Consolidate test/demo for all build systems

This is an attempt to unify the code for all build systems (CMake,
autotools with make), platforms (operating systems) and toolchains
(make + gcc/clang, Visual Studio IDE, Xcode ...) to avoid duplicate
code and clarify the differences for future devs and to simplify

The goal is to minimize the platform specific code.

Much of the new code are comments to describe the different situations.
The main program does now all the "hard work" to construct the paths
necessary to access the other applications and data files.

Use macOS specific code to determine the application path (app_path)
in main() instead of function dobut(), when test apps are activated.

Remove obsolete comments and dead code.

Tested on Windows and Linux with both autotools/configure/make
and CMake with make (Linux + MinGW), Visual Studio.
This commit is contained in:
Albrecht Schlosser 2020-07-18 16:17:59 +02:00
parent 11dec24ccf
commit af7f485e06
3 changed files with 320 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
include (../CMake/FLTK-Functions.cmake)
include (../CMake/fl_create_example.cmake)
@ -204,13 +204,11 @@ endif (NOT ANDROID)
# We need some support files for the demo programs:
# Note: this is incomplete as of 11 Feb 2015
# Todo: currently all files are copied, but some of them need configuration:
# - fluid can't be started (wrong path)
# Note: this is incomplete as of July 2020
# Todo: currently all files are copied, but some of them may need configuration:
# - help_dialog (help_dialog.html) can't find its images (not copied)
# - maybe more ...
# create data directory for test and demo programs
# create data directory for test and demo programs if it doesn't exist
# copy the test files
@ -221,13 +219,16 @@ file (COPY
# the main test program 'demo' needs additional hints and configurations
target_compile_definitions (demo PRIVATE GENERATED_BY_CMAKE)
target_compile_definitions (demo PRIVATE CMAKE_SOURCE_PATH="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")
# Apple macOS creates bundles instead of executables and needs a little bit
# more help for demos to run correctly
target_compile_definitions (demo PUBLIC USING_XCODE)
# make the menu structure part of the app
target_sources (demo PRIVATE

View File

@ -14,9 +14,58 @@
General information on directory structure and file handling.
The "classic" autotools/make system creates executables in their source
folders, i.e. fluid/fluid, test/demo and test/xyz, resp.. The menu file is
in folder test/, as is the main demo(.exe) program. In the following text
and directory lists all test and demo executables are represented by "demo"
and the fluid executable by "fluid", no matter what OS (under Windows: *.exe).
The CMake build system generates all executables in the build tree and copies
the supporting test data files to the build tree as well. This structure is
different and needs to be handled separately in this program.
Additionally, different OS platforms create different types of files, for
instance "app bundles" on macOS. All this needs to be considered.
The overall structure, relative to the FLTK source dir (fltk) and the build
tree (build):
(1) Autotools / Make:
fltk/fluid fluid (../fluid/fluid)
fltk/test demo,, working directory, data files
fltk/documentation/src images for help_dialog(.html)
(2) CMake + make (e.g. Unix)
build/bin fluid, demo
build/data, working directory, data files
(3) CMake + Visual Studio (TYPE == build type: Debug, Release, ...)
build/bin/TYPE fluid, demo
build/data, working directory, data files
(4) CMake + macOS + Xcode
*FIXME* special code to handle bundles: do we need this?
The built executable 'demo' can also be executed with the menu filename
as commandline argument. In this case all the support (data) files are
expected to be in the same directory as the menu file or relative paths
as needed by the test programs, for instance help_dialog which needs
help_dialog.html and related image files.
#define DEBUG_VARS (1) // 1 = output variables to stderr, 0 = no
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined __APPLE__
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
@ -29,21 +78,7 @@
#include <FL/Fl_Choice.H>
#include <FL/filename.H>
#include <FL/platform.H>
/* Define a macro to decide whether a trailing 'd' needs to be removed
from the executable file name. Previous versions of Visual Studio
added a 'd' to the executable file name ('demod.exe') in Debug
configurations that needed to be removed.
This is no longer true with CMake-generated IDE's since FLTK 1.4.
Just in case we add it again: leave macro DEBUG_EXE_WITH_D defined
and leave the code using this macro as-is.
// #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) // Visual Studio in Debug mode
// # define DEBUG_EXE_WITH_D 1
// #else
# define DEBUG_EXE_WITH_D 0
// #endif
#include <FL/fl_ask.H> // fl_alert()
/* The form description */
@ -57,6 +92,40 @@ void doscheme(Fl_Choice *c, void *) {
Fl_Double_Window *form;
Fl_Button *but[9];
// Allocate space to edit commands and arguments from
// We "trust" that strings don't overflow
char cmdbuf[256]; // commandline w/o arguments
char params[256]; // commandline arguments
// Global path variables for all platforms and build systems
// to avoid duplication and dynamic allocation
char src_path [FL_PATH_MAX]; // directory of this souce file
char app_path [FL_PATH_MAX]; // directory of all demo binaries
char fluid_path [FL_PATH_MAX]; // binary directory of fluid
char data_path [FL_PATH_MAX]; // working directory of all demos
char command [2 * FL_PATH_MAX + 40]; // command to be executed
// platform specific suffix for executable files
#ifdef _WIN32
const char *suffix = ".exe";
#elif defined __APPLE__
const char *suffix = ".app";
const char *suffix = "";
// debug output function (to stderr or ...)
void debug_var(const char *varname, const char *value) {
fprintf(stderr, "%-10s = '%s'\n", varname, value);
fflush(stderr); // Windows needs this
#endif // DEBUG_VARS
void create_the_forms() {
Fl_Widget *obj;
form = new Fl_Double_Window(350, 440);
@ -214,190 +283,145 @@ void dobut(Fl_Widget *, long arg) {
int men = find_menu(stack[stsize-1]);
int n = menus[men].numb;
int bn = but2numb( (int) arg, n-1);
// menu ?
if (menus[men].icommand[bn][0] == '@') {
// not a menu: run test/demo/fluid executable
// find and separate "command" and "params"
// skip leading spaces in command
char *start_command = menus[men].icommand[bn];
while (*start_command == ' ') ++start_command;
strcpy(cmdbuf, start_command); // here still full command w/params
// find the space between the command and parameters if one exists
char *start_params = strchr(cmdbuf, ' ');
if (start_params) {
*start_params = '\0'; // terminate command
start_params++; // skip space
strcpy(params, start_params); // copy parameters
} else {
params[0] = '\0'; // empty string
// select application path: either app_path or fluid_path
const char *path = app_path;
if (!strncmp(cmdbuf, "fluid", 5))
path = fluid_path;
// format commandline with optional parameters
#if defined(__APPLE__) // macOS
if (params[0]) {
// we assume that we have only one argument (which is a filename)
sprintf(command, "open '%s/%s%s' --args '%s'", path, cmdbuf, suffix, params);
} else {
sprintf(command, "open '%s/%s%s'", path, cmdbuf, suffix);
#else // other platforms
if (params[0])
sprintf(command, "%s/%s%s %s", path, cmdbuf, suffix, params);
sprintf(command, "%s/%s%s", path, cmdbuf, suffix);
// finally, execute program (the system specific part)
#ifdef _WIN32
STARTUPINFO suInfo; // Process startup information
PROCESS_INFORMATION prInfo; // Process information
STARTUPINFO suInfo; // Process startup information
PROCESS_INFORMATION prInfo; // Process information
const char *exe = "d.exe"; // exe name with trailing 'd'
# else
const char *exe = ".exe"; // exe name w/o trailing 'd'
# endif
memset(&suInfo, 0, sizeof(suInfo));
suInfo.cb = sizeof(suInfo);
memset(&suInfo, 0, sizeof(suInfo));
suInfo.cb = sizeof(suInfo);
debug_var("Command", command);
int icommand_length = strlen(menus[men].icommand[bn]);
char* copy_of_icommand = new char[icommand_length+1];
// On Windows the .exe suffix needs to be appended to the command
// whilst leaving any additional parameters unchanged - this
// is required to handle the correct conversion of cases such as :
// `../fluid/fluid valuators.fl' to '../fluid/fluid.exe valuators.fl'.
// skip leading spaces.
char* start_command = copy_of_icommand;
while (*start_command == ' ') ++start_command;
// find the space between the command and parameters if one exists.
char* start_parameters = strchr(start_command,' ');
char* command = new char[icommand_length+6]; // 6 for extra 'd.exe\0'
if (start_parameters==NULL) { // no parameters required.
sprintf(command, "%s%s", start_command, exe);
} else { // parameters required.
// break the start_command at the intermediate space between
// start_command and start_parameters.
*start_parameters = 0;
// move start_paremeters to skip over the intermediate space.
sprintf(command, "%s%s %s", start_command, exe, start_parameters);
CreateProcess(NULL, command, NULL, NULL, FALSE,
delete[] command;
delete[] copy_of_icommand;
BOOL stat = CreateProcess(NULL, command, NULL, NULL, FALSE,
NULL, &suInfo, &prInfo);
if (!stat) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
fl_alert("Error starting process, error #%d\n'%s'", err, command);
#elif defined __APPLE__
Starting with version 1.4.0, FLTK uses CMake as the only supported build
system. On macOS, the app developer is expected to run CMake in a
directory named './build/Xcode' or './build/Makefiles' to generate the
build environment.
When building FLTK in the next step, teh macOS app bundles are then
stored in either:
'./build/Xcode/bin/examples/' for Makefiles
'./build/Xcode/bin/examples/Debug/' for XCode Debug
'./build/Xcode/bin/examples/Release/' as a symbolic
into the Archive system of macOS
debug_var("Command", command);
'Demo' needs to find and run all of these app bundles, some requiring
an additional file name and path for resource files.
This is my attempt to find the bundles and resources so that
and all its dependencies will run without any further configuration.
They will stop running however if any of the bundles or rresources
are moved.
char src_path[PATH_MAX];
char app_path[PATH_MAX];
char app_name[PATH_MAX];
char command[2*PATH_MAX+2];
char *cmd = strdup(menus[men].icommand[bn]);
char *args = strchr(cmd, ' ');
#else // other platforms (Unix, Linux)
Get the path to the source code at compile time. This is where the other
resources are located.
strcpy(src_path, __FILE__);
char *src_path_end = (char*)fl_filename_name(src_path);
if (src_path_end) *src_path_end = 0;
strcat(command, " &"); // run in background
debug_var("Command", command);
All example app bundles are in the same directory as 'Demo', so set the
current dir to the location of .
Starting with macOS 10.12, the actual location of the app has a randomized
path to fix a vulnerability. This still works in Debug mode which is
app_path[0] = 0;
CFBundleRef app = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef url = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(app);
CFStringRef cc_app_path = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
CFStringGetCString(cc_app_path, app_path, 2048, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
if (app_path[0]) {
char *app_path_end = (char*)fl_filename_name(app_path);
if (app_path_end) *app_path_end = 0;
// extract the executable name from the command in the menu file
strcpy(app_name, cmd);
// remove any additioanl command line arguments
if (args) app_name[args-cmd] = 0;
// make the file name into a bundle name
strcat(app_name, ".app");
if (args) {
if (strcmp(app_name, "../fluid/")==0) {
// CMake -G 'Unix Makefiles' ... : ./bin/
// CMake -G 'Xcode' ... : ./bin/Debug/ or ./bin/Release/
// so removing the '/example' path segment from the app_path should
// always work.
char *examples = strstr(app_path, "/examples");
if (examples) {
memmove(examples, examples+9, strlen(examples+9)+1);
sprintf(command, "open '' --args '%s%s'", app_path, src_path, args+1);
} else {
// we assume that we have only one argument which is a filename, so we add a path
sprintf(command, "open '%s%s' --args '%s%s'", app_path, app_name, src_path, args+1);
} else {
sprintf(command, "open '%s%s'", app_path, app_name);
#else // Non Windows systems.
int icommand_length = strlen(menus[men].icommand[bn]);
char* command = new char[icommand_length+5]; // 5 for extra './' and ' &\0'
sprintf(command, "./%s &", menus[men].icommand[bn]);
if (system(command)==-1) { /* ignore */ }
delete[] command;
if (system(command) == -1) {
fl_alert("Could not start program, errno = %d\n'%s'", errno, command);
#endif // _WIN32
void doback(Fl_Widget *, void *) {pop_menu();}
void doexit(Fl_Widget *, void *) {exit(0);}
/* Load the menu file. Returns whether successful. */
int load_the_menu(char* fname) {
Load the menu file. Returns whether successful.
New strategy: the menu file *should* be usable as is!
Old strategy was:
We have different situations:
(1) Visual Studio: see main(): nothing to do
(2) Standard (autotools/make): nothing to do
(3) CMake: see main(): nothing to do
(4) macOS: ??? *FIXME*
int load_the_menu(char *menu) {
FILE *fin = 0;
char line[256], mname[64],iname[64],cname[64];
int i, j;
fin = fl_fopen(fname,"r");
#if defined ( __APPLE__ )
fin = fl_fopen(menu, "r");
// // *FIXME* Albrecht: Do we need this? I don't think so!
#if (0) // *FIXME* disabled for testing
#if defined (__APPLE__)
if (fin == NULL) {
// mac os bundle menu detection:
char* pos = strrchr(fname,'/');
// macOS bundle menu detection:
char *pos = strrchr(menu, '/');
if (!pos) return 0;
*pos = '\0';
pos = strrchr(fname,'/');
pos = strrchr(menu, '/');
if (!pos) return 0;
fin = fl_fopen(fname,"r");
strcpy(pos, "/Resources/");
fin = fl_fopen(menu, "r");
if (fin == NULL) {
#endif // __APPLE __
#endif // *FIXME* disabled for testing
if (fin == NULL)
return 0;
for (;;) {
if (fgets(line,256,fin) == NULL) break;
// remove all carriage returns that Cygwin may have inserted
@ -436,32 +460,132 @@ int load_the_menu(char* fname) {
return 1;
// Fix '\' in Windows paths (convert to '/') and cut off filename (optional, default)
void fix_path(char *path, int strip_filename = 1) {
if (!path[0])
#ifdef _WIN32 // convert '\' to '/'
char *p = path;
while (*p) {
if (*p == '\\')
*p = '/';
#endif // _WIN32
if (strip_filename) {
char *pos = strrchr(path, '/');
if (pos)
*pos = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char buf[FL_PATH_MAX];
strcpy(buf, argv[0]);
// MS_Visual Studio appends a 'd' to debugging executables. Remove it.
fl_filename_setext( buf, "" );
buf[ strlen(buf)-1 ] = 0;
fl_putenv("FLTK_DOCDIR=../documentation/html"); // *FIXME*
char menu[FL_PATH_MAX];
// construct app_path for all executable files
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Starting with macOS 10.12, the actual location of the app has a randomized
// path to fix a vulnerability.
// We need some "Apple magic" ;-) to find the actual path.
// Albrecht: is this (still) true and necessary?
app_path[0] = 0;
CFBundleRef app = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef url = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(app);
CFStringRef cc_app_path = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
CFStringGetCString(cc_app_path, app_path, 2048, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
fl_filename_absolute(app_path, sizeof(app_path), argv[0]);
char *fname = buf;
// construct src_path in case we want to use it (macOS ?)
strcpy(src_path, CMAKE_SOURCE_PATH);
strcpy(src_path, app_path);
fix_path(src_path, 0);
// fluid's path is the same for CMake builds but not for autoconf/make
strcpy(fluid_path, app_path);
#if !defined(GENERATED_BY_CMAKE)
fix_path(fluid_path); // removes folder name (test)
strcat(fluid_path, "/fluid");
// construct data_path for the menu file and all resources (data files)
// CMake: replace "/bin/*"" with "/data"
// autotools: use app_path directly
strcpy(data_path, app_path);
char *pos = strstr(data_path, "/bin");
if (pos)
strcpy(pos, "/data");
// construct the menu file name, optionally overridden by command args
// CMake: use data_path instead of app_path
const char *fn = fl_filename_name(argv[0]);
strcpy(menu, data_path);
strcpy(menu, app_path);
// append "/<exe-file-name>.menu"
strcat(menu, "/");
strcat(menu, fn);
fl_filename_setext(menu, sizeof(menu), ".menu");
// parse commandline
int i = 0;
if (!Fl::args(argc,argv,i) || i < argc-1)
Fl::fatal("Usage: %s <switches> <menufile>\n%s",argv[0],Fl::help);
if (i < argc) fname = argv[i];
Fl::fatal("Usage: %s <switches> <menufile>\n%s", argv[0], Fl::help);
if (i < argc) {
// override menu file *and* data path !
fl_filename_absolute(menu, sizeof(menu), (const char *)argv[i]);
strcpy(data_path, menu);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
debug_var("src_path", src_path);
debug_var("app_path", app_path);
debug_var("fluid_path", fluid_path);
debug_var("data_path", data_path);
debug_var("Menu file", menu);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#endif // DEBUG_VARS
if (!load_the_menu(fname)) Fl::fatal("Can't open %s",fname);
if (buf != fname)
const char *c = fl_filename_name(buf);
if (c > buf) {
buf[c-buf] = 0;
if (fl_chdir(buf) == -1) { /* ignore */ }
// note: load_the_menu() *may* change the `menu` buffer contents !
if (!load_the_menu(menu))
Fl::fatal("Can't open %s", menu);
// set current work directory to 'app_path'
if (fl_chdir(data_path) == -1) { /* ignore */ }

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
@u:fast && slow widgets:fast_slow
@main:Fluid\n(UI design tool):../fluid/fluid valuators.fl
@main:Fluid\n(UI design tool):fluid valuators.fl
@e:X Color\nBrowser:colbrowser