# # "$Id: CMakeLists.txt 10092 2014-02-02 00:49:50Z AlbrechtS $" # # Main CMakeLists.txt to build the FLTK project using CMake (www.cmake.org) # Written by Michael Surette # # Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others. # # This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in # the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this # file is missing or damaged, see the license at: # # http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php # # Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: # # http://www.fltk.org/str.php # ####################################################################### # final config and export ####################################################################### # Set the fluid executable path if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) find_file(FLUID_PATH NAMES fluid fluid.exe PATHS ENV PATH NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH ) add_executable(fluid IMPORTED) set(FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE ${FLUID_PATH}) set(FLUID) # no export set_target_properties(fluid PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${FLUID_PATH} ) else() add_subdirectory(fluid) set(FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE fluid) set(FLUID fluid) # export endif(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) add_subdirectory(src) # generate FLTK-Targets.cmake for build directory use export(TARGETS ${FLUID} ${FLTK_LIBRARIES} FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/FLTK-Targets.cmake) # generate FLTKConfig.cmake for build directory use set(INCLUDE_DIRS "@FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS@") set(CONFIG_PATH @FLTK_BINARY_DIR@) configure_file( ${FLTK_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/FLTKConfig.cmake.in ${FLTK_BINARY_DIR}/FLTKConfig.cmake @ONLY ) # generate UseFLTK.cmake for build directory use configure_file( ${FLTK_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/UseFLTK.cmake.in ${FLTK_BINARY_DIR}/UseFLTK.cmake @ONLY ) # generate config.h configure_file( "${FLTK_SOURCE_DIR}/configh.cmake.in" "${FLTK_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" @ONLY ) # generate fltk-config get_filename_component(CC ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} NAME) get_filename_component(CXX ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} NAME) string(REPLACE ";" " " C_FLAGS "${FLTK_CFLAGS}") if(X11_Xext_FOUND) list(APPEND FLTK_LDLIBS -lXext) endif(X11_Xext_FOUND) string(REPLACE ";" " " LD_LIBS "${FLTK_LDLIBS}") configure_file( "${FLTK_SOURCE_DIR}/fltk-config.cmake.in" "${FLTK_BINARY_DIR}/fltk-config" @ONLY ) if(UNIX) execute_process(COMMAND chmod 755 fltk-config WORKING_DIRECTORY "${FLTK_BINARY_DIR}" ) endif(UNIX) if(OPTION_CREATE_LINKS) configure_file( "${FLTK_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/install-symlinks.cmake.in" "${FLTK_BINARY_DIR}/install-symlinks.cmake" @ONLY ) endif(OPTION_CREATE_LINKS)