# # "$Id$" # # CMakeLists.txt to build fluid for the FLTK project using CMake (www.cmake.org) # # Copyright 1998-2018 by Bill Spitzak and others. # # This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in # the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this # file is missing or damaged, see the license at: # # https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php # # Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: # # https://www.fltk.org/str.php # if(NOT ANDROID) set(CPPFILES CodeEditor.cxx Fl_Function_Type.cxx Fl_Group_Type.cxx Fl_Menu_Type.cxx Fl_Type.cxx Fl_Widget_Type.cxx Fl_Window_Type.cxx Fluid_Image.cxx about_panel.cxx align_widget.cxx alignment_panel.cxx code.cxx factory.cxx file.cxx fluid.cxx function_panel.cxx template_panel.cxx undo.cxx widget_panel.cxx ) # ExternalCodeEditor: platform specific files if (WIN32) list(APPEND CPPFILES ExternalCodeEditor_WIN32.cxx) else () list(APPEND CPPFILES ExternalCodeEditor_UNIX.cxx) endif (WIN32) if(APPLE AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_X11) AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_SDL)) set(ICON_NAME fluid.icns) set(ICON_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/fluid/fluid.app/Contents/Resources/${ICON_NAME}") add_executable(fluid MACOSX_BUNDLE ${CPPFILES} ${ICON_PATH}) else() add_executable(fluid WIN32 ${CPPFILES}) endif(APPLE AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_X11) AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_SDL)) target_link_libraries(fluid fltk fltk_images fltk_forms) # install fluid if(APPLE AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_X11) AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_SDL)) # create bundle set_target_properties(fluid PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/fluid/fluid.app/Contents/Info.plist") set_target_properties(fluid PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE ${ICON_NAME}) set_target_properties(fluid PROPERTIES RESOURCE ${ICON_PATH}) # install install(TARGETS fluid DESTINATION ${FLTK_BINDIR}) else() install(TARGETS fluid EXPORT FLTK-Targets RUNTIME DESTINATION ${FLTK_BINDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${FLTK_LIBDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${FLTK_LIBDIR} ) endif(APPLE AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_X11) AND (NOT OPTION_APPLE_SDL)) # install desktop files if(UNIX) install(FILES fluid.desktop DESTINATION ${FLTK_DATADIR}/applications ) # Install mime-type file. x-fluid.desktop method is deprecated. install(FILES fluid.xml DESTINATION ${FLTK_DATADIR}/mime/packages ) # Install desktop icons. foreach(icon 32 48 64 128) install(FILES icons/fluid-${icon}.png DESTINATION ${FLTK_DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/${icon}x${icon}/apps RENAME fluid.png ) endforeach() endif(UNIX) endif(NOT ANDROID)