// // "$Id: Fl_Text_Editor.H,v 2001/08/04 12:21:33 easysw Exp $" // // Header file for Fl_Text_Editor class. // // Copyright Mark Edel. Permission to distribute under the LGPL for // the FLTK library granted by Mark Edel. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // #ifndef FL_TEXT_EDITOR_H #define FL_TEXT_EDITOR_H #include "Fl_Text_Display.H" // key will match in any state #define FL_TEXT_EDITOR_ANY_STATE (-1L) class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Editor : public Fl_Text_Display { public: typedef int (*Key_Func)(int key, Fl_Text_Editor* editor); struct FL_EXPORT Key_Binding { int key; int state; Key_Func function; Key_Binding* next; }; Fl_Text_Editor(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* l = 0); ~Fl_Text_Editor() { remove_all_key_bindings(); } virtual int handle(int e); void insert_mode(int b) { insert_mode_ = b; } int insert_mode() { return insert_mode_; } void add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f, Key_Binding** list); void add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f) { add_key_binding(key, state, f, &key_bindings); } void remove_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Binding** list); void remove_key_binding(int key, int state) { remove_key_binding(key, state, &key_bindings); } void remove_all_key_bindings(Key_Binding** list); void remove_all_key_bindings() { remove_all_key_bindings(&key_bindings); } void add_default_key_bindings(Key_Binding** list); Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state, Key_Binding* list); Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state) { return bound_key_function(key, state, key_bindings); } void default_key_function(Key_Func f) { default_key_function_ = f; } // functions for the built in default bindings static int kf_default(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_ignore(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_backspace(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_enter(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_shift_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_ctrl_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_c_s_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_home(int, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_end(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_left(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_up(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_right(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_down(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_page_up(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_page_down(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_insert(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_delete(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_copy(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_cut(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_paste(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); static int kf_select_all(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e); protected: int handle_key(); int insert_mode_; Key_Binding* key_bindings; static Key_Binding* global_key_bindings; Key_Func default_key_function_; }; #endif // // End of "$Id: Fl_Text_Editor.H,v 2001/08/04 12:21:33 easysw Exp $". //