class Fl_Image

This class holds an image, normally used to label a widget. The subclasses define how the data is interpreted, and usually store server-side cached versions of the image. All the current types define pixel arrays, but other types of images, such as vector graphics, can be defined.


ulong id, mask;
void _draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx, int cy);

Subclasses may use these protected members of the base class to draw a cached pixel array. They must first set id and mask to the color and transparency offscreen windows, using system-specific code. Then they can call _draw() to draw them.

int w,h

These members hold the width and height of the image. They are not correct until measure() is called. These are public instance variables for back comptability, but you should never set them.

virtual void Fl_Image::measure(int W, int H);

Measure how big the image will be if it is drawn inside a W,H rectangle and put the result into w,h. For most image types this does nothing and w,h are set by the constructor. This may be used to initialize the scaling for variable-sized images.

virtual void Fl_Image::draw(int x,int y,int w,int h, int cx,int cy);

Draw the image so the point cx,cy of the image is at x,y. The image may be scaled or clipped to fit in the w,h rectangle, but this is not necessary (although obeying the current fl_clip value is!).

void Fl_Image::draw(int x,int y,int w,int h, Fl_Flags align);

This non-virtual function uses measure() and the align flags to figure out cx,cy and call the normal draw function. This allows you to center or align any edge of the image with a bounding box.

virtual Fl_Image::~Fl_Image();

The destructor throws away any server-cached information, but in most cases does not destroy the local data passed to a constructor.

class Fl_Bitmap : public Fl_Image

This object encapsulates the width, height, and bits of an X bitmap (XBM), and allows you to make an Fl_Widget use a bitmap as a label, or to just draw the bitmap directly.

Fl_Bitmap(const char *bits, int W, int H)
Fl_Bitmap(const uchar *bits, int W, int H)

Construct using an X bitmap. The bits pointer is simply copied to the object, so it must point at persistent storage. The two constructors are provided because various X implementations disagree about the type of bitmap data. To use an XBM file use:


The destructor will destroy any X pixmap created. It does not do anything to the bits data.

void draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, int ox = 0, int oy = 0)

1 bits are drawn with the current color, 0 bits are unchanged. The image is clipped to the destination rectangle: the area ox,oy,w,h is copied to x,y,w,h.

void draw(int x, int y)

Draws the bitmap with the upper-left corner at x,y. This is the same as doing draw(x,y,this->w,this->h,0,0).

class Fl_Pixmap : public Fl_Image

This object encapsulates the data from an XPM image, and allows you to make an Fl_Widget use a pixmap as a label, or to just draw the pixmap directly.

Fl_Pixmap(char *const* data)

Construct using XPM data. The data pointer is simply copied to the object, so it must point at persistent storage. To use an XPM file do:


The destructor will destroy any X pixmap created. It does not do anything to the data.

void draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, int ox = 0, int oy = 0)

The image is clipped to the destination rectangle: the area ox,oy,w,h is copied to x,y,w,h. The current implementation converts the pixmap to 24-bit RGB data and uses fl_draw_image() to draw it. Thus you will get dithered colors on an 8 bit screen.

void draw(int x, int y)

Draws the image with the upper-left corner at x,y. This is the same as doing draw(x,y,this->w,this->h,0,0).

class Fl_RGB_Image

This object encapsulates a full-color RGB image, and allows you to make an Fl_Widget use an image as a label, or to just draw the image directly.

Fl_RGB_Image(const uchar *data, int W, int H, int D = 3, int LD = 0)

Construct using a pointer to RGB data. W and H are the size of the image in pixels. D is the delta between pixels (it may be more than 3 to skip alpha or other data, or negative to flip the image left/right). LD is the delta between lines (it may be more than D * W to crop images, or negative to flip the image vertically). The data pointer is simply copied to the object, so it must point at persistent storage.


The destructor will destroy any X pixmap created. It does not do anything to the data.

void draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, int ox = 0, int oy = 0)

The image is clipped to the destination rectangle: the area ox,oy,w,h is copied to x,y,w,h.

void draw(int x, int y)

Draws the image with the upper-left corner at x,y. This is the same as doing draw(x,y,this->w,this->h,0,0).