// // Label drawing code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2020 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // // Implementation of fl_draw(const char*,int,int,int,int,Fl_Align) // Used to draw all the labels and text, this routine: // Word wraps the labels to fit into their bounding box. // Breaks them into lines at the newlines. // Expands all unprintable characters to ^X or \nnn notation // Aligns them against the inside of the box. #include #include #include #include #include // fl_open_display() #include "flstring.h" #include #include #include char fl_draw_shortcut; // set by fl_labeltypes.cxx static char* underline_at; /* If called with maxbuf==0, use an internally allocated buffer and enlarge it as needed. Otherwise, use buf as buffer but don't go beyond its length of maxbuf. */ static const char* expand_text_(const char* from, char*& buf, int maxbuf, double maxw, int& n, double &width, int wrap, int draw_symbols) { char* e = buf+(maxbuf-4); underline_at = 0; double w = 0; static int l_local_buff = 500; static char *local_buf = (char*)malloc(l_local_buff); // initial buffer allocation if (maxbuf == 0) { buf = local_buf; e = buf + l_local_buff - 4; } char* o = buf; char* word_end = o; const char* word_start = from; const char* p = from; for (;; p++) { int c = *p & 255; if (!c || c == ' ' || c == '\n') { // test for word-wrap: if (word_start < p && wrap) { double newwidth = w + fl_width(word_end, (int) (o-word_end) ); if (word_end > buf && int(newwidth) > maxw) { // break before this word o = word_end; p = word_start; break; } word_end = o; w = newwidth; } if (!c) break; else if (c == '\n') {p++; break;} word_start = p+1; } if (o > e) { if (maxbuf) break; // don't overflow buffer l_local_buff += int(o - e) + 200; // enlarge buffer buf = (char*)realloc(local_buf, l_local_buff); e = buf + l_local_buff - 4; // update pointers to buffer content o = buf + (o - local_buf); word_end = buf + (word_end - local_buf); local_buf = buf; } if (c == '\t') { for (c = fl_utf_nb_char((uchar*)buf, (int) (o-buf) )%8; c<8 && o (str + 1) && p[-1] != '@') { strlcpy(symbol[1], p, sizeof(symbol[1])); symwidth[1] = (w < h ? w : h); } } symtotal = symwidth[0] + symwidth[1]; imgtotal = (img && (align&FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT)) ? img->w() : 0; int strw = 0; int strh; if (str) { for (p = str, lines=0; p;) { e = expand_text_(p, linebuf, 0, w - symtotal - imgtotal, buflen, width, align&FL_ALIGN_WRAP, draw_symbols); if (strwh() : 0; int imgw[2] = {0, 0}; symoffset = 0; if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) ypos = y+h-(lines-1)*height-imgh; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ypos = y+height; else ypos = y+(h-lines*height-imgh)/2+height; // draw the image unless the "text over image" alignment flag is set... if (img && imgvert && !(align & FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE)) { if (img->w() > symoffset) symoffset = img->w(); if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0]; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - img->w() - symwidth[1]; else xpos = x + (w - img->w() - symtotal) / 2 + symwidth[0]; img->draw(xpos, ypos - height); ypos += img->h(); } // draw the image to the side of the text if (img && !imgvert /* && (align & !FL_ALIGN_TEXT_NEXT_TO_IMAGE)*/ ) { if (align & FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE) { // image is right of text imgw[1] = img->w(); if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0] + strw + 1; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symwidth[1] - imgw[1] + 1; else xpos = x + (w - strw - symtotal - imgw[1]) / 2 + symwidth[0] + strw + 1; } else { // image is to the left of the text imgw[0] = img->w(); if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0] - 1; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symwidth[1] - strw - imgw[0] - 1; else xpos = x + (w - strw - symtotal - imgw[0]) / 2 - 1; } int yimg = ypos - height; if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) yimg += strh - img->h() - 1; else yimg += (strh - img->h() - 1) / 2; img->draw(xpos, yimg); } // now draw all the lines: if (str) { int desc = fl_descent(); for (p=str; ; ypos += height) { if (lines>1) e = expand_text_(p, linebuf, 0, w - symtotal - imgtotal, buflen, width, align&FL_ALIGN_WRAP, draw_symbols); else e = ""; if (width > symoffset) symoffset = (int)(width + 0.5); if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0] + imgw[0]; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - (int)(width + .5) - symwidth[1] - imgw[1]; else xpos = x + (w - (int)(width + .5) - symtotal - imgw[0] - imgw[1]) / 2 + symwidth[0] + imgw[0]; callthis(linebuf,buflen,xpos,ypos-desc); if (underline_at && underline_at >= linebuf && underline_at < (linebuf + buflen)) callthis("_",1,xpos+int(fl_width(linebuf,(int) (underline_at-linebuf))),ypos-desc); if (!*e || (*e == '@' && e[1] != '@')) break; p = e; } } // draw the image if the "text over image" alignment flag is set... if (img && imgvert && (align & FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE)) { if (img->w() > symoffset) symoffset = img->w(); if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0]; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - img->w() - symwidth[1]; else xpos = x + (w - img->w() - symtotal) / 2 + symwidth[0]; img->draw(xpos, ypos); } // draw the symbols, if any... if (symwidth[0]) { // draw to the left if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symtotal - symoffset; else xpos = x + (w - symoffset - symtotal) / 2; if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) ypos = y + h - symwidth[0]; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ypos = y; else ypos = y + (h - symwidth[0]) / 2; fl_draw_symbol(symbol[0], xpos, ypos, symwidth[0], symwidth[0], fl_color()); } if (symwidth[1]) { // draw to the right if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symoffset + symwidth[0]; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symwidth[1]; else xpos = x + (w - symoffset - symtotal) / 2 + symoffset + symwidth[0]; if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) ypos = y + h - symwidth[1]; else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ypos = y; else ypos = y + (h - symwidth[1]) / 2; fl_draw_symbol(symbol[1], xpos, ypos, symwidth[1], symwidth[1], fl_color()); } } /** Fancy string drawing function which is used to draw all the labels. The string is formatted and aligned inside the passed box. Handles '\\t' and '\\n', expands all other control characters to '^X', and aligns inside or against the edges of the box. See Fl_Widget::align() for values of \p align. The value FL_ALIGN_INSIDE is ignored, as this function always prints inside the box. If \p img is provided and is not \p NULL, the image is drawn above or below the text as specified by the \p align value. The \p draw_symbols argument specifies whether or not to look for symbol names starting with the '\@' character' */ void fl_draw( const char* str, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Align align, Fl_Image* img, int draw_symbols) { if ((!str || !*str) && !img) return; if (w && h && !fl_not_clipped(x, y, w, h) && (align & FL_ALIGN_INSIDE)) return; if (align & FL_ALIGN_CLIP) fl_push_clip(x, y, w, h); fl_draw(str, x, y, w, h, align, fl_draw, img, draw_symbols); if (align & FL_ALIGN_CLIP) fl_pop_clip(); } /** Measure how wide and tall the string will be when printed by the fl_draw() function with \p align parameter. If the incoming \p w is non-zero it will wrap to that width. The \ref drawing_fl_font "current font" is used to do the width/height calculations, so unless its value is known at the time fl_measure() is called, it is advised to first set the current font with fl_font(). With event-driven GUI programming you can never be sure which widget was exposed and redrawn last, nor which font it used. If you have not called fl_font() explicitly in your own code, the width and height may be set to unexpected values, even zero! \b Note: In the general use case, it's a common error to forget to set \p w to 0 before calling fl_measure() when wrap behavior isn't needed. \param[in] str nul-terminated string \param[out] w,h width and height of string in current font \param[in] draw_symbols non-zero to enable @@symbol handling [default=1] \code // Example: Common use case for fl_measure() const char *s = "This is a test"; int wi=0, hi=0; // initialize to zero before calling fl_measure() fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 14); // set current font face/size to be used for measuring fl_measure(s, wi, hi); // returns pixel width/height of string in current font \endcode */ void fl_measure(const char* str, int& w, int& h, int draw_symbols) { if (!str || !*str) {w = 0; h = 0; return;} h = fl_height(); char *linebuf = NULL; const char* p; const char* e; int buflen; int lines; double width=0; int W = 0; int symwidth[2], symtotal; symwidth[0] = 0; // size of symbol at beginning of string (if any) symwidth[1] = 0; // size of symbol at end of string (if any) if (draw_symbols) { // Symbol at beginning of string? const char *sym2 = (str[0]=='@' && str[1]=='@') ? str+2 : str; // sym2 check will skip leading @@ if (str[0] == '@' && str[1] != '@') { while (*str && !isspace(*str)) { ++str; } // skip over symbol if (isspace(*str)) ++str; // skip over trailing space sym2 = str; // sym2 check will skip leading symbol symwidth[0] = h; } // Symbol at end of string? if ((p=strchr(sym2,'@')) != NULL && p[1] != '@') { symwidth[1] = h; } } symtotal = symwidth[0] + symwidth[1]; for (p = str, lines=0; p;) { // e = expand(p, linebuf, w - symtotal, buflen, width, w != 0, draw_symbols); e = expand_text_(p, linebuf, 0, w - symtotal, buflen, width, w != 0, draw_symbols); if ((int)ceil(width) > W) W = (int)ceil(width); lines++; if (!*e || (*e == '@' && e[1] != '@' && draw_symbols)) break; p = e; } if ((symwidth[0] || symwidth[1]) && lines) { if (symwidth[0]) symwidth[0] = lines * fl_height(); if (symwidth[1]) symwidth[1] = lines * fl_height(); } symtotal = symwidth[0] + symwidth[1]; w = W + symtotal; h = lines*h; } /** Sets the current font, which is then used in various drawing routines. You may call this outside a draw context if necessary to measure text, for instance by calling fl_width(), fl_measure(), or fl_text_extents(), but on X this will open the display. The font is identified by a \p face and a \p size. The size of the font is measured in pixels and not "points". Lines should be spaced \p size pixels apart or more. */ void fl_font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize fsize) { if (!fl_graphics_driver) fl_open_display(); fl_graphics_driver->font(face, fsize); } /** This function returns the actual height of the specified \p font and \p size. Normally the font height should always be 'size', but with the advent of XFT, there are (currently) complexities that seem to only be solved by asking the font what its actual font height is. (See STR#2115) This function was originally undocumented in 1.1.x, and was used only by Fl_Text_Display. We're now documenting it in 1.3.x so that apps that need precise height info can get it with this function. \returns the height of the font in pixels. \todo In the future, when the XFT issues are resolved, this function should simply return the 'size' value. */ int fl_height(int font, int size) { if ( font == fl_font() && size == fl_size() ) return(fl_height()); int tf = fl_font(), ts = fl_size(); // save fl_font(font,size); int height = fl_height(); fl_font(tf,ts); // restore return(height); } /** Removes any GUI scaling factor in subsequent drawing operations. This must be matched by a later call to fl_restore_scale(). This function can be used to transiently perform drawing operations that are not rescaled by the current value of the GUI scaling factor. The resulting drawing context has no clipping region. \return The GUI scaling factor value that was in place when the function started. */ float fl_override_scale() { return fl_graphics_driver->override_scale(); } /** Restores the GUI scaling factor and the clipping region in subsequent drawing operations. \param s Value returned by a previous call to fl_override_scale(). */ void fl_restore_scale(float s) { fl_graphics_driver->restore_scale(s); } /** Draw a check mark inside the given bounding box. The check mark is allowed to fill the entire box but the algorithm used makes sure that a 1-pixel border is kept free if the box is large enough. You need to calculate margins for box borders etc. yourself. The check mark size is limited (minimum and maximum size) and the check mark is always centered in the given box. \note If the box is too small (bad GUI design) the check mark will be drawn over the box borders. This is intentional for better user experience. Otherwise users might not be able to recognize if a box is checked. The size limits are implementation details and may be changed at any time. \param[in] bb rectangle that defines the bounding box \param[in] col Fl_Color to draw the check mark \since 1.4.0 */ void fl_draw_check(Fl_Rect bb, Fl_Color col) { const int md = 6; // max. d1 value: 3 * md + 1 pixels wide int tx = bb.x(); int ty = bb.y(); int tw = bb.w(); int th = bb.h(); int lh = 3; // line height 3 means 4 pixels int d1, d2; Fl_Color saved_color = fl_color(); // make sure there's a free 1-pixel border if the area is large enough if (tw > 10) { tx++; tw -= 2; } if (th > 10) { ty++; th -= 2; } // calculate d1, the width and height of the left part of the check mark d1 = tw / 3; d2 = 2 * d1; if (d1 > md) { d1 = md; d2 = 2 * d1; } // make sure the height fits if (d2 + lh + 1 > th) { d2 = th - lh - 1; d1 = (d2+1) / 2; } // check minimal size (box too small) if (d1 < 2) { d1 = 2; d2 = 4; } // reduce line height (width) for small sizes if (d1 < 3) lh = 2; tw = d1 + d2 + 1; // total width th = d2 + lh + 1; // total height tx = bb.x() + (bb.w() - tw + 1) / 2; // x position (centered) ty = bb.y() + (bb.h() - th + 1) / 2; // y position (centered) // Set DEBUG_FRAME to 1 - 3 for debugging (0 otherwise) // Bit 1 set: draws a green background (the entire given box) // Bit 2 set: draws a red frame around the check mark (the bounding box) // The background (1) can be used to test correct positioning by the widget code #define DEBUG_FRAME (0) #if (DEBUG_FRAME) if (DEBUG_FRAME & 1) { // 1 = background fl_color(0x88dd8800); fl_rectf(bb.x(), bb.y(), bb.w(), bb.h()); } if (DEBUG_FRAME & 2) { // 2 = bounding box fl_color(0xff000000); fl_rect(tx, ty, tw, th); } #endif // draw the check mark fl_color(col); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); ty += d2 - d1; // upper border of check mark: left to right fl_vertex(tx, ty); fl_vertex(tx + d1, ty + d1); fl_vertex(tx + d1 + d2, ty + d1 - d2); ty += lh; // lower border of check mark: right to left fl_vertex(tx + d1 + d2, ty + d1 - d2); fl_vertex(tx + d1, ty + d1); fl_vertex(tx, ty); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(saved_color); } // fl_draw_check()