Improved documentation for fl_draw()
There are no code changes in this commit, only added documentation and improved formatting.
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,15 +38,36 @@ char fl_draw_shortcut; // set by fl_labeltypes.cxx
static char* underline_at;
/* If called with maxbuf==0, use an internally allocated buffer and enlarge it as needed.
Extract the part of text that fits into the given maximum width.
If called with maxbuf==0, use an internally allocated buffer and enlarge it as needed.
Otherwise, use buf as buffer but don't go beyond its length of maxbuf.
\param[in] from input text, can contain '\n' and single or double '\@' characters
\param[out] buf buffer for the output text segment
\param[in] maxbuf size of the buffer, or 0 to use the internal buffer allocated in this function
\param[in] maxw maximum width in pixels of the output text
\param[out] n number of characters in the output text segment
\param[out] width actual width in pixels of the output text
\param[in] wrap if true, wrap at maxw, else wrap at newlines
\param[in] draw_symbols if true, double '\@' characters are escaped into a single '@'
\return pointer to the next character in the input text
static const char* expand_text_(const char* from, char*& buf, int maxbuf, double maxw, int& n,
double &width, int wrap, int draw_symbols) {
underline_at = 0;
// Reset underline_at to null
underline_at = NULL;
// Initialize the total width to 0
double w = 0;
// Check if the caller wants to use the internal buffer
static int l_local_buff = 500;
static char *local_buf = (char*)malloc(l_local_buff); // initial buffer allocation
// Calculate the end pointer of the buffer
char* e;
if (maxbuf == 0) {
buf = local_buf;
@ -54,32 +75,48 @@ static const char* expand_text_(const char* from, char*& buf, int maxbuf, double
} else {
e = buf+(maxbuf-4);
// Initialize the output pointer to the buffer
char* o = buf;
// Initialize the word end pointer that points into the `out` buffer
char* word_end = o;
// Initialize the word start pointer that points into the `from` buffer
const char* word_start = from;
// Iterate over the input text
const char* p = from;
for (;; p++) {
int c = *p & 255;
// Check for end of line, space, or '\n'
if (!c || c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
// test for word-wrap:
// Check for word wrap
if (word_start < p && wrap) {
// Calculate the new width
double newwidth = w + fl_width(word_end, (int) (o-word_end) );
// Check if the new width exceeds the maximum width
if (word_end > buf && int(newwidth) > maxw) { // break before this word
o = word_end;
p = word_start;
// Update the word end pointer
word_end = o;
w = newwidth;
// Check for end of line
if (!c) break;
else if (c == '\n') {p++; break;}
// Update the word start pointer
word_start = p+1;
// Check if the buffer needs to be enlarged
if (o > e) {
if (maxbuf) break; // don't overflow buffer
l_local_buff += int(o - e) + 200; // enlarge buffer
@ -92,27 +129,37 @@ static const char* expand_text_(const char* from, char*& buf, int maxbuf, double
word_end = local_buf + delta_end;
// Process the character based on its type
if (c == '\t') {
// Process tab character
for (c = fl_utf_nb_char((uchar*)buf, (int) (o-buf) )%8; c<8 && o<e; c++)
*o++ = ' ';
} else if (c == '&' && fl_draw_shortcut && *(p+1)) {
// Process '&' character
if (*(p+1) == '&') {p++; *o++ = '&';}
else if (fl_draw_shortcut != 2) underline_at = o;
} else if (c < ' ' || c == 127) { // ^X
// Process control characters
*o++ = '^';
*o++ = c ^ 0x40;
} else if (c == '@' && draw_symbols) { // Symbol???
// Process '@' character
if (p[1] && p[1] != '@') break;
*o++ = c;
if (p[1]) p++;
} else {
// Process regular characters
*o++ = c;
// Calculate the final width
width = w + fl_width(word_end, (int) (o-word_end));
// Add the null terminator and set the number of characters
*o = 0;
n = (int) (o-buf);
n = (int)(o-buf);
return p;
@ -124,6 +171,17 @@ static const char* expand_text_(const char* from, char*& buf, int maxbuf, double
Returns a pointer to the start of the next line of characters.
Sets n to the number of characters put into the buffer.
Sets width to the width of the string in the \ref drawing_fl_font "current font".
\param[in] from input text, can contain '\n' and single or double '\@' characters
\param[out] buf buffer for the output text segment
\param[in] maxbuf size of the buffer, or 0 to use the internal buffer allocated in this function
\param[in] maxw maximum width in pixels of the output text
\param[out] n number of characters in the output text segment
\param[out] width actual width in pixels of the output text
\param[in] wrap if true, wrap at maxw, else wrap at newlines
\param[in] draw_symbols if true, double '\@' characters are escaped into a single '@'
\return pointer to the next character in the input text
const char*
fl_expand_text(const char* from, char* buf, int maxbuf, double maxw, int& n,
@ -132,10 +190,20 @@ fl_expand_text(const char* from, char* buf, int maxbuf, double maxw, int& n,
The same as fl_draw(const char*,int,int,int,int,Fl_Align,Fl_Image*,int) with
the addition of the \p callthis parameter, which is a pointer to a text drawing
function such as fl_draw(const char*, int, int, int) to do the real work
The same as fl_draw(const char*,int,int,int,int,Fl_Align,Fl_Image*,int) with
the addition of the \p callthis parameter, which is a pointer to a text drawing
function such as fl_draw(const char*, int, int, int) to do the real work.
\param[in] str UTF-8 string, can start and end with an '@sym' symbol,
can contain '\n'
\param[in] x,y,w,h bounding box
\param[in] align label and image alignment in bounding box
\param[in] callthis pointer to text drawing function
\param[in] img pointer to image
\param[in] draw_symbols if true, interprete leading and trailing '@sym'
as graphical symbols
\param[in] text_to_image_spacing spacing between text and image
void fl_draw(
const char* str, // the (multi-line) string
int x, int y, int w, int h, // bounding box
@ -143,28 +211,35 @@ void fl_draw(
void (*callthis)(const char*,int,int,int),
Fl_Image* img, int draw_symbols)
char *linebuf = NULL;
const char* p;
const char* e;
int buflen;
char symbol[2][255], *symptr;
int symwidth[2], symoffset, symtotal, imgtotal;
char *linebuf = NULL; // Pointer to a buffer managed by expand_text_
const char* p; // Scratch pointer into text, multiple use
const char* e; // Scratch pointer into text, multiple use
int buflen; // Number of bytes copied into linebuf
// by expand_text_
char symbol[2][255]; // Copy of symbol text at start and end of str
int symwidth[2]; // Width and height of symbols (always square)
int symoffset;
int symtotal; // Combined width of both sybols
int imgtotal; // Width of image if image is to the left or right
int imgvert = ((align&FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT)==0); // True if image is
// above or below text
int lines; // Number of text lines including '\n' and wrapping
double width; // width of the longest text line
int height = fl_height(); // Height of a line of text
// count how many lines and put the last one into the buffer:
int lines;
double width;
// if the image is set as a backdrop, ignore it here
// Ff the image is set as a backdrop, ignore it in this function
if (img && (align & FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_BACKDROP)) img = 0;
symbol[0][0] = '\0';
symwidth[0] = 0;
symbol[1][0] = '\0';
symwidth[1] = 0;
// Find the symbol at the start and end of the string
if (draw_symbols) {
if (str && str[0] == '@' && str[1] && str[1] != '@') {
char *symptr;
// Start with a symbol...
for (symptr = symbol[0];
*str && !isspace(*str) && symptr < (symbol[0] + sizeof(symbol[0]) - 1);
@ -180,12 +255,15 @@ void fl_draw(
// Width and height of both symbols combined
symtotal = symwidth[0] + symwidth[1];
// Image width if image is to the left or right of the text, else 0
imgtotal = (img && (align&FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT)) ? img->w() : 0;
int strw = 0;
int strh;
int strw = 0; // Width of text only without symbols
int strh; // Height of text only without symbols
// Count how many lines and put the last one into the buffer:
if (str) {
for (p = str, lines=0; p;) {
e = expand_text_(p, linebuf, 0, w - symtotal - imgtotal, buflen, width,
@ -197,61 +275,89 @@ void fl_draw(
} else lines = 0;
if ((symwidth[0] || symwidth[1]) && lines) {
if (symwidth[0]) symwidth[0] = lines * fl_height();
if (symwidth[1]) symwidth[1] = lines * fl_height();
// Fix the size of the symbols if there is at least one line of text to print
if (lines) {
if (symwidth[0]) symwidth[0] = lines * height;
if (symwidth[1]) symwidth[1] = lines * height;
// Width and height of both symbols combined
symtotal = symwidth[0] + symwidth[1];
// Height of text only
strh = lines * fl_height();
// figure out vertical position of the first line:
int xpos;
int ypos;
int height = fl_height();
int imgvert = ((align&FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT)==0);
int imgh = img && imgvert ? img->h() : 0;
int imgw[2] = {0, 0};
// Figure out vertical position of the first element
int xpos; // Position of image or text
int ypos; // Position of image or text
int imgh = img && imgvert ? img->h() : 0; // Height of image if image is above or below text
int imgw[2] = {0, 0}; // Width of image on the left and right side of the text
symoffset = 0;
if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) ypos = y+h-(lines-1)*height-imgh;
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ypos = y+height;
else ypos = y+(h-lines*height-imgh)/2+height;
// Figure out vertical position of the first line of text or top image
if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) {
ypos = y+h-(lines-1)*height-imgh;
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) {
ypos = y+height;
} else {
ypos = y+(h-lines*height-imgh)/2+height;
// draw the image unless the "text over image" alignment flag is set...
// Draw the image if located *above* the text
if (img && imgvert && !(align & FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE)) {
if (img->w() > symoffset) symoffset = img->w();
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0];
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - img->w() - symwidth[1];
else xpos = x + (w - img->w() - symtotal) / 2 + symwidth[0];
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
xpos = x + symwidth[0];
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
xpos = x + w - img->w() - symwidth[1];
} else {
xpos = x + (w - img->w() - symtotal) / 2 + symwidth[0];
img->draw(xpos, ypos - height);
ypos += img->h();
// draw the image to the side of the text
if (img && !imgvert /* && (align & !FL_ALIGN_TEXT_NEXT_TO_IMAGE)*/ ) {
if (align & FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE) { // image is right of text
// Draw the image if either on the *left* or *right* side of the text
if (img && !imgvert) {
// Image is to the right of the text
imgw[1] = img->w();
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0] + strw + 1;
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symwidth[1] - imgw[1] + 1;
else xpos = x + (w - strw - symtotal - imgw[1]) / 2 + symwidth[0] + strw + 1;
} else { // image is to the left of the text
// Find the horizontal position of the image
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
xpos = x + symwidth[0] + strw + 1;
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
xpos = x + w - symwidth[1] - imgw[1] + 1;
} else {
xpos = x + (w - strw - symtotal - imgw[1]) / 2 + symwidth[0] + strw + 1;
} else {
// Image is to the left of the text
imgw[0] = img->w();
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0] - 1;
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symwidth[1] - strw - imgw[0] - 1;
else xpos = x + (w - strw - symtotal - imgw[0]) / 2 - 1;
// Find the horizontal position of the image
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
xpos = x + symwidth[0] - 1;
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
xpos = x + w - symwidth[1] - strw - imgw[0] - 1;
} else {
xpos = x + (w - strw - symtotal - imgw[0]) / 2 - 1;
int yimg = ypos - height;
if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ;
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) yimg += strh - img->h() - 1;
else yimg += (strh - img->h() - 1) / 2;
// Find the vertical position of the image
int yimg;
if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) {
yimg = ypos - height;
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) {
yimg = ypos - height + strh - img->h() - 1;
} else {
yimg = ypos - height + (strh - img->h() - 1) / 2;
// Draw the image
img->draw(xpos, yimg);
// now draw all the lines:
// Now draw all the text lines
if (str) {
int desc = fl_descent();
for (p=str; ; ypos += height) {
@ -262,9 +368,13 @@ void fl_draw(
if (width > symoffset) symoffset = (int)(width + 0.5);
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0] + imgw[0];
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - (int)(width + .5) - symwidth[1] - imgw[1];
else xpos = x + (w - (int)(width + .5) - symtotal - imgw[0] - imgw[1]) / 2 + symwidth[0] + imgw[0];
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
xpos = x + symwidth[0] + imgw[0];
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
xpos = x + w - (int)(width + .5) - symwidth[1] - imgw[1];
} else {
xpos = x + (w - (int)(width + .5) - symtotal - imgw[0] - imgw[1]) / 2 + symwidth[0] + imgw[0];
@ -276,40 +386,60 @@ void fl_draw(
// draw the image if the "text over image" alignment flag is set...
// Draw the image if the image is *below* the text
if (img && imgvert && (align & FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE)) {
if (img->w() > symoffset) symoffset = img->w();
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symwidth[0];
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - img->w() - symwidth[1];
else xpos = x + (w - img->w() - symtotal) / 2 + symwidth[0];
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
xpos = x + symwidth[0];
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
xpos = x + w - img->w() - symwidth[1];
} else {
xpos = x + (w - img->w() - symtotal) / 2 + symwidth[0];
img->draw(xpos, ypos);
// draw the symbols, if any...
// Draw the symbols, if any...
if (symwidth[0]) {
// draw to the left
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x;
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symtotal - symoffset;
else xpos = x + (w - symoffset - symtotal) / 2;
// Draw the leading symbol to the left of the text
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
xpos = x;
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
xpos = x + w - symtotal - symoffset;
} else {
xpos = x + (w - symoffset - symtotal) / 2;
if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) ypos = y + h - symwidth[0];
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ypos = y;
else ypos = y + (h - symwidth[0]) / 2;
if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) {
ypos = y + h - symwidth[0];
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) {
ypos = y;
} else {
ypos = y + (h - symwidth[0]) / 2;
fl_draw_symbol(symbol[0], xpos, ypos, symwidth[0], symwidth[0], fl_color());
if (symwidth[1]) {
// draw to the right
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) xpos = x + symoffset + symwidth[0];
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) xpos = x + w - symwidth[1];
else xpos = x + (w - symoffset - symtotal) / 2 + symoffset + symwidth[0];
// Draw the trailing symbol to the right of the text
if (align & FL_ALIGN_LEFT) {
xpos = x + symoffset + symwidth[0];
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
xpos = x + w - symwidth[1];
} else {
xpos = x + (w - symoffset - symtotal) / 2 + symoffset + symwidth[0];
if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) ypos = y + h - symwidth[1];
else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) ypos = y;
else ypos = y + (h - symwidth[1]) / 2;
if (align & FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) {
ypos = y + h - symwidth[1];
} else if (align & FL_ALIGN_TOP) {
ypos = y;
} else {
ypos = y + (h - symwidth[1]) / 2;
fl_draw_symbol(symbol[1], xpos, ypos, symwidth[1], symwidth[1], fl_color());
@ -327,7 +457,16 @@ void fl_draw(
below the text as specified by the \p align value.
The \p draw_symbols argument specifies whether or not to look for symbol
names starting with the '\@' character'
\param[in] str UTF-8 string, can start and end with an '@sym' symbol,
can contain '\n'
\param[in] x,y,w,h bounding box
\param[in] align label and image alignment in bounding box
\param[in] img pointer to image
\param[in] draw_symbols if true, interprete leading and trailing '@sym'
as graphical symbols
\param[in] text_to_image_spacing spacing between text and image
void fl_draw(
const char* str,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user