Class Hierarchy
Include Files
#include <FL/Fl_Value_Input.H>
The Fl_Value_Input widget displays a floating point value.
The user can click in the text field and edit it (there is in fact a
hidden Fl_Input widget with
type(FL_FLOAT_INPUT) in there), and when they hit return or tab
the value updates to what they typed and the callback is done.
If step() is not zero, the user can also drag the mouse
across the object and thus slide the value. The left button moves one
step() per pixel, the middle by 10 * step(), and the left
button by 100 * step(). It is then impossible to select text
by dragging across it, although clicking can still move the insertion

Creates a new Fl_Value_Input widget using the given position,
size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
Destroys the valuator.
Get or set the color of the cursor. This is black by default.
If "soft" is turned on, the user is allowed to drag the value outside
the range. If they drag the value to one of the ends, let go, then
grab again and continue to drag, they can get to any value. Default is
Gets or sets the color of the text in the value box.
Gets or sets the typeface of the text in the value box.
Gets or sets the size of the text in the value box.