", FL_MAGENTA}, {"CYAN", FL_CYAN}, {"WHITE", FL_WHITE}, {"LCOL", FL_BLACK}, {"COL1", FL_GRAY}, {"MCOL", FL_LIGHT1}, {"LEFT_BCOL", FL_LIGHT3}, {"TOP_BCOL", FL_LIGHT2}, {"BOTTOM_BCOL", FL_DARK2}, {"RIGHT_BCOL", FL_DARK3}, {"INACTIVE", FL_INACTIVE_COLOR}, {"INACTIVE_COL", FL_INACTIVE_COLOR}, {"FREE_COL1", FL_FREE_COLOR}, {"FREE_COL2", FL_FREE_COLOR+1}, {"FREE_COL3", FL_FREE_COLOR+2}, {"FREE_COL4", FL_FREE_COLOR+3}, {"FREE_COL5", FL_FREE_COLOR+4}, {"FREE_COL6", FL_FREE_COLOR+5}, {"FREE_COL7", FL_FREE_COLOR+6}, {"FREE_COL8", FL_FREE_COLOR+7}, {"FREE_COL9", FL_FREE_COLOR+8}, {"FREE_COL10", FL_FREE_COLOR+9}, {"FREE_COL11", FL_FREE_COLOR+10}, {"FREE_COL12", FL_FREE_COLOR+11}, {"FREE_COL13", FL_FREE_COLOR+12}, {"FREE_COL14", FL_FREE_COLOR+13}, {"FREE_COL15", FL_FREE_COLOR+14}, {"FREE_COL16", FL_FREE_COLOR+15}, {"TOMATO", 131}, {"INDIANRED", 164}, {"SLATEBLUE", 195}, {"DARKGOLD", 84}, {"PALEGREEN", 157}, {"ORCHID", 203}, {"DARKCYAN", 189}, {"DARKTOMATO", 113}, {"WHEAT", 174}, {"ALIGN_CENTER", FL_ALIGN_CENTER}, {"ALIGN_TOP", FL_ALIGN_TOP}, {"ALIGN_BOTTOM", FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM}, {"ALIGN_LEFT", FL_ALIGN_LEFT}, {"ALIGN_RIGHT", FL_ALIGN_RIGHT}, {"ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_TOP_LEFT", FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_LEFT}, {"ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT", FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_RIGHT}, {"ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT", FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | FL_ALIGN_LEFT}, {"ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT", FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | FL_ALIGN_RIGHT}, {"ALIGN_CENTER|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_CENTER|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_TOP_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE", FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE",FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE}, {"ALIGN_LEFT_TOP", FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_LEFT}, {"ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP", FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_RIGHT}, {"ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM", FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | FL_ALIGN_LEFT}, {"ALIGN_RIGHT_BOTTOM", FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM | FL_ALIGN_RIGHT}, {"INVALID_STYLE", 255}, {"NORMAL_STYLE", FL_HELVETICA}, {"BOLD_STYLE", FL_HELVETICA|FL_BOLD}, {"ITALIC_STYLE", FL_HELVETICA|FL_ITALIC}, {"BOLDITALIC_STYLE", FL_HELVETICA|FL_BOLD|FL_ITALIC}, {"FIXED_STYLE", FL_COURIER}, {"FIXEDBOLD_STYLE", FL_COURIER|FL_BOLD}, {"FIXEDITALIC_STYLE", FL_COURIER|FL_ITALIC}, {"FIXEDBOLDITALIC_STYLE", FL_COURIER|FL_BOLD|FL_ITALIC}, {"TIMES_STYLE", FL_TIMES}, {"TIMESBOLD_STYLE", FL_TIMES|FL_BOLD}, {"TIMESITALIC_STYLE", FL_TIMES|FL_ITALIC}, {"TIMESBOLDITALIC_STYLE", FL_TIMES|FL_BOLD|FL_ITALIC}, {"SHADOW_STYLE", (_FL_SHADOW_LABEL<<8)}, {"ENGRAVED_STYLE", (_FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL<<8)}, {"EMBOSSED_STYLE", (_FL_EMBOSSED_LABEL<<0)}, {"TINY_SIZE", 8}, {"SMALL_SIZE", 11}, {"NORMAL_SIZE", FL_NORMAL_SIZE}, {"MEDIUM_SIZE", 18}, {"LARGE_SIZE", 24}, {"HUGE_SIZE", 32}, {"DEFAULT_SIZE", FL_NORMAL_SIZE}, {"TINY_FONT", 8}, {"SMALL_FONT", 11}, {"NORMAL_FONT", FL_NORMAL_SIZE}, {"MEDIUM_FONT", 18}, {"LARGE_FONT", 24}, {"HUGE_FONT", 32}, {"NORMAL_FONT1", 11}, {"NORMAL_FONT2", FL_NORMAL_SIZE}, {"DEFAULT_FONT", 11}, {"RETURN_END_CHANGED", 0}, {"RETURN_CHANGED", 1}, {"RETURN_END", 2}, {"RETURN_ALWAYS", 3}, {"PUSH_BUTTON", FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON}, {"RADIO_BUTTON", FL_RADIO_BUTTON}, {"HIDDEN_BUTTON", FL_HIDDEN_BUTTON}, {"SELECT_BROWSER", FL_SELECT_BROWSER}, {"HOLD_BROWSER", FL_HOLD_BROWSER}, {"MULTI_BROWSER", FL_MULTI_BROWSER}, {"SIMPLE_COUNTER", FL_SIMPLE_COUNTER}, {"LINE_DIAL", FL_LINE_DIAL}, {"FILL_DIAL", FL_FILL_DIAL}, {"VERT_SLIDER", FL_VERT_SLIDER}, {"HOR_SLIDER", FL_HOR_SLIDER}, {"VERT_FILL_SLIDER", FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER}, {"HOR_FILL_SLIDER", FL_HOR_FILL_SLIDER}, {"VERT_NICE_SLIDER", FL_VERT_NICE_SLIDER}, {"HOR_NICE_SLIDER", FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER}, }; int lookup_symbol(const char *name, int &v, int numberok) { if (name[0]=='F' && name[1]=='L' && name[2]=='_') name += 3; for (int i=0; i < int(sizeof(table)/sizeof(*table)); i++) if (!fl_ascii_strcasecmp(name,table[i].name)) {v = table[i].value; return 1;} if (numberok && ((v = atoi(name)) || !strcmp(name,"0"))) return 1; return 0; }