Make Cairo example compatible with Cairo version < 1.12 (#436)

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Albrecht Schlosser 2022-04-26 15:36:29 +02:00
parent 4618fa9053
commit c74a482756
1 changed files with 8 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -24,11 +24,18 @@ static void my_cairo_draw_cb(Fl_Cairo_Window *window, cairo_t *cr) {
const double xmax = (window->w() - 1);
const double ymax = (window->h() - 1);
// Set antialiasing mode. We could check the Cairo version at compile time but we'd
// also have to check the runtime version which would make this demo too complicated.
// CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_BEST is available since Cairo version 1.12,
// CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT is available since Cairo version 1.0.
cairo_set_antialias(cr, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT); // use default antialiasing
// Draw orange "X"
// Draws an X to four corners of resizable window.
// See Fl_Cairo_Window docs for more info.
cairo_set_antialias(cr, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_BEST); // use best antialiasing
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.00); // line width for drawing
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0); // orange
cairo_move_to(cr, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_line_to(cr, xmax, ymax); // draw diagonal "\"