// // "$Id: Fluid_Image.cxx,v 2002/08/16 20:10:21 easysw Exp $" // // Pixmap label support for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2002 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // #include #include #include "Fl_Type.h" #include "Fluid_Image.h" #include "../src/flstring.h" #include #include #include #include extern void goto_source_dir(); // in fluid.C extern void leave_source_dir(); // in fluid.C void Fluid_Image::image(Fl_Widget *o) { o->image(img); } void Fluid_Image::deimage(Fl_Widget *o) { o->deimage(img); } static int pixmap_header_written = 0; static int bitmap_header_written = 0; static int image_header_written = 0; void Fluid_Image::write_static() { if (!img) return; if (img->count() > 1) { // Write Pixmap data... write_c("\n"); if (pixmap_header_written != write_number) { write_c("#include \n"); pixmap_header_written = write_number; } write_c("static const char *%s[] = {\n", unique_id(this, "idata", fl_filename_name(name()), 0)); write_cstring(img->data()[0], strlen(img->data()[0])); int i; int ncolors, chars_per_color; sscanf(img->data()[0], "%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_color); if (ncolors < 0) { write_c(",\n"); write_cstring(img->data()[1], ncolors * -4); i = 2; } else { for (i = 1; i <= ncolors; i ++) { write_c(",\n"); write_cstring(img->data()[i], strlen(img->data()[i])); } } for (; i < img->count(); i ++) { write_c(",\n"); write_cstring(img->data()[i], img->w() * chars_per_color); } write_c("\n};\n"); write_c("static Fl_Pixmap %s(%s);\n", unique_id(this, "image", fl_filename_name(name()), 0), unique_id(this, "idata", fl_filename_name(name()), 0)); } else if (img->d() == 0) { // Write Bitmap data... write_c("\n"); if (bitmap_header_written != write_number) { write_c("#include \n"); bitmap_header_written = write_number; } write_c("static unsigned char %s[] =\n", unique_id(this, "idata", fl_filename_name(name()), 0)); write_cstring(img->data()[0], ((img->w() + 7) / 8) * img->h()); write_c(";\n"); write_c("static Fl_Bitmap %s(%s, %d, %d);\n", unique_id(this, "image", fl_filename_name(name()), 0), unique_id(this, "idata", fl_filename_name(name()), 0), img->w(), img->h()); } else { // Write image data... write_c("\n"); if (image_header_written != write_number) { write_c("#include \n"); image_header_written = write_number; } write_c("static unsigned char %s[] =\n", unique_id(this, "idata", fl_filename_name(name()), 0)); write_cstring(img->data()[0], (img->w() * img->d() + img->ld()) * img->h()); write_c(";\n"); write_c("static Fl_RGB_Image %s(%s, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", unique_id(this, "image", fl_filename_name(name()), 0), unique_id(this, "idata", fl_filename_name(name()), 0), img->w(), img->h(), img->d(), img->ld()); } } void Fluid_Image::write_code(int inactive) { if (!img) return; write_c("%so->%s(%s);\n", indent(), inactive ? "deimage" : "image", unique_id(this, "image", fl_filename_name(name()), 0)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static Fluid_Image** images = 0; // sorted list static int numimages = 0; static int tablesize = 0; Fluid_Image* Fluid_Image::find(const char *iname) { if (!iname || !*iname) return 0; // first search to see if it exists already: int a = 0; int b = numimages; while (a < b) { int c = (a+b)/2; int i = strcmp(iname,images[c]->name_); if (i < 0) b = c; else if (i > 0) a = c+1; else return images[c]; } // no, so now see if the file exists: goto_source_dir(); FILE *f = fopen(iname,"rb"); if (!f) { read_error("%s : %s",iname,strerror(errno)); leave_source_dir(); return 0; } fclose(f); Fluid_Image *ret = new Fluid_Image(iname); if (!ret->img || !ret->img->w() || !ret->img->h()) { delete ret; ret = 0; read_error("%s : unrecognized image format", iname); } leave_source_dir(); if (!ret) return 0; // make a new entry in the table: numimages++; if (numimages > tablesize) { tablesize = tablesize ? 2*tablesize : 16; if (images) images = (Fluid_Image**)realloc(images, tablesize*sizeof(Fluid_Image*)); else images = (Fluid_Image**)malloc(tablesize*sizeof(Fluid_Image*)); } for (b = numimages-1; b > a; b--) images[b] = images[b-1]; images[a] = ret; return ret; } Fluid_Image::Fluid_Image(const char *iname) { name_ = strdup(iname); written = 0; refcount = 0; img = Fl_Shared_Image::get(iname); } void Fluid_Image::increment() { ++refcount; } void Fluid_Image::decrement() { --refcount; if (refcount > 0) return; delete this; } Fluid_Image::~Fluid_Image() { int a; if (images) { for (a = 0;; a++) if (images[a] == this) break; numimages--; for (; a < numimages; a++) images[a] = images[a+1]; } if (img) img->release(); free((void*)name_); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include const char *ui_find_image_name; Fluid_Image *ui_find_image(const char *oldname) { goto_source_dir(); const char *name = fl_file_chooser("Image?","Image Files (*.{bm|bmp|gif|jpg|pbm|pgm|png|ppm|xbm|xpm})",oldname); ui_find_image_name = name; Fluid_Image *ret = (name && *name) ? Fluid_Image::find(name) : 0; leave_source_dir(); return ret; } // // End of "$Id: Fluid_Image.cxx,v 2002/08/16 20:10:21 easysw Exp $". //