README.mac - 2007-02-06 - Building FLTK under MacOS X ----------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS - Introduction - How to Build Using GCC (MacOS X) - Other stuff INTRODUCTION FLTK 1.1.10 and above supports development environments with Makefiles and gcc. Starting witk 1.3, FLTK supports Xcode 3.1. HOW TO BUILD USING GCC (MacOS X) Since the MacOS X command line build environment is based on BSD UNIX, the normal UNIX build procedure as described in 'README' applies. OTHER STUFF The creator ID's 'FLTK', 'Fltk', 'FLID', and 'Flid' are officially registered with Apple Computers, Inc. and can be used for FLTK applications ('FLTK') and FLUID files ('Flid'). Under MacOS X, all windows are double-buffered. Using Fl_Window has the same effect as using Fl_Double_Window on other operating systems. Fl_Overlay_Window however uses one additional buffer for the overlay plane.