#!/bin/sh # # makesrcdist - make a distribution of FLTK. # echo "Getting distribution..." if test $# = 0 -o "x$1" = xsnapshot; then echo Updating for snapshot... svn up rev=`svnversion . | sed -e '1,$s/[a-zA-Z]//g'` version="1.3svn" fileversion="1.3svn-r$rev" fileurl="ftp://ftp.easysw.com/pub/fltk/snapshots/fltk-$fileversion-source.tar.bz2" url="." else if test ! -e "documentation/html/"; then echo "ERROR: Please generate the HTML documentation before distributing:" echo " autoconf" echo " ./configure" echo " cd documentation; make dist" exit fi if test ! -e "documentation/fltk.pdf"; then echo "ERROR: Please generate the PDF documentation before distributing:" echo " autoconf" echo " ./configure" echo " cd documentation; make dist" exit fi echo Creating tag for release... rev="1" version=$1 fileversion=$1 fileurl="ftp://ftp.easysw.com/pub/fltk/$version/fltk-$fileversion-source.tar.bz2" url="https://svn.easysw.com/public/fltk/fltk/tags/release-$version" svn copy https://svn.easysw.com/public/fltk/fltk/branches/branch-1.3 "$url" \ -m "Tag $version" || exit 1 fi echo Exporting $version... rm -rf /tmp/fltk-$version svn export $url /tmp/fltk-$version if test $# != 0 -a "x$1" != xsnapshot; then echo "Copying HTML and PDF documentation..." cp -r documentation/html /tmp/fltk-$version/documentation/ cp documentation/fltk.pdf /tmp/fltk-$version/documentation/ fi echo Applying version number... cd /tmp/fltk-$version fileurl=`echo $fileurl | sed -e '1,$s/\\//\\\\\\//g'` sed -e '1,$s/@VERSION@/'$version'/' \ -e '1,$s/@RELEASE@/'$rev'/' \ -e '1,$s/^Source:.*/Source: '$fileurl'/' \ fltk.spec echo Creating configure script... autoconf -f echo Cleaning developer files... rm -rf OpenGL autom4te* bc5 config forms glut images packages themes rm -f makesrcdist cd .. if test $# != 0 -a "x$1" != xsnapshot; then echo "Making HTML docs distribution..." gtar czf fltk-$fileversion-docs-html.tar.gz fltk-$version/documentation/html/ echo "Making PDF docs distribution..." gtar czf fltk-$fileversion-docs-pdf.tar.gz fltk-$version/documentation/fltk.pdf fi echo "Removing documentation..." rm -rf fltk-$version/documentation/html/ rm -f fltk-$version/documentation/fltk.pdf echo "Making UNIX distribution..." gtar czf fltk-$fileversion-source.tar.gz fltk-$version #echo "Making BZ2 distribution..." #gtar cjf fltk-$fileversion-source.tar.bz2 fltk-$version #echo "Making Windows distribution..." #rm -f fltk-$fileversion-source.zip #zip -r9 fltk-$fileversion-source.zip fltk-$version echo "Removing distribution directory..." rm -rf fltk-$version echo "Done!"