macOS: fixed all demo programs that need to access resources

MacOS uses bundles instead of executables. CMake creates those bundles in various locations, depending on the generator used (Xcode or Makefiles). I tried to fix all instances where demo apps did not find the resources they needed. This probably must be done for Linux and MSWindows as well.
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Melcher 2019-12-23 14:33:24 +01:00
parent bd77a6e976
commit d97836f5dd
3 changed files with 101 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -156,9 +156,21 @@ configure_file(rgb.txt ${TESTFILE_PATH} COPYONLY)
configure_file(help_dialog.html ${TESTFILE_PATH} COPYONLY)
configure_file(browser.cxx ${TESTFILE_PATH} COPYONLY)
configure_file(editor.cxx ${TESTFILE_PATH} COPYONLY)
# Apple macOS creates bundles instead of executables and needs a little bit
# more help for demos to run correctly
configure_file( "${TESTFILE_PATH}/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(browser.cxx "${TESTFILE_PATH}/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(rgb.txt ${TESTFILE_PATH}/ COPYONLY)
configure_file(help_dialog.html ${TESTFILE_PATH}/ COPYONLY)
# make the menu structure part of the app
target_sources(demo PRIVATE
# add a sample RGB file that otherwise only exists under X11
target_sources(colbrowser PRIVATE rgb.txt)
set_target_properties(colbrowser PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE TRUE RESOURCE rgb.txt )
# help_dialog displays an html file as an example
target_sources(help_dialog PRIVATE help_dialog.html)
set_target_properties(help_dialog PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE TRUE RESOURCE help_dialog.html )

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// Main demo program for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2018 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// Copyright 1998-2019 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
#if defined __APPLE__
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include <unistd.h> // no longer necessary with fl_chdir() ?
#include <FL/Fl.H>
@ -293,58 +292,94 @@ void dobut(Fl_Widget *, long arg) {
delete[] copy_of_icommand;
#elif defined __APPLE__
Starting with version 1.4.0, FLTK uses CMake as the only supported build
system. On macOS, the app developer is expected to run CMake in a
directory named './build/Xcode' or './build/Makefiles' to generate the
build environment.
char *cmd = strdup(menus[men].icommand[bn]);
char *macosArg = strchr(cmd, ' ');
char command[2048], path[2048], app_path[2048];
// this neat little block of code ensures that the current directory
// is set to the location of the Demo application.
CFBundleRef app = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef url = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(app);
CFStringRef cc_app_path = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
CFStringGetCString(cc_app_path, app_path, 2048, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
if (*app_path) {
if (memcmp(app_path + strlen(app_path) - 4, ".app", 4) == 0) {
char *lastSlash = strrchr(app_path, '/');
if (lastSlash) *lastSlash = 0;
When building FLTK in the next step, teh macOS app bundles are then
stored in either:
'./build/Xcode/bin/examples/' for Makefiles
'./build/Xcode/bin/examples/Debug/' for XCode Debug
'./build/Xcode/bin/examples/Release/' as a symbolic
into the Archive system of macOS
'Demo' needs to find and run all of these app bundles, some requiring
an additional file name and path for resource files.
This is my attempt to find the bundles and resources so that
and all its dependencies will run without any further configuration.
They will stop running however if any of the bundles or rresources
are moved.
char src_path[PATH_MAX];
char app_path[PATH_MAX];
char app_name[PATH_MAX];
char command[2*PATH_MAX+2];
char *cmd = strdup(menus[men].icommand[bn]);
char *args = strchr(cmd, ' ');
Get the path to the source code at compile time. This is where the other
resources are located.
strcpy(src_path, __FILE__);
char *src_path_end = (char*)fl_filename_name(src_path);
if (src_path_end) *src_path_end = 0;
All example app bundles are in the same directory as 'Demo', so set the
current dir to the location of .
Starting with macOS 10.12, the actual location of the app has a randomized
path to fix a vulnerability. This still works in Debug mode which is
app_path[0] = 0;
CFBundleRef app = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef url = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(app);
CFStringRef cc_app_path = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
CFStringGetCString(cc_app_path, app_path, 2048, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
if (app_path[0]) {
char *app_path_end = (char*)fl_filename_name(app_path);
if (app_path_end) *app_path_end = 0;
char *name = new char[strlen(cmd) + 5];
strcpy(name, cmd);
if (macosArg) name[macosArg-cmd] = 0;
strcat(name, ".app");
// check whether app bundle exists
if ( ! fl_filename_isdir(name) ) strcpy(name, cmd);
if (macosArg) {
const char *fluidpath;
*macosArg = 0;
#if defined USING_XCODE
fl_filename_absolute(path, 2048, "../../../../test/");
fluidpath = "";
strcpy(path, app_path); strcat(path, "/");
fluidpath = "../fluid/";
// check whether fluid bundle exists
if ( ! fl_filename_isdir(fluidpath) ) fluidpath = "../fluid";
if (strcmp(cmd, "../fluid/fluid")==0) {
sprintf(command, "open %s --args %s%s", fluidpath, path, macosArg+1);
// extract the executable name from the command in the menu file
strcpy(app_name, cmd);
// remove any additioanl command line arguments
if (args) app_name[args-cmd] = 0;
// make the file name into a bundle name
strcat(app_name, ".app");
if (args) {
if (strcmp(app_name, "../fluid/")==0) {
// CMake -G 'Unix Makefiles' ... : ./bin/
// CMake -G 'Xcode' ... : ./bin/Debug/ or ./bin/Release/
// so removing the '/example' path segment from the app_path should
// always work.
char *examples = strstr(app_path, "/examples");
if (examples) {
memmove(examples, examples+9, strlen(examples+9)+1);
sprintf(command, "open '' --args '%s%s'", app_path, src_path, args+1);
} else {
// we assume that we have only one argument which is a filename, so we add a path
sprintf(command, "open '%s%s' --args '%s%s'", app_path, app_name, src_path, args+1);
} else {
sprintf(command, "open %s --args %s%s", name, path, macosArg+1);
sprintf(command, "open '%s%s'", app_path, app_name);
} else {
sprintf(command, "open %s", name);
delete[] name;
// puts(command);
#else // Non Windows systems.

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
@o:Font Tests...:@of
@o:HelpDialog:help_dialog help_dialog.html
@o:Input Choice:input_choice