Adding size range settings to Fl_Tile, initial commit.
- some documentation missing - Fl_Tile::resize() not satisfying yet - minimums work, maximums currently ignored - 0 size children may make program hang
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ public:
void w(int W) { w_ = W; } ///< sets the width
void h(int H) { h_ = H; } ///< sets the height
void r(int R) { w_ = R - x_; } ///< sets the width based on R and x
void b(int B) { h_ = B - y_; } ///< sets the height based on B and y
/** Move all edges in by \p d.
Shrinks the rectangle by \p d at all sides keeping the center of the
@ -143,6 +146,14 @@ public:
h_ -= (top + bottom);
friend bool operator==(const Fl_Rect& lhs, const Fl_Rect& rhs) {
return (lhs.x_==rhs.x_) && (lhs.y_==rhs.y_) && (lhs.w_==rhs.w_) && (lhs.h_==rhs.h_);
friend bool operator!=(const Fl_Rect& lhs, const Fl_Rect& rhs) {
return !(lhs==rhs);
}; // class Fl_Rect
#endif // Fl_Rect_H
@ -28,11 +28,16 @@ class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tile : public Fl_Group {
int handle(int event) FL_OVERRIDE;
Fl_Tile(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L=0);
void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) FL_OVERRIDE;
virtual void move_intersection(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy);
virtual void drag_intersection(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy);
FL_DEPRECATED("in 1.4.0 - use move_intersection(p) instead",
void position(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy)) { move_intersection(oldx, oldy, newx, newy); }
void position(int x, int y) { Fl_Group::position(x, y); }
void size_range(int index, int minw, int minh, int maxw=0x7FFFFFFF, int maxh=0x7FFFFFFF);
void size_range(Fl_Widget *w , int minw, int minh, int maxw=0x7FFFFFFF, int maxh=0x7FFFFFFF);
void init_size_range(int default_min_w = -1, int default_min_h = -1);
int cursor_; ///< current cursor index (0..3)
@ -47,6 +52,24 @@ protected:
void set_cursor(int n); // set one of n (0..3) cursors
typedef struct { int minw, minh, maxw, maxh; } Size_Range;
Size_Range *size_range_;
int size_range_size_, size_range_capacity_;
int default_min_w_, default_min_h_;
void request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size);
void request_shrink_r(int old_r, int &new_r, Fl_Rect *final_size);
void request_shrink_t(int old_t, int &new_t, Fl_Rect *final_size);
void request_shrink_b(int old_b, int &new_b, Fl_Rect *final_size);
void request_grow_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size);
void request_grow_r(int old_r, int &new_r, Fl_Rect *final_size);
void request_grow_t(int old_t, int &new_t, Fl_Rect *final_size);
void request_grow_b(int old_b, int &new_b, Fl_Rect *final_size);
int on_insert(Fl_Widget*, int) FL_OVERRIDE;
int on_move(int, int) FL_OVERRIDE;
void on_remove(int) FL_OVERRIDE;
@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
touching, but they are. If the edges of adjacent widgets do not
touch, then it will be impossible to drag the corresponding edges.
\note If the size range is set for individual widgets, or a default size
range is set, text below related to the resizable() no longer applies. The
documentation for size range is under development.
Fl_Tile allows objects to be resized to zero dimensions.
To prevent this you can use the resizable() to limit where
corners can be dragged to. For more information see note below.
@ -94,36 +98,393 @@ static Fl_Cursor Fl_Tile_cursors[4] = {
FL_CURSOR_MOVE // 3 move intersection
Drags the intersection at (\p oldx,\p oldy) to (\p newx,\p newy).
This redraws all the necessary children.
static int fl_min(int a, int b) { return a<b ? a : b; }
static int fl_max(int a, int b) { return a>b ? a : b; }
Pass zero as \p oldx or \p oldy to disable drag in that direction.
Request for children to change their layout.
drag_intersection requests that all children with the left edge at old_l to
shrink to new_l towards the right side of the tile. If the child can not shrink
by that amount, it will ask all other children that touch its right side to
shrink by the remainder (recursion). new_l will return the the maximum possible
value while maintaining minimum width for all children involved.
request_shrink_r asks children to shrink toward the left, so that their right
edge is as close as possible to new_r. request_shrink_t and request_shrink_b
provide the same functionality for vertical resizing.
\param[in] old_l shrink all children with this current left edge
\param[inout] new_l try to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible shrinkage
\param[inout] final_size if not NULL, write the new position and size of
all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
int min_l = new_l;
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->x() == old_l) {
// first, try to shrink
int min_w = size_range_[i].minw;
int may_l = fl_min(new_l, ri->r()-min_w); // enforce minimum width
int new_l_right = ri->r();
// if that is not sufficient, try to move
if (may_l < new_l) {
int missing_w = new_l - may_l;
new_l_right = ri->r() + missing_w;
request_shrink_l(ri->r(), new_l_right, NULL);
new_l_right = fl_min(new_l_right, p->r());
if (final_size) {
request_shrink_l(ri->r(), new_l_right, final_size);
request_grow_r(ri->r(), new_l_right, final_size);
min_l = fl_min(min_l, new_l_right - min_w);
if (final_size) {
new_l = min_l;
Request for children to change their layout.
\see Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
\param[in] old_r shrink all children with this current right edge toward
the left edge of this tile
\param[inout] new_r try to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible shrinkage
\param[inout] final_size if not NULL, write the new position and size of
all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_r(int old_r, int &new_r, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
int min_r = new_r;
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->r() == old_r) {
// first, try to shrink
int min_w = size_range_[i].minw;
int may_r = fl_max(new_r, ri->x()+min_w); // enforce minimum width
int new_r_left = ri->x();
// if that is not sufficient, try to move
if (may_r > new_r) {
int missing_w = may_r - new_r;
new_r_left = ri->x() - missing_w;
request_shrink_r(ri->x(), new_r_left, NULL);
new_r_left = fl_max(new_r_left, p->x());
if (final_size) {
request_shrink_r(ri->x(), new_r_left, final_size);
request_grow_l(ri->x(), new_r_left, final_size);
min_r = fl_max(min_r, new_r_left + min_w);
if (final_size) {
new_r = min_r;
Request for children to change their layout.
\see Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
\param[in] old_t shrink all children with this current top edge toward
the bottom edge of this tile
\param[inout] new_t try to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible shrinkage
\param[inout] final_size if not NULL, write the new position and size of
all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_t(int old_t, int &new_t, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
int min_y = new_t;
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->y() == old_t) {
// first, try to shrink
int min_h = size_range_[i].minh;
int may_y = fl_min(new_t, ri->b()-min_h); // enforce minimum height
int new_y_below = ri->b();
// if that is not sufficient, try to move
if (may_y < new_t) {
int missing_h = new_t - may_y;
new_y_below = ri->b() + missing_h;
request_shrink_t(ri->b(), new_y_below, NULL);
new_y_below = fl_min(new_y_below, p->b());
if (final_size) {
request_shrink_t(ri->b(), new_y_below, final_size);
request_grow_b(ri->b(), new_y_below, final_size);
min_y = fl_min(min_y, new_y_below - min_h);
if (final_size) {
new_t = min_y;
Request for children to change their layout.
\see Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
\param[in] old_b shrink all children with this current bottoom edge toward
the top edge of this tile
\param[inout] new_b try to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible shrinkage
\param[inout] final_size if not NULL, write the new position and size of
all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_b(int old_b, int &new_b, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
int min_b = new_b;
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->b() == old_b) {
// first, try to shrink
int min_h = size_range_[i].minh;
int may_b = fl_max(new_b, ri->y()+min_h); // enforce minimum height
int new_b_above = ri->y();
// if that is not sufficient, try to move
if (may_b > new_b) {
int missing_h = may_b - new_b;
new_b_above = ri->y() - missing_h;
request_shrink_b(ri->y(), new_b_above, NULL);
new_b_above = fl_max(new_b_above, p->y());
if (final_size) {
request_shrink_b(ri->y(), new_b_above, final_size);
request_grow_t(ri->y(), new_b_above, final_size);
min_b = fl_max(min_b, new_b_above + min_h);
if (final_size) {
new_b = min_b;
Request for children to change their layout.
\param[in] old_l grow all children with this current left edge toward
the left edge of this tile
\param[inout] new_l try to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible growth (currently maxw is ignored, so we always grow to new_l)
\param[inout] final_size write the new position and size of all affected
children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_grow_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->x() == old_l) {
final_size[i].w(final_size[i].r() - new_l);
Request for children to change their layout.
\param[in] old_r grow all children with this current right edge toward
the right edge of this tile
\param[inout] new_r try to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible growth (currently maxw is ignored, so we always grow to new_r)
\param[inout] final_size write the new position and size of all affected
children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_grow_r(int old_r, int &new_r, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->r() == old_r) {
Request for children to change their layout.
\param[in] old_t grow all children with this current top edge toward
the top edge of this tile
\param[inout] new_t try to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible growth (currently maxh is ignored, so we always grow to new_t)
\param[inout] final_size write the new position and size of all affected
children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_grow_t(int old_t, int &new_t, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->y() == old_t) {
final_size[i].h(final_size[i].b() - new_t);
Request for children to change their layout.
\param[in] old_b grow all children with this current bottom edge toward
the bottom edge of this tile
\param[inout] new_b try to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum
possible growth (currently maxh is ignored, so we always grow to new_b)
\param[inout] final_size write the new position and size of all affected
children into this list of Fl_Rect
void Fl_Tile::request_grow_b(int old_b, int &new_b, Fl_Rect *final_size) {
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
for (int i=0; i<children(); i++) {
Fl_Widget *ci = child(i);
// if (ci == resizable()) continue;
Fl_Rect *ri = p+i+2;
if (ri->b() == old_b) {
Drags the intersection at (\p oldx,\p oldy) to (\p newx,\p newy).
This redraws all the necessary children.
If no size ranges are set, the new intersection position is limited to the
size of the tile group. The resizable() option is not taken into account here.
If size ranges are set, the actual new position of the intersection will
depend on the size range of every individual child. No child will be smaller
than their minw and minh. After the new position is found, move_intersection()
will call init_sizes(). The resizable() range is ignored.
\param[in] oldx, oldy move the intersection at this coordinate, pass zero to
disable drag in that direction.
\param[in] newx, newy move the intersection as close to this new coordinate
as possible
void Fl_Tile::move_intersection(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) {
Fl_Widget*const* a = array();
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
p += 2; // skip group & resizable's saved size
for (int i=children(); i--; p++) {
Fl_Widget* o = *a++;
if (o == resizable()) continue;
int X = o->x();
int R = X+o->w();
if (oldx) {
int t = p->x();
if (t == oldx || (t>oldx && X<newx) || (t<oldx && X>newx) ) X = newx;
t = p->r();
if (t == oldx || (t>oldx && R<newx) || (t<oldx && R>newx) ) R = newx;
if (size_range_) {
drag_intersection(oldx, oldy, newx, newy);
} else {
Fl_Widget*const* a = array();
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
p += 2; // skip group & resizable's saved size
for (int i=children(); i--; p++) {
Fl_Widget* o = *a++;
if (o == resizable()) continue;
int X = o->x();
int R = X+o->w();
if (oldx) {
int t = p->x();
if (t == oldx || (t>oldx && X<newx) || (t<oldx && X>newx) ) X = newx;
t = p->r();
if (t == oldx || (t>oldx && R<newx) || (t<oldx && R>newx) ) R = newx;
int Y = o->y();
int B = Y+o->h();
if (oldy) {
int t = p->y();
if (t == oldy || (t>oldy && Y<newy) || (t<oldy && Y>newy) ) Y = newy;
t = p->b();
if (t == oldy || (t>oldy && B<newy) || (t<oldy && B>newy) ) B = newy;
int Y = o->y();
int B = Y+o->h();
if (oldy) {
int t = p->y();
if (t == oldy || (t>oldy && Y<newy) || (t<oldy && Y>newy) ) Y = newy;
t = p->b();
if (t == oldy || (t>oldy && B<newy) || (t<oldy && B>newy) ) B = newy;
Drags the intersection at (\p oldx,\p oldy) to (\p newx,\p newy).
\see Fl_Tile::move_intersection(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) , but
this method does not call init_sizes() and is used for interactive children
layout using the mouse.
\param[in] oldx, oldy move the intersection at this coordinate, pass zero to
disable drag in that direction.
\param[in] newx, newy move the intersection as close to this new coordinate
as possible
void Fl_Tile::drag_intersection(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) {
if (size_range_) {
int i;
Fl_Rect *p = bounds();
Fl_Rect *final_size = new Fl_Rect[children()];
for (i = 0; i < children(); i++) {
final_size[i] = p[i+2];
// apply changes in x and y intersection recursively to all children
if ((oldy != 0) && (oldy != newy)) {
if (newy <= oldy) { // user moves intersection up
int new_y = newy;
request_shrink_b(oldy, new_y, NULL); // updates new_y to the topmost possible
request_shrink_b(oldy, new_y, final_size); // now update all children touching above
request_grow_t(oldy, new_y, final_size); // now update all children touching below
if (newy > oldy) { // user moves intersection down
int new_y = newy;
request_shrink_t(oldy, new_y, NULL); // updates new_b to the bottommost possible
request_shrink_t(oldy, new_y, final_size); // now update all children touching below
request_grow_b(oldy, new_y, final_size); // now update all children touching above
if ((oldx != 0) && (oldx != newx)) {
if (newx <= oldx) { // user moves intersection left
int new_x = newx;
request_shrink_r(oldx, new_x, NULL); // updates new_x to the leftmost possible
request_shrink_r(oldx, new_x, final_size); // now shring all children touching to the left
request_grow_l(oldx, new_x, final_size); // now grow all children touching to the right
if (newx > oldx) { // user moves intersection right
int new_x = newx;
request_shrink_l(oldx, new_x, NULL); // updates new_x to the rightmost possible
request_shrink_l(oldx, new_x, final_size); // now shrink all children touching on the right
request_grow_r(oldx, new_x, final_size); // now grow all children touching on th eleft
// resize all children that have changed in size
for (i = 0; i < children(); i++) {
Fl_Rect &r = final_size[i];
child(i)->damage_resize(r.x(), r.y(), r.w(), r.h());
delete[] final_size;
} else {
move_intersection(oldx, oldy, newx, newy);
@ -143,9 +504,13 @@ void Fl_Tile::move_intersection(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) {
See the Fl_Tile class documentation about how the resizable() works.
void Fl_Tile::resize(int X,int Y,int W,int H) {
if (size_range_) {
Fl_Group::resize(X, Y, W, H);
// remember how much to move the child widgets:
int dx = X-x();
int dy = Y-y();
@ -228,7 +593,7 @@ int Fl_Tile::handle(int event) {
Fl_Rect *p = q+2;
for (int i=children(); i--; p++) {
Fl_Widget* o = *a++;
if (o == resizable()) continue;
if (!size_range_ && o == resizable()) continue;
if (p->r() < q->r() && o->y()<=my+GRABAREA && o->y()+o->h()>=my-GRABAREA) {
int t = mx - (o->x()+o->w());
if (abs(t) < mindx) {
@ -263,7 +628,8 @@ int Fl_Tile::handle(int event) {
// if (damage()) return 1; // don't fall behind
case FL_RELEASE: {
if (!sdrag) break;
Fl_Widget* r = resizable(); if (!r) r = this;
Fl_Widget* r = resizable();
if (size_range_ || !r) r = this;
int newx;
if (sdrag&DRAGH) {
newx = Fl::event_x()-sdx;
@ -281,11 +647,12 @@ int Fl_Tile::handle(int event) {
} else {
newy = sy;
move_intersection(sx, sy, newx, newy);
if (event == FL_DRAG) {
drag_intersection(sx, sy, newx, newy);
} else {
move_intersection(sx, sy, newx, newy);
return 1;
@ -296,6 +663,112 @@ int Fl_Tile::handle(int event) {
return Fl_Group::handle(event);
Insert a new entry in the size range list.
int Fl_Tile::on_insert(Fl_Widget *candidate, int index) {
if (size_range_) {
if (index >= size_range_capacity_) {
size_range_capacity_ = (index+8) & ~7; // allocate in steps of 8
size_range_ = (Size_Range*)::reallocf(size_range_, sizeof(Size_Range)*size_range_capacity_);
if (index < size_range_size_)
memmove(size_range_+index+1, size_range_+index, sizeof(Size_Range)*(size_range_size_-index));
size_range_[index].minw = default_min_w_;
size_range_[index].minh = default_min_h_;
size_range_[index].maxw = 0x7FFFFFFF;
size_range_[index].maxh = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* INTMAX_MAX */
return index;
Move the entry in the size range list.
int Fl_Tile::on_move(int oldIndex, int newIndex) {
if (size_range_) {
int delta = newIndex - oldIndex;
if (delta) {
Size_Range size_bak = size_range_[oldIndex];
if (delta > 0)
memmove(size_range_+oldIndex, size_range_+oldIndex+1, sizeof(Size_Range)*delta);
memmove(size_range_+newIndex+1, size_range_+newIndex, sizeof(Size_Range)*-delta);
size_range_[newIndex] = size_bak;
return newIndex;
Remove the entry from the size range list.
void Fl_Tile::on_remove(int index) {
if (size_range_) {
if ((index >= 0) && (index < size_range_size_))
memmove(size_range_+index, size_range_+index+1, sizeof(Size_Range)*(size_range_size_-index-1));
Set the allowed size range for the child at the given index.
Fl_Tile currently supports only the minimal width and height setting.
\param[in] index set the range for the child at this index
\param[in] minw, minh minimum width and height for that child
\param[in] maxw, maxh maximum size, defaults to infinite, currently ignored
void Fl_Tile::size_range(int index, int minw, int minh, int maxw, int maxh) {
if (!size_range_)
if ((index >= 0) && (index < children())) {
size_range_[index].minw = minw;
size_range_[index].minh = minh;
size_range_[index].maxw = maxw;
size_range_[index].maxh = maxh;
Set the allowed size range for the give child widget.
Fl_Tile currently supports only the minimal width and height setting.
\param[in] index set the range for the child at this index
\param[in] minw, minh minimum width and height for that child
\param[in] maxw, maxh maximum size, defaults to infinite, currently ignored
void Fl_Tile::size_range(Fl_Widget *w , int minw, int minh, int maxw, int maxh) {
int index = find(w);
if ((index >= 0) && (index < children()))
size_range(index, minw, minh, maxw, maxh);
Initialize the size rang mode of Fl_Tile and set the default minimum width and height.
\param[in] default_min_w, default_min_h default size range for widgets that don't
have an individual range assigned
void Fl_Tile::init_size_range(int default_min_w, int default_min_h) {
if (default_min_w > 0) default_min_w_ = default_min_w;
if (default_min_h > 0) default_min_h_ = default_min_h;
if (!size_range_) {
size_range_size_ = children();
size_range_capacity_ = (size_range_size_+8) & ~7; // allocate in steps of 8
size_range_ = (Size_Range*)::reallocf(size_range_, sizeof(Size_Range)*size_range_capacity_);
for (int i=0; i<size_range_size_; i++) {
size_range_[i].minw = default_min_w_;
size_range_[i].minh = default_min_h_;
size_range_[i].maxw = 0x7FFFFFFF;
size_range_[i].maxh = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* INTMAX_MAX */
Creates a new Fl_Tile widget using the given position, size,
and label string. The default boxtype is FL_NO_BOX.
@ -309,10 +782,22 @@ int Fl_Tile::handle(int event) {
\see class Fl_Group
Fl_Tile::Fl_Tile(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char*L)
: Fl_Group(X,Y,W,H,L),
Fl_Tile::~Fl_Tile() {
if (size_range_)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
// #define TEST_INACTIVE
// #define CLASSIC_MODE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Fl_Double_Window window(300, 300);
@ -27,19 +28,27 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Fl_Tile tile(0, 0, 300, 300);
tile.init_size_range(30, 30); // all children's size shall be at least 30x30
// create the symmetrical resize box with dx and dy pixels distance, resp.
// from the borders of the Fl_Tile widget before all other children
int dx = 20, dy = dx; // border width of resizable()
Fl_Box r(tile.x()+dx,tile.y()+dy,tile.w()-2*dx,tile.h()-2*dy);
Fl_Box box0(0,0,150,150,"0");
Fl_Double_Window w1(150,0,150,150,"1");
Reference in New Issue
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