class Fl_Tile

Class Hierarchy

Include Files


The Fl_Tile class lets you resize the children by dragging the border between them:

Fl_Tile widget.

Fl_Tile allows objects to be resized to zero dimensions. To prevent this you can use the resizable() to limit where corners can be dragged to.

Even though objects can be resized to zero sizes, they must initially have non-zero sizes so the Fl_Tile can figure out their layout. If desired, call position() after creating the children but before displaying the window to set the borders where you want.

The "borders" are part of the children - Fl_Tile does not draw any graphics of its own. In the example above, all of the children have FL_DOWN_BOX types, and the "ridges" you see are actually two adjacent FL_DOWN_BOX's drawn next to each other. All neighboring widgets share the same edge - the widget's thick borders make it appear as though the widgets aren't actually touching, but they are. If the edges of adjacent widgets do not touch, then it will be impossible to drag the corresponding edges.


Fl_Tile::Fl_Tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label = 0)

Creates a new Fl_Tile widget using the given position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_NO_BOX.

virtual Fl_Tile::~Fl_Tile()

The destructor also deletes all the children. This allows a whole tree to be deleted at once, without having to keep a pointer to all the children in the user code. A kludge has been done so the Fl_Tile and all of it's children can be automatic (local) variables, but you must declare the Fl_Tile first, so that it is destroyed last.

void Fl_Tile::position(from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y)

Drag the intersection at from_x,from_y to to_x,to_y. This redraws all the necessary children.

void Fl_Tile::resizable(Fl_Widget &w)
void Fl_Tile::resizable(Fl_Widget *w)

The "resizable" child widget (which should be invisible) limits where the border can be dragged to. If you don't set it, it will be possible to drag the borders right to the edge, and thus resize objects on the edge to zero width or height. The resizable() widget is not resized by dragging any borders.