// // Main demo program for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2020 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // /* General information on directory structure and file handling. The "classic" autotools/make system creates executables in their source folders, i.e. fluid/fluid, test/demo and test/xyz, resp.. The menu file is in folder test/, as is the main demo(.exe) program. In the following text and directory lists all test and demo executables are represented by "demo" and the fluid executable by "fluid", no matter what OS (under Windows: *.exe). The CMake build system generates all executables in the build tree and copies the supporting test data files to the build tree as well. This structure is different and needs to be handled separately in this program. Additionally, different OS platforms create different types of files, for instance "app bundles" on macOS. All this needs to be considered. The overall structure, relative to the FLTK source dir (fltk) and the build tree (build): (1) Autotools / Make: fltk/fluid fluid (../fluid/fluid) fltk/test demo, demo.menu, working directory, data files fltk/test/images images for help_dialog(.html) (2) CMake + make (e.g. Unix) build/bin fluid build/bin/test test and demo programs build/data demo.menu, working directory, data files build/data/images images for help_dialog(.html) (3) CMake + Visual Studio (TYPE == build type: Debug, Release, ...) build/bin/TYPE fluid build/bin/test/TYPE test and demo programs build/data demo.menu, working directory, data files build/data/images images for help_dialog(.html) (4) macOS The setup is similar to Windows and Linux: Makefiles: like (1) or (2) Xcode: like (3), i.e. similar to VS layout The built executable 'demo' can also be executed with the menu filename as commandline argument. In this case all the support (data) files are expected to be in the same directory as the menu file or relative paths as needed by the test programs, for instance help_dialog which needs help_dialog.html and related image files. */ #include #include #include #include #if defined __APPLE__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include // right click popup menu #include #include // tty #include #include #include // fl_alert() #include // fl_getcwd() #define FORM_W 350 #define FORM_H 440 #define TTY_W int(FORM_W*2.5) #define TTY_H 200 /* The form description */ void doexit(Fl_Widget *, void *); void doback(Fl_Widget *, void *); void dobut(Fl_Widget *, long); void doscheme(Fl_Choice *c, void *) { Fl::scheme(c->text(c->value())); } Fl_Double_Window *form = 0; Fl_Group *demogrp = 0; Fl_Simple_Terminal *tty = 0; Fl_Button *but[9]; // Allocate space to edit commands and arguments from demo.menu. // We "trust demo.menu" that strings don't overflow char cmdbuf[256]; // commandline w/o arguments char params[256]; // commandline arguments // Global path variables for all platforms and build systems // to avoid duplication and dynamic allocation char app_path [FL_PATH_MAX]; // directory of all demo binaries char fluid_path [FL_PATH_MAX]; // binary directory of fluid char data_path [FL_PATH_MAX]; // working directory of all demos char command [2 * FL_PATH_MAX + 40]; // command to be executed // platform specific suffix for executable files #ifdef _WIN32 const char *suffix = ".exe"; #elif defined __APPLE__ const char *suffix = ".app"; #else const char *suffix = ""; #endif // CMake defines the "build type" subdirectory for multi configuration // build setups like Visual Studio and Xcode #ifdef CMAKE_INTDIR const char *cmake_intdir = "/" CMAKE_INTDIR; #else const char *cmake_intdir = 0; #endif // debug output function void debug_var(const char *varname, const char *value) { tty->printf("%-10s = '%s'\n", varname, value); } // Show or hide the tty window void show_tty(int val) { if ( val ) { form->size_range(FORM_W,FORM_H+TTY_H,0,0); // allow resizing form->size(TTY_W,FORM_H+TTY_H); // demo + height for tty demogrp->size(FORM_W,FORM_H); tty->show(); // show tty tty->resize(0, FORM_H, TTY_W, TTY_H); // force tty position } else { form->size_range(FORM_W,FORM_H,FORM_W,FORM_H); // no resizing tty->hide(); // hide tty form->size(FORM_W, FORM_H); // normal demo size } demogrp->size(FORM_W, FORM_H); form->init_sizes(); } // Right click popup menu handler void popup_menu_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *userdata) { const char *cmd = (const char*)userdata; if ( strcmp(cmd, "showtty")==0 ) { show_tty(1); } if ( strcmp(cmd, "hidetty")==0 ) { show_tty(0); } } void create_the_forms() { Fl_Widget *obj; Fl_Menu_Button *popup; form = new Fl_Double_Window(FORM_W,FORM_H); form->size_range(FORM_W,FORM_H,FORM_W+1,FORM_H+1); // XXX: +1 needed or window can't be made resizable later // Small terminal window parented to window, not demogrp tty = new Fl_Simple_Terminal(0, form->h(), form->w(), form->h()); tty->history_lines(50); tty->ansi(true); tty->hide(); tty->textsize(10); // Parent group for demo demogrp = new Fl_Group(0,0,FORM_W,FORM_H); demogrp->resizable(0); demogrp->begin(); // Demo obj = new Fl_Box(FL_FRAME_BOX,10,15,330,40,"FLTK Demonstration"); obj->color(FL_GRAY-4); obj->labelsize(24); obj->labelfont(FL_BOLD); obj->labeltype(FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL); obj = new Fl_Box(FL_FRAME_BOX,10,65,330,330,0); obj->color(FL_GRAY-8); obj = new Fl_Button(280,405,60,25,"Exit"); obj->callback(doexit); Fl_Choice *choice = new Fl_Choice(75, 405, 100, 25, "Scheme:"); choice->labelfont(FL_HELVETICA_BOLD); choice->add("none"); choice->add("gtk+"); choice->add("gleam"); choice->add("plastic"); choice->callback((Fl_Callback *)doscheme); Fl::scheme(NULL); if (!Fl::scheme()) choice->value(0); else if (!strcmp(Fl::scheme(), "gtk+")) choice->value(1); else if (!strcmp(Fl::scheme(), "gleam")) choice->value(2); else if (!strcmp(Fl::scheme(), "plastic")) choice->value(3); else choice->value(0); obj = new Fl_Button(10,15,330,380); obj->type(FL_HIDDEN_BUTTON); obj->callback(doback); obj = but[0] = new Fl_Button( 30, 85,90,90); obj = but[1] = new Fl_Button(130, 85,90,90); obj = but[2] = new Fl_Button(230, 85,90,90); obj = but[3] = new Fl_Button( 30,185,90,90); obj = but[4] = new Fl_Button(130,185,90,90); obj = but[5] = new Fl_Button(230,185,90,90); obj = but[6] = new Fl_Button( 30,285,90,90); obj = but[7] = new Fl_Button(130,285,90,90); obj = but[8] = new Fl_Button(230,285,90,90); for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { but[i]->align(FL_ALIGN_WRAP); but[i]->callback(dobut, i); } demogrp->end(); // Right click popup menu popup = new Fl_Menu_Button(0,0,FORM_W,FORM_H); popup->box(FL_NO_BOX); popup->type(Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3); // pop menu on right-click popup->add("Show debug terminal", 0, popup_menu_cb, (void*)"showtty"); popup->add("Hide debug terminal", 0, popup_menu_cb, (void*)"hidetty"); // End window form->end(); form->resizable(tty); } /* Maintaining and building up the menus. */ typedef struct { char name[64]; int numb; char iname[9][64]; char icommand[9][64]; } MENU; #define MAXMENU 32 MENU menus[MAXMENU]; int mennumb = 0; /* Return the number of a given menu name. */ int find_menu(const char* nnn) { int i; for (i=0; ihide(); for (i=0; ishow(); but[bn]->label(menus[men].iname[i]); if (menus[men].icommand[i][0] != '@') but[bn]->tooltip(menus[men].icommand[i]); else but[bn]->tooltip(0); } if (stack[stsize]!=nnn) strcpy(stack[stsize],nnn); stsize++; } /* Pop a menu */ void pop_menu() { if (stsize<=1) return; stsize -= 2; push_menu(stack[stsize]); } /* The callback Routines */ /* Handle a button push */ void dobut(Fl_Widget *, long arg) { int men = find_menu(stack[stsize-1]); int n = menus[men].numb; int bn = but2numb( (int) arg, n-1); // menu ? if (menus[men].icommand[bn][0] == '@') { push_menu(menus[men].icommand[bn]); return; } // not a menu: run test/demo/fluid executable // find and separate "command" and "params" // skip leading spaces in command char *start_command = menus[men].icommand[bn]; while (*start_command == ' ') ++start_command; strcpy(cmdbuf, start_command); // here still full command w/params // find the space between the command and parameters if one exists char *start_params = strchr(cmdbuf, ' '); if (start_params) { *start_params = '\0'; // terminate command start_params++; // skip space strcpy(params, start_params); // copy parameters } else { params[0] = '\0'; // empty string } // select application path: either app_path or fluid_path const char *path = app_path; if (!strncmp(cmdbuf, "fluid", 5)) path = fluid_path; // format commandline with optional parameters #if defined(__APPLE__) // macOS if (params[0]) { // we assume that we have only one argument which is a filename in 'data_path' sprintf(command, "open '%s/%s%s' --args '%s/%s'", path, cmdbuf, suffix, data_path, params); } else { sprintf(command, "open '%s/%s%s'", path, cmdbuf, suffix); } #else // other platforms if (params[0]) sprintf(command, "%s/%s%s %s", path, cmdbuf, suffix, params); else sprintf(command, "%s/%s%s", path, cmdbuf, suffix); #endif // finally, execute program (the system specific part) #ifdef _WIN32 STARTUPINFO suInfo; // Process startup information PROCESS_INFORMATION prInfo; // Process information memset(&suInfo, 0, sizeof(suInfo)); suInfo.cb = sizeof(suInfo); debug_var("Command", command); BOOL stat = CreateProcess(NULL, command, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &suInfo, &prInfo); if (!stat) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); fl_alert("Error starting process, error #%lu\n'%s'", err, command); } #elif defined __APPLE__ debug_var("Command", command); system(command); #else // other platforms (Unix, Linux) strcat(command, " &"); // run in background debug_var("Command", command); if (system(command) == -1) { fl_alert("Could not start program, errno = %d\n'%s'", errno, command); } #endif // _WIN32 } void doback(Fl_Widget *, void *) {pop_menu();} void doexit(Fl_Widget *, void *) {exit(0);} /* Load the menu file. Returns whether successful. */ int load_the_menu(const char * const menu) { FILE *fin = 0; char line[256], mname[64],iname[64],cname[64]; int i, j; fin = fl_fopen(menu, "r"); if (fin == NULL) return 0; for (;;) { if (fgets(line,256,fin) == NULL) break; // remove all carriage returns that Cygwin may have inserted char *s = line, *d = line; for (;;++d) { while (*s=='\r') s++; *d = *s++; if (!*d) break; } // interpret the line j = 0; i = 0; while (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') i++; if (line[i] == '\n') continue; if (line[i] == '#') continue; while (line[i] != ':' && line[i] != '\n') mname[j++] = line[i++]; mname[j] = '\0'; if (line[i] == ':') i++; j = 0; while (line[i] != ':' && line[i] != '\n') { if (line[i] == '\\') { i++; if (line[i] == 'n') iname[j++] = '\n'; else iname[j++] = line[i]; i++; } else iname[j++] = line[i++]; } iname[j] = '\0'; if (line[i] == ':') i++; j = 0; while (line[i] != ':' && line[i] != '\n') cname[j++] = line[i++]; cname[j] = '\0'; addto_menu(mname,iname,cname); } fclose(fin); return 1; } // Fix '\' in Windows paths (convert to '/') and cut off filename (optional, default) void fix_path(char *path, int strip_filename = 1) { if (!path[0]) return; #ifdef _WIN32 // convert '\' to '/' char *p = path; while (*p) { if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; p++; } #endif // _WIN32 if (strip_filename) { char *pos = strrchr(path, '/'); if (pos) *pos = 0; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { fl_putenv("FLTK_DOCDIR=../documentation/html"); // used by fluid char menu[FL_PATH_MAX]; // construct app_path for all executable files fl_filename_absolute(app_path, sizeof(app_path), argv[0]); #ifdef __APPLE__ char *q = strstr(app_path, "/Contents/MacOS/"); if (q) *q = 0; #endif fix_path(app_path); // fluid's path is relative to app_path: // - "../fluid" for autoconf/make builds // - ".." (parent directory) for single configuration CMake builds // - "../../$CMAKE_INTDIR" for multi-config (Visual Studio or Xcode) CMake builds strcpy(fluid_path, app_path); if (cmake_intdir) fix_path(fluid_path); // remove intermediate (build type) folder, e.g. "/Debug" fix_path(fluid_path); // remove folder name ("test") #if !defined(GENERATED_BY_CMAKE) strcat(fluid_path, "/fluid"); #else // CMake: potentially Visual Studio or Xcode (multi config) if (cmake_intdir) strcat(fluid_path, cmake_intdir); // append e.g. "/Debug" #endif // GENERATED_BY_CMAKE // construct data_path for the menu file and all resources (data files) // CMake: replace "/bin/test/*" with "/data" // autotools: use app_path directly strcpy(data_path, app_path); #if defined(GENERATED_BY_CMAKE) { char *pos = strstr(data_path, "/bin/test"); if (pos) strcpy(pos, "/data"); } #endif // GENERATED_BY_CMAKE // Construct the menu file name, optionally overridden by command args. // Use data_path and append "/.menu" const char *fn = fl_filename_name(argv[0]); strcpy(menu, data_path); strcat(menu, "/"); strcat(menu, fn); fl_filename_setext(menu, sizeof(menu), ".menu"); // parse commandline int i = 0; if (!Fl::args(argc, argv, i) || i < argc-1) Fl::fatal("Usage: %s \n%s", argv[0], Fl::help); if (i < argc) { // override menu file *and* data path ! fl_filename_absolute(menu, sizeof(menu), (const char *)argv[i]); strcpy(data_path, menu); fix_path(data_path); } // set current work directory to 'data_path' if (fl_chdir(data_path) == -1) { /* ignore */ } // Create forms first // tty needs to exist before we can print debug msgs // create_the_forms(); { char cwd[1024]; fl_getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); fix_path(cwd, 0); debug_var("app_path", app_path); debug_var("fluid_path", fluid_path); debug_var("data_path", data_path); debug_var("menu file", menu); debug_var("cwd", cwd); tty->printf("\n"); } if (!load_the_menu(menu)) Fl::fatal("Can't open menu file '%s'", menu); push_menu("@main"); form->show(argc, argv); Fl::run(); return 0; }