# # CMakeLists.txt to build fltk-options for the FLTK project using CMake (www.cmake.org) # # Copyright 2023-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others. # # This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in # the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this # file is missing or damaged, see the license at: # # https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php # # Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: # # https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php # # Targets that will be built: fltk-options and fltk-options-cmd (Windows) set(TARGETS fltk-options) if(APPLE AND NOT FLTK_BACKEND_X11) # macOS set(ICON_NAME fltk-options.icns) set(ICON_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/icons/${ICON_NAME}") add_executable(fltk-options MACOSX_BUNDLE fltk-options.cxx ${ICON_PATH}) # create macOS bundle wrapper script set(WRAPPER "${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/fltk-options") add_custom_command( TARGET fltk-options POST_BUILD COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../CMake/macOS-bundle-wrapper.in ${WRAPPER} COMMAND chmod u+x,g+x,o+x ${WRAPPER} BYPRODUCTS ${WRAPPER} VERBATIM ) unset(WRAPPER) else() # Option WIN32 builds a Windows GUI program, ignored on other platforms add_executable(fltk-options WIN32 fltk-options.cxx) endif() target_link_libraries(fltk-options PRIVATE fltk::fltk) set_target_properties(fltk-options PROPERTIES EXPORT_NAME options) # Add the console app (Windows only) # This is done for all Windows targets, even if cross-compiling. if(WIN32) list(APPEND TARGETS fltk-options-cmd) add_executable(fltk-options-cmd fltk-options.cxx) target_link_libraries(fltk-options-cmd PRIVATE fltk::fltk) set_target_properties(fltk-options-cmd PROPERTIES EXPORT_NAME options-cmd) endif() # Create aliases for all executables, # replacing 'fltk-options' with 'fltk::options' foreach(tgt ${TARGETS}) string(REPLACE "fltk-options" "fltk::options" alias ${tgt}) add_executable(${alias} ALIAS ${tgt}) unset(alias) endforeach() # Install fltk-options GUI and commandline tool if(APPLE AND NOT FLTK_BACKEND_X11) # On macOS, fltk-options will be installed twice: # - The bundled version goes into the destination folder ${FLTK_BINDIR}. # - The binary without bundle goes into ${FLTK_BINDIR} as well. # These folders are relative to the install prefix, usually 'bin'. # The command line tool is the same executable as the one included in the bundle. # Note: # Both the bundle and the commandline tool are currently installed side by side. # This may be changed in the future. # set bundle properties set_target_properties(fltk-options PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/fltk-options.plist") set_target_properties(fltk-options PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE ${ICON_NAME}) set_target_properties(fltk-options PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER "org.fltk.fltk-options") # install command line tool install(PROGRAMS $ DESTINATION ${FLTK_BINDIR}) endif(APPLE AND NOT FLTK_BACKEND_X11) # Install the GUI and (on Windows only) the commandline tool 'fltk-options-cmd' install(TARGETS ${TARGETS} EXPORT FLTK-Targets RUNTIME DESTINATION ${FLTK_BINDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${FLTK_LIBDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${FLTK_LIBDIR} BUNDLE DESTINATION ${FLTK_BINDIR} # macOS: bundles ) # Install desktop files if(UNIX) install(FILES fltk-options.desktop DESTINATION ${FLTK_DATADIR}/applications ) # Install mime-type file(x-fltk-options.desktop method is deprecated) install(FILES fltk-options.xml DESTINATION ${FLTK_DATADIR}/mime/packages ) # Install desktop icons foreach(icon 32 48 64 128) install(FILES icons/fltk-options-${icon}.png DESTINATION ${FLTK_DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/${icon}x${icon}/apps RENAME fltk-options.png ) endforeach() endif(UNIX)