// // "$Id$" // // Group widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2005 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: // // http://www.fltk.org/str.php // // The Fl_Group is the only defined container type in FLTK. // Fl_Window itself is a subclass of this, and most of the event // handling is designed so windows themselves work correctly. #include #include #include #include #include #include Fl_Group* Fl_Group::current_; // Hack: A single child is stored in the pointer to the array, while // multiple children are stored in an allocated array: Fl_Widget*const* Fl_Group::array() const { return children_ <= 1 ? (Fl_Widget**)(&array_) : array_; } int Fl_Group::find(const Fl_Widget* o) const { Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); int i; for (i=0; i < children_; i++) if (*a++ == o) break; return i; } // Metrowerks CodeWarrior and others can't export the static // class member: current_, so these methods can't be inlined... void Fl_Group::begin() {current_ = this;} void Fl_Group::end() {current_ = (Fl_Group*)parent();} Fl_Group *Fl_Group::current() {return current_;} void Fl_Group::current(Fl_Group *g) {current_ = g;} extern Fl_Widget* fl_oldfocus; // set by Fl::focus // For back-compatability, we must adjust all events sent to child // windows so they are relative to that window. static int send(Fl_Widget* o, int event) { if (o->type() < FL_WINDOW) return o->handle(event); switch ( event ) { case FL_DND_ENTER: case FL_DND_DRAG: // figure out correct type of event: event = (o->contains(Fl::belowmouse())) ? FL_DND_DRAG : FL_DND_ENTER; } int save_x = Fl::e_x; Fl::e_x -= o->x(); int save_y = Fl::e_y; Fl::e_y -= o->y(); int ret = o->handle(event); Fl::e_y = save_y; Fl::e_x = save_x; switch ( event ) { case FL_ENTER: case FL_DND_ENTER: // Successful completion of FL_ENTER means the widget is now the // belowmouse widget, but only call Fl::belowmouse if the child // widget did not do so: if (!o->contains(Fl::belowmouse())) Fl::belowmouse(o); break; } return ret; } // translate the current keystroke into up/down/left/right for navigation: #define ctrl(x) (x^0x40) static int navkey() { switch (Fl::event_key()) { case 0: // not an FL_KEYBOARD/FL_SHORTCUT event break; case FL_Tab: if (!Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT)) return FL_Right; case 0xfe20: // XK_ISO_Left_Tab return FL_Left; case FL_Right: return FL_Right; case FL_Left: return FL_Left; case FL_Up: return FL_Up; case FL_Down: return FL_Down; } return 0; } int Fl_Group::handle(int event) { Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); int i; Fl_Widget* o; switch (event) { case FL_FOCUS: switch (navkey()) { default: if (savedfocus_ && savedfocus_->take_focus()) return 1; case FL_Right: case FL_Down: for (i = children(); i--;) if ((*a++)->take_focus()) return 1; break; case FL_Left: case FL_Up: for (i = children(); i--;) if (a[i]->take_focus()) return 1; break; } return 0; case FL_UNFOCUS: savedfocus_ = fl_oldfocus; return 0; case FL_KEYBOARD: return navigation(navkey()); case FL_SHORTCUT: for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->takesevents() && Fl::event_inside(o) && send(o,FL_SHORTCUT)) return 1; } for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->takesevents() && !Fl::event_inside(o) && send(o,FL_SHORTCUT)) return 1; } if ((Fl::event_key() == FL_Enter || Fl::event_key() == FL_KP_Enter)) return navigation(FL_Down); return 0; case FL_ENTER: case FL_MOVE: for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->visible() && Fl::event_inside(o)) { if (o->contains(Fl::belowmouse())) { return send(o,FL_MOVE); } else { Fl::belowmouse(o); if (send(o,FL_ENTER)) return 1; } } } Fl::belowmouse(this); return 1; case FL_DND_ENTER: case FL_DND_DRAG: for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->takesevents() && Fl::event_inside(o)) { if (o->contains(Fl::belowmouse())) { return send(o,FL_DND_DRAG); } else if (send(o,FL_DND_ENTER)) { if (!o->contains(Fl::belowmouse())) Fl::belowmouse(o); return 1; } } } Fl::belowmouse(this); return 0; case FL_PUSH: for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->takesevents() && Fl::event_inside(o)) { if (send(o,FL_PUSH)) { if (Fl::pushed() && !o->contains(Fl::pushed())) Fl::pushed(o); return 1; } } } return 0; case FL_RELEASE: case FL_DRAG: o = Fl::pushed(); if (o == this) return 0; else if (o) send(o,event); else { for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->takesevents() && Fl::event_inside(o)) { if (send(o,event)) return 1; } } } return 0; case FL_MOUSEWHEEL: for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->takesevents() && Fl::event_inside(o) && send(o,FL_MOUSEWHEEL)) return 1; } for (i = children(); i--;) { o = a[i]; if (o->takesevents() && !Fl::event_inside(o) && send(o,FL_MOUSEWHEEL)) return 1; } return 0; case FL_DEACTIVATE: case FL_ACTIVATE: for (i = children(); i--;) { o = *a++; if (o->active()) o->handle(event); } return 1; case FL_SHOW: case FL_HIDE: for (i = children(); i--;) { o = *a++; if (event == FL_HIDE && o == Fl::focus()) { // Give up input focus... int old_event = Fl::e_number; o->handle(Fl::e_number = FL_UNFOCUS); Fl::e_number = old_event; Fl::focus(0); } if (o->visible()) o->handle(event); } return 1; default: // For all other events, try to give to each child, starting at focus: for (i = 0; i < children(); i ++) if (Fl::focus_ == a[i]) break; if (i >= children()) i = 0; if (children()) { for (int j = i;;) { if (a[j]->takesevents() || event != FL_MOUSEWHEEL) { if (send(a[j], event)) return 1; } j++; if (j >= children()) j = 0; if (j == i) break; } } return 0; } } //void Fl_Group::focus(Fl_Widget *o) {Fl::focus(o); o->handle(FL_FOCUS);} #if 0 const char *nameof(Fl_Widget *o) { if (!o) return "NULL"; if (!o->label()) return ""; return o->label(); } #endif // try to move the focus in response to a keystroke: int Fl_Group::navigation(int key) { if (children() <= 1) return 0; int i; for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (i >= children_) return 0; if (array_[i]->contains(Fl::focus())) break; } Fl_Widget *previous = array_[i]; for (;;) { switch (key) { case FL_Right: case FL_Down: i++; if (i >= children_) { if (parent()) return 0; i = 0; } break; case FL_Left: case FL_Up: if (i) i--; else { if (parent()) return 0; i = children_-1; } break; default: return 0; } Fl_Widget* o = array_[i]; if (o == previous) return 0; switch (key) { case FL_Down: case FL_Up: // for up/down, the widgets have to overlap horizontally: if (o->x() >= previous->x()+previous->w() || o->x()+o->w() <= previous->x()) continue; } if (o->take_focus()) return 1; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fl_Group::Fl_Group(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l) : Fl_Widget(X,Y,W,H,l) { align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); children_ = 0; array_ = 0; savedfocus_ = 0; resizable_ = this; sizes_ = 0; // this is allocated when first resize() is done // Subclasses may want to construct child objects as part of their // constructor, so make sure they are add()'d to this object. // But you must end() the object! begin(); } void Fl_Group::clear() { Fl_Widget*const* old_array = array(); int old_children = children(); // clear everything now, in case fl_fix_focus recursively calls us: children_ = 0; //array_ = 0; //dont do this, it will clobber old_array if only one child savedfocus_ = 0; resizable_ = this; init_sizes(); // okay, now it is safe to destroy the children: Fl_Widget*const* a = old_array; for (int i=old_children; i--;) { Fl_Widget* o = *a++; if (o->parent() == this) delete o; } if (old_children > 1) free((void*)old_array); } Fl_Group::~Fl_Group() { clear(); } void Fl_Group::insert(Fl_Widget &o, int index) { if (o.parent()) { Fl_Group* g = (Fl_Group*)(o.parent()); int n = g->find(o); if (g == this) { if (index > n) index--; if (index == n) return; } g->remove(o); } o.parent_ = this; if (children_ == 0) { // use array pointer to point at single child array_ = (Fl_Widget**)&o; } else if (children_ == 1) { // go from 1 to 2 children Fl_Widget* t = (Fl_Widget*)array_; array_ = (Fl_Widget**)malloc(2*sizeof(Fl_Widget*)); if (index) {array_[0] = t; array_[1] = &o;} else {array_[0] = &o; array_[1] = t;} } else { if (!(children_ & (children_-1))) // double number of children array_ = (Fl_Widget**)realloc((void*)array_, 2*children_*sizeof(Fl_Widget*)); int j; for (j = children_; j > index; j--) array_[j] = array_[j-1]; array_[j] = &o; } children_++; init_sizes(); } void Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget &o) {insert(o, children_);} void Fl_Group::remove(Fl_Widget &o) { if (!children_) return; int i = find(o); if (i >= children_) return; if (&o == savedfocus_) savedfocus_ = 0; o.parent_ = 0; children_--; if (children_ == 1) { // go from 2 to 1 child Fl_Widget *t = array_[!i]; free((void*)array_); array_ = (Fl_Widget**)t; } else if (children_ > 1) { // delete from array for (; i < children_; i++) array_[i] = array_[i+1]; } init_sizes(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rather lame kludge here, I need to detect windows and ignore the // changes to X,Y, since all children are relative to X,Y. That // is why I check type(): // sizes array stores the initial positions of widgets as // left,right,top,bottom quads. The first quad is the group, the // second is the resizable (clipped to the group), and the // rest are the children. This is a convienent order for the // algorithim. If you change this be sure to fix Fl_Tile which // also uses this array! void Fl_Group::init_sizes() { delete[] sizes_; sizes_ = 0; } short* Fl_Group::sizes() { if (!sizes_) { short* p = sizes_ = new short[4*(children_+2)]; // first thing in sizes array is the group's size: if (type() < FL_WINDOW) {p[0] = x(); p[2] = y();} else {p[0] = p[2] = 0;} p[1] = p[0]+w(); p[3] = p[2]+h(); // next is the resizable's size: p[4] = p[0]; // init to the group's size p[5] = p[1]; p[6] = p[2]; p[7] = p[3]; Fl_Widget* r = resizable(); if (r && r != this) { // then clip the resizable to it int t; t = r->x(); if (t > p[0]) p[4] = t; t +=r->w(); if (t < p[1]) p[5] = t; t = r->y(); if (t > p[2]) p[6] = t; t +=r->h(); if (t < p[3]) p[7] = t; } // next is all the children's sizes: p += 8; Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); for (int i=children_; i--;) { Fl_Widget* o = *a++; *p++ = o->x(); *p++ = o->x()+o->w(); *p++ = o->y(); *p++ = o->y()+o->h(); } } return sizes_; } void Fl_Group::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { if (!resizable() || W==w() && H==h() ) { if (type() < FL_WINDOW) { int dx = X-x(); int dy = Y-y(); Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); for (int i=children_; i--;) { Fl_Widget* o = *a++; o->resize(o->x()+dx, o->y()+dy, o->w(), o->h()); } } } else if (children_) { short* p = sizes(); // get changes in size/position from the initial size: int dx = X - p[0]; int dw = W - (p[1]-p[0]); int dy = Y - p[2]; int dh = H - (p[3]-p[2]); if (type() >= FL_WINDOW) dx = dy = 0; p += 4; // get initial size of resizable(): int IX = *p++; int IR = *p++; int IY = *p++; int IB = *p++; Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); for (int i=children_; i--;) { Fl_Widget* o = *a++; #if 1 int XX = *p++; if (XX >= IR) XX += dw; else if (XX > IX) XX = IX+((XX-IX)*(IR+dw-IX)+(IR-IX)/2)/(IR-IX); int R = *p++; if (R >= IR) R += dw; else if (R > IX) R = IX+((R-IX)*(IR+dw-IX)+(IR-IX)/2)/(IR-IX); int YY = *p++; if (YY >= IB) YY += dh; else if (YY > IY) YY = IY+((YY-IY)*(IB+dh-IY)+(IB-IY)/2)/(IB-IY); int B = *p++; if (B >= IB) B += dh; else if (B > IY) B = IY+((B-IY)*(IB+dh-IY)+(IB-IY)/2)/(IB-IY); #else // much simpler code from Francois Ostiguy: int XX = *p++; if (XX >= IR) XX += dw; else if (XX > IX) XX += dw * (XX-IX)/(IR-IX); int R = *p++; if (R >= IR) R += dw; else if (R > IX) R = R + dw * (R-IX)/(IR-IX); int YY = *p++; if (YY >= IB) YY += dh; else if (YY > IY) YY = YY + dh*(YY-IY)/(IB-IY); int B = *p++; if (B >= IB) B += dh; else if (B > IY) B = B + dh*(B-IY)/(IB-IY); #endif o->resize(XX+dx, YY+dy, R-XX, B-YY); } } Fl_Widget::resize(X,Y,W,H); } void Fl_Group::draw_children() { Fl_Widget*const* a = array(); if (clip_children()) { fl_push_clip(x() + Fl::box_dx(box()), y() + Fl::box_dy(box()), w() - Fl::box_dw(box()), h() - Fl::box_dh(box())); } if (damage() & ~FL_DAMAGE_CHILD) { // redraw the entire thing: for (int i=children_; i--;) { Fl_Widget& o = **a++; draw_child(o); draw_outside_label(o); } } else { // only redraw the children that need it: for (int i=children_; i--;) update_child(**a++); } if (clip_children()) fl_pop_clip(); } void Fl_Group::draw() { if (damage() & ~FL_DAMAGE_CHILD) { // redraw the entire thing: draw_box(); draw_label(); } draw_children(); } // Draw a child only if it needs it: void Fl_Group::update_child(Fl_Widget& widget) const { if (widget.damage() && widget.visible() && widget.type() < FL_WINDOW && fl_not_clipped(widget.x(), widget.y(), widget.w(), widget.h())) { widget.draw(); widget.clear_damage(); } } // Force a child to redraw: void Fl_Group::draw_child(Fl_Widget& widget) const { if (widget.visible() && widget.type() < FL_WINDOW && fl_not_clipped(widget.x(), widget.y(), widget.w(), widget.h())) { widget.clear_damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL); widget.draw(); widget.clear_damage(); } } extern char fl_draw_shortcut; // Parents normally call this to draw outside labels: void Fl_Group::draw_outside_label(const Fl_Widget& widget) const { if (!widget.visible()) return; // skip any labels that are inside the widget: if (!(widget.align()&15) || (widget.align() & FL_ALIGN_INSIDE)) return; // invent a box that is outside the widget: int a = widget.align(); int X = widget.x(); int Y = widget.y(); int W = widget.w(); int H = widget.h(); if (a & FL_ALIGN_TOP) { a ^= (FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_TOP); Y = y(); H = widget.y()-Y; } else if (a & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) { a ^= (FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_TOP); Y = Y+H; H = y()+h()-Y; } else if (a & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) { a ^= (FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); X = x(); W = widget.x()-X-3; } else if (a & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) { a ^= (FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); X = X+W+3; W = x()+this->w()-X; } widget.draw_label(X,Y,W,H,(Fl_Align)a); } // // End of "$Id$". //