Mac OS: reorganized the text input handling code. Added a detailed description of what the code does
for this rather complex issue in comments. git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@9799 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
This commit is contained in:
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ bool fl_show_iconic; // true if called from iconize() - shows
Window fl_window;
Fl_Window *Fl_Window::current_;
int fl_mac_os_version = calc_mac_os_version(); // the version number of the running Mac OS X (e.g., 100604 for 10.6.4)
static SEL inputContextSEL = (fl_mac_os_version >= 100600 ? @selector(inputContext) : @selector(FLinputContext));
// forward declarations of variables in this file
static int got_events = 0;
@ -899,91 +900,29 @@ static void cocoaMouseHandler(NSEvent *theEvent)
@interface FLTextView : NSTextView
// this subclass is needed under OS X <= 10.5 but not under >= 10.6 where the base class is enough
@interface FLTextView : NSTextView // this subclass is only needed under OS X < 10.6
BOOL isActive;
- (void)interpretKeyEvents:(NSArray *)eventArray;
- (void)insertText:(id)aString;
- (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector;
- (void)setActive:(BOOL)a;
@implementation FLTextView
- (void)insertText:(id)aString
[[[NSApp keyWindow] contentView] insertText:aString];
if (isActive) [[[NSApp keyWindow] contentView] insertText:aString];
- (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector
[[[NSApp keyWindow] contentView] doCommandBySelector:aSelector];
- (void)interpretKeyEvents:(NSArray *)eventArray
- (void)setActive:(BOOL)a
if (Fl::e_keysym == FL_BackSpace || Fl::e_keysym == FL_KP_Enter ||
Fl::e_keysym == FL_Enter || Fl::e_keysym == FL_Escape || Fl::e_keysym == FL_Tab ) {
NSEvent *theEvent = (NSEvent*)[eventArray objectAtIndex:0];
// interpretKeyEvents doesn't output anything for these 5 keys under 10.5 or below
NSString *s = [theEvent characters];
if ([s length] >= 1) {
static char utf[2] = {0, 0};
utf[0] = [s UTF8String][0];
Fl::e_text = utf;
Fl::e_length = 1;
Fl_Window *window = [(FLWindow*)[theEvent window] getFl_Window];
Fl::handle(FL_KEYBOARD, window);
else [super interpretKeyEvents:eventArray];
isActive = a;
Handle cocoa keyboard events
Events during a character composition sequence:
- keydown with deadkey -> [[theEvent characters] length] is 0
- keyup -> [theEvent characters] contains the deadkey
- keydown with next key -> [theEvent characters] contains the composed character
- keyup -> [theEvent characters] contains the standard character
static void cocoaKeyboardHandler(NSEvent *theEvent)
NSUInteger mods;
// get the modifiers
mods = [theEvent modifierFlags];
// get the key code
UInt32 keyCode = 0, maskedKeyCode = 0;
unsigned short sym = 0;
keyCode = [theEvent keyCode];
// extended keyboards can also send sequences on key-up to generate Kanji etc. codes.
// Some observed prefixes are 0x81 to 0x83, followed by an 8 bit keycode.
// In this mode, there seem to be no key-down codes
// printf("%08x %08x %08x\n", keyCode, mods, key);
maskedKeyCode = keyCode & 0x7f;
if ([theEvent type] == NSKeyUp) {
Fl::e_state &= 0xbfffffff; // clear the deadkey flag
mods_to_e_state( mods ); // process modifier keys
sym = macKeyLookUp[maskedKeyCode];
if (sym < 0xff00) { // a "simple" key
// find the result of this key without modifier
NSString *sim = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
UniChar one;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)sim, CFRangeMake(0, 1), &one);
// charactersIgnoringModifiers doesn't ignore shift, remove it when it's on
if(one >= 'A' && one <= 'Z') one += 32;
if (one > 0 && one <= 0x7f && (sym<'0' || sym>'9') ) sym = one;
Fl::e_keysym = Fl::e_original_keysym = sym;
/*NSLog(@"cocoaKeyboardHandler: keycode=%08x keysym=%08x mods=%08x symbol=%@ (%@)",
keyCode, sym, mods, [theEvent characters], [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]);*/
// If there is text associated with this key, it will be filled in later.
Fl::e_length = 0;
Fl::e_text = (char*)"";
* Open callback function to call...
@ -1667,6 +1606,120 @@ static void q_set_window_title(NSWindow *nsw, const char * name, const char *mi
/** How FLTK handles Mac OS text input
Let myview be the instance of the FLView class that has the keyboard focus. FLView is an FLTK-defined NSView subclass
that implements the NSTextInputClient protocol to properly handle text input. It also implements the old NSTextInput
protocol to run with OS <= 10.4. The few NSTextInput protocol methods that differ in signature from the NSTextInputClient
protocol transmit the received message to the corresponding NSTextInputClient method.
Keyboard input sends keyDown: and performKeyEquivalent: messages to myview. The latter occurs for keys such as
ForwardDelete, arrows and F1, and when the Ctrl or Cmd modifiers are used. Other key presses send keyDown: messages.
Both keyDown: and performKeyEquivalent: methods call [[myview inputContext] handleEvent:theEvent] that triggers system
processing of keyboard events. Three sorts of messages are then sent back by the system to myview: doCommandBySelector:,
setMarkedText: and insertText:. All 3 messages eventually produce Fl::handle(FL_KEYBOARD, focus-window) calls.
The handleEvent: method, however, does not send any message back to myview when both the Alt and Cmd modifiers
are pressed. In this situation, the performKeyEquivalent: method directly sends the doCommandBySelector: message to myview.
The doCommandBySelector: message allows to process events such as new-line, forward and backward delete, arrows, escape,
tab, F1 and when the Ctrl or Cmd modifiers are used. The message setMarkedText:
is sent when marked text, that is, temporary text that gets replaced later by some other text, is inserted. This happens
when a dead key is pressed, and also when entering complex scripts (e.g., Chinese). Fl_X::next_marked_length gives the byte
length of marked text before the FL_KEYBOARD event is processed. Fl::compose_state gives this length after this processing.
Message insertText: is sent to enter text in the focused widget. If there's marked text, Fl::compose_state is > 0, and this
marked text gets replaced by the inserted text. If there's no marked text, the new text is inserted at the insertion point.
When the character palette is used to enter text, the system sends an insertText: message to myview. The code processes it
as an FL_PASTE event. The in_key_event field of the FLView class allows to differentiate keyboard from palette inputs.
OS >= 10.7 contains a feature where pressing and holding certain keys opens a menu window that shows a list
of possible accented variants of this key. The selectedRange field of the FLView class and the selectedRange, insertText:
and setMarkedText: methods of the NSTextInputClient protocol are used to support this feature.
The notion of selected text (!= marked text) is monitored by the selectedRange field.
The -(NSRange)[FLView selectedRange] method is used to control whether an FLTK widget opens accented character windows
by returning .location = NSNotFound to disable that, or returning the value of the selectedRange field to enable the feature.
When selectedRange.location >= 0, the value of selectedRange.length is meaningful. 0 means no text is currently selected,
> 0 means this number of characters before the insertion point are selected. The insertText: method does
selectedRange = NSMakeRange(100, 0); to indicate no text is selected. The setMarkedText: method does
selectedRange = NSMakeRange(100, newSelection.length); to indicate that this length of text is selected.
With OS <= 10.5, the crucial call [[myview inputContext] handleEvent:theEvent] is not possible because neither the
inputContext nor the handleEvent: methods are implemented. This call is re-written:
static SEL inputContextSEL = (fl_mac_os_version >= 100600 ? @selector(inputContext) : @selector(FLinputContext));
[[myview performSelector:inputContextSEL] handleEvent:theEvent];
that replaces the 10.6 inputContext message by the FLinputContext message. This message and two FLTK-defined classes,
FLTextInputContext and FLTextView, are used to emulate with OS <= 10.5 what's possible with OS >= 10.6.
Method -(FLTextInputContext*)[FLView FLinputContext] returns an instance of class FLTextInputContext that possesses
a handleEvent: method. FLView's FLinputContext method also calls [[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:nil] which
returns the so-called view's "field editor". This editor is an instance of the FLTextView class allocated by the
-(id)[FLWindowDelegate windowWillReturnFieldEditor: toObject:] method.
The -(BOOL)[FLTextInputContext handleEvent:] method emulates the missing 10.6 -(BOOL)[NSTextInputContext handleEvent:]
by sending the interpretKeyEvents: message to the FLTextView object. The system sends back doCommandBySelector: and
insertText: messages to the FLTextView object that are transmitted unchanged to myview to be processed as with OS >= 10.6.
The system also sends setMarkedText: messages directly to myview.
There is furthermore an oddity of dead key processing with OS <= 10.5. It occurs when a dead key followed by a non-accented
key are pressed. Say, for example, that keys '^' followed by 'p' are pressed on a French or German keyboard. Resulting
messages are: [myview setMarkedText:@"^"], [myview insertText:@"^"], [myview insertText:@"p"], [FLTextView insertText:@"^p"].
The 2nd '^' replaces the marked 1st one, followed by p^p. The resulting text in the widget is "^p^p" instead of the
desired "^p". To avoid that, the FLTextView object is deactivated by the insertText: message and reactivated after
the handleEvent: message has been processed.
NSEvent's during a character composition sequence:
- keyDown with deadkey -> [[theEvent characters] length] is 0
- keyUp -> [theEvent characters] contains the deadkey
- keyDown with next key -> [theEvent characters] contains the composed character
- keyUp -> [theEvent characters] contains the standard character
static void cocoaKeyboardHandler(NSEvent *theEvent)
NSUInteger mods;
// get the modifiers
mods = [theEvent modifierFlags];
// get the key code
UInt32 keyCode = 0, maskedKeyCode = 0;
unsigned short sym = 0;
keyCode = [theEvent keyCode];
// extended keyboards can also send sequences on key-up to generate Kanji etc. codes.
// Some observed prefixes are 0x81 to 0x83, followed by an 8 bit keycode.
// In this mode, there seem to be no key-down codes
// printf("%08x %08x %08x\n", keyCode, mods, key);
maskedKeyCode = keyCode & 0x7f;
if ([theEvent type] == NSKeyUp) {
Fl::e_state &= 0xbfffffff; // clear the deadkey flag
mods_to_e_state( mods ); // process modifier keys
sym = macKeyLookUp[maskedKeyCode];
if (sym < 0xff00) { // a "simple" key
// find the result of this key without modifier
NSString *sim = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
UniChar one;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)sim, CFRangeMake(0, 1), &one);
// charactersIgnoringModifiers doesn't ignore shift, remove it when it's on
if(one >= 'A' && one <= 'Z') one += 32;
if (one > 0 && one <= 0x7f && (sym<'0' || sym>'9') ) sym = one;
Fl::e_keysym = Fl::e_original_keysym = sym;
/*NSLog(@"cocoaKeyboardHandler: keycode=%08x keysym=%08x mods=%08x symbol=%@ (%@)",
keyCode, sym, mods, [theEvent characters], [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]);*/
// If there is text associated with this key, it will be filled in later.
Fl::e_length = 0;
Fl::e_text = (char*)"";
@interface FLTextInputContext : NSObject { // "emulates" NSTextInputContext before OS 10.6
FLTextView *edit;
@implementation FLTextInputContext
-(BOOL)handleEvent:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
[self->edit setActive:YES];
[self->edit interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:theEvent]];
[self->edit setActive:YES];
return YES;
@interface FLView : NSView <NSTextInput
@ -1702,6 +1755,14 @@ static void q_set_window_title(NSWindow *nsw, const char * name, const char *mi
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender;
- (void)draggingExited:(id < NSDraggingInfo >)sender;
- (NSDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)isLocal;
- (FLTextInputContext*)FLinputContext;
- (void)insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange;
- (void)setMarkedText:(id)aString selectedRange:(NSRange)newSelection replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange;
- (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringForProposedRange:(NSRange)aRange actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actualRange;
- (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)aRange actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actualRange;
- (NSInteger)windowLevel;
@implementation FLView
@ -1730,28 +1791,17 @@ static void q_set_window_title(NSWindow *nsw, const char * name, const char *mi
- (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent*)theEvent
int handled = 1;
Fl_Window *window = [(FLWindow*)[theEvent window] getFl_Window];
NSString *s = [theEvent characters];
in_key_event = YES;
NSUInteger mods = [theEvent modifierFlags];
if ( (mods & NSShiftKeyMask) && (mods & NSCommandKeyMask) ) {
s = [s uppercaseString]; // US keyboards return lowercase letter in s if cmd-shift-key is hit
if ([s length] >= 1) [FLView prepareEtext:s];
if ( (mods & NSControlKeyMask) || (mods & NSCommandKeyMask) ) {
handled = Fl::handle(FL_KEYBOARD, window);
else {
in_key_event = YES;
NSText *edit = [[theEvent window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:nil];
[edit interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:theEvent]];
in_key_event = NO;
BOOL handled = YES;
if ( (mods & NSAlternateKeyMask) && (mods & NSCommandKeyMask) ) [self doCommandBySelector:NULL];
else handled = [[self performSelector:inputContextSEL] handleEvent:theEvent];
in_key_event = NO;
return (handled ? YES : NO);
return handled;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent*)theEvent
@ -1793,23 +1843,18 @@ static void q_set_window_title(NSWindow *nsw, const char * name, const char *mi
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
//NSLog(@"keyDown:%@",[theEvent characters]);
Fl_Window *window = [(FLWindow*)[theEvent window] getFl_Window];
// First let's process the raw key press
NSText *edit = [[theEvent window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:nil];
in_key_event = YES;
[edit interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:theEvent]];
[[self performSelector:inputContextSEL] handleEvent:theEvent];
in_key_event = NO;
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
//NSLog(@"keyUp: ");
//NSLog(@"keyUp:%@",[theEvent characters]);
Fl_Window *window = (Fl_Window*)[(FLWindow*)[theEvent window] getFl_Window];
@ -1932,6 +1977,15 @@ static void q_set_window_title(NSWindow *nsw, const char * name, const char *mi
return NSDragOperationGeneric;
- (FLTextInputContext*)FLinputContext { // used only if OS < 10.6 to replace [NSView inputContext]
static FLTextInputContext *context = NULL;
if (!context) {
context = [[FLTextInputContext alloc] init];
context->edit = (FLTextView*)[[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:nil];
return context;
+ (void)prepareEtext:(NSString*)aString {
// fills Fl::e_text with UTF-8 encoded aString using an adequate memory allocation
static char *received_utf8 = NULL;
@ -1953,12 +2007,22 @@ static void q_set_window_title(NSWindow *nsw, const char * name, const char *mi
Fl::e_length = l;
// These functions implement text input.
- (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector {
NSString *s = [[NSApp currentEvent] characters];
NSUInteger mods = [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags];
if ( (mods & NSShiftKeyMask) && (mods & NSCommandKeyMask) ) {
s = [s uppercaseString]; // US keyboards return lowercase letter in s if cmd-shift-key is hit
[FLView prepareEtext:s];
Fl_Window *target = [(FLWindow*)[self window] getFl_Window];
Fl::handle(FL_KEYBOARD, target);
- (void)insertText:(id)aString {
[self insertText:aString replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
- (void)insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange {
NSString *received;
if ([aString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]]) {
@ -1980,11 +2044,13 @@ static void q_set_window_title(NSWindow *nsw, const char * name, const char *mi
// We can get called outside of key events (e.g., from the character palette, from CJK text input).
// Transform character palette actions to FL_PASTE events.
Fl_X::next_marked_length = 0;
Fl::handle( (in_key_event || Fl::marked_text_length()) ? FL_KEYBOARD : FL_PASTE, target);
int flevent = (in_key_event || Fl::marked_text_length()) ? FL_KEYBOARD : FL_PASTE;
Fl::handle( flevent, target);
selectedRange = NSMakeRange(100, 0); // 100 is an arbitrary value
// for some reason, with the palette, the window does not redraw until the next mouse move or button push
// sending a 'redraw()' or 'awake()' does not solve the issue!
if (flevent == FL_PASTE) Fl::flush();
if (fl_mac_os_version < 100600) [(FLTextView*)[[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:nil] setActive:NO];
@ -3448,7 +3514,7 @@ CGImageRef Fl_X::CGImage_from_window_rect(Fl_Window *win, int x, int y, int w, i
CGImageRef img;
if (fl_mac_os_version >= 100500) {
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap = rect_to_NSBitmapImageRep(win, x, y, w, h);
img = [bitmap CGImage]; // requires Mac OS 10.5
img = (CGImageRef)[bitmap performSelector:@selector(CGImage)]; // requires Mac OS 10.5
[bitmap release];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user