// // FLUID main entry for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // // in progress: // FLUID comes with example shell commands to build the current project file // and run the project. This is accomplished by calling `fltk-config` on the // files generated by FLUID, and by calling the executable directly. // // If the user wants more complex commands, he can add or modify them in the // "Shell" settings panel. Modified shell commands are saved with the .fl // file. // The Shell panel has a list of shell commands in the upper half. Under the // list are buttons to add, duplicate, and delete shell commands. A popup // menu offers import and export functionality and a list of sample scripts. // We may want to add up and down buttons, so the user can change the // order of commands. // Selecting any shell command in the list fills in and activates a list of // options in the lower half of the panel. Those settings are: // - Name: the name of the shell command in the list // - Label: the label in the pulldown menu (could be the same as name?) // - Shortcut: shortcut key to launch the command // - Storage: where to store this shell command // - Condition: pulldown menu to make the entry conditional for various // target platforms, for example, a "Windows only" entry would only be added // to the Shell menu on a Windows machine. Other options could be: // - Linux only, macOS only, never (to make a list header!?), inactive? // - Command: a multiline input for the actual shell command // - Variables: a pulldown menu that insert variable names like $ // - options to save project, code, and strings before running // - test-run button // TODO: add @APPDIR@? // TODO: get a macro to find `fltk-config` @FLTK_CONFIG@ // TODO: add an input field so the user can insert their preferred file and path for fltk-config (user setting) // `fltk-config` is actually tricky to find // for live builds, we could check the program launch directory // if we know where build/Xcode/bin/Debug/fluid is, we // may or may not find ./build/Xcode/fltk-config // on macOS with homebrew, we find /opt/homebrew/bin/fltk-config but the user // can set their own install path. // We can query the shell path, but that requires knowing the users shell (echo $SHELL). // We can run the shell as a login shell with `-l`, so the user $PTH is set: /bin/bash -l -c 'fltk-config' // The shell should output the path of the fltk-config that it found and why it is using that one. // This can also output the fltk-config version. // TODO: add a bunch of sensible sample shell commands // TODO: when this new feature is used for the very first time, import two or three samples as initial user setting // TODO: make the settings dialog resizable // TODO: make g_shell_config static, not a pointer, but don't load anything in batch mode // FEATURE: Fd_Tool_Store icons are currently redundant with @file and @save and could be improved // FEATURE: hostname, username, getenv support? // FEATURE: ad the files ./fluid.prefs and ./fluid.user.prefs as tool locations /* Some ideas: default shell is in $SHELL on linux and macOS On macOS, we can write Apple Scripts: #!/usr/bin/env osascript say "@BASENAME@" osascript < #include #include #include #include static Fl_String fltk_config_cmd; static Fl_Process s_proc; /** See if shell command is running (public) */ bool shell_command_running() { return s_proc.desc() ? true : false; } /** Reads an entry from the group. A default value must be supplied. The return value indicates if the value was available (non-zero) or the default was used (0). \param[in] prefs preference group \param[in] key name of entry \param[out] value returned from preferences or default value if none was set \param[in] defaultValue default value to be used if no preference was set \return 0 if the default value was used */ char preferences_get(Fl_Preferences &prefs, const char *key, Fl_String &value, const Fl_String &defaultValue) { char *v = NULL; char ret = prefs.get(key, v, defaultValue.c_str()); value = v; ::free(v); return ret; } /** Sets an entry (name/value pair). The return value indicates if there was a problem storing the data in memory. However it does not reflect if the value was actually stored in the preference file. \param[in] prefs preference group \param[in] entry name of entry \param[in] value set this entry to value (stops at the first nul character). \return 0 if setting the value failed */ char preferences_set(Fl_Preferences &prefs, const char *key, const Fl_String &value) { return prefs.set(key, value.c_str()); } /** \class Fl_Process Launch an external shell command. */ /** Create a process manager */ Fl_Process::Fl_Process() { _fpt= NULL; } /** Destroy the project manager. */ Fl_Process::~Fl_Process() { // TODO: check what we need to do if a task is still running if (_fpt) close(); } /** Open a process. \param[in] cmd the shell command that we want to run \param[in] mode "r" or "w" for creating a stream that can read or write \return a stream that is redirected from the shell command stdout */ FILE * Fl_Process::popen(const char *cmd, const char *mode) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) // PRECONDITIONS if (!mode || !*mode || (*mode!='r' && *mode!='w') ) return NULL; if (_fpt) close(); // close first before reuse ptmode = *mode; pin[0] = pin[1] = pout[0] = pout[1] = perr[0] = perr[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // stderr to stdout wanted ? int fusion = (strstr(cmd,"2>&1") !=NULL); // Create windows pipes if (!createPipe(pin) || !createPipe(pout) || (!fusion && !createPipe(perr) ) ) return freeHandles(); // error // Initialize Startup Info ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.hStdInput = pin[0]; si.hStdOutput = pout[1]; si.hStdError = fusion ? pout[1] : perr [1]; if ( CreateProcess(NULL, (LPTSTR) cmd,NULL,NULL,TRUE, DETACHED_PROCESS,NULL,NULL, &si, &pi)) { // don't need theses handles inherited by child process: clean_close(pin[0]); clean_close(pout[1]); clean_close(perr[1]); HANDLE & h = *mode == 'r' ? pout[0] : pin[1]; _fpt = _fdopen(_open_osfhandle((fl_intptr_t) h,_O_BINARY),mode); h= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // reset the handle pointer that is shared // with _fpt so we don't free it twice } if (!_fpt) freeHandles(); return _fpt; #else _fpt=::popen(cmd,mode); return _fpt; #endif } /** Close the current process. */ int Fl_Process::close() { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) if (_fpt) { fclose(_fpt); clean_close(perr[0]); clean_close(pin[1]); clean_close(pout[0]); _fpt = NULL; return 0; } return -1; #else int ret = ::pclose(_fpt); _fpt=NULL; return ret; #endif } /** non-null if file is open. \return the current file descriptor of the process' stdout */ FILE *Fl_Process::desc() const { return _fpt; } /** Receive a single line from the current process. \param[out] line buffer to receive the line \param[in] s size of the provided buffer \return NULL if an error occurred, otherwise a pointer to the string */ char *Fl_Process::get_line(char * line, size_t s) const { return _fpt ? fgets(line, (int)s, _fpt) : NULL; } // returns fileno(FILE*): // (file must be open, i.e. _fpt must be non-null) // *FIXME* we should find a better solution for the 'fileno' issue // non null if file is open int Fl_Process::get_fileno() const { #ifdef _MSC_VER return _fileno(_fpt); // suppress MSVC warning #else return fileno(_fpt); #endif } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) bool Fl_Process::createPipe(HANDLE * h, BOOL bInheritHnd) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = bInheritHnd; return CreatePipe (&h[0],&h[1],&sa,0) ? true : false; } FILE *Fl_Process::freeHandles() { clean_close(pin[0]); clean_close(pin[1]); clean_close(pout[0]); clean_close(pout[1]); clean_close(perr[0]); clean_close(perr[1]); return NULL; // convenient for error management } void Fl_Process::clean_close(HANDLE& h) { if (h!= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(h); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } #endif /** Prepare FLUID for running a shell command according to the command flags. \param[in] flags set various flags to save the project, code, and string before running the command \return false if the previous command is still running */ static bool prepare_shell_command(int flags) { // settings_window->hide(); if (s_proc.desc()) { fl_alert("Previous shell command still running!"); return false; } if (flags & Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_PROJECT) { save_cb(0, 0); } if (flags & Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_SOURCECODE) { write_code_files(true); } if (flags & Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_STRINGS) { write_strings_cb(0, 0); } return true; } /** Called by the file handler when the command is finished. */ void shell_proc_done() { shell_run_terminal->append("... END SHELL COMMAND ...\n"); shell_run_button->activate(); shell_run_window->label("FLUID Shell"); fl_beep(); } void shell_timer_cb(void*) { if (!s_proc.desc()) { shell_proc_done(); } else { Fl::add_timeout(0.25, shell_timer_cb); } } // Support the full piped shell command... void shell_pipe_cb(FL_SOCKET, void*) { char line[1024]=""; // Line from command output... if (s_proc.get_line(line, sizeof(line)) != NULL) { // Add the line to the output list... shell_run_terminal->append(line); } else { // End of file; tell the parent... Fl::remove_timeout(shell_timer_cb); Fl::remove_fd(s_proc.get_fileno()); s_proc.close(); shell_proc_done(); } } /** Find the script `fltk-config` that most closely relates to this version of FLUID. This is not implemented yet. */ //static void find_fltk_config() { // //} static void expand_macro(Fl_String &cmd, const Fl_String ¯o, const Fl_String &content) { for (int i=0;;) { i = cmd.find(macro, i); if (i==Fl_String::npos) break; cmd.replace(i, macro.size(), content); } } static void expand_macros(Fl_String &cmd) { expand_macro(cmd, "@BASENAME@", g_project.basename()); expand_macro(cmd, "@PROJECTFILE_PATH@", g_project.projectfile_path()); expand_macro(cmd, "@PROJECTFILE_NAME@", g_project.projectfile_name()); expand_macro(cmd, "@CODEFILE_PATH@", g_project.codefile_path()); expand_macro(cmd, "@CODEFILE_NAME@", g_project.codefile_name()); expand_macro(cmd, "@HEADERFILE_PATH@", g_project.headerfile_path()); expand_macro(cmd, "@HEADERFILE_NAME@", g_project.headerfile_name()); expand_macro(cmd, "@TEXTFILE_PATH@", g_project.stringsfile_path()); expand_macro(cmd, "@TEXTFILE_NAME@", g_project.stringsfile_name()); // TODO: implement finding the script `fltk-config` for all platforms // if (cmd.find("@FLTK_CONFIG@") != Fl_String::npos) { // find_fltk_config(); // expand_macro(cmd, "@FLTK_CONFIG@", fltk_config_cmd.c_str()); // } if (cmd.find("@TMPDIR@") != Fl_String::npos) expand_macro(cmd, "@TMPDIR@", get_tmpdir()); } /** Show the terminal window where it was last positioned. */ void show_terminal_window() { Fl_Preferences pos(fluid_prefs, "shell_run_Window_pos"); int x, y, w, h; pos.get("x", x, -1); pos.get("y", y, 0); pos.get("w", w, 640); pos.get("h", h, 480); if (x!=-1) { shell_run_window->resize(x, y, w, h); } shell_run_window->show(); } /** Prepare for and run a shell command. \param[in] cmd the command that is sent to `/bin/sh -c ...` or `cmd.exe` on Windows machines \param[in] flags various flags in preparation of the command */ void run_shell_command(const Fl_String &cmd, int flags) { if (cmd.empty()) { fl_alert("No shell command entered!"); return; } if (!prepare_shell_command(flags)) return; Fl_String expanded_cmd = cmd; expand_macros(expanded_cmd); if ( ((flags & Fd_Shell_Command::DONT_SHOW_TERMINAL) == 0) && (!shell_run_window->visible())) { show_terminal_window(); } // Show the output window and clear things... if (flags & Fd_Shell_Command::CLEAR_TERMINAL) shell_run_terminal->printf("\033[2J\033[H"); if (flags & Fd_Shell_Command::CLEAR_HISTORY) shell_run_terminal->printf("\033[3J"); shell_run_terminal->scrollbar->value(0); shell_run_terminal->printf("\033[0;32m%s\033[0m\n", expanded_cmd.c_str()); shell_run_window->label(expanded_cmd.c_str()); if (s_proc.popen((char *)expanded_cmd.c_str()) == NULL) { shell_run_terminal->printf("\033[1;31mUnable to run shell command: %s\033[0m\n", strerror(errno)); shell_run_window->label("FLUID Shell"); return; } shell_run_button->deactivate(); // if the function below does not for some reason, we will check periodically // to see if the command is done Fl::add_timeout(0.25, shell_timer_cb); // this will tell us when the shell command is done Fl::add_fd(s_proc.get_fileno(), shell_pipe_cb); } /** Create an empty shell command structure. */ Fd_Shell_Command::Fd_Shell_Command() : shortcut(0), storage(FD_STORE_USER), condition(0), flags(0), shell_menu_item_(NULL) { } /** Copy the aspects of a shell command dataset into a new shell command. \param[in] rhs copy from this prototype */ Fd_Shell_Command::Fd_Shell_Command(const Fd_Shell_Command *rhs) : name(rhs->name), label(rhs->label), shortcut(rhs->shortcut), storage(rhs->storage), condition(rhs->condition), condition_data(rhs->condition_data), command(rhs->command), flags(rhs->flags), shell_menu_item_(NULL) { } /** Create a default storage for a shell command and how it is accessible in FLUID. \param[in] name is used as a stand-in for the command name and label */ Fd_Shell_Command::Fd_Shell_Command(const Fl_String &in_name) : name(in_name), label(in_name), shortcut(0), storage(FD_STORE_USER), condition(Fd_Shell_Command::ALWAYS), command("echo \"Hello, FLUID!\""), flags(Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_PROJECT|Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_SOURCECODE), shell_menu_item_(NULL) { } /** Create a storage for a shell command and how it is accessible in FLUID. \param[in] in_name name of this command in the command list in the settings panel \param[in] in_label label text in the main pulldown menu \param[in] in_shortcut a keyboard shortcut that will also appear in the main menu \param[in] in_storage storage location for this command \param[in] in_condition commands can be hidden for certain platforms by setting a condition \param[in] in_condition_data more details for future conditions, i.e. per user, per host, etc. \param[in] in_command the shell command that we want to run \param[in] in_flags some flags to tell FLUID to save the project, code, or strings before running the command */ Fd_Shell_Command::Fd_Shell_Command(const Fl_String &in_name, const Fl_String &in_label, Fl_Shortcut in_shortcut, Fd_Tool_Store in_storage, int in_condition, const Fl_String &in_condition_data, const Fl_String &in_command, int in_flags) : name(in_name), label(in_label), shortcut(in_shortcut), storage(in_storage), condition(in_condition), condition_data(in_condition_data), command(in_command), flags(in_flags), shell_menu_item_(NULL) { } /** Run this command now. Will open the Shell Panel and execute the command if no other command is currently running. */ void Fd_Shell_Command::run() { if (!command.empty()) run_shell_command(command, flags); } /** Update the shell submenu in main menu with the shortcut and a copy of the label. */ void Fd_Shell_Command::update_shell_menu() { if (shell_menu_item_) { const char *old_label = shell_menu_item_->label(); // can be NULL const char *new_label = label.c_str(); // never NULL if (!old_label || (old_label && strcmp(old_label, new_label))) { if (old_label) ::free((void*)old_label); shell_menu_item_->label(fl_strdup(new_label)); } shell_menu_item_->shortcut(shortcut); } } /** Check if the set condition is met. \return true if this command appears in the main menu */ bool Fd_Shell_Command::is_active() { switch (condition) { case ALWAYS: return true; case NEVER: return false; #ifdef _WIN32 case MAC_ONLY: return false; case UX_ONLY: return false; case WIN_ONLY: return true; case MAC_AND_UX_ONLY: return false; #elif defined(__APPLE__) case MAC_ONLY: return true; case UX_ONLY: return false; case WIN_ONLY: return false; case MAC_AND_UX_ONLY: return true; #else case MAC_ONLY: return false; case UX_ONLY: return true; case WIN_ONLY: return false; case MAC_AND_UX_ONLY: return true; #endif case USER_ONLY: return false; // TODO: get user name case HOST_ONLY: return false; // TODO: get host name case ENV_ONLY: { const char *value = fl_getenv(condition_data.c_str()); if (value && *value) return true; return false; } } return false; } void Fd_Shell_Command::read(Fl_Preferences &prefs) { int tmp; preferences_get(prefs, "name", name, ""); preferences_get(prefs, "label", label, ""); prefs.get("shortcut", tmp, 0); shortcut = (Fl_Shortcut)tmp; prefs.get("storage", tmp, -1); if (tmp != -1) storage = (Fd_Tool_Store)tmp; prefs.get("condition", condition, ALWAYS); preferences_get(prefs, "condition_data", condition_data, ""); preferences_get(prefs, "command", command, ""); prefs.get("flags", flags, 0); } void Fd_Shell_Command::write(Fl_Preferences &prefs, bool save_location) { preferences_set(prefs, "name", name); preferences_set(prefs, "label", label); if (shortcut != 0) prefs.set("shortcut", (int)shortcut); if (save_location) prefs.set("storage", (int)storage); if (condition != ALWAYS) prefs.set("condition", condition); if (!condition_data.empty()) preferences_set(prefs, "condition_data", condition_data); if (!command.empty()) preferences_set(prefs, "command", command); if (flags != 0) prefs.set("flags", flags); } void Fd_Shell_Command::read(class Fd_Project_Reader *in) { const char *c = in->read_word(1); if (strcmp(c, "{")!=0) return; // expecting start of group storage = FD_STORE_PROJECT; for (;;) { c = in->read_word(1); if (strcmp(c, "}")==0) break; // end of command list else if (strcmp(c, "name")==0) name = in->read_word(); else if (strcmp(c, "label")==0) label = in->read_word(); else if (strcmp(c, "shortcut")==0) shortcut = in->read_int(); else if (strcmp(c, "condition")==0) condition = in->read_int(); else if (strcmp(c, "condition_data")==0) condition_data = in->read_word(); else if (strcmp(c, "command")==0) command = in->read_word(); else if (strcmp(c, "flags")==0) flags = in->read_int(); else in->read_word(); // skip an unknown word } } void Fd_Shell_Command::write(class Fd_Project_Writer *out) { out->write_string("\n command {"); out->write_string("\n name "); out->write_word(name.c_str()); out->write_string("\n label "); out->write_word(label.c_str()); if (shortcut) out->write_string("\n shortcut %d", shortcut); if (condition) out->write_string("\n condition %d", condition); if (!condition_data.empty()) { out->write_string("\n condition_data "); out->write_word(condition_data.c_str()); } if (!command.empty()) { out->write_string("\n command "); out->write_word(command.c_str()); } if (flags) out->write_string("\n flags %d", flags); out->write_string("\n }"); } /** Manage a list of shell commands and their parameters. */ Fd_Shell_Command_List::Fd_Shell_Command_List() : list(NULL), list_size(0), list_capacity(0), shell_menu_(NULL) { } /** Release all shell commands and destroy this class. */ Fd_Shell_Command_List::~Fd_Shell_Command_List() { clear(); } /** Return the shell command at the given index. \param[in] index must be between 0 and list_size-1 \return a pointer to the shell command data */ Fd_Shell_Command *Fd_Shell_Command_List::at(int index) const { return list[index]; } /** Clear all shell commands. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::clear() { if (list) { for (int i=0; i=0; i--) { if (list[i]->storage == storage) { remove(i); } } } /** Read shell configuration from a preferences group. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::read(Fl_Preferences &prefs, Fd_Tool_Store storage) { // import the old shell commands from previous user settings if (&fluid_prefs == &prefs) { int version; prefs.get("shell_commands_version", version, 0); if (version == 0) { int save_fl, save_code, save_strings; Fd_Shell_Command *cmd = new Fd_Shell_Command(); cmd->storage = FD_STORE_USER; cmd->name = "Sample Shell Command"; cmd->label = "Sample Shell Command"; cmd->shortcut = FL_ALT+'g'; preferences_get(fluid_prefs, "shell_command", cmd->command, "echo \"Sample Shell Command\""); fluid_prefs.get("shell_savefl", save_fl, 1); fluid_prefs.get("shell_writecode", save_code, 1); fluid_prefs.get("shell_writemsgs", save_strings, 0); if (save_fl) cmd->flags |= Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_PROJECT; if (save_code) cmd->flags |= Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_SOURCECODE; if (save_strings) cmd->flags |= Fd_Shell_Command::SAVE_STRINGS; add(cmd); } version = 1; prefs.set("shell_commands_version", version); } Fl_Preferences shell_commands(prefs, "shell_commands"); int n = shell_commands.groups(); for (int i=0; istorage = FD_STORE_USER; cmd->read(cmd_prefs); add(cmd); } } /** Write shell configuration to a preferences group. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::write(Fl_Preferences &prefs, Fd_Tool_Store storage) { Fl_Preferences shell_commands(prefs, "shell_commands"); shell_commands.delete_all_groups(); int index = 0; for (int i=0; istorage == FD_STORE_USER) { Fl_Preferences cmd(shell_commands, Fl_Preferences::Name(index++)); list[i]->write(cmd); } } } /** Read shell configuration from a project file. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::read(Fd_Project_Reader *in) { const char *c = in->read_word(1); if (strcmp(c, "{")!=0) return; // expecting start of group clear(FD_STORE_PROJECT); for (;;) { c = in->read_word(1); if (strcmp(c, "}")==0) break; // end of command list else if (strcmp(c, "command")==0) { Fd_Shell_Command *cmd = new Fd_Shell_Command(); add(cmd); cmd->read(in); } else { in->read_word(); // skip an unknown group } } } /** Write shell configuration to a project file. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::write(Fd_Project_Writer *out) { int n_in_project_file = 0; for (int i=0; istorage == FD_STORE_PROJECT) n_in_project_file++; } if (n_in_project_file > 0) { out->write_string("\nshell_commands {"); for (int i=0; istorage == FD_STORE_PROJECT) list[i]->write(out); } out->write_string("\n}"); } } /** Add a previously created shell command to the end of the list. \param[in] cmd a pointer to the command that we want to add */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::add(Fd_Shell_Command *cmd) { if (list_size == list_capacity) { list_capacity += 16; list = (Fd_Shell_Command**)::realloc(list, list_capacity * sizeof(Fd_Shell_Command*)); } list[list_size++] = cmd; } /** Insert a newly created shell command at the given position in the list. \param[in] index must be between 0 and list_size-1 \param[in] cmd a pointer to the command that we want to add */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::insert(int index, Fd_Shell_Command *cmd) { if (list_size == list_capacity) { list_capacity += 16; list = (Fd_Shell_Command**)::realloc(list, list_capacity * sizeof(Fd_Shell_Command*)); } ::memmove(list+index+1, list+index, (list_size-index)*sizeof(Fd_Shell_Command**)); list_size++; list[index] = cmd; } /** Remove and delete the command at the given index. \param[in] index must be between 0 and list_size-1 */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::remove(int index) { delete list[index]; list_size--; ::memmove(list+index, list+index+1, (list_size-index)*sizeof(Fd_Shell_Command**)); } /** This is called whenever the user clicks a shell command menu in the main menu. \param[in] u cast tp long to get the index of the shell command */ void menu_shell_cmd_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *u) { long index = (long)(fl_intptr_t)u; g_shell_config->list[index]->run(); } /** This is called when the user selects the menu to edit the shell commands. It pops up the setting panel at the shell settings tab. */ void menu_shell_customize_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) { settings_window->show(); w_settings_tabs->value(w_settings_shell_tab); } /** Rebuild the entire shell submenu from scratch and replace the old menu. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::rebuild_shell_menu() { static Fl_Menu_Item *shell_submenu = NULL; if (!shell_submenu) shell_submenu = (Fl_Menu_Item*)main_menubar->find_item(menu_marker); int i, j, num_active_items = 0; // count the active commands for (i=0; iis_active()) num_active_items++; } // allocate a menu item array Fl_Menu_Item *mi = (Fl_Menu_Item*)::calloc(num_active_items+2, sizeof(Fl_Menu_Item)); // set the menu item pointer for all active commands for (i=j=0; iis_active()) { cmd->shell_menu_item_ = mi + j; mi[j].callback(menu_shell_cmd_cb); mi[j].argument(i); cmd->update_shell_menu(); j++; } } if (j>0) mi[j-1].flags |= FL_MENU_DIVIDER; mi[j].label(fl_strdup("Customize...")); mi[j].shortcut(FL_ALT+'x'); mi[j].callback(menu_shell_customize_cb); // replace the old menu array with the new one Fl_Menu_Item *mi_old = shell_menu_; shell_menu_ = mi; shell_submenu->user_data(shell_menu_); // free all resources from the old menu if (mi_old && (mi_old != default_menu)) { for (i=0; ; i++) { const char *label = mi_old[i].label(); if (!label) break; ::free((void*)label); } ::free(mi_old); } } /** Tell the settings dialog to query this list and update its GUI elements. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::update_settings_dialog() { if (w_settings_shell_tab) w_settings_shell_tab->do_callback(w_settings_shell_tab, LOAD); } /** The default shell submenu in batch mode. */ Fl_Menu_Item Fd_Shell_Command_List::default_menu[] = { { "Customize...", FL_ALT+'x', menu_shell_customize_cb }, { NULL } }; /** Used to find the shell submenu within the main menu tree. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::menu_marker(Fl_Widget*, void*) { // intentionally left empty } /** Export all selected shell commands to an external file. Verify that g_shell_config and w_settings_shell_list are not NULL. Open a file chooser and export all items that are selected in w_settings_shell_list into an external file. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::export_selected() { if (!g_shell_config || (g_shell_config->list_size == 0)) return; if (!w_settings_shell_list) return; Fl_Native_File_Chooser dialog; dialog.title("Export selected shell commands:"); dialog.type(Fl_Native_File_Chooser::BROWSE_SAVE_FILE); dialog.filter("FLUID Files\t*.flcmd\n"); dialog.directory(g_project.projectfile_path().c_str()); dialog.preset_file((g_project.basename() + ".flcmd").c_str()); if (dialog.show() != 0) return; Fl_Preferences file(dialog.filename(), "flcmd.fluid.fltk.org", NULL, (Fl_Preferences::Root)(Fl_Preferences::C_LOCALE|Fl_Preferences::CLEAR)); Fl_Preferences shell_commands(file, "shell_commands"); int i, index = 0, n = w_settings_shell_list->size(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (w_settings_shell_list->selected(i+1)) { Fl_Preferences cmd(shell_commands, Fl_Preferences::Name(index++)); g_shell_config->list[i]->write(cmd, true); } } } /** Import shell commands from an external file and add them to the list. Verify that g_shell_config and w_settings_shell_list are not NULL. Open a file chooser and import all items. */ void Fd_Shell_Command_List::import_from_file() { if (!g_shell_config || (g_shell_config->list_size == 0)) return; if (!w_settings_shell_list) return; Fl_Native_File_Chooser dialog; dialog.title("Import shell commands:"); dialog.type(Fl_Native_File_Chooser::BROWSE_FILE); dialog.filter("FLUID Files\t*.flcmd\n"); dialog.directory(g_project.projectfile_path().c_str()); dialog.preset_file((g_project.basename() + ".flcmd").c_str()); if (dialog.show() != 0) return; Fl_Preferences file(dialog.filename(), "flcmd.fluid.fltk.org", NULL, Fl_Preferences::C_LOCALE); Fl_Preferences shell_commands(file, "shell_commands"); int i, n = shell_commands.groups(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Fl_Preferences cmd_prefs(shell_commands, Fl_Preferences::Name(i)); Fd_Shell_Command *cmd = new Fd_Shell_Command(); cmd->storage = FD_STORE_USER; cmd->read(cmd_prefs); g_shell_config->add(cmd); } w_settings_shell_list->do_callback(w_settings_shell_list, LOAD); w_settings_shell_cmd->do_callback(w_settings_shell_cmd, LOAD); w_settings_shell_toolbox->do_callback(w_settings_shell_toolbox, LOAD); g_shell_config->rebuild_shell_menu(); } /** A pointer to the list of shell commands if we are not in batch mode. */ Fd_Shell_Command_List *g_shell_config = NULL;