// // "$Id: Fl_get_key_win32.cxx,v 2001/11/22 15:35:01 easysw Exp $" // // WIN32 keyboard state routines for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2001 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // // Return the current state of a key. Keys are named by fltk symbols, // which are actually X keysyms. So this has to translate to MSWindows // VK_x symbols. #include #include // convert an Fltk (X) keysym to a MSWindows VK symbol: // See also the inverse converter in Fl_win32.cxx // This table is in numeric order by Fltk symbol order for binary search: static const struct {unsigned short vk, fltk;} vktab[] = { {VK_SPACE, ' '}, {'1', '!'}, {0xde, '\"'}, {'3', '#'}, {'4', '$'}, {'5', '%'}, {'7', '&'}, {0xde, '\''}, {'9', '('}, {'0', ')'}, {'8', '*'}, {0xbb, '+'}, {0xbc, ','}, {0xbd, '-'}, {0xbe, '.'}, {0xbf, '/'}, {0xba, ':'}, {0xba, ';'}, {0xbc, '<'}, {0xbb, '='}, {0xbe, '>'}, {0xbf, '?'}, {'2', '@'}, {0xdb, '['}, {0xdc, '\\'}, {0xdd, ']'}, {'6', '^'}, {0xbd, '_'}, {0xc0, '`'}, {0xdb, '{'}, {0xdc, '|'}, {0xdd, '}'}, {0xc0, '~'}, {VK_BACK, FL_BackSpace}, {VK_TAB, FL_Tab}, {VK_CLEAR, 0xff0b/*XK_Clear*/}, {VK_RETURN, FL_Enter}, {VK_PAUSE, FL_Pause}, {VK_SCROLL, FL_Scroll_Lock}, {VK_ESCAPE, FL_Escape}, {VK_HOME, FL_Home}, {VK_LEFT, FL_Left}, {VK_UP, FL_Up}, {VK_RIGHT, FL_Right}, {VK_DOWN, FL_Down}, {VK_PRIOR, FL_Page_Up}, {VK_NEXT, FL_Page_Down}, {VK_END, FL_End}, {VK_SNAPSHOT, FL_Print}, {VK_INSERT, FL_Insert}, {VK_APPS, FL_Menu}, {VK_NUMLOCK, FL_Num_Lock}, //{VK_???, FL_KP_Enter}, {VK_MULTIPLY, FL_KP+'*'}, {VK_ADD, FL_KP+'+'}, {VK_SUBTRACT, FL_KP+'-'}, {VK_DECIMAL, FL_KP+'.'}, {VK_DIVIDE, FL_KP+'/'}, {VK_LSHIFT, FL_Shift_L}, {VK_RSHIFT, FL_Shift_R}, {VK_LCONTROL, FL_Control_L}, {VK_RCONTROL, FL_Control_R}, {VK_CAPITAL, FL_Caps_Lock}, {VK_LWIN, FL_Meta_L}, {VK_RWIN, FL_Meta_R}, {VK_LMENU, FL_Alt_L}, {VK_RMENU, FL_Alt_R}, {VK_DELETE, FL_Delete} }; static int fltk2ms(int fltk) { if (fltk >= '0' && fltk <= '9') return fltk; if (fltk >= 'A' && fltk <= 'Z') return fltk; if (fltk >= 'a' && fltk <= 'z') return fltk-('a'-'A'); if (fltk > FL_F && fltk <= FL_F+16) return fltk-(FL_F-(VK_F1-1)); if (fltk >= FL_KP+'0' && fltk<=FL_KP+'9') return fltk-(FL_KP+'0'-VK_NUMPAD0); int a = 0; int b = sizeof(vktab)/sizeof(*vktab); while (a < b) { int c = (a+b)/2; if (vktab[c].fltk == fltk) return vktab[c].vk; if (vktab[c].fltk < fltk) a = c+1; else b = c; } return 0; } int Fl::event_key(int k) { return GetKeyState(fltk2ms(k))&~1; } int Fl::get_key(int k) { uchar foo[256]; GetKeyboardState(foo); return foo[fltk2ms(k)]&~1; } // // End of "$Id: Fl_get_key_win32.cxx,v 2001/11/22 15:35:01 easysw Exp $". //