# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0400
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
class CubeViewUI {open
} {
  Function {CubeViewUI()} {open
  } {
    Fl_Window mainWindow {
      label CubeView open
      private xywh {428 124 415 405} type Double box UP_BOX labelsize 12 hide resizable
    } {
      Fl_Group {} {open
        xywh {5 3 374 399}
      } {
        Fl_Group VChange {open
          xywh {5 100 37 192}
        } {
          Fl_Roller vrot {
            label {V Rot}
            callback {cube->v_angle(((Fl_Roller *)o)->value());
            xywh {5 100 17 186} labeltype NO_LABEL labelsize 12 align 128 minimum -180 maximum 180 step 1
            code0 {\#include <stdio.h>}
          Fl_Slider ypan {
            label {V Pan}
            callback {cube->pany(((Fl_Slider *)o)->value());
            xywh {25 100 17 186} type {Vert Knob} selection_color 136 labeltype NO_LABEL labelsize 12 align 0 minimum -25 maximum 25 step 0.1
        Fl_Group HChange {open
          xywh {120 362 190 40}
        } {
          Fl_Slider xpan {
            label {H Pan}
            callback {cube->panx(((Fl_Slider *)o)->value());
            xywh {122 364 186 17} type {Horz Knob} selection_color 136 labeltype NO_LABEL labelsize 12 align 16 minimum 25 maximum -25 step 0.1
          Fl_Roller hrot {
            label {H Rotation}
            callback {cube->h_angle(((Fl_Roller *)o)->value());
            xywh {122 383 186 17} type Horizontal labeltype NO_LABEL labelsize 12 align 8 minimum -180 maximum 180 step 1
        Fl_Group MainView {open
          xywh {46 27 333 333} resizable
        } {
          Fl_Box cframe {
            xywh {46 27 333 333} box DOWN_FRAME color 4 selection_color 69
          Fl_Box cube {
            label {This is the cube_view} selected
            xywh {48 29 329 329} align 16 resizable
            code0 {\#include "CubeView.h"}
            class CubeView
        Fl_Value_Slider zoom {
          label Zoom
          callback {cube->size=((Fl_Value_Slider *)o)->value();
          xywh {106 3 227 19} type {Horz Knob} selection_color 136 labelfont 1 labelsize 12 align 4 minimum 1 maximum 50 step 0.1 value 10 textfont 1
  Function {show(int argc, char **argv)} {open
  } {
    code {mainWindow->show(argc, argv);} {}