with this as the default color, Fl_Tree::color() can control the tree's background.
Tests added to the test/tree application.
o test/tree.fl modified:
o Added a 'Test Suggestions' button to document various tests
o Added tests for new 'transparent' color behavior
o Added test for STR#2832 to check if items can be drawn to the /right/ of child widgets
o Added new methods to Fl_Tree_Prefs:
item_labelfont() -- obsoletes labelfont()
item_labelsize() -- obsoletes labelsize()
item_labelfgcolor() -- obsoletes labelfgcolor()
item_labelbgcolor() -- obsoletes labelbgcolor()
o Added 'Fonts and Colors' section to Fl_Tree docs
o Fl_Tree_Item ABI feature added: using bitflags instead of chars
to keep the class small, as it gets instanced a lot. (fast + LIGHT)
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@9478 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
to allow widgets to control the size of items in the tree
(instead of vice versa).
o Added item_draw_mode(int) to allow for easier bitflag maintenance,
since enums don't seem to be typesafe yet.
o Tree demo modified to demonstrate this feature.
An important feature for adding large widgets to tree items.
Will probably add an example, 'tree-of-tables' to demo this usage.
o Small doc fixes.
Its meaning for the bit fields changed when new bit fields were added.
(The prev name just didn't make sense in the new context. Since it was
just a few svn commits old and an unreleased ABI feature, it shouldn't
affect anyone not in R&D)
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@9404 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
o new calc_item_height() -> const
o Added a needed ABI ifdef
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@9380 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
o Fix STR#2828 (E): {Vertical|Widget} Gap
o Moved Fabien's reselected methods to Fl_Tree_Prefs,
return method made const, doxygen, removed underbars from methods
(to follow general API)
o Widgets can now appear to the right of labels.
This can be controlled with item_draw_mode(FL_TREE_ITEM_DRAW_LABEL_AND_WIDGET)
o Cleaned up Fl_Tree_Item::draw(), Fl_Tree::draw()
o New methods:
marginbottom() -- [ABI feature] extra space below last tree element when scrolling
widgetmarginleft() -- [ABI feature] space to left of widget
usericonmarginleft() -- space to left of usericon
labelmarginleft() -- space to left of label
item_draw_mode() -- control how items, widget() are drawn
o Updated Fl_Tree docs, tree-elements.png
o test/tree: added sliders to test the above new features,
added "open all" and "close all" buttons
o Probably other stuff..
TODO: Fix "scroll-beyond-bottom" (STR#2796)
TODO: Fix other items in STR#2828
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@9377 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
Fl_Tree::labelsize() -> item_labelsize() -- TO AVOID COLLISION WITH Fl_Widget::labelsize()!
Fl_Tree::labelfont() -> item_labelfont() -- TO AVOID COLLISION WITH Fl_Widget::labelfont()!
Fl_Tree_Prefs (internal) changes:
Fl_Tree_Prefs::fgcolor() -> labelfgcolor() -- for consistency with above
Fl_Tree_Prefs::bgcolor() -> labelbgcolor() -- for consistency with above
Fl_Tree_Prefs::selectcolor() removed -- uses Fl_Widget::selection_color() instead
Fl_Tree_Prefs::inactivecolor() removed -- was unused; inactive color procedurally calculated
Other Fl_Tree mods:
o Fixed bug with select_all(item) and deselect_all(item)
(they were not limiting themselves to children of specified item)
o Fixed bug with item not drawing in its /own/ bgcolor when item selected
o Fl_Tree uses the Fl_Widget::selection_color()
o All methods that deal with 'font types' changed int -> Fl_Font
o All methods that deal with 'font sizes' changed int -> Fl_Fontsize
o Added needed methods to Fl_Tree for accessing colors:
item_labelfgcolor() -- access default fg color used for new items
item_labelbgcolor() -- access default bg color used for new items
tree_connectorcolor() -- access the connector line color
o Small doxygen comment adjustments and general clarifications
o test/tree demo modified to include testing of new label color methods, cleanup
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@8340 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
* open() / close() now can invoke the callback().
New method callback_reason() lets one determine the cause.
(Used FLU's tree for reference on this)
* new Fl_Tree methods:
> item_pathname()
> show_item(), show_top(), show_middle(), show_bottom().
> next_selected_item() -- loop through the selected items.
> callback_item() -- the item that caused the callback
> callback_reason() -- reason the callback was invoked
FL_TREE_REASON_SELECTED -- item was selected
FL_TREE_REASON_DESELECTED -- item was de-selected
FL_TREE_REASON_OPENED -- item was opened
FL_TREE_REASON_CLOSED -- item was closed
> position()
> display()
* new Fl_Tree_Item methods:
> find_child_item() -- searches children for a path
> find_item() -- searches self and children for a path
> next(item) -- loop forward through tree
> prev(item) -- loop backward through tree
> first_selected_item()
> next_selected_item()
> x(), y(), w(), h()
* deprecated:
> item_clicked(). Use callback_item() instead
* the 'docallback' optional integer argument for all methods
is now back to 0 or 1 only. (Other values became unnecessary
when above new callback() behavior was defined)
* test/tree has new "Test Callback Flags" button to test the
'docallback' flags for eg. open/close/select/deselect
to make sure no bugs creep in.
* INTERNAL: added free_path() to free special path array created by parse_path().
* Various docs strengthened:
* How to use first()/next() and last()/prev() to walk tree
> made sure more method's options use \param[in]
> Added more \see references
* Moved several implementations from .H -> .cxx
* Added autoscroll to keyboard nav and mouse drags
* test/unittests: added Fl_Tree to scrollsize test
o Horiz scroll bar (see Johannes Schock's email re. additions he sent)
o Need to allow keyboard nav to move focus to child FLTK widgets
o Fix fast-selections so that no gaps are left behind.
(Select all items from the last selected item to the current)
o Investigate non-default values of when() causing odd behavior.
(See the tree demo's when() pulldown..)
* tree demo modified to include top/mid/bot buttons that test the above.
* Keyboard navigation added:
Up/Down -- move focus
Left/Right -- closes/opens tree item in focus
Spacebar -- toggle selection state of item in focus
Enter -- selects the item in focus, deselecting all others
Tab/Shift-Tab -- change widget focus
* All Fl_Tree select() and deselect() methods now return a value
that indicates if the item's state was changed.
* Fixed focus box drawing (focus box resides more precisely within item's box)
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@7691 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
o Added user_data() to Fl_Tree_Item
o Added insert() and add() methods that allow specification of Fl_Tree_Prefs
o Changed Fl_Pixmap args to Fl_Image for more flexibility
o Fixes for positioning of items in the presence of user icons
o find_children() changed from protected -> public
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6956 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121