CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b8 - Removed the Fl_Mutex and Fl_Signal_Mutex classes from the threads example, since they weren't being used and apparently are not very portable. - Fl_Help_View now ignores links when the link callback returns NULL, and displays a sensible error message when an unhandled URI scheme is used (e.g. http:, ftp:) - Fl_File_Icon::load_system_icons() no longer complains about missing icon files, just files that exist but can't be loaded. - FLUID didn't list the plastic box and frame types. - Now hide the tooltip window whenever a window is hidden. Otherwise a tooltip window could keep an application running. - Updated FLUID to only append a trailing semicolon to code lines in a callback (so "#include" and friends will work...) - The Fl_Color_Chooser widget now supports keyboard navigation. - Fixed button and valuator widgets to call Fl::focus() instead of take_focus(). - Tweeked the radio button drawing code for better circles with different boxtypes. - The Fl_File_Chooser widget did not provide a shown() method, and fl_file_chooser() and fl_dir_chooser() did not wait on shown(); this would cause them to return prematurely if you switched desktops/workspaces. - Cosmetic changes to plastic boxtypes. Now look much better for large areas and the buttons now have a much greater "3D" feeling to them. - Added new Fl::draw_box_active() method so that boxtypes can find out if the widget they are drawing for is active or not. - Fl_Button and its subclasses did not redraw the parent when the boxtype was FL_NO_BOX and they lost keyboard focus (the parent redraw clears the focus box.) - Fixed the example program makefile - wasn't building the mandelbrot and shiny demos right. - Fl::set_font(Fl_Font, Fl_Font) was not implemented. - Fixed the documentation Makefile commands; was not using the file for some reason... CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b7 - More documentation updates... - Mac OS X support works 95% - The Fl_Window::hotspot() off-screen avoidance code was commented out. - Mac OS X uses mostly Carbon event handling to support Mousewheel, three buttons, all modifier keys, etc. - Updated paragraph 4 of the FLTK license exceptions; there was some question about the requirement to show that a program uses FLTK, which is required by section 6 of the LGPL. The new exemption specifies that inclusion of the FLTK license is not required, just a statement that the program uses FLTK. - Fl_Button::handle() was calling take_focus() for both FL_PUSH and FL_DRAG. - File and memory fixes for Fl_GIF_Image, Fl_PNG_Image, Fl_PNM_Image, Fl_Shared_Image, Fl_Tiled_Image, and Fl_XBM_Image. - filename_match() didn't handle backslashes properly under WIN32, and didn't use a case-insensitive comparison under MacOS X. - The Fl class was missing access methods for the FL_MOUSEWHEEL event values - Fl::event_dx() and Fl::event_dy(). - The default help string didn't include the -nokbd option. - "make uninstall" didn't uninstall the static OpenGL widget library. - Mac cursor shapes added... - Fl_Text_Display would lockup when all text was deleted; for example, when running the editor demo, you couldn't load a second file. - Added Fl::lock() and friends from FLTK 2.0 to support multi-threaded applications; see the "threads" demo for an example of this. - Fl_Check_Button and Fl_Round_Button now use the FL_NO_BOX box type to show the background of the parent widget. - Tweeked the plastic boxtype code to draw with the right shading for narrow, but horizontal buttons. - Fl_Progress now shades the bounding box instead of drawing a polygon inside it. - Fl::warning() under WIN32 defaults to no action. This avoids warning dialogs when an image file cannot be loaded. - Some Win32 drivers would draw into wrong buffers after OpenGL mode change - The file chooser would cause a segfault if you clicked in an empty area of the file list. - Fl_File_Icon::labeltype() would cause a segfault if the value pointer was NULL. - Fl_File_Icon::load_image() could cause segfaults (NULL data and incrementing the data pointer too often.) - Fl_File_Icon::load_image() now handles 2-byte per color XPM files. - Some Win32 drivers would draw into wrong buffers after OpenGL mode change. - Message handling and Resources for MacOS port. - Fl_Help_View could get in an infinitely loop when determining the maximum width of the page; this was due to a bug in the get_length() method with percentages (100% width would cause the bug.) - Don't need -lgdi32 for CygWin, since -mwindows does this for us. - The WIN32 event handler did not properly handle WM_SYNCPAINT messages. - Fl_Tabs now uses the boxtype exclusively to draw both the tabs and surrounding box, so alternate box types actually work and the look is a little nicer. - Fixed the drawing of large areas with the new plastic boxtypes. - Updated the Visual C++ demo projects to use fluid to generate the GUI files as needed. - The demo program didn't load the right menu file when compiled for debugging under WIN32. - Added plastic box types to forms demo. - Added mousewheel to keyboard demo. - The Fl_Text_Editor widget caused an infinite loop when it received keyboard focus. - filename_isdir() didn't properly handle drive letters properly; WIN32 needs a trailing slash for drive letters by themselves, but cannot have a trailing slash for directory names, go figure... - The Fl_Text_Buffer and Fl_Text_Display classes did not initialize all of their members. - fl_normal_label() had a totally redundant set of if/else tests, which the new code handles all from fl_draw(). - The Fl_File_Chooser dialog contained two hotspots. - The fl_draw_pixmap() function didn't free the 2-byte color lookup table properly (delete instead of delete[]). - fl_draw() reset the text color under WIN32, causing bitmaps to draw incorrectly. - Fl::get_font_sizes() is now implemented under WIN32. - Fl_Text_Display now uses the same default colors for selection and text as Fl_Input_ and friends. - Changed the default line scrolling in Fl_Text_Display to 3 lines for the mouse wheel and scrollbar arrows. CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b6 - Documentation updates... - The configure script now works within the CygWin environment. - Tooltips are now enabled by default, but are not re-enabled when calling the Fl_Widget::tooltip() method. - Added new Fl::version() method to get the current FLTK library version (for shared libraries/DLLs) - Added new Fl::event() method to get the current event that is being processed. - Added new fl_beep() function to do audible notifications of various types. - Added new Fl_GIF_Image, Fl_JPEG_Image, Fl_PNG_Image, Fl_PNM_Image, Fl_XBM_Image, and Fl_XPM_Image classes. - Added new Fl_Shared_Image class, a la FLTK 2.0. - Added new Fl_Tiled_Image class for tiled backgrounds. - Added new copy(), desaturate(), inactive(), and color_average() methods to the Fl_Image classes. - Added a horizontal scrollbar to the Fl_Help_View widget. - Added new FL_PLASTIC_{UP/DOWN}_{BOX/FRAME} boxtypes for a more "modern" look (sort of a cross between KDE 2.2 and Aqua.) - Fl_Float_Input and Fl_Int_Input no longer accept pasted text that is not a floating point or integer value. Pasted numbers now replace text in these widgets. - Implemented the Fl_File_Icon::load_png() method. - The Fl_File_Icon::load_system_icons() method now supports KDE 2.x icons. - Fixed PNG support in Fl_Help_View. - Removed the "Microsoft" mode button from the menubar demo. - The browser demo now makes sure that the input field contains a number. - The Fl_Browser::make_visible() method now range checks the input. - Updated the fl_draw() and fl_measure() methods to accept an optional draw_symbols argument, which controls whether symbols are drawn in the text. - Added new Fl::visible_focus() methods to control whether the focus box is drawn. - The focus box is now drawn using the contrast color. - Fl_Repeat_Button didn't accept keyboard focus. - Added new Fl::visible_focus() method and standard "-kbd" and "-nokbd" options in Fl::args() processing to control whether keyboard focus is shown and handled by non-text widgets. - The wrong tooltip could be shown if the user moved the mouse over adjacent widgets with tooltips. - The drop-down button on Fl_Choice widgets was not limited in width. - Tooltips could appear off the screen. - Mouse wheel events are now sent to the focus widget first, then to any other interested widget. - The Fl_RGB_Image class now supports images with an alpha channel. Images are currently drawn using "screen door" transparency... See the "image" demo for an example. - Added new fl_create_bitmask() and fl_delete_bitmask() functions that create bitmap objects for masking and bitmap drawing. - Was sending FL_RELEASE events for buttons 4 and 5 under X11, which are only for FL_MOUSEWHEEL. - Fl_Help_View now supports the EM and STRONG elements. - Didn't do callbacks when changing tabs via keyboard. - FLUID didn't write tooltip strings to the message catalog file. - Fl_File_Icon now uses Fl_Shared_Image to load icon images; the load_png() and load_xpm() methods have been replaced by a single load_image() method. - Fl_File_Icon::load_system_icons() now does a better job of finding KDE icons. - Now use Fl::warning() and Fl::error() in place of printf's in some of the newer widgets. - The default behavior of Fl::error() is now to display an error but not to exit; Fl::fatal() still exits. - FLUID now uses the Fl_Shared_Image class, so FLUID- generated GUIs can embed any of the supported image file formats. - New filename_relative() function to convert an absolute filename to a relative one. - Updated the filename_absolute(), filename_expand(), and filename_setext() functions to take the destination string size, with inline functions for the old FL_PATH_MAX size. - fl_file_chooser() and fl_dir_chooser() now return a relative path. - Fl_Help_View now supports all ampersand escapes. CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b5 **** NOTE: DUE TO CHANGES IN THE WIDGET CLASSES, **** **** YOU MUST RECOMPILE ALL SOURCE FILES **** **** THAT USE FLTK!!! **** - All FLTK color values are now 32-bits and support both the legacy 8-bit color values as well as 24-bit RGB values (0xRRGGBB00 for 24-bit RGB, 0x000000II for indexed color). - Fl::set_boxtype() and fl_internal_boxtype() now keep track of when a boxtype is changed; this allows you to override the "special" boxtypes without references to those boxtypes causing them to be reset. - Fl_Help_Func now takes a Fl_Widget pointer as well as a pathname. - Added code to support FL_KEYUP events. - Focus did not return to the Fl_Text_Display and Editor widgets when scrolling and then clicking inside the editor window. - Now set the line size of the vertical scrollbar in the text editor to 1. - The symbols demo didn't show the strings needed to show the corresponding symbol (the label string was not quoted...) - FLTK should now compile with Cygwin cleanly. - Shortcut changes were not being saved by FLUID. - FLUID didn't write the deimage() static data. CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b4 **** NOTE: DUE TO CHANGES IN THE FL_WIDGET CLASS, **** **** YOU MUST RECOMPILE ALL SOURCE FILES **** **** THAT USE FLTK!!! **** - Updated the flags_ member of Fl_Widget to be an integer instead of uchar, to support the new FL_OVERRIDE flag for Fl_Window. - The parent() method of Fl_Widget now uses pointers to Fl_Group instead of Fl_Widget. - Fl_Window now provides the FLTK 2.0 "override()" and "set_override()" methods for windows. - Added a configure check (and warning) for GCC 3.0.x. - Updated the configure script to check for the png_set_tRNS_to_alpha() function. - Updated the config.h files for all platforms for the image and FLTK documentation defines. - Updated the makeinclude files for all platforms to match the current file. - FLUID would crash if you cleared an image for a widget. - Fl_Help_View::add_image() did not initialize the image member of the base (unscaled) image. - Fl_Help_View didn't support A elements with both a NAME and HREF attribute - the HREF was ignored. - Miscellaneous compile warning fixes. - Tooltips were being reset by Fl::belowmouse(), which caused problems with the FLUID main window (flashing tooltip windows and serious problems with KDE 2.2) - The editor demo had the save and discard button actions reversed. - The Fl_Help_View widget now uses png_destroy_read_struct() if the older png_read_destroy() function is not available. - The WIN32 DLL library now includes the OpenGL widgets. This is a simpler solution for the export/import dillemma under WIN32, as OpenGL and non-OpenGL symbols need to be exported at different times with the separate library scheme. Since OpenGL is standard under Windows, this is less of a problem than under UNIX... CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b3 - The top-level makefile did not include the makeinclude file, causing the fltk-config installation commands to fail. - The fl_file_chooser.cxx source file conflicted with Fl_File_Chooser.cxx under Windows. Similarly, the fl_file_chooser.H header file conflicts with the Fl_File_Chooser.H header file. - Now save and restore the GDI pen object when responding to WIN32 paint messages. - Documentation updates from A. Suatoni. CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b2 - New fltk-config script. - Fixed image/text label handling; in b1 the label needed a non-blank text string to display the image. This bug also caused all sorts of crashes and display problems. - Added new filetype() method to Fl_FileBrowser to allow for file or directory browsing. - Fixed the drawing of the focus box around Fl_Return_Button. - Fixed menu item measurement bug (wasn't initializing image pointers to 0...) - Radio and checkbox menu items now draw with the new style (round radio buttons with dots and square check buttons with check marks.) - Improved the appearance of Fl_Check_Button. - Improved the Fl_HelpView table formatting code; now dynamically sizes the table columns, and supports COLSPAN. - The FLUID keyboard shortcuts now work as expected (CTRL-C copies, SHIFT-CTRL-C writes code, etc.) - The FLTK_DOCDIR environment variable can now be used to tell FLUID where to find the on-line documentation files. - FLUID now supports image labels in addition to text labels + text over image alignment. - FLUID now supports tooltips. - The widget panel in FLUID is now tabbed, a la FLTK 2.0. - The FLUID pixmap destructor tried to free 1 too many lines of image data. - FLUID now provides on-line help. - Changed Fl_FileXYZ to Fl_File_XYZ. - Changed Fl_HelpXYZ to Fl_Help_XYZ. - Tooltip fixes for Fl_Browser_, Fl_Choice, and Fl_Input_. - Added tooltips to FLUID, help dialog, and file chooser. - Now load system icons in FLUID. CHANGES IN FLTK 1.1.0b1 - Added new image() and deimage() methods to support image + text labels more easily. - Added new alignment bit FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE. - Added tooltip support using Jacques Tremblay's tooltip patch. - Added keyboard navigation to all widgets. - Added support for mouse wheels using the new FL_MOUSEWHEEL event type. Get the mouse wheel movement values from Fl::e_dx (horizontal) and Fl::e_dy (vertical). - Added the Fl_Check_Browser, Fl_FileBrowser, Fl_FileChooser, Fl_FileIcon, Fl_HelpDialog, Fl_HelpView, Fl_Progress, and Fl_Wizard widgets from the bazaar. - Added 2.0 Fl_Text_Display and Fl_Text_Editor widgets based on NEdit. - The Fl_Choice widget now looks more line a combo box than a Motif option menu. - Moved the OpenGL widgets into a separate library called fltkgl - this eliminates shared library dependencies on OpenGL when no OpenGL functionality is used/required. - FLUID now supports the new Fl_CheckBrowser, Fl_FileBrowser, Fl_FileIcon, Fl_HelpView, Fl_Text_Display, Fl_Text_Editor, and Fl_Wizard widgets. - Updated configure stuff to support shared libraries under AIX (link to -lfltk_s) - Symbol labels can now contain regular text. - FLUID now supports relative filenames for the source and header files you generate. - Fl_Menu_Item::add() didn't use the flags that were passed in. - Fixed a bug in Fl_Scrollbar - clicking in the "trough" of the scrollbar would move the scroller in the wrong direction. - Made the Forms pixmap parameter const to match the Fl_Pixmap.H definitions. - Changed the Fl_Pixmap constructor to use the explicit keyword which should work for all C++ compilers. - Fl_Menu_add of a menu item with the same name as an existing submenu title would mess up by replacing that menu title, it now adds a new item. - Fl_Menu::add() of text starting with '/' to a menu is assummed to be a filename. So "/foo/bar" creates a single menu item. You can also put filenames into submenus by doing "submenu//foo/bar", this will create a submenu called "submenu" with an item "/foo/bar". Menu items starting with "\_" will insert an item starting with '_' rather than a divider line. These changes make the menus compatable with fltk 2.0. - Another little fix for the BoXX OpenGL overlays. - Fl_Gl_Window no longer blanks the mouse pointer on WIN32 unless an OpenGL overlay is being used. This should make non-overlay displays faster when a cursor is set. CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.10 - CHANGED THE DEFAULT RUN-TIME LINKING TO "MULTITHREADED DLL". You'll need to change your project settings to use this as well or you'll get errors. - Added new --disable-gl option to configure script. - Added new const const pointer versions of pixmap functions to eliminate an annoying pointer warning message that was generated by the Sun and other C++ compilers. - Eliminated all "var hides class::var" warnings. - Eliminated all "string literal converted to char *" warnings. - OS/2 updates from Alexander Mai. - Tidied up the HTML documentation to be more standards compliant. - Compiling with -DBOXX_BUGS will work around some problems with the newest X drivers that BoXX delivers, the problems all affect use of Overlays for normal X drawing and OpenGL drawing. Normal compilation is unchanged. - The file chooser buttons use user_data() rather than the label to decide what to do, allowing the label to be somewhat cleaner. - Selection color on X changed to blue, to match what happens on Windows now. - Added support for AIX (static library only). - Added support for SunOS 4.x - Now process WIN32 WM_ACTIVATEAPP message to reset the key and button states in Fl::e_state. - Fl_has_idle only tested N-1 callbacks and missed one. - Restored WM_SYNCPAINT handling under WIN32; this fixed a refresh bug under some versions of Windows. - Check for OpenGL headers before checking to see if OpenGL is supported. This should eliminate compile errors due to missing non-FLTK header files... - Add -D_INCLUDE_POSIX_SOURCE option when compiling with the HP compilers. - Replaced remaining _WIN32 symbols with WIN32 - Removed reference to unused GL/glu.h header file, which is missing on some Linux systems. - Fl_Gl_Window has a new method to allow you to get and set the context: void Fl_Gl_Window::context(void*, int destroy = 0) void* Fl_Gl_Window::context() const; Return or set a pointer to the GLContext that this window is using. This is a system-dependent structure, but it is portable to copy the context from one window to another. You can also set it to NULL, which will force FLTK to recreate the context the next time make_current() is called, this is useful for getting around bugs in OpenGL implementations. If destroy_flag is true the context will be destroyed by fltk when the window is destroyed, or when the mode() is changed, or the next time context(x) is called. - Some cleanup of Fl_Gl_Choice to move most of the system dependent #ifdefs into Fl_Gl_Choice.cxx. - Fl_Gl_Window does not set drawbuffer(BACKBUFFER) for single-buffered windows. - Fl_Input::replace(...) correctly updates the display if the replaced region does not include the mark, point, or selected region. - Added Fl::add_check(...), Fl::remove_check, and Fl::has_check. These are similar to idle callbacks but are only called just before it waits for new events. They can be used to watch for changes in global state and respond to them. - "accu-timer": some changes to repeat_timeout that seem to make it accurate on Unix and WIN32 at speeds up to 500000 timeouts/second (and 700000 on Linux), and within about .001% as accurate as the system clock. - Fix to Fl_Valuator::step() by Guillermo Andrade. - Fixed the FLUID write-menu bug introduced in 1.0.10 - Fl::flush() now calls GdiFlush() under WIN32 to ensure that all graphics are drawn. - fl_curve() now uses a much better algorithim to figure out how many pieces to cut the curve into. - FLUID now uses GetTempPath() under WIN32 to determine where to store the clipboard. - Right-ctrl does not delete selected text in Fl_Input, until you type a composed character. - Added simple FLTK and FLUID manual pages. - Fl_Gl_Window leaked memory under WIN32. - The colbrowser demo was missing an include file when compiled under OS/2. CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.9 - Added a strcasecmp() function to FLUID; AIX doesn't have it. - Bug #115509: Fl_Scroll not repainting background. - Updated the configure script and file to work with the Sun PRO compilers. - Disabled the WIN32 async socket select code by default: it doesn't seem to work anymore... - Fl::below_mouse() was incorrectly clearing e_is_click; this prevented any double-clicks from getting through... - No longer clear Fl::keysym on every event, this makes better back compatability and fixes Win2000 - Fluid now restores which tab in an Fl_Tabs was selected when loads .fl files. - Hack to fix the annoying "raise another application when a modal window is closed" problem on WIN32. - Fl_Tabs now draws the background behind the tabs. - Fl::set_fonts() on WIN32 fixed to work before the first window is shown. - CUA function keys, code submitted by George Yohng - Another attempt to get glut.h to work on WIN32. - Fl_Menu_::add() ignores '&' signs when comparing menu items, so you don't have to make the shortcuts the same all the time. - Fixed bit-flipping patterns in WIN32 bitmap code. - Fixed size of data written by gif images to .C files - Menu titles and buttons in the menubar can be images (allows it to be used as a toolbar) - Reads selectBackground from the xrdb database to set the selection color. Adding this to your .Xdefaults will make fltk and Motif programs look much more Windoze-like: *selectForeground: white *selectBackground: #000080 - FL_WHEN_RELEASE on Fl_Input will now do the callback when the input field is hidden, for instance when it is on a tab and the user switches to another tab. - Fl_Gl_Window with an overlay on X always resized any child windows even if you turned resizable() off because it turned it back on to resize the overlay window. This patch avoids changing resizable(). - Fix so multiple Fl::add_idle() calls works - The input focus got messed up if you called Fl_Tabs::value(x) and there was something that took focus on an earlier tab. - Removed some (not all) of the warnings when compiled with -Wwrite-strings, this should also get similar warnings Solaris produces. - Made Fl_Browser not hide the Fl_Widget::show() method - Changes & additions for OS/2 from Alexander Mai - Patch from Mike Lindner to make the turning on/off of scrollbars on Fl_Scroll smarter. - Added missing FL_EXPORT for Fl_Valuator::format() - Shortcuts for "buttons" in a Fl_Menu_Bar work again. - Fix for cut/paste support and Xdnd. - Shortcuts for submenu titles in a menubar pop up the submenu (rather than calling the callback) - Added documentation for GL_SWAP_TYPE - Buttons with box(FL_NO_BOX) did not draw. Apparently they did in older versions of fltk, I restored this. (bug 108771) - Removed 8-bit colormap drawing code that was not doing anything in fl_draw_image due to the colormap allocation changes. I also made fl_color(r,g,b) actually allocate the requested color rather than the nearest fltk color-cube color (this is only done for the first color that maps to a given entry in the fltk color cube), the result is that pixmaps with a small number of colors are drawn much more accurately. The resulting code seems to produce better images and is a good deal smaller! - Fixed so CFLAGS are used for c source code instead of CXXFLAGS. (bug 108694) - Better fix for gif files suggested by pauly (bug 108770) - Performance of Fl_Gl_Window may be improved on some types of OpenGL implementations, in particular MESA or other software emulators, by setting the GL_SWAP_TYPE environment variable. This variable declares what is in the back buffer after you do a swapbuffers: setenv GL_SWAP_TYPE COPY This indicates that the back buffer is copied to the front buffer, and still contains it's old data. This is true of many hardware implementations. Setting this will speed up emulation of overlays, and widgets that can do partial update can take advantage of this as damage() will not be cleared to -1. setenv GL_SWAP_TYPE NODAMAGE This indicates that nothing changes the back buffer except drawing into it. This is true of MESA and Win32 software emulation and perhaps some hardware emulation on systems with lots of memory. All other values for GL_SWAP_TYPE, and not setting the variable, cause fltk to assumme that the back buffer must be completely redrawn after a swap. This is easily tested by running the gl_overlay demo program and seeing if the display is correct when you drag another window over it or if you drag the window off the screen and back on. You have to exit and run the program again for it to see any changes to the environment variable. - Optimized colormap usage on 8-bit displays with images. New code only allocates colors as they are needed (still converts indexed images to full RGB and dithers, tho...) - Fixed .gif files in fluid, they were broken by the fix for large .xpm files in version 1.0.9. - Fix for OpenGL hardware overlays with the transparent index != 0. Tested on the brand new HP Linux Workstations, this is the only bug encountered. Both X and OpenGL hardware overlay works perfectly on these, though configue may not enable it by default...) - Fl_Choice and all other Fl_Menu_ subclasses draw the items using textcolor() as the default color of the text. - Fix suggested by Stuart Levy to fix scrolling when deleting items from the browser. - Replaced the -$(MAKEFLAGS) with $(MFLAGS) as per the gmake documenation. Apperntly this works with other make programs and MAKEFLAGS is passed invisibly by gmake, though the documenation is not too clear... CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.8 - More documentation fixes. - GLUT_STROKE_*_ROMAN in glut.h are defined as 0,1 on WIN32 to match the glut header files there. - Added Fl::has_timeout() and Fl::has_idle() functions. - Added new Fl::repeat_timeout() method that measures time from when the last timeout was called. This has slightly less overhead and allows accurate spacing of timeouts. - More Cygwin changes - FLUID could crash with identifiers with trailing whitespace. - Fixed the XPM loading code in FLUID to handle files longer than 2048 lines. - Added a bunch of missing FL_EXTERN's to glut.h to eliminate GLUT linking errors under WIN32. - Fix for sliders so that clicking on one with a small (or zero) slider_size will not move the slider. - fl_shortcut.cxx didn't export fl_old_shortcut() in the WIN32 DLL. - Fixed xpaint link in the documentation. - Included Fl_Input word-wrap fixes from Alexander Rabi Beels. This will not affect things much because word-wrap is normally disabled. - Patch from Stuart Levy so the *last* widget in an Fl_Pack may be resizable. This should be compatable because resizable didn't do anything before so there was no reason to set it. - Cleaned up the timeout and Fl::wait() code. The new code calls the clock function less than half as much, which results in a noticable performance improvement in some apps. - Fl::wait(time) with a time greater than the system can handle (24.855 days on NT, the same on some Unix systems) will now act as though the time is infinity. Before it would do unpredictable things. - "USE_POLL" now compiles and works, although it is disabled by default. poll() is an alternative to the UNIX select() call which is available on some version of UNIX and may be faster depending on the platform; try it by editing config.h. - The WIN32 USE_ASYNC_SELECT code now does translation and dispatching of the select events; this makes Windows a lot happier. - Added a check for an open display in Fl::wait() so that you don't need an open window under X to call it. [changes in snapshot 2] - fl_old_shortcut() wasn't being exported in the WIN32 DLL project. - Updated Cygwin and Mingw makefiles. - Updated the BC++ project file. - You can no longer insert control chars into Fl_Int/Float_Input. - Fl_Multiline_Input now resets the horizontal position when focus is changed; this caused problems when multiple multiline widgets were used in an application. - All handle() methods are now public, and all draw() methods are now protected in FLTK widgets. - More fixes to the OpenGL overlay code on win32. This now seems to work quite reliably on several different pieces of hardware. Apparently doing SetLayerPaletteEntries with a palette larger than the overlay size caused the drivers to screw up in unpredictable ways. Also SwapBuffers swapped both the overlay and main window, which is not what fltk's interface wanted, this was easy to fix however. - Patch for full scrollbars so that clicking on them does not move anything. - Documentation fixes. - Better horizontal scrolling of Fl_Input when cursor is near the end of the line. - Fl_Input::value(x) selects all text. - Fl_Output and Fl_Multiline_Output would scroll to the end of the text. - filename_isdir() now drops any trailing slash from the filename (needed for Windows) - Added return type for main() function in line_style demo. - Running FLUID with the "-cs" option writes the I18N message file. - The WIN32 version of XParseGeometry() didn't initialize some variables. This caused a compiler warning but did not affect the actual code. [changes in snapshot 1] - EMail changes - now officially - The FLTK DLL project file didn't include fl_compose.cxx - Dropped the GCC -fno-rtti option since it caused problems with existing programs. - Moved the .fl rules back to the test directory. - Fixed some makefile and spec file problems. - Fixed hardware overlays. The problem was the new fl_clipped() code, which tests against the current window size. The hardware overlay code did not set the current window when drawing the overlay. I needed hardware overlay for DD's code, I'm not sure if these fixes are good enough to enable this in our general release. Hardware overlay still only works on SGI Irix. - Some patches to turn off the MSVC++ -Oa (assumme no aliasing) optimization flag. Suprisingly this only broke a few parts of fltk, or at least these are the only ones I found. - Does not unmap child windows when the main window is iconized. This reduces flashing when the window is deiconized. - Fl::key() is set to zero by all events except key down/up. This will allow you to reliably test if an event or callback was produced by a keystroke. Fixes the bug posted about stopping Escape from closing the window. - User defined cursors on OpenGL windows slowed down NT a *LOT*. Some attempts to fix this by turning off the cursor while drawing the window. - Filename completion in the file chooser works better on NT. Typing TAB fixes the case of everything you typed to match the shortest name that can be completed. CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.7 - Many documentation changes/fixes/improvements. - FLUID didn't save Fl_Double_Window's as double-buffered windows. - Fl_Menu_ text color is used if Fl_Menu_Item text color is not set. - Added Fl::first_window(window) method to change the "top" window that is used when showing modal windows. By default it is the window the user last clicked/typed in. - The Fl_Menu::global() handler now uses the current top window instead of the menu bar for modal stuff. - Added fl_line_style() function to set the line style. Note that user-defined line styles ONLY WORK UNDER X11 and Windows NT/2000. Windows 95/98 do, however, support the "standard" line styles. - Fl::wait() does not return immediately when no windows - XForms keyboard shortcuts using hex keycode constants now work. - Updated the configure script for *BSD and to turn off exceptions and RTTI in the FLTK library itself (does not affect applications which use these things) - FLUID now supports I18N using the POSIX or GNU mechanisms. - Fixed definition of glutBitmapWidth to match header file. - Does not turn visible() on when a window is iconized() or if a modal window is shown and it's parent is iconized. This allows the code "while (w->visible() && w->damage()) Fl::check();" to reliably wait for the window to be mapped and drawn the first time. - Setting box(FL_NO_BOX) on a button makes it an invisible overlay - FL_NORMAL_SIZE is now a global variable so you can change the default text size prior to creating your widgets. - Menus now draw properly with a box type of FL_FLAT_BOX. - Cygwin fixes to compile in POSIX mode. - Fl_Value_Input callback can call value() or destructor. - OpenGL overlays now work under Windows NT! - Fl_Slider and Fl_Scrollbar could cause a divide by zero. - Clicking in an Fl_Input field no longer selects the whole field, it just moves the text cursor. - Tru64 UNIX fixes for filename_list() - Fl_Browser now draws itself properly when deactivated. - FLUID GUIs now use Courier font for all code input. - The FLUID OK and Cancel buttons are now all shown in the same order in all windows. - Fixes to compile under GCC 2.95.2 - Fixed the BC5 project files. - FL_LEFT_MOUSE and friends are now in - Fixes for fake OpenGL overlay code under WIN32. - Message windows are now resizeable. - On WIN32 non_modal (but not modal) windows have the close and size boxes. - Fl_Button and friends didn't honor the FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED condition. - Disabled XDBE on all platforms. - XGetDefault patch from James Roth - New fl_open_display(Display *) function to allow FLTK to share a display connection with another toolkit (like Xt, GTK, etc.) - Shortcut labels for special keys should now display properly under WIN32. - fl_set_fonts() did not reuse fonts. - Fixed shortcut problem under WIN32 when the focus window changes. - "dead" keys should now work under X11. - Fixes to make FLTK compile with GCC 2.95.2 - FL_SHORTCUT fix for I18N. - Fixed cut/paste problems under WIN32 - FLUID now produces correct code for nested class destructors. - Nested windows should now redraw properly under WIN32. - "table" is now static in fl_cursor.cxx - Fl_Chart used the textcolor() and not the color() for horizontal bar charts. - Now set the input hint for TWM and TWM-derived window managers. - Now look for TrueColor visual if FLTK is compiled with USE_COLORMAP == 0. - Fl_Scrollbar could generate a divide-by-0 error if the min and max values were the same. - Fl_Menu_::remove() now removes whole submenus if needed. - Scrollbar buttons now draw themselves pushed in as needed. - Fixed the gl_overlay demo (and gl overlays in general) when they are faked with no hardware and the window is resized. - Selections weren't shown in Fl_Browser widgets when an item used the @B (background) format. - Windows can now be resized by the program under X11 for more window managers. - OS/2 makeinclude updates. - Added Fl.H required by an inline function in Fl_Repeat_Button.H - Fl_add_idle adds new functions to the end of the queue ring, rather than the start, so they are executed in the order added, and a callback that adds itself does not prevent others from being called. - Fluid lets you type in code that starts with '#' for cpp directives. - XBell() could be called before the X11 display was opened, causing a segfault. - Fixed Fl_Gl_Window::ortho() - Borland C++ doesn't define GLint to "int", but instead to "long"... - Fixed Fl_Browser scrollbars within an Fl_Scroll widget. - Fl_Output (and non-focused Fl_Input) now scroll in response to position() - Fl_Input now does not scroll horizontally if the entire string will fit in the widget. - Fl_Scrollbar didn't push the right arrow buttons when you clicked outside the scroller. - Now use WSAAsyncSelect() for better socket performance with Fl::add_fd() CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.6 - Fixed Fl_Input_ bug under WIN32 - no longer stop accepting input when one of the "Windows" keys is pressed. - Now call TranslateEvent for all events under WIN32. - Fixes for OpenBSD and NetBSD - The FL_CURSOR_HAND cursor now uses the IDC_HAND cursor instead of IDC_UPARROW under Windows 98 and 2000. - Fl_Scrollbar now does a page-up/down when you click outside the scroller. - Fl_Window::show(0, NULL) causes core dump - Fixed a compile-time error in fl_call_main.c for Borland C++. - "fluid -c filename.fl" would try to open an X display if the FLUID file contained an Fl_Browser widget. - Fl_Browser now correctly measures items with @C or @B color formatting commands. - Fixed a bitmap drawing bug for WIN32 (bit reversal table was wrong) - fl_xyz() dialogs now set a title in the title bar. - fl_alert() sounds the bell under X11. - fl_xyz() dialogs now call MessageBeep() under WIN32. - Fl_Browser_ didn't draw the selection box with the inactive color when the browser wasn't activated. - Fl_Browser now responds to FL_KEYBOARD as well as FL_SHORTCUT. If you subclass it to accept focus then keyboard navigation will work. - Fl_Tile and Fl_Tabs do their callback when the user changes their display. - Made some of the private methods of Fl_Browser protected. - Now set win_gravity correctly, this helps some X window managers that use it position the window where FLTK wants it to be. - 0-width browsers crashed. - Minor change: if the X window manager does not do anything else with windows that don't have their position specified, the windows appear centered in the screen, rather than in the top-left corner. This happened with modal windows under Irix 4Dwm. This also causes windows to be centered when no window manager is running, which might be useful for installation gui programs? - Clicking in an Fl_Input field the first time selects the entire field. - Clicking the middle mouse button in an Fl_Input field now inserts the text at the indicated position instead of the cursor position. - Drag-selecting text in an Fl_Input field now copies the text automatically. - Fl::flush() no longer calls the draw() method for invisible windows. - Calling deactivate() on an invisible widget could cause an infinite loop in some obscure cases. - Added #pragma's for SGI C++ compilers - the 6.{23} X headers had errors in them. - Fl_Gl_Window::ortho() changed so that text and images are not erased if the origin is off the left/bottom of the window. - Small change to Fl_Input so that a click that gives it the focus also selects all the text. - Fixed a slider drawing problem. - You can now add/delete children of Fl_Tabs widgets whether or not they are visible. - Now embed woff options for SGI C++ compilers (gets rid of X11 header warnings) - draw_pixmap used a cast that the Digital UNIX C++ compiler didn't like. - The GLUT function key constants were off by one. - The XPM reading code didn't handle RGB colors other than #rrggbb. CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.5 - Fl_win32.cxx defined WM_MOUSE_LEAVE instead of WM_MOUSELEAVE. - Fl_get_key_win32.cxx needed to include - gl_draw_pixmap.cxx needed a pointer cast for ANSI C++. - Fl_Repeat_Button didn't always delete its timeout. - Now keep track of the current OpenGL context; this provides significant performance improvements for OpenGL applications with a single context. CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.4 - Fl_Roller didn't handle a width and height of 0. - filename_list() fix for FreeBSD. - Fixed RPM install docos - needed "--install" option... - Fl_Browser_ wouldn't draw the vertical scrollbar right away if it added a horizontal one which covered the last line. - Fl_Tabs problems - single-character labels don't show up (problem in measure_tabs() or measure_label() methods?), and doesn't clear top tab area before drawing tabs. - Fl_Browser needs a destructor. - fl_draw_label() quoted characters between 0x80 and 0xa0, which caused problems for some programs using the WinANSI character set. - FLUID didn't handle declared class destructors. - Fixed another WIN32 cut/paste bug. - Fl_Tabs didn't work properly when there was only 1 tab. - Fl_Menu::add() didn't delete the old array. - Fl_Repeat_Button didn't delete its timeout when disabled. - fl_draw() would crash if no font was set (now defaults to a 14-pixel Helvetica font) - Can't forward declare classes; need to check for "class ", "struct ", "union ", etc. See Bill's message - Added #pragma around xlib.h for IRIX - FL_KEYBOARD events have the correct x/y when sent to child X windows. Note that if you worked around this bug by adjusting the x/y yourself you will have to change your code. In addition all events have the correct x/y when sent to the grab() widget. And the code to do all this was simplified a lot. - The XPM code didn't handle named colors with spaces in the names. - Pressing ESCape closed the window with pointer focus, even if there was a modal window open (now closes the modal window). - Fluid no longer produces trigraphs accidentally in the image data. - Fluid uses string constant concatenation to produce shorter image data. - The Fl_Group deletion code crashed if there was exactly one child widget. - Simulated overlays in single-buffered Fl_Gl_Windows now draw correctly (though very slowly as it requires the entire window to be redrawn to erase the overlay). This fix ported our Digital Domain programs better to systems with no overlay hardware. - Added support for extern "C" declarations in FLUID. - Added Fl_Pack support to FLUID. - Fixed the order of #include's in FLUID generated header files. - Fixed detection of vsnprintf and snprintf under HP-UX 10.20 once and for all. - The checkers demo did not compile with GCC 2.95 - FLUID didn't output virtual destructors properly. - Added inline "make_visible()" method to Fl_Browser. - Fl::wait() now returns immediately if any timeouts are called. - 16-bit XPM files are now properly handled. - Fl_Window::resize() was missing FL_EXPORT (caused problems with Windows DLLs) - FLUID was writing extern declarations twice. - New FLUID arrow key functionality: arrows move by one pixel, shift+arrow resizes, ctrl+arrow steps by grid CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.3 - Documentation updates - Fl_Browser::bottomline(size) didn't scroll to the bottom if the second-to-last line was visible. - fl_wait() didn't poll FDs properly for WIN32. - Fixed DLL definitions for BC++. - FLUID now handles nested classes properly. - The "connect" demo now does a wait() for the PPP process so that you aren't left with a lot of zombie processes. - Fixed the FLTK colormap to use FF instead of F4 for full intensity values. - Minor change to scrollbar drawing code to match other toolkits. - New selections would cancel themselves out in WIN32. - The header file links were broken in the IRIX distributions. - fl_elapsed() now always uses GetClockTick() for WIN32. - fl_display is now initialized to GetModuleHandle(NULL) - this fixes problems people had with Cygwin and MingW32. - WinMain() is no longer compiled in with Cygwin and MingW32; it wasn't being used for those compilers anyways. - Added Solaris compiler options to configure script. - Fl_Value_Input wouldn't update properly if you set the value from a callback. - Fl_Tile wouldn't resize if the resizeable widget was the last child. - Was missing #include and #include in several files, which caused problems on some platforms. - Fixed another case where Fl_Browser_ could get in an infinite resizing loop. - Fl_win32.cxx now includes to export missing DLL symbols. - Fluid didn't handle member functions that include the scope operator. - Fl_Chart was dividing by 0 if there were no data samples or if they were all the same (min == max). CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.2 - XDBE is now enabled for IRIX 6.[234] as well as 6.5. - FLUID didn't write the when() condition properly. - Tab/space/backtab/backspace can be used to navigate through menus. - Changed $(DSONAME) in the src/Makefile to "". - Fl_Browser could read past the end of the string when computing the item height. - Fl_Browser could get in an infinite loop when checking to see if scrollbars needed to be displayed. - FLUID now honors the return type of the outermost widget. This was a problem when substituting Fl_Group in an Fl_Window widget. - Fl_Menu_::copy() wasn't allocating a power of 2 for the array size. - FLWM would crash if fl_xmousewin was deleted. - The fast_slow demo now uses output widgets. - Timers under WIN32 were unreliable. CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0.1 - Documentation updates - The Visual C++ project files didn't include fl_add_idle.cxx. - LIBRARY/DSO name inconsistencies in src/Makefile. - src/Makefile didn't clean the DSO. - The valuator demo now has only a single callback. - The code looked for HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H, but the config file uses HAVE_SYS_SELECT. - Fl_Image redraw not quite right under X11 or WIN32 - Problems with timeouts & cube demo under WIN32 - FLUID problems with inline functions. - Documentation fixes... - Fl_Browser::item_height() didn't handle blank lines or non-default fonts properly. - FL/math.h didn't have #ifndef...#define...#endif guards against multiple inclusion... - Fl_Menu_::copy() fix - didn't allocate power of 2... - Fl::damage() now remains true until all windows are actually redrawn. - Fl_Widget destructor, hide(), and deactivate() methods no longer send FL_LEAVE, FL_RELEASE, or FL_UNFOCUS events to the widget (which could cause applications to crash). - FLUID now outputs symbolic names for align() and when(). - Fixed select() to use maxfd + 1 instead of maxfd. - Added "Fl::remove_fd(fd, when)" function so you can remove the read and write callbacks separately. - The Fl::add_fd() and Fl::add_timeout() arrays are now dynamically allocated. - FLUID didn't always turn the FL_SUBMENU flag on for submenu titles. - The "extra code" in FLUID now is placed before the "o->end()" call for Fl_Group and its derived classes. - You can now set a FL_Window widget's class in FLUID to Fl_Group to generate a function or class that builds part of a GUI (i.e. no window). - FLUID now displays "Save file before exiting?" with the standard yes, no, and cancel buttons rather than "Discard changes?". - Fl_Menu_::add() now works with any type of menu, even one set with the menu() method. - The keypad keys were not always decoded properly under X11. - Some pointers were not being turned off when widgets were deleted, which caused some applications (like FLWM) to crash. CHANGES SINCE FLTK 1.0 - Documentation fixes. - Fl::check() didn't return the correct value, breaking a number of applications. - Fixed fluid bug that caused styles patch to crash when you delete a menu item. - Updated valuators demo to put the values in the gui box. - Fl_Browser_::item_height() didn't always compute the correct value. - Fixed the alignment of Fl_Choice text. - Fixes for OS/2. - Fl_Menu_Item::clear() didn't clear value. - Added some changes to make FLTK work with Borland C++. - ANSI C++ fixes. - Plugged a memory leak in the fractal demo. - Fl::add_timeout() didn't work under WIN32 with small values. - The configure script and makefiles now define DSONAME and use the static library for all example programs.