// // "$Id: Fl_Scroll.cxx,v 2004/04/10 00:37:03 easysw Exp $" // // Scroll widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2003 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // #include #include #include #include // Clear all but the scrollbars... void Fl_Scroll::clear() { for (int i=children() - 1; i >= 0; i --) { Fl_Widget* o = child(i); if (o != &hscrollbar && o != &scrollbar) { remove(o); delete o; } } } // Insure the scrollbars are the last children: void Fl_Scroll::fix_scrollbar_order() { Fl_Widget** a = (Fl_Widget**)array(); if (a[children()-1] != &scrollbar) { int i,j; for (i = j = 0; j < children(); j++) if (a[j] != &hscrollbar && a[j] != &scrollbar) a[i++] = a[j]; a[i++] = &hscrollbar; a[i++] = &scrollbar; } } void Fl_Scroll::draw_clip(void* v,int X, int Y, int W, int H) { fl_clip(X,Y,W,H); Fl_Scroll* s = (Fl_Scroll*)v; // erase background as needed... switch (s->box()) { case FL_NO_BOX : case FL_UP_FRAME : case FL_DOWN_FRAME : case FL_THIN_UP_FRAME : case FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME : case FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME : case FL_EMBOSSED_FRAME : case FL_BORDER_FRAME : case _FL_SHADOW_FRAME : case _FL_ROUNDED_FRAME : case _FL_OVAL_FRAME : case _FL_PLASTIC_UP_FRAME : case _FL_PLASTIC_DOWN_FRAME : if (s->parent() == (Fl_Group *)s->window() && Fl::scheme_bg_) { Fl::scheme_bg_->draw(X-(X%Fl::scheme_bg_->w()), Y-(Y%Fl::scheme_bg_->h()), W+Fl::scheme_bg_->w(), H+Fl::scheme_bg_->h()); break; } else if (s->box() == FL_NO_BOX) break; default : fl_color(s->color()); fl_rectf(X,Y,W,H); break; } Fl_Widget*const* a = s->array(); for (int i=s->children()-2; i--;) { Fl_Widget& o = **a++; s->draw_child(o); s->draw_outside_label(o); } fl_pop_clip(); } void Fl_Scroll::bbox(int& X, int& Y, int& W, int& H) { X = x()+Fl::box_dx(box()); Y = y()+Fl::box_dy(box()); W = w()-Fl::box_dw(box()); H = h()-Fl::box_dh(box()); if (scrollbar.visible()) { W -= scrollbar.w(); if (scrollbar.align() & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) X += scrollbar.w(); } if (hscrollbar.visible()) { H -= hscrollbar.h(); if (scrollbar.align() & FL_ALIGN_TOP) Y += hscrollbar.h(); } } void Fl_Scroll::draw() { fix_scrollbar_order(); int X,Y,W,H; bbox(X,Y,W,H); uchar d = damage(); if (d & FL_DAMAGE_ALL) { // full redraw draw_box(box(),x(),y(),w(),h(),color()); draw_clip(this, X, Y, W, H); } else { if (d & FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL) { // scroll the contents: fl_scroll(X, Y, W, H, oldx-xposition_, oldy-yposition_, draw_clip, this); } if (d & FL_DAMAGE_CHILD) { // draw damaged children fl_clip(X, Y, W, H); Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); for (int i=children()-2; i--;) update_child(**a++); fl_pop_clip(); } } // accumulate bounding box of children: int l = X; int r = X; int t = Y; int b = Y; Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); for (int i=children()-2; i--;) { Fl_Object* o = *a++; if (o->x() < l) l = o->x(); if (o->y() < t) t = o->y(); if (o->x()+o->w() > r) r = o->x()+o->w(); if (o->y()+o->h() > b) b = o->y()+o->h(); } // turn the scrollbars on and off as necessary: // See if children would fit if we had no scrollbars... X = x()+Fl::box_dx(box()); Y = y()+Fl::box_dy(box()); W = w()-Fl::box_dw(box()); H = h()-Fl::box_dh(box()); int vneeded = 0; int hneeded = 0; if (type() & VERTICAL) { if ((type() & ALWAYS_ON) || t < Y || b > Y+H) { vneeded = 1; W -= scrollbar.w(); if (scrollbar.align() & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) X += scrollbar.w(); } } if (type() & HORIZONTAL) { if ((type() & ALWAYS_ON) || l < X || r > X+W) { hneeded = 1; H -= hscrollbar.h(); if (scrollbar.align() & FL_ALIGN_TOP) Y += hscrollbar.h(); // recheck vertical since we added a horizontal scrollbar if (!vneeded && (type() & VERTICAL)) { if ((type() & ALWAYS_ON) || t < Y || b > Y+H) { vneeded = 1; W -= scrollbar.w(); if (scrollbar.align() & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) X += scrollbar.w(); } } } } // Now that we know what's needed, make it so. if (vneeded && !scrollbar.visible()) { scrollbar.set_visible(); d = FL_DAMAGE_ALL; } else if (!vneeded && scrollbar.visible()) { scrollbar.clear_visible(); draw_clip(this, scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_LEFT ? X : X+W-scrollbar.w(), Y, scrollbar.w(), H); d = FL_DAMAGE_ALL; } if (hneeded && !hscrollbar.visible()) { hscrollbar.set_visible(); d = FL_DAMAGE_ALL; } else if (!hneeded && hscrollbar.visible()) { hscrollbar.clear_visible(); draw_clip(this, X, scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_TOP ? Y : Y+H-hscrollbar.h(), W, hscrollbar.h()); d = FL_DAMAGE_ALL; } scrollbar.resize(scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_LEFT ? X-scrollbar.w() : X+W, Y, scrollbar.w(), H); scrollbar.value(oldy = yposition_ = (Y-t), H, 0, b-t); hscrollbar.resize(X, scrollbar.align()&FL_ALIGN_TOP ? Y-hscrollbar.h() : Y+H, W, hscrollbar.h()); hscrollbar.value(oldx = xposition_ = (X-l), W, 0, r-l); // draw the scrollbars: if (d & FL_DAMAGE_ALL) { draw_child(scrollbar); draw_child(hscrollbar); if (scrollbar.visible() && hscrollbar.visible()) { // fill in the little box in the corner fl_color(color()); fl_rectf(scrollbar.x(), hscrollbar.y(), scrollbar.w(), hscrollbar.h()); } } else { update_child(scrollbar); update_child(hscrollbar); } } void Fl_Scroll::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { fix_scrollbar_order(); // move all the children: Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); for (int i=children()-2; i--;) { Fl_Object* o = *a++; o->position(o->x()+X-x(), o->y()+Y-y()); } Fl_Widget::resize(X,Y,W,H); } void Fl_Scroll::position(int X, int Y) { int dx = xposition_-X; int dy = yposition_-Y; if (!dx && !dy) return; xposition_ = X; yposition_ = Y; Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); for (int i=children(); i--;) { Fl_Widget* o = *a++; if (o == &hscrollbar || o == &scrollbar) continue; o->position(o->x()+dx, o->y()+dy); } damage(FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL); } void Fl_Scroll::hscrollbar_cb(Fl_Widget* o, void*) { Fl_Scroll* s = (Fl_Scroll*)(o->parent()); s->position(int(((Fl_Scrollbar*)o)->value()), s->yposition()); } void Fl_Scroll::scrollbar_cb(Fl_Widget* o, void*) { Fl_Scroll* s = (Fl_Scroll*)(o->parent()); s->position(s->xposition(), int(((Fl_Scrollbar*)o)->value())); } #define SLIDER_WIDTH 16 Fl_Scroll::Fl_Scroll(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char* L) : Fl_Group(X,Y,W,H,L), scrollbar(X+W-SLIDER_WIDTH,Y,SLIDER_WIDTH,H-SLIDER_WIDTH), hscrollbar(X,Y+H-SLIDER_WIDTH,W-SLIDER_WIDTH,SLIDER_WIDTH) { type(BOTH); xposition_ = 0; yposition_ = 0; hscrollbar.type(FL_HORIZONTAL); hscrollbar.callback(hscrollbar_cb); scrollbar.callback(scrollbar_cb); } int Fl_Scroll::handle(int event) { fix_scrollbar_order(); return Fl_Group::handle(event); } // // End of "$Id: Fl_Scroll.cxx,v 2004/04/10 00:37:03 easysw Exp $". //