class Fl_Value_Slider

Class Hierarchy

Include Files


The Fl_Value_Slider widget is a Fl_Slider widget with a box displaying the current value.


Fl_Value_Slider::Fl_Value_Slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label = 0)

Creates a new Fl_Value_Slider widget using the given position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX .

virtual Fl_Value_Slider::~Fl_Value_Slider()

Destroys the valuator.

Fl_Color Fl_Value_Slider::textcolor() const
void Fl_Value_Slider::textcolor(Fl_Color)

Gets or sets the color of the text in the value box.

Fl_Font Fl_Value_Slider::textfont() const

void Fl_Value_Slider::textfont(Fl_Font)

Gets or sets the typeface of the text in the value box.

uchar Fl_Value_Slider::textsize() const
void Fl_Value_Slider::textsize(uchar)

Gets or sets the size of the text in the value box.