@echo off echo FLTK library installation for Metrowerks' CodeWarrior echo . :: --- copy FLTK header files into Win32 support directory if exist "%CWFOLDER%" goto copyHeaders echo ERROR: Can't copy headers files echo Codewarrior header files folder not found goto skipHeaderCopy :copyHeaders echo Copying header files... xcopy /Y /C /E /I /Q ..\..\FL "%CWFOLDER%\Win32-x86 FLTK\Headers\FL" :skipHeaderCopy :: --- copy FLTK libraries into Win32 support directory if exist "%CWFOLDER%" goto copyLibs echo ERROR: Can't copy libraries echo Codewarrior libraries folder not found goto skipLibsCopy :copyLibs echo Copying libraries... xcopy /Y /C /E /I /Q ..\..\lib "%CWFOLDER%\Win32-x86 FLTK\Libraries" :skipLibsCopy :: --- copy FLTK dll into test directory to make 'editor' test work echo Copying dll to 'test'... xcopy /Y /Q ..\..\lib\fltkdll.dll ..\..\test :: --- copy FLTK stationary into stationary directory if exist "%CWFOLDER%\Stationery\Win32 C++" goto copyStat echo ERROR: Can't copy stationary echo Codewarrior stationary folder not found goto skipStatCopy :copyStat echo Copying FLTK stationary... xcopy /Y /C /E /I /Q "stationary" "%CWFOLDER%\Stationery\Win32 C++\WIN32 FLTK GUI App" :skipStatCopy echo . pause