// // "$Id" // // Menubar test program for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@easysw.com". // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void test_cb(Fl_Widget* w, void*) { Fl_Menu_* mw = (Fl_Menu_*)w; const Fl_Menu_Item* m = mw->mvalue(); if (!m) printf("NULL\n"); else if (m->shortcut()) printf("%s - %s\n", m->label(), fl_shortcut_label(m->shortcut())); else printf("%s\n", m->label()); } void quit_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {exit(0);} Fl_Menu_Item hugemenu[100]; Fl_Menu_Item menutable[] = { {"foo",0,0,0,FL_MENU_INACTIVE}, {"&File",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {"&Open", FL_ALT+'o', 0, 0, FL_MENU_INACTIVE}, {"&Close", 0, 0}, {"&Quit", FL_ALT+'q', quit_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"shortcut",'a'}, {"shortcut",FL_SHIFT+'a'}, {"shortcut",FL_CTRL+'a'}, {"shortcut",FL_CTRL+FL_SHIFT+'a'}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+'a'}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+FL_SHIFT+'a'}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+FL_CTRL+'a'}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+FL_SHIFT+FL_CTRL+'a', 0,0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"shortcut",'\r'/*FL_Enter*/}, {"shortcut",FL_CTRL+FL_Enter, 0,0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"shortcut",FL_F+1}, {"shortcut",FL_SHIFT+FL_F+1}, {"shortcut",FL_CTRL+FL_F+1}, {"shortcut",FL_SHIFT+FL_CTRL+FL_F+1}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+FL_F+1}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+FL_SHIFT+FL_F+1}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+FL_CTRL+FL_F+1}, {"shortcut",FL_ALT+FL_SHIFT+FL_CTRL+FL_F+1, 0,0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"&Submenus", FL_ALT+'S', 0, (void*)"Submenu1", FL_SUBMENU}, {"A very long menu item"}, {"&submenu",FL_CTRL+'S', 0, (void*)"submenu2", FL_SUBMENU}, {"item 1"}, {"item 2"}, {"item 3"}, {"item 4"}, {0}, {"after submenu"}, {0}, {0}, {"&Edit",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {"Undo", FL_ALT+'z', 0}, {"Redo", FL_ALT+'r', 0, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"Cut", FL_ALT+'x', 0}, {"Copy", FL_ALT+'c', 0}, {"Paste", FL_ALT+'v', 0}, {"Inactive",FL_ALT+'d', 0, 0, FL_MENU_INACTIVE}, {"Clear", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"Invisible",FL_ALT+'e', 0, 0, FL_MENU_INVISIBLE}, {"Preferences",0, 0}, {"Size", 0, 0}, {0}, {"&Checkbox",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {"&Alpha", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"&Beta", 0, 0, (void *)2, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"&Gamma", 0, 0, (void *)3, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"&Delta", 0, 0, (void *)4, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE}, {"&Epsilon",0, 0, (void *)5, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"&Pi", 0, 0, (void *)6, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"&Mu", 0, 0, (void *)7, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"Red", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_TOGGLE, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {"Black", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"00", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"000", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {0}, {"&Radio",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {"&Alpha", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {"&Beta", 0, 0, (void *)2, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {"&Gamma", 0, 0, (void *)3, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {"&Delta", 0, 0, (void *)4, FL_MENU_RADIO|FL_MENU_VALUE}, {"&Epsilon",0, 0, (void *)5, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {"&Pi", 0, 0, (void *)6, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {"&Mu", 0, 0, (void *)7, FL_MENU_RADIO|FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"Red", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {"Black", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_RADIO|FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"00", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {"000", 0, 0, (void *)1, FL_MENU_RADIO}, {0}, {"&Font",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU /*, 0, FL_BOLD, 20*/}, {"Normal", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14}, {"Bold", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_BOLD, 14}, {"Italic", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_ITALIC, 14}, {"BoldItalic",0,0,0, 0, 0, FL_BOLD+FL_ITALIC, 14}, {"Small", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_BOLD+FL_ITALIC, 10}, {"Emboss", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_EMBOSSED_LABEL}, {"Engrave", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL}, {"Shadow", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_SHADOW_LABEL}, {"@->", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_SYMBOL_LABEL}, {0}, {"E&mpty",0,0,0,FL_SUBMENU}, {0}, {"&Inactive", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_INACTIVE|FL_SUBMENU}, {"A very long menu item"}, {"A very long menu item"}, {0}, {"Invisible",0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_INVISIBLE|FL_SUBMENU}, {"A very long menu item"}, {"A very long menu item"}, {0}, {"&Huge", 0, 0, (void*)hugemenu, FL_SUBMENU_POINTER}, {"button",0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {0} }; Fl_Menu_Item pulldown[] = { {"Red", FL_ALT+'r'}, {"Green", FL_ALT+'g'}, {"Blue", FL_ALT+'b'}, {"Strange", FL_ALT+'s'}, {"&Charm", FL_ALT+'c'}, {"Truth", FL_ALT+'t'}, {"Beauty", FL_ALT+'b'}, {0} }; #define WIDTH 600 Fl_Menu_* menus[4]; // turn MicroSoft style on/off void button_cb(Fl_Widget* w, void*) { if (((Fl_Button*)w)->value()) { Fl::set_color(FL_SELECTION_COLOR, 0, 36, 127); Fl_Menu_::default_font(FL_HELVETICA); } else { Fl::set_color(FL_SELECTION_COLOR, 170, 170, 170); Fl_Menu_::default_font(FL_HELVETICA_BOLD_ITALIC); } menus[0]->parent()->redraw(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { for (int i=0; i<99; i++) { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf,"item %d",i); hugemenu[i].text = strdup(buf); } Fl_Window window(WIDTH,400); Fl_Menu_Bar menubar(0,0,WIDTH,30); menubar.menu(menutable); menubar.callback(test_cb); menus[0] = &menubar; Fl_Menu_Button mb1(100,100,120,25,"&menubutton"); mb1.menu(pulldown); mb1.callback(test_cb); menus[1] = &mb1; Fl_Choice ch(300,100,80,25,"&choice:"); ch.menu(pulldown); ch.callback(test_cb); menus[2] = &ch; Fl_Menu_Button mb(0,0,WIDTH,400,"&popup"); mb.type(Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3); mb.menu(menutable); mb.callback(test_cb); menus[3] = &mb; Fl_Box b(200,200,200,100,"Press right button\nfor a pop-up menu"); Fl_Toggle_Button t(250,50,150,25,"MicroSoft Style"); t.callback(button_cb); window.resizable(&mb); window.end(); window.show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); } // // End of "$Id: menubar.cxx,v 1.2 1998/10/20 13:25:14 mike Exp $". //