// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0100 #include "widget_panel.h" static void cb_(Fl_Tabs* o, void* v) { propagate_load((Fl_Group *)o,v); } Fl_Input *v_input[4]={(Fl_Input *)0}; Fl_Window* make_widget_panel() { Fl_Window* w; { Fl_Window* o = new Fl_Window(415, 370); w = o; w->hotspot(o); { Fl_Tabs* o = new Fl_Tabs(10, 10, 395, 315); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_); o->when(FL_WHEN_NEVER); { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(10, 30, 395, 295, "GUI"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)propagate_load); o->when(FL_WHEN_NEVER); { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(95, 40, 195, 20, "Label:"); o->tooltip("The label text for the widget."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)label_cb); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } { Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(290, 40, 105, 20); o->tooltip("The label style for the widget."); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)labeltype_cb); o->menu(labeltypemenu); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(95, 65, 195, 20, "Image:"); o->tooltip("The active image for the widget."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)image_cb); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(290, 65, 105, 20, "Browse..."); o->tooltip("Click to choose the active image."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)image_browse_cb); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(95, 90, 195, 20, "Inactive:"); o->tooltip("The inactive image for the widget."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)inactive_cb); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(290, 90, 105, 20, "Browse..."); o->tooltip("Click to choose the inactive image."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)inactive_browse_cb); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(95, 150, 60, 20, "X:"); o->tooltip("The X position of the widget."); o->labelsize(10); o->maximum(2048); o->step(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)x_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(155, 150, 60, 20, "Y:"); o->tooltip("The Y position of the widget."); o->labelsize(10); o->maximum(2048); o->step(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)y_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(215, 150, 60, 20, "Width:"); o->tooltip("The width of the widget."); o->labelsize(10); o->maximum(2048); o->step(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)w_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(275, 150, 60, 20, "Height:"); o->tooltip("The height of the widget."); o->labelsize(10); o->maximum(2048); o->step(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)h_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(95, 115, 300, 20, "Alignment:"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)propagate_load); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(95, 115, 40, 20, "clip"); o->tooltip("Clip the label to the inside of the widget."); o->type(1); o->labelsize(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_CLIP)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(135, 115, 40, 20, "wrap"); o->tooltip("Wrap the label text."); o->type(1); o->labelsize(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_WRAP)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(175, 115, 55, 20, "text\nimage"); o->tooltip("Show the label text over the image."); o->type(1); o->labelsize(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(295, 115, 20, 20, "@-1<-"); o->tooltip("Left-align the label."); o->type(1); o->labelcolor(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_LEFT)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(315, 115, 20, 20, "@-1->"); o->tooltip("Right-align the label."); o->type(1); o->labelcolor(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(335, 115, 20, 20, "@-18"); o->tooltip("Top-align the label."); o->type(1); o->labelcolor(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_TOP)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(355, 115, 20, 20, "@-12"); o->tooltip("Bottom-align the label."); o->type(1); o->labelcolor(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(375, 115, 20, 20, "@-3square"); o->tooltip("Show the label inside the widget."); o->type(1); o->labelcolor(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)align_cb, (void*)(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE)); } o->end(); } { Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(20, 150, 75, 20, "Position:"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); } { Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(20, 185, 75, 20, "Values:"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(95, 185, 60, 20, "Size:"); o->tooltip("The size of the slider."); o->labelsize(10); o->step(0.010101); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)slider_size_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(155, 185, 60, 20, "Minimum:"); o->tooltip("The minimum value of the widget."); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)min_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(215, 185, 60, 20, "Maximum:"); o->tooltip("The maximum value of the widget."); o->labelsize(10); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)max_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(275, 185, 60, 20, "Step:"); o->tooltip("The resolution of the widget value."); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)step_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(335, 185, 60, 20, "Value:"); o->tooltip("The current widget value."); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)value_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); } { Shortcut_Button* o = new Shortcut_Button(95, 210, 300, 20, "Shortcut:"); o->tooltip("The shortcut key for the widget."); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->color(7); o->selection_color(7); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)shortcut_in_cb); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(20, 235, 375, 45); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)propagate_load); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(210, 235, 60, 20, "Border"); o->tooltip("Add a border around the window."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)border_cb); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(270, 235, 55, 20, "Modal"); o->tooltip("Make the window modal."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)modal_cb); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(325, 235, 70, 20, "Nonmodal"); o->tooltip("Make the window non-modal."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(9); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)non_modal_cb); o->align(132|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); } { Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(20, 260, 75, 20, "Attributes:"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(95, 260, 70, 20, "Visible"); o->tooltip("Show the widget."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)visible_cb); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(165, 260, 70, 20, "Active"); o->tooltip("Activate the widget."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)active_cb); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(235, 260, 70, 20, "Resizable"); o->tooltip("Make the widget resizable."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)resizable_cb); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(305, 260, 70, 20, "Hotspot"); o->tooltip("Center the window under this widget."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)hotspot_cb); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } o->end(); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(95, 235, 115, 20, "X Class:"); o->tooltip("The X resource class."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)xclass_cb); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(95, 285, 300, 20, "Tooltip:"); o->tooltip("The tooltip text for the widget."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)tooltip_cb); } o->end(); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(10, 30, 395, 295, "Style"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)propagate_load); o->when(FL_WHEN_NEVER); o->hide(); { Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(100, 40, 155, 20, "Label Font:"); o->tooltip("The style of the label text."); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)labelfont_cb); o->menu(fontmenu); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(255, 40, 50, 20); o->tooltip("The size of the label text."); o->maximum(100); o->step(1); o->value(14); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)labelsize_cb); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(305, 40, 90, 20, "Label Color"); o->tooltip("The color of the label text."); o->labelsize(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)labelcolor_cb); } { Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(100, 65, 205, 20, "Box:"); o->tooltip("The \"up\" box of the widget."); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)box_cb); o->menu(boxmenu); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(305, 65, 90, 20, "Color"); o->tooltip("The background color of the widget."); o->labelsize(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)color_cb); } { Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(100, 90, 205, 20, "Down Box:"); o->tooltip("The \"down\" box of the widget."); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)down_box_cb); o->menu(boxmenu); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(305, 90, 90, 20, "Select Color"); o->tooltip("The selection color of the widget."); o->labelsize(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)color2_cb); } { Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(100, 115, 155, 20, "Text Font:"); o->tooltip("The value text style."); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)textfont_cb); o->menu(fontmenu); } { Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(255, 115, 50, 20); o->tooltip("The value text size."); o->maximum(100); o->step(1); o->value(14); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)textsize_cb); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(305, 115, 90, 20, "Text Color"); o->tooltip("The value text color."); o->labelsize(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)textcolor_cb); } o->end(); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(10, 30, 395, 295, "C++"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)propagate_load); o->when(FL_WHEN_NEVER); o->hide(); { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(100, 65, 230, 20, "Name:"); o->tooltip("The name of the widget."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)name_cb); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(330, 65, 65, 20, "public"); o->tooltip("Make the widget publicly accessible."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)name_public_cb); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(100, 40, 160, 20, "Class:"); o->tooltip("The widget subclass."); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)subclass_cb, (void*)(4)); } { Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(260, 40, 135, 20); o->tooltip("The widget subtype."); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)subtype_cb); } { Fl_Input* o = v_input[0] = new Fl_Input(100, 90, 295, 20, "Extra Code:"); o->tooltip("Extra initialization code for the widget."); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)v_input_cb, (void*)(0)); } { Fl_Input* o = v_input[1] = new Fl_Input(100, 110, 295, 20); o->tooltip("Extra initialization code for the widget."); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)v_input_cb, (void*)(1)); } { Fl_Input* o = v_input[2] = new Fl_Input(100, 130, 295, 20); o->tooltip("Extra initialization code for the widget."); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)v_input_cb, (void*)(2)); } { Fl_Input* o = v_input[3] = new Fl_Input(100, 150, 295, 20); o->tooltip("Extra initialization code for the widget."); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)v_input_cb, (void*)(3)); } { Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(20, 175, 75, 20, "Callback:"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(100, 175, 295, 90); o->tooltip("The callback function or code for the widget."); o->type(4); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)callback_cb); } { Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(95, 325, 100, 0, "label"); o->hide(); o->deactivate(); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(100, 270, 140, 20, "User Data:"); o->tooltip("The user data to pass into the callback code."); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)user_data_cb); } { Fl_Input* o = new Fl_Input(100, 295, 140, 20, "Type:"); o->tooltip("The type of the user data."); o->textfont(4); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)user_data_type_cb); } { Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(290, 270, 105, 20, "When:"); o->tooltip("When to call the callback function."); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)when_cb); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); o->menu(whenmenu); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(290, 295, 105, 20, "No Change"); o->tooltip("Call the callback even if the value has not changed."); o->selection_color(1); o->labelsize(10); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)when_button_cb); o->when(FL_WHEN_NEVER); } o->end(); } o->end(); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(10, 335, 395, 25); { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(50, 335, 100, 25, "No &Overlay"); o->tooltip("Hide the widget overlay box."); o->labelcolor(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)overlay_cb); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(155, 335, 80, 25, "Revert"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)revert_cb); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(325, 335, 80, 25, "Cancel"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cancel_cb); } { Fl_Return_Button* o = new Fl_Return_Button(240, 335, 80, 25, "OK"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)ok_cb); } o->end(); } o->end(); o->resizable(o); } return w; }