Fabien Costantini
Doxygen Documentation:
updated more copyright date info to 2009 in html and tex headers/footers
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6620 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2009-01-03 10:00:41 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen documentation:
Updated fltk pdf reference manual
Updated copyright date (2008) to 2009
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6619 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2009-01-02 10:21:22 +00:00
Matthias Melcher
Changed the copyright to 2009 for header files. Still todo: src and test directory.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6614 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2009-01-01 16:11:32 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen pdf manual:
+ 'Oxygenized' the frontpage by adding some more spaces between paragraphs
+ Added punctation and more cosmetics to make it look good.
+ Updated the fltk.pdf manual so that it reflects all recent fltk-book.tex changes.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6572 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 23:03:29 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
fltk-book.tex : Reduced ToC to depth 1 thus limiting the number of pages to 9.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6571 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 22:31:40 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Enhanced fltk-book.tex to feature automatic date update at each generation by adding a today keyword after doxygen version.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6570 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 22:24:32 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Enhanced fltk-book.tex to feature automatic date update at each generation by adding a today keyword after doxygen version.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6569 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 22:21:37 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Updated fltk-book.tex to match recent revision change and contributors update in html files.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6568 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 22:03:01 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Generated a new version of the fltk reference manual (fltk.pdf)
I had to revert the last r6557 change for now to make it work again,
(on mac os x 10.5.5, doxygen 1.5.7, latest fltk 1.3)
which is strange as I would also have expected
it to work independtly from html ...
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6566 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 19:35:26 +00:00
Albrecht Schlosser
Fixed documentation dependencies and changed Doxybook (for latex/pdf gen.)
to _not_ generate the html files.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6557 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 13:35:10 +00:00
Albrecht Schlosser
Correct previous mod. of index.dox (function ref. was okay).
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6556 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 13:01:51 +00:00
Albrecht Schlosser
Fixed broken (html) links on documentation index page.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6554 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-07 11:45:25 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen documentation:
- Fixed recent documentation update problems in fl_draw.cxx : \ and @ char must be doubled otherwise interpreted as doxygen keywords
- Fixed some doxygenized parameters problems in Fl_Preferences.cxx
- Added the treeview mode, now featuring a vertical left tree browser in html doc
- Splitted html configuration file from pdf configuration file, now a new Doxybook config file permits to customize independtly both html and pdf modes without risking side effects and also without assuming an fltk user will have the Tex tools installed to generate the html doc. Now only pdf generation will need LaTex tools.
- Updated the doxygen based documentation to revison 9 and added new significant contributors to index.dox in alphabetical order.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6539 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-12-03 01:02:10 +00:00
Albrecht Schlosser
Added missing dependency (COMCTRL32.LIB) to documentation/src/basics.dox
(reported in fltk.general).
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6528 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-11-16 19:44:58 +00:00
Albrecht Schlosser
documented the major code changes in migration_1_3.dox
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6470 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-19 14:24:35 +00:00
Albrecht Schlosser
Minor documentation Makefile tweaks.
Removed fltk.pdf from svn:ignore and make distclean.
Added svn:ignore for man pages in documentation/src.
Added *.log to make clean in documentation.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6465 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-19 09:46:08 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Enabled Xcode docset makefile generation as it is transparent for non xcode users.
More precisely this option only adds a new hmtl/Makefile target and will permit
to make and install fltk doc to be incorporated to XCode 3,
but it is not automatically generated, even on the mac platform;
as you still have to run manually make install from the html directory to activate that one.
Works Great, FLTK documentation side by side with Apple Documentation in your XCode environment !!!
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6457 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-18 16:23:26 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen documentation:updated README
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6456 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-18 07:52:26 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Documentation makefile: Fixed make install would return an error if html folder does not exist.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6455 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 20:46:27 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Changed the former todo_filelist used for WPs about porting old html to doxygen to a general TODO.doc now.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6454 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 12:50:16 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Moved latex related files to src, man files to src, updated Makefile and Doxyfile accordingly.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6453 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 12:42:28 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
now renaming restoring dir src_doc src.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6452 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 11:26:30 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Removing current broken history documentation/src dir.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6451 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 11:22:35 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
adding jpg files from 6430 to restore dir
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6450 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 11:17:55 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
added new eps files to histo restoring dir.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6449 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 11:13:42 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
updated all dox files, history kept. will add other eps files on another commit
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6448 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 11:10:23 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Last test does keep history, lets add all related files and patch them afterwards...
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6447 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 11:08:15 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
test only, will remove. check if we keep the history for that file from pre 6430.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6446 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-17 11:02:23 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen documentation: Fixes obsolete install data when using make install. Now fltk.pdf and all potential html files are installed in the fltk docdir.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6443 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-16 11:41:58 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
documentation Makefile:
+ Added all eps files to pdf gen dependencies.
+ Added Doxyfile to html and latex/pdf deps
+ Added a new pdf-dist target to please mum & dad there in heaven.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6441 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-15 17:35:39 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen documentation: commented out the 1.5.7 specific doc options, updated README for pdf and html use. Now minimum version required is 1.5.5
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6440 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-15 15:58:04 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen pdf documentation: Changed pdf mime type to application/pdf. Removed all Widget class headers from file section as they already are in the class section, this saves many pages. Also disabled the referenced by/from systematic inserts for each functions as this is more a core developer documentation feature than a fltk user manual feature, also saves many pages. Didn't use the LATEX_COMPACT feature yet, not happy with its result, will comment it later.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6439 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-15 13:46:06 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen pdf documentation: Fixed missing dox files images in latex. Fixed license info would not show completely in pdf.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6438 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-15 12:13:43 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen PDF Documentation: Added image latex tags, added missing eps corresponding images (most of them in B/W) for the widget classes.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6437 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-15 11:27:29 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen documentation: added svn properties to ignore temp files, set pdf file mime-type to octet stream. Created a custom output log that captures all pdflatex output and makeindex output as we could loose some of them in the standard refman.log because of the iterating crazy nature of these latex tools. Now make pdf file generates the full baby (including ToC) in one shot.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6435 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-15 08:09:33 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen pdf documentation: made pdflatex run in batchmode. This is non verbose and nonstopmode is, but pdflatex also furthers refman.log containing all the error report...
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6434 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-15 06:58:38 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Updated the todo list with new devl notes and todo for the pdf doc & makefile
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6433 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-14 23:10:57 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen makefile: added new html and pdf targets, to use it run : make html, make pdf. for the last case, when an error is detected, the gen stops and you may have to run manually pdflatex again to have a correct toc ...
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6432 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-14 23:00:13 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen pdf man: First version added in documentation/fltk.pdf, old doc removed, images, dox files moved to a new src directory.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6431 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-14 22:12:25 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen pdf documentation: OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is now . Changed the ABSOLUTE_PATH_NAMES as suggested but it seems that there is a bug in doxygen as the pdf TOC still shows the path but not the content pages.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6429 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-14 20:54:00 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Doxygen pdf documentation: added htmlonly endhtmlonly tags to avoid pdf doc to have ugly nav bar at the end of the custom chapters. This implies that no ref tag is used, so i reverted ref tags to original a href names. htmldoc was never expanded to doxygen, changed it so that it works in configure.in .
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6428 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-14 20:40:23 +00:00
Fabien Costantini
Set CASE SENSE NAME option to YES as discussed.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6424 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-13 23:12:51 +00:00
copied more doxygen comments from drawing.dox back to source code
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6421 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-13 21:42:05 +00:00
more html to doxygen conversion for license.dox
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6413 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-12 15:13:40 +00:00
Albrecht Schlosser
Fixed some old typos.
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6412 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-11 16:27:55 +00:00
more html to doxygen conversion for examples.dox
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6411 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-11 14:49:33 +00:00
more html to doxygen conversion for {osissues,migration*,development}.dox
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6410 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-11 12:46:11 +00:00
more html to doxygen conversion for {enumerations,glut,forms}.dox
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6408 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-11 09:50:07 +00:00
more html to doxygen conversion for {fluid,advanced,unicode}.dox
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6407 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-11 08:14:59 +00:00
converted more html to plain doxygen in {events,subclassing,opengl}.dox
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6406 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2008-10-10 20:17:33 +00:00