<HTML><BODY> <!-- NEW PAGE --> <H2><A name=Fl_Valuator>class Fl_Valuator</A></H2> <HR> <H3>Class Hierarchy</H3> <UL> <PRE> <A href=Fl_Widget.html#Fl_Widget>Fl_Widget</A> | +----<B>Fl_Valuator</B> | +----<A href=Fl_Adjuster.html#Fl_Adjuster>Fl_Adjuster</A>, <A href=Fl_Counter.html#Fl_Counter>Fl_Counter</A>, <A href=Fl_Dial.html#Fl_Dial>Fl_Dial</A>, <A href=Fl_Roller.html#Fl_Roller>Fl_Roller</A>, <A href=Fl_Slider.html#Fl_Slider>Fl_Slider</A>, <A href=Fl_Value_Input.html#Fl_Value_Input>Fl_Value_Input</A>, <A href=Fl_Value_Output.html#Fl_Value_Output>Fl_Value_Output</A>, </PRE> </UL> <H3>Include Files</H3> <UL> <PRE> #include <FL/Fl_Valuator.H> </PRE> </UL> <H3>Description</H3> The <TT>Fl_Valuator</TT> class controls a single floating-point value and provides a consistent interface to set the value, range, and step, and insures that callbacks are done the same for every object. <P>There are probably more of these classes in FLTK than any others: </P> <P ALIGN=CENTER><IMG src="valuators.gif" ALT="Fl_Valuator widgets."></P> <P>In the above diagram each box surrounds an actual subclass. These are further differentiated by setting the <A href=Fl_Widget.html#Fl_Widget.type><TT> type()</TT></A> of the widget to the symbolic value labeling the widget. The ones labelled "0" are the default versions with a <TT> type(0)</TT>. For consistency the symbol <TT>FL_VERTICAL</TT> is defined as zero.</P> <H3>Methods</H3> <CENTER> <TABLE width=90% summary="Fl_Valuator methods."> <TR><TD align=left valign=top> <UL> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.Fl_Valuator">Fl_Valuator</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.~Fl_Valuator">~Fl_Valuator</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.bounds">bounds</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.changed">changed</A></LI> </UL> </TD><TD align=left valign=top> <UL> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.clamp">clamp</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.clear_changed">clear_changed</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.format">format</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.increment">increment</A></LI> </UL> </TD><TD align=left valign=top> <UL> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.maximum">maximum</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.minimum">minimum</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.precision">precision</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.range">range</A></LI> </UL> </TD><TD align=left valign=top> <UL> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.round">round</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.set_changed">set_changed</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.step">step</A></LI> <LI><A href="#Fl_Valuator.value">value</A></LI> </UL> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.Fl_Valuator>Fl_Valuator::Fl_Valuator(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label = 0)</A></H4> <P>Creates a new <TT>Fl_Valuator</TT> widget using the given position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is <TT>FL_NO_BOX</TT>. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.~Fl_Valuator>virtual Fl_Valuator::~Fl_Valuator()</A></H4> <P>Destroys the valuator. <H4><A NAME="Fl_Valuator.bounds">void Fl_Valuator::bounds(double a, double b);</A></H4> <P>Sets the minimum (<TT>a</TT>) and maximum (<TT>b</TT>) values for the valuator widget. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.changed>int Fl_Valuator::changed() const</A></H4> <P>This value is true if the user has moved the slider. It is turned off by <TT>value(x)</TT> and just before doing a callback (the callback can turn it back on if desired). <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.clamp>double Fl_Valuator::clamp(double)</A></H4> <P>Clamps the passed value to the valuator range. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.clear_changed>void Fl_Valuator::clear_changed()</A></H4> <P>Clears the <TT>changed()</TT> flag. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.format>int Fl_Valuator::format(char *)</A></H4> <P>Format the passed value to show enough digits so that for the current step value. If the step has been set to zero then it does a <TT>%g</TT> format. The characters are written into the passed buffer. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.increment>double Fl_Valuator::increment(double,int n)</A></H4> <P>Adds <TT>n</TT> times the step value to the passed value. If step was set to zero it uses <TT>fabs(maximum() - minimum()) / 100</TT>. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.maximum>double Fl_Valuator::maximum() const <BR>void Fl_Valuator::maximum(double)</A></H4> <P>Gets or sets the maximum value for the valuator. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.minimum>double Fl_Valuator::minimum() const <BR>void Fl_Valuator::minimum(double)</A></H4> <P>Gets or sets the minimum value for the valuator. <H4><A NAME="Fl_Valuator.precision">void Fl_Valuator::precision(int digits);</A></H4> <P>Sets the step value to 1/10<SUP>digits. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.range>void Fl_Valuator::range(double min, double max);</A></H4> <P>Sets the minimum and maximum values for the valuator. When the user manipulates the widget, the value is limited to this range. This clamping is done <I>after</I> rounding to the step value (this makes a difference if the range is not a multiple of the step). <P>The minimum may be greater than the maximum. This has the effect of "reversing" the object so the larger values are in the opposite direction. This also switches which end of the filled sliders is filled.</P> <P>Some widgets consider this a "soft" range. This means they will stop at the range, but if the user releases and grabs the control again and tries to move it further, it is allowed.</P> <P>The range may affect the display. You must <TT>redraw()</TT> the widget after changing the range.</P> <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.round>double Fl_Valuator::round(double)</A></H4> <P>Round the passed value to the nearest step increment. Does nothing if step is zero. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.set_changed>void Fl_Valuator::set_changed()</A></H4> <P>Sets the <TT>changed()</TT> flag. <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.step>double Fl_Valuator::step() const <BR>void Fl_Valuator::step(double) <BR>void Fl_Valuator::step(int A, int B)</A></H4> <P>Gets or sets the step value. As the user moves the mouse the value is rounded to the nearest multiple of the step value. This is done <I>before</I> clamping it to the range. For most widgets the default step is zero. <P>For precision the step is stored as the ratio of two integers, A/B. You can set these integers directly. Currently setting a floating point value sets the nearest A/1 or 1/B value possible.</P> <H4><A name=Fl_Valuator.value>double Fl_Valuator::value() const <BR> int Fl_Valuator::value(double)</A></H4> <P>Gets or sets the current value. The new value is <I>not</I> clamped or otherwise changed before storing it. Use <TT>clamp()</TT> or <TT>round()</TT> to modify the value before calling <TT>value()</TT>. The widget is redrawn if the new value is different than the current one. The initial value is zero. </BODY> </HTML>