// // "$Id: Fl_Input_.H,v 2003/06/15 04:47:28 easysw Exp $" // // Input base class header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2003 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // #ifndef Fl_Input__H #define Fl_Input__H #ifndef Fl_Widget_H #include "Fl_Widget.H" #endif #define FL_NORMAL_INPUT 0 #define FL_FLOAT_INPUT 1 #define FL_INT_INPUT 2 #define FL_HIDDEN_INPUT 3 #define FL_MULTILINE_INPUT 4 #define FL_SECRET_INPUT 5 #define FL_INPUT_TYPE 7 #define FL_INPUT_READONLY 8 #define FL_NORMAL_OUTPUT (FL_NORMAL_INPUT | FL_INPUT_READONLY) #define FL_MULTILINE_OUTPUT (FL_MULTILINE_INPUT | FL_INPUT_READONLY) #define FL_INPUT_WRAP 16 #define FL_MULTILINE_INPUT_WRAP (FL_MULTILINE_INPUT | FL_INPUT_WRAP) #define FL_MULTILINE_OUTPUT_WRAP (FL_MULTILINE_INPUT | FL_INPUT_READONLY | FL_INPUT_WRAP) class FL_EXPORT Fl_Input_ : public Fl_Widget { const char* value_; char* buffer; int size_; int bufsize; int position_; int mark_; int xscroll_, yscroll_; int mu_p; int maximum_size_; uchar erase_cursor_only; uchar textfont_; uchar textsize_; unsigned textcolor_; unsigned cursor_color_; const char* expand(const char*, char*) const; double expandpos(const char*, const char*, const char*, int*) const; void minimal_update(int, int); void minimal_update(int p); void put_in_buffer(int newsize); void setfont() const; protected: int word_start(int i) const; int word_end(int i) const; int line_start(int i) const; int line_end(int i) const; void drawtext(int, int, int, int); int up_down_position(int, int keepmark=0); void handle_mouse(int, int, int, int, int keepmark=0); int handletext(int e, int, int, int, int); void maybe_do_callback(); int xscroll() const {return xscroll_;} int yscroll() const {return yscroll_;} public: void resize(int, int, int, int); Fl_Input_(int, int, int, int, const char* = 0); ~Fl_Input_(); int value(const char*); int value(const char*, int); int static_value(const char*); int static_value(const char*, int); const char* value() const {return value_;} char index(int i) const {return value_[i];} int size() const {return size_;} void size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); } int maximum_size() const {return maximum_size_;} void maximum_size(int m) {maximum_size_ = m;} int position() const {return position_;} int mark() const {return mark_;} int position(int p, int m); int position(int p) {return position(p, p);} int mark(int m) {return position(position(), m);} int replace(int, int, const char*, int=0); int cut() {return replace(position(), mark(), 0);} int cut(int n) {return replace(position(), position()+n, 0);} int cut(int a, int b) {return replace(a, b, 0);} int insert(const char* t, int l=0){return replace(position_, mark_, t, l);} int copy(int clipboard); int undo(); int copy_cuts(); Fl_Font textfont() const {return (Fl_Font)textfont_;} void textfont(uchar s) {textfont_ = s;} uchar textsize() const {return textsize_;} void textsize(uchar s) {textsize_ = s;} Fl_Color textcolor() const {return (Fl_Color)textcolor_;} void textcolor(unsigned n) {textcolor_ = n;} Fl_Color cursor_color() const {return (Fl_Color)cursor_color_;} void cursor_color(unsigned n) {cursor_color_ = n;} int input_type() const {return type() & FL_INPUT_TYPE; } void input_type(int t) { type((uchar)(t | readonly())); } int readonly() const { return type() & FL_INPUT_READONLY; } void readonly(int b) { if (b) type((uchar)(type() | FL_INPUT_READONLY)); else type((uchar)(type() & ~FL_INPUT_READONLY)); } int wrap() const { return type() & FL_INPUT_WRAP; } void wrap(int b) { if (b) type((uchar)(type() | FL_INPUT_WRAP)); else type((uchar)(type() & ~FL_INPUT_WRAP)); } }; #endif // // End of "$Id: Fl_Input_.H,v 2003/06/15 04:47:28 easysw Exp $". //