// // Contrast function test program for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 2022 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // // Note: this test and demo program is work in progress. It is published // because it is helpful but it needs some more work to be "perfect" ;-) // AlbrechtS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // program version const char *version = "0.9.0"; // prototypes and forward declarations static void button_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v); static Fl_Color calc_contrast(Fl_Color fg, Fl_Color bg, Fl_Fontsize fs); // class Button class Button : public Fl_Button { char lbuf[20]; // private label buffer Fl_Color ocol_; // "original" (label) color int idx_; // button index (0 - 255) public: Button(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int n) : Fl_Button(X, Y, W, H, "") { idx_ = n; box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); label(lbuf); callback(button_cb); color((Fl_Color)n); sprintf(lbuf, "%03d", n); set_labelcolor(n); labelsize(15); labelfont(FL_HELVETICA); } void set_labelcolor(Fl_Color col) { ocol_ = col; labelcolor(calc_contrast(col, color(), labelsize())); } Fl_Color ocol() { return ocol_; } int idx() { return idx_; } void draw() FL_OVERRIDE { draw_box(); // draw small filled rectangle with "original" color fl_color(ocol_); fl_rectf(x() + 5, y() + 5, 10, h() - 10); // measure and draw label int lw = 0, lh = 0; fl_font(labelfont(), labelsize()); fl_measure(lbuf, lw, lh); fl_color(labelcolor()); fl_draw(lbuf, x() + 15 + (w() - lw - 15) / 2, y() + h() - (h() - lh) / 2 - lh/4); fl_color(FL_BLACK); } }; // class Button // global variables Fl_Simple_Terminal *term = 0; double g_lfg; // perceived lightness of foreground color double g_lbg; // perceived lightness of background color double g_lcref; // calculated contrast reference (CIELAB, L*a*b*) int g_selected = -1; // selected button: -1 = none, 0 - 255 = valid button Fl_Fontsize g_fs = 15; // fontsize for button labels int g_level = 0; // *init* fl_contrast_level (sensitivity) int g_algo = FL_CONTRAST_LEGACY;// contrast algorithm: 0 = none, 1 = legacy (1.3.x), 2 = CIELAB, 3 = custom const char *alch = ""; // algorithm as char: "LEGACY", "CIELAB" , or "CUSTOM" Fl_Color lcolor = FL_BLACK; // label color, set by slider callback Button *buttons[256]; // array of color buttons Fl_Value_Slider *sliders[6]; // array of sliders (gray, red, green, blue, level, fontsize) Fl_Output *color_out = 0; // color output (RRGGBB) // Custom contrast algorithm: currently a dummy function (returns fg). // This may be used to define a "better" contrast function in user code static Fl_Color custom_contrast(Fl_Color fg, Fl_Color bg, Fl_Fontsize fs, int) { return fg; } /* Local function to calculate the contrast and store it in some global variables for display purposes and logging. This function is a wrapper around fl_contrast() in this demo program. */ static Fl_Color calc_contrast(Fl_Color fg, Fl_Color bg, Fl_Fontsize fs) { // Compute and set global *perceived* lightness L* (Lstar) and contrast for display g_lfg = fl_lightness(fg); g_lbg = fl_lightness(bg); g_lcref = g_lfg - g_lbg; // perceived contrast (light on dark = positive) switch (g_algo) { case FL_CONTRAST_NONE: // 0 = none (return fg) case FL_CONTRAST_LEGACY: // 1 = legacy (FLTK 1.3.x) case FL_CONTRAST_CIELAB: // 2 = CIELAB (L*a*b*) case FL_CONTRAST_CUSTOM: // 3 = Custom return fl_contrast(fg, bg, fs); default: break; } return fg; } // set all button label colors and adjust fontsize (labelsize) static void update_labels() { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { buttons[i]->set_labelcolor(lcolor); buttons[i]->labelsize(g_fs); } } static void button_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) { Button *b = (Button *)w; g_selected = b->idx(); // selected button index Fl_Color ocol = Fl::get_color(b->ocol()); // button's "original" label color (RGB0) Fl_Color fg = Fl::get_color(b->labelcolor()); // button's label color (RGB0) Fl_Color bg = Fl::get_color(b->color()); // button's background color (RGB0) calc_contrast(ocol, bg, g_fs); // calculate values to be displayed const char *color = ""; // calculated label color (text) if (fg == ocol) color = "fg"; else if (fg == 0xffffff00) color = "WHITE"; else if (fg == 0x0) color = "BLACK"; term->printf("[%s] fg: %06x, bg: %06x, lfg: %6.2f, lbg: %6.2f, lc: %7.2f, %s => %-5s", b->label(), ocol >> 8, bg >> 8, g_lfg, g_lbg, g_lcref, alch, color); if (g_algo == FL_CONTRAST_LEGACY || g_algo == FL_CONTRAST_CIELAB) term->printf(" (level = %3d)\n", g_level); else term->printf("\n"); } void lf_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) { term->printf("\n"); } // callback for color (gray and R, G, B) sliders void color_slider_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) { int n = fl_int(v); // slider type: 0 = gray, 1 = color unsigned int r, g, b; if (n == 0) { // gray slider int val = (int)sliders[0]->value(); lcolor = fl_rgb_color(val, val, val); // set gray value sliders[1]->value(val); // set r/g/b values as well sliders[2]->value(val); sliders[3]->value(val); r = g = b = val; } else { // any color slider r = (unsigned int)sliders[1]->value(); g = (unsigned int)sliders[2]->value(); b = (unsigned int)sliders[3]->value(); lcolor = fl_rgb_color(r, g, b); // set color value } // update button label colors update_labels(); // output label color char color_buf[10]; sprintf(color_buf, "%02X %02X %02X", r, g, b); color_out->value(color_buf); w->window()->redraw(); } // callback for "level" and "fontsize" sliders void slider_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) { int n = fl_int(v); // slider type: 1 = level, 2 = fontsize switch (n) { case 1: // fl_contrast_level() g_level = (int)sliders[n + 3]->value(); fl_contrast_level(g_level); // set/store current contrast level break; case 2: // 2nd slider: fontsize (labelsize) g_fs = (int)sliders[n + 3]->value(); break; default: break; } // update button label colors update_labels(); w->window()->redraw(); } // callback for contrast algorithm (radio buttons) void algo_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) { int val = fl_int(v); g_algo = val; switch(val) { case FL_CONTRAST_LEGACY: alch = "LEGACY"; fl_contrast_mode(val); break; // legacy 1.3.x case FL_CONTRAST_CIELAB: alch = "CIELAB"; fl_contrast_mode(val); break; // CIELAB L*a*b* case FL_CONTRAST_CUSTOM: alch = "CUSTOM"; fl_contrast_mode(val); break; // custom case FL_CONTRAST_NONE: default: alch = "none "; fl_contrast_mode(FL_CONTRAST_NONE); break; } g_level = fl_contrast_level(); // get current contrast level (per mode) sliders[4]->value(g_level); // set level slider value update_labels(); // update all button labels // print selected button's attributes if (g_selected >= 0) { button_cb(buttons[g_selected], (void *)0); } if (w) w->window()->redraw(); } // color chooser callback void color_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) { Fl_Color_Chooser *cc = (Fl_Color_Chooser *)w; int r = (int)(cc->r() * 255); int g = (int)(cc->g() * 255); int b = (int)(cc->b() * 255); Fl_Color c = fl_rgb_color(r, g, b); Button *bt = buttons[255]; // last button bt->color(c); bt->set_labelcolor(lcolor); bt->redraw(); } // =============================================================== // ====================== main() program ====================== // =============================================================== int main(int argc, char **argv) { const int bw = 58; const int bh = 30; int cw = 16 * bw + 10; int ch = 16 * bh + 10; int ww = cw + 10; int wh = 16 * bh + 135 + 10 + 150 /* terminal */ + 10; Fl_Double_Window window(ww, wh, "fl_contrast test"); int n = 0; Button **b = buttons; for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { *b = new Button(x * bw + 10, y * bh + 10, bw, bh, n); (*b)->set_labelcolor(n); b++; n++; } } // sliders for label color (gray, red, green, blue) const int sx = 10 + bw; const int sw = 5 * bw; const int sh = 25; int sy = ch + 10; Fl_Hor_Value_Slider *gray = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(sx, sy, sw, sh, "gray"); gray->color(0xdddddd00); gray->textsize(13); gray->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); gray->value(0); gray->bounds(0, 255); gray->step(1); gray->callback(color_slider_cb, (void *)0); sy += sh + 10; Fl_Hor_Value_Slider *red = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(sx, sy, sw, sh, "red"); red->color(FL_RED); red->textcolor(FL_WHITE); red->textsize(13); red->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); red->value(0); red->bounds(0, 255); red->step(1); red->callback(color_slider_cb, (void *)1); sy += sh + 5; Fl_Hor_Value_Slider *green = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(sx, sy, sw, sh, "green"); green->color(FL_GREEN); green->textsize(13); green->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); green->value(0); green->bounds(0, 255); green->step(1); green->callback(color_slider_cb, (void *)1); sy += sh + 5; Fl_Hor_Value_Slider *blue = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(sx, sy, sw, sh, "blue"); blue->color(FL_BLUE); blue->textcolor(FL_WHITE); blue->textsize(13); blue->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); blue->value(0); blue->bounds(0, 255); blue->step(1); blue->callback(color_slider_cb, (void *)1); sliders[0] = gray; sliders[1] = red; sliders[2] = green; sliders[3] = blue; // contrast algorithm selection group int cgx = 10 + 6*bw + 10; int cgy = ch + 30; int cgw = 90; int cgh = 100; int abh = 25; Fl_Group *cg = new Fl_Group(cgx, cgy, cgw, cgh, "fl_contrast:"); cg->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); cg->box(FL_FRAME); Fl_Radio_Round_Button *anon = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(cgx, cgy, cgw, abh, "none"); Fl_Radio_Round_Button *aleg = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(cgx, cgy + 25, cgw, abh, "LEGACY"); Fl_Radio_Round_Button *acie = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(cgx, cgy + 50, cgw, abh, "CIELAB"); Fl_Radio_Round_Button *aapc = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(cgx, cgy + 75, cgw, abh, "CUSTOM"); aleg->value(1); anon->callback(algo_cb, (void *)0); aleg->callback(algo_cb, (void *)1); acie->callback(algo_cb, (void *)2); aapc->callback(algo_cb, (void *)3); cg->end(); color_out = new Fl_Output(10 + 10 * bw, ch + 10, 100, 30, "label color:"); color_out->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); color_out->textfont(FL_COURIER); color_out->textsize(16); color_out->value("00 00 00"); // light blue "level" slider Fl_Hor_Value_Slider *s_level = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(10 + 9 * bw, red->y(), 3 * bw - 15, sh, "level"); s_level->color(231); s_level->textcolor(224); s_level->textsize(13); s_level->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); s_level->step(1); s_level->bounds(0, 100); s_level->value(g_level); s_level->callback(slider_cb, (void *)1); s_level->tooltip("set contrast sensitivity level (0-100), default: 50"); // labelsize slider Fl_Hor_Value_Slider *s_fs = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(10 + 9 * bw, green->y(), 3 * bw - 15, sh, "labelsize"); s_fs->color(231); s_fs->textcolor(224); s_fs->textsize(13); s_fs->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); s_fs->step(1); s_fs->bounds(8, 24); s_fs->value(15); s_fs->callback(slider_cb, (void *)2); s_fs->tooltip("set label/text fontsize"); sliders[4] = s_level; sliders[5] = s_fs; // line feed (LF) button Fl_Button *lf = new Fl_Button(10 + 8 * bw, blue->y(), bw, sh, "LF"); lf->tooltip("Click to output a linefeed to the log."); lf->callback(lf_cb); // color chooser for field #255 int ccx = 10 + 12 * bw; int ccy = ch + 10; int ccw = 4 * bw; int cch = 120; Fl_Color_Chooser *color_chooser = new Fl_Color_Chooser(ccx, ccy, ccw, cch); color_chooser->callback(color_cb); color_chooser->label("bg color [255] @->"); color_chooser->rgb(1, 1, 1); color_chooser->mode(1); // byte mode color_chooser->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM); // simple terminal for output (FLTK 1.4 only) int ttx = 10; int tty = color_chooser->y() + cch + 10; int ttw = window.w() - 20; int tth = window.h() - tty - 10; term = new Fl_Simple_Terminal(ttx, tty, ttw, tth); term->color(FL_WHITE); term->textcolor(FL_BLACK); term->textsize(13); term->printf("FLTK fl_contrast() test program with different contrast algorithms, version %s\n", version); term->printf("FLTK version %d.%d.%d\n", FL_MAJOR_VERSION, FL_MINOR_VERSION, FL_PATCH_VERSION); term->printf(" - Select a foreground (text) color with the gray or red/green/blue sliders (displayed inside each field).\n"); term->printf(" - Select an arbitrary background color for field #255 with the color chooser.\n"); term->printf(" - Select a colored field (by clicking on it) to display its attributes.\n"); term->printf(" - Select the contrast algorithm by clicking on the radio buttons.\n"); term->printf(" - Tune the contrast algorithm with the light blue \"level\" slider (default: 50).\n"); // set contrast mode and level, update button label colors fl_contrast_mode(g_algo); fl_contrast_function(custom_contrast); // dummy function algo_cb(NULL, fl_voidptr(g_algo)); // updates button labels window.resizable(window); window.end(); window.show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); }