Added example code to demonstrate Fl_Multi_Label for STR#3400.

git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.4@12440 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
This commit is contained in:
Greg Ercolano 2017-09-11 00:50:06 +00:00
parent b0a2223642
commit 88204a5524
2 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ ALL = clipboard$(EXEEXT) \
howto-add_fd-and-popen$(EXEEXT) \
howto-browser-with-icons$(EXEEXT) \
howto-drag-and-drop$(EXEEXT) \
howto-menu-with-images$(EXEEXT) \
howto-parse-args$(EXEEXT) \
howto-text-over-image-button$(EXEEXT) \
menubar-add$(EXEEXT) \

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@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
// "$Id$"
// vim: autoindent tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab softtabstop=2 filetype=cpp
// How to use Fl_Multi_Label to make menu items with images and labels.
// Copyright 2017 Greg Ercolano.
// Copyright 1998-2017 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Bar.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Choice.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Multi_Label.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
#include <FL/fl_message.H>
// Document icon
static const char *L_document_xpm[] = {
"13 11 3 1",
" c None",
"x c #d8d8f8",
"@ c #202060",
" @@@@@@@@@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @xxxxxxx@ ",
" @@@@@@@@@ "};
static Fl_Pixmap L_document_pixmap(L_document_xpm);
// Folder icon
static const char *L_folder_xpm[] = {
"13 11 3 1",
" c None",
"x c #d8d833",
"@ c #808011",
" ",
" @@@@ ",
" @xxxx@ ",
"@@@@@xxxx@@ ",
"@xxxxxxxxx@ ",
"@xxxxxxxxx@ ",
"@xxxxxxxxx@ ",
"@xxxxxxxxx@ ",
"@xxxxxxxxx@ ",
"@xxxxxxxxx@ ",
"@@@@@@@@@@@ "};
static Fl_Pixmap L_folder_pixmap(L_folder_xpm);
// Red "X"
static const char *L_redx_xpm[] = {
"13 11 5 1",
" c None",
"+ c #222222",
"x c #555555",
"- c #882222",
"@ c #ffffff",
" x+++x ",
" ++---++ ",
" ++-----++ ",
"++-@@-@@-++ ",
"++--@@@--++ ",
"++---@---++ ",
"++--@@@--++ ",
"++-@@-@@-++ ",
" ++-----++ ",
" ++---++ ",
" x+++x "};
static Fl_Pixmap L_redx_pixmap(L_redx_xpm);
// Handle the different menu items..
void Menu_CB(Fl_Widget *w, void* data) {
const char *itemname = (const char*)data; // "New", "Open", etc
//DEBUG printf("Clicked on '%s'\n", itemname);
if ( strcmp(itemname, "New") == 0 ) {
fl_message("File/New would happen here..");
} else if ( strcmp(itemname, "Open") == 0 ) {
fl_message("File/Open would happen here..");
} else if ( strcmp(itemname, "Quit") == 0 ) {
} else if ( strcmp(itemname, "Copy") == 0 ) {
fl_message("Edit/Copy would happen here..");
} else if ( strcmp(itemname, "Paste") == 0 ) {
fl_message("Edit/Paste would happen here..");
} else {
fl_message("'Image' operation '%s'..", itemname);
int AddItemToMenu(Fl_Menu_ *menu, // menu to add item to
const char *labeltext, // label text
int shortcut, // shortcut (e.g. FL_COMMAND+'a')
Fl_Callback *cb, // callback to invoke
void *userdata, // userdata for callback
Fl_Pixmap* pixmap) { // image (if any) to add to item
// Add a new menu item
int i = menu->add(labeltext, shortcut, cb, userdata);
if ( !pixmap ) return i;
Fl_Menu_Item *item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
const char *itemtext = item->label(); // keep item's label() -- item->image() clobbers it!
// Assign image to menu item
item->image(*pixmap); // note: clobbers item->label()
// Create a multi label, assign it an image + text
Fl_Multi_Label *ml = new Fl_Multi_Label;
// Left side of label is image
ml->typea = _FL_IMAGE_LABEL;
ml->labela = (const char*)pixmap;
// Right side of label is text
ml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL;
ml->labelb = itemtext;
// Assign multilabel to item
return i;
// Create Menu Items
// This same technique works for Fl_Menu_ derived widgets,
// e.g. Fl_Menu_Bar, Fl_Menu_Button, Fl_Choice..
void CreateMenuItems(Fl_Menu_* menu) {
// Add items with LABLES AND IMAGES using Fl_Multi_Label..
AddItemToMenu(menu, "File/New", FL_COMMAND+'n', Menu_CB, (void*)"New", &L_document_pixmap);
AddItemToMenu(menu, "File/Open", FL_COMMAND+'o', Menu_CB, (void*)"Open", &L_folder_pixmap);
AddItemToMenu(menu, "File/Quit", FL_COMMAND+'q', Menu_CB, (void*)"Quit", &L_redx_pixmap);
// Create menu bar items with JUST LABELS
menu->add("Edit/Copy", FL_COMMAND+'c', Menu_CB, (void*)"Copy");
menu->add("Edit/Paste", FL_COMMAND+'v', Menu_CB, (void*)"Paste");
// Create menu bar items with JUST IMAGES (no labels)
// This shows why you need Fl_Multi_Label; the item->label()
// gets clobbered by the item->image() setting.
int i;
Fl_Menu_Item *item;
i = menu->add("Images/One", 0, Menu_CB, (void*)"One");
item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
item->image(L_document_pixmap); // note: this clobbers the item's label()
i = menu->add("Images/Two", 0, Menu_CB, (void*)"Two");
item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
i = menu->add("Images/Three", 0, Menu_CB, (void*)"Three");
item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
int main() {
Fl_Double_Window *win = new Fl_Double_Window(400, 400, "Menu items with images");
win->tooltip("Right click on window background\nfor popup menu");
// Help message
Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(100,100,200,200);
// Menu bar
Fl_Menu_Bar *menubar = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0,0,win->w(), 25);
// Right click context menu
Fl_Menu_Button *menubutt = new Fl_Menu_Button(0,25,win->w(), win->h()-25);
// Chooser menu
Fl_Choice *choice = new Fl_Choice(140,50,200,25,"Choice");
// TODO: Show complex labels with Fl_Multi_Label. From docs:
// "More complex labels might be constructed by setting labelb as another
// Fl_Multi_Label and thus chaining up a series of label elements."
return Fl::run();
// End of "$Id$".