// // "$Id$" // // Setting and shell dialogs for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2005 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: // // http://www.fltk.org/str.php // // generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0107 #include "alignment_panel.h" Fl_Double_Window *project_window=(Fl_Double_Window *)0; static void cb_Close(Fl_Button*, void*) { project_window->hide(); } Fl_Input *header_file_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Input *code_file_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Light_Button *include_H_from_C_button=(Fl_Light_Button *)0; Fl_Choice *i18n_type_chooser=(Fl_Choice *)0; Fl_Menu_Item menu_i18n_type_chooser[] = { {"None", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 11, 56}, {"GNU gettext", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 11, 56}, {"POSIX catgets", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 11, 56}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }; Fl_Input *i18n_include_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Input *i18n_file_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Input *i18n_set_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Input *i18n_function_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Double_Window* make_project_window() { Fl_Double_Window* w; { Fl_Double_Window* o = project_window = new Fl_Double_Window(345, 185, "Project Settings"); w = o; { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(293, 156, 42, 20, "Close"); o->tooltip("Close this dialog."); o->labelsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Close); } { Fl_Tabs* o = new Fl_Tabs(10, 10, 325, 138); o->selection_color((Fl_Color)4); o->labelsize(11); { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(10, 30, 325, 116, "Output"); o->labelsize(11); { Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(20, 40, 304, 15, "Use \"name.ext\" to set name or just \".ext\" to set extension."); o->labelsize(11); o->align(132|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); } { Fl_Input* o = header_file_input = new Fl_Input(96, 60, 228, 20, "Header File:"); o->tooltip("The name of the generated header file."); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->labelsize(11); o->textfont(4); o->textsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)header_input_cb, (void*)(1)); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } { Fl_Input* o = code_file_input = new Fl_Input(97, 85, 227, 20, "Code File:"); o->tooltip("The name of the generated code file."); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->labelsize(11); o->textfont(4); o->textsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)code_input_cb, (void*)(1)); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); } { Fl_Light_Button* o = include_H_from_C_button = new Fl_Light_Button(166, 110, 158, 20, "Include Header from Code"); o->tooltip("Include the header file from the code file."); o->value(1); o->labelsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)include_H_from_C_button_cb); } o->end(); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(10, 30, 325, 116, "Internationalization"); o->labelsize(11); o->hide(); { Fl_Choice* o = i18n_type_chooser = new Fl_Choice(80, 42, 100, 20, "Use:"); o->tooltip("Type of internationalization to use."); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->labelsize(11); o->textsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)i18n_type_cb); o->menu(menu_i18n_type_chooser); } { Fl_Input* o = i18n_include_input = new Fl_Input(80, 67, 245, 20, "#include:"); o->tooltip("The include file for internationalization."); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->labelsize(11); o->textfont(4); o->textsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)i18n_text_cb); } { Fl_Input* o = i18n_file_input = new Fl_Input(80, 92, 245, 20, "File:"); o->tooltip("The name of the message catalog."); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->labelsize(11); o->textfont(4); o->textsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)i18n_text_cb); } { Fl_Input* o = i18n_set_input = new Fl_Input(80, 117, 245, 20, "Set:"); o->tooltip("The message set number."); o->type(2); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->labelsize(11); o->textfont(4); o->textsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)i18n_text_cb); } { Fl_Input* o = i18n_function_input = new Fl_Input(80, 92, 245, 20, "Function:"); o->tooltip("The function to call to internationalize the labels and tooltips."); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->labelsize(11); o->textfont(4); o->textsize(11); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)i18n_text_cb); } o->end(); } o->end(); } o->set_modal(); o->end(); } return w; } Fl_Text_Buffer *shell_run_buffer; void scheme_cb(Fl_Choice *, void *); Fl_Double_Window *settings_window=(Fl_Double_Window *)0; Fl_Choice *scheme_choice=(Fl_Choice *)0; Fl_Menu_Item menu_scheme_choice[] = { {"Default", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 14, 56}, {"None", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 14, 56}, {"Plastic", 0, 0, 0, 0, FL_NORMAL_LABEL, 0, 14, 56}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }; Fl_Check_Button *tooltips_button=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_tooltips_button(Fl_Check_Button*, void*) { Fl_Tooltip::enable(tooltips_button->value()); fluid_prefs.set("show_tooltips", tooltips_button->value()); } Fl_Check_Button *completion_button=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_completion_button(Fl_Check_Button*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("show_completion_dialogs", completion_button->value()); } Fl_Check_Button *openlast_button=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_openlast_button(Fl_Check_Button*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("open_previous_file", openlast_button->value()); } Fl_Check_Button *prevpos_button=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_prevpos_button(Fl_Check_Button*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("prev_window_pos", prevpos_button->value()); } static void cb_Close1(Fl_Button*, void*) { settings_window->hide(); } Fl_Spinner *recent_spinner=(Fl_Spinner *)0; static void cb_recent_spinner(Fl_Spinner*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("recent_files", recent_spinner->value()); load_history(); } Fl_Double_Window* make_settings_window() { Fl_Double_Window* w; { Fl_Double_Window* o = settings_window = new Fl_Double_Window(340, 225, "GUI Settings"); w = o; { Fl_Choice* o = scheme_choice = new Fl_Choice(116, 10, 115, 25, "Scheme:"); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)scheme_cb); o->menu(menu_scheme_choice); int s; fluid_prefs.get("scheme", s, 0); scheme_choice->value(s); scheme_cb(0, 0); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(116, 45, 215, 100, "Options:\n\n\n\n\n"); o->labelfont(1); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); { Fl_Check_Button* o = tooltips_button = new Fl_Check_Button(116, 45, 113, 25, "Show Tooltips"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_tooltips_button); int b; fluid_prefs.get("show_tooltips", b, 1); tooltips_button->value(b); Fl_Tooltip::enable(b); } { Fl_Check_Button* o = completion_button = new Fl_Check_Button(116, 70, 186, 25, "Show Completion Dialogs"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_completion_button); int b; fluid_prefs.get("show_completion_dialogs", b, 1); completion_button->value(b); } { Fl_Check_Button* o = openlast_button = new Fl_Check_Button(116, 95, 215, 25, "Open Previous File on Startup"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_openlast_button); int b; fluid_prefs.get("open_previous_file", b, 0); openlast_button->value(b); } { Fl_Check_Button* o = prevpos_button = new Fl_Check_Button(116, 120, 210, 25, "Remember Window Positions"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_prevpos_button); int b; fluid_prefs.get("prev_window_pos", b, 1); prevpos_button->value(b); } o->end(); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(266, 190, 64, 25, "Close"); o->tooltip("Close this dialog."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Close1); } { Fl_Spinner* o = recent_spinner = new Fl_Spinner(116, 155, 40, 25, "# Recent Files:"); o->labelfont(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_recent_spinner); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); int c; fluid_prefs.get("recent_files", c, 5); recent_spinner->maximum(10); recent_spinner->value(c); } o->end(); } return w; } Fl_Double_Window *shell_window=(Fl_Double_Window *)0; Fl_Input *shell_command_input=(Fl_Input *)0; static void cb_shell_command_input(Fl_Input*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("shell_command", shell_command_input->value()); } Fl_Check_Button *shell_writecode_button=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_shell_writecode_button(Fl_Check_Button*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("shell_writecode", shell_writecode_button->value()); } Fl_Check_Button *shell_writemsgs_button=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_shell_writemsgs_button(Fl_Check_Button*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("shell_writemsgs", shell_writemsgs_button->value()); } Fl_Check_Button *shell_savefl_button=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_shell_savefl_button(Fl_Check_Button*, void*) { fluid_prefs.set("shell_savefl", shell_savefl_button->value()); } static void cb_Cancel(Fl_Button*, void*) { shell_window->hide(); } Fl_Double_Window *shell_run_window=(Fl_Double_Window *)0; Fl_Text_Display *shell_run_display=(Fl_Text_Display *)0; Fl_Return_Button *shell_run_button=(Fl_Return_Button *)0; static void cb_shell_run_button(Fl_Return_Button*, void*) { shell_run_window->hide(); } Fl_Double_Window* make_shell_window() { Fl_Double_Window* w; { Fl_Double_Window* o = shell_window = new Fl_Double_Window(365, 125, "Shell Command"); w = o; { Fl_Input* o = shell_command_input = new Fl_Input(10, 27, 347, 25, "Command:"); o->labelfont(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_shell_command_input); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); char buf[1024]; fluid_prefs.get("shell_command", buf, "", sizeof(buf)); shell_command_input->value(buf); } { Fl_Check_Button* o = shell_writecode_button = new Fl_Check_Button(128, 61, 93, 19, "Write Code"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_shell_writecode_button); int b; fluid_prefs.get("shell_writecode", b, 1); shell_writecode_button->value(b); } { Fl_Check_Button* o = shell_writemsgs_button = new Fl_Check_Button(231, 61, 126, 19, "Write Messages"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_shell_writemsgs_button); int b; fluid_prefs.get("shell_writemsgs", b, 0); shell_writemsgs_button->value(b); } { Fl_Check_Button* o = shell_savefl_button = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 62, 108, 19, "Save .FL File"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_shell_savefl_button); int b; fluid_prefs.get("shell_savefl", b, 1); shell_savefl_button->value(b); } { Fl_Return_Button* o = new Fl_Return_Button(132, 90, 143, 25, "Run Command"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)do_shell_command); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(285, 90, 72, 25, "Cancel"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Cancel); } o->end(); } { Fl_Double_Window* o = shell_run_window = new Fl_Double_Window(555, 430, "Shell Command Output"); w = o; { Fl_Text_Display* o = shell_run_display = new Fl_Text_Display(10, 10, 535, 375); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->textfont(4); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o); shell_run_buffer = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); shell_run_display->buffer(shell_run_buffer); } { Fl_Return_Button* o = shell_run_button = new Fl_Return_Button(468, 395, 77, 25, "Close"); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_shell_run_button); } o->end(); } return w; } Fl_Double_Window *grid_window=(Fl_Double_Window *)0; Fl_Input *horizontal_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Input *vertical_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Input *snap_input=(Fl_Input *)0; Fl_Check_Button *guides_toggle=(Fl_Check_Button *)0; static void cb_Close2(Fl_Button*, void*) { grid_window->hide(); } Fl_Double_Window* make_grid_window() { Fl_Double_Window* w; { Fl_Double_Window* o = grid_window = new Fl_Double_Window(145, 185, "Grid"); w = o; { Fl_Input* o = horizontal_input = new Fl_Input(88, 10, 47, 25, "Horizontal:"); o->tooltip("Horizontal grid spacing."); o->type(2); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)grid_cb, (void*)(1)); o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE|FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); } { Fl_Input* o = vertical_input = new Fl_Input(88, 45, 47, 25, "Vertical:"); o->tooltip("Vertical grid spacing."); o->type(2); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)grid_cb, (void*)(2)); o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE|FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); } { Fl_Input* o = snap_input = new Fl_Input(88, 80, 47, 25, "Snap:"); o->tooltip("Snap to grid within this many pixels."); o->type(2); o->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); o->labelfont(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)grid_cb, (void*)(3)); o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE|FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); } { Fl_Check_Button* o = guides_toggle = new Fl_Check_Button(27, 115, 108, 25, "Show Guides"); o->tooltip("Show distance and alignment guides in overlay"); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)guides_cb, (void*)(4)); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(76, 150, 59, 25, "Close"); o->tooltip("Close this dialog."); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Close2); } o->end(); } return w; } // // End of "$Id$". //