Improve docs and add two new Fl_Menu_Item methods (#875)
This addresses some issues pointed out by GitHub Issue #875. Documentation lacked details about Fl_Multi_Label assignment and correct memory handling. The new methods - Fl_Menu_Item::image_label(const Fl_Image *) and - Fl_Menu_Item::multi_label(const Fl_Multi_Label *) provide a cleaner interface to assign images and Fl_Multi_Label's to menu items. examples/howto-menu-with-images.cxx: carify some issues, fix leak, and use new Fl_Menu_Item::multi_label(const Fl_Multi_Label *).
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
#ifndef Fl_Menu_Item_H
#define Fl_Menu_Item_H
# include "Fl_Widget.H"
# include "Fl_Image.H"
# include <FL/platform_types.h> // for FL_COMMAND and FL_CONTROL
#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Image.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Multi_Label.H>
#include <FL/platform_types.h> // for FL_COMMAND and FL_CONTROL
// doxygen needs the following line to enable e.g. ::FL_MENU_TOGGLE to link to the enums
/// @file
@ -141,19 +142,100 @@ struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Menu_Item {
// methods on menu items:
Returns the title of the item.
Returns the title (label) of the menu item.
A NULL here indicates the end of the menu (or of a submenu).
A '&' in the item will print an underscore under the next letter,
and if the menu is popped up that letter will be a "shortcut" to pick
that item. To get a real '&' put two in a row.
and if the menu is popped up that letter will be a "shortcut" to
pick that item. To get a real '&' put two in a row.
The returned value depends on the labeltype() that has been used
to store the label.
\returns A pointer to the label cast to (const char *)
\retval (a) A pointer to text (const char *)
\retval (b) A pointer to an image (Fl_Image *)
\retval (c) A pointer to a "multi label" (Fl_Multi_Label *)
\retval NULL End of menu or submenu
\see Fl_Menu_Item::label(const char *)
\see Fl_Menu_Item::label(Fl_Labeltype, const char *)
\see Fl_Menu_Item::image_label(const Fl_Image *)
\see Fl_Menu_Item::multi_label(const Fl_Multi_Label *)
\see Fl_Multi_Label::label(Fl_Menu_Item *)
const char* label() const {return text;}
const char* label() const { return text; }
/** See const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const */
void label(const char* a) {text=a;}
Sets the title (label) of the menu item.
/** See const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const */
void label(Fl_Labeltype a,const char* b) {labeltype_ = a; text = b;}
\note This does \b not change the labeltype() for backwards compatibility.
Take care to assign the correct labeltype() if you assign different
label types to the same menu item sequentially.
The default labeltype() is FL_NORMAL_LABEL.
\see label(Fl_Labeltype, const char*)
\see const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const
void label(const char* a) { text = a; }
Sets the title (label) and the label type of the menu item.
The default Fl_Labeltype when using Fl_Menu_Item::label(const char* a)
is FL_NORMAL_LABEL but you can set any other label type, for instance
Special labeltypes are:
- FL_ICON_LABEL: draws the icon (Fl_Image) associated with the text
- FL_IMAGE_LABEL: draws the image (Fl_Image) associated with the text
- FL_MULTI_LABEL: draws multiple parts side by side, see Fl_Multi_Label
\see const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const
void label(Fl_Labeltype a, const char* b) {
labeltype_ = a;
text = b;
Sets the title (label()) and labeltype() to an Fl_Multi_Label.
This sets the labeltype() to \_FL_MULTI_LABEL (note the leading
\see const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const
\since 1.4.0
\internal Overloading Fl_Menu_Item::image() would lead to ambiguities
when used like `item->label(0)`, hence we need our own method name.
Otherwise existing programs might not compile w/o error (e.g. fluid).
void multi_label(const Fl_Multi_Label *ml) {
label(FL_MULTI_LABEL, (const char *)ml);
Sets the title (label()) to an icon or image.
This sets the labeltype() to \_FL_IMAGE_LABEL (note the leading
\see const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const
\since 1.4.0
\internal Overloading Fl_Menu_Item::image() would lead to ambiguities
when used like `item->label(0)`, hence we need our own method name.
Otherwise existing programs might not compile w/o error (e.g. fluid).
void image_label(const Fl_Image *image) {
label(FL_IMAGE_LABEL, (const char *)image);
Returns the menu item's labeltype.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Multi-label header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// Copyright 1998-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
@ -22,51 +22,57 @@ struct Fl_Menu_Item;
/** Allows a mixed text and/or graphics label to be applied to an Fl_Menu_Item or Fl_Widget.
Most regular FLTK widgets now support the ability to associate both images and text
with a label but some special cases, notably the non-widget Fl_Menu_Item objects, do not.
Fl_Multi_Label may be used to create menu items that have an icon and text, which would
not normally be possible for an Fl_Menu_Item.
For example, Fl_Multi_Label is used in the New->Code submenu in fluid, and others.
Most regular FLTK widgets now support the ability to associate both images and text
with a label but some special cases, notably the non-widget Fl_Menu_Item objects, do not.
Fl_Multi_Label may be used to create menu items that have an icon and text, which would
not normally be possible for an Fl_Menu_Item.
For example, Fl_Multi_Label is used in the New->Code submenu in fluid, and others.
\image html Fl_Multi_Label-menu-item.png "Menu items with icons using Fl_Multi_Label"
\image latex Fl_Multi_Label-menu-item.png "Menu items with icons using Fl_Multi_Label" width=4cm
\image html Fl_Multi_Label-menu-item.png "Menu items with icons using Fl_Multi_Label"
\image latex Fl_Multi_Label-menu-item.png "Menu items with icons using Fl_Multi_Label" width=4cm
Each Fl_Multi_Label holds two elements, labela and labelb; each may hold either a
text label (const char*) or an image (Fl_Image*). When displayed, labela is drawn first
and labelb is drawn immediately to its right.
Each Fl_Multi_Label holds two elements, \p labela and \p labelb; each may hold either a
text label (const char*) or an image (Fl_Image*). When displayed, \p labela is drawn first
and \p labelb is drawn immediately to its right.
More complex labels might be constructed by setting labelb as another Fl_Multi_Label and
thus chaining up a series of label elements.
More complex labels can be constructed by setting labelb as another Fl_Multi_Label and
thus chaining up a series of label elements.
When assigning a label element to one of labela or labelb, they should be explicitly cast
to (const char*) if they are not of that type already.
When assigning a label element to one of \p labela or \p labelb, they should be
explicitly cast to (const char*) if they are not of that type already.
Example Use: Fl_Menu_Bar
Fl_Pixmap *image = new Fl_Pixmap(..); // image for menu item; any Fl_Image based widget
Fl_Menu_Bar *menu = new Fl_Menu_Bar(..); // can be any Fl_Menu_ oriented widget (Fl_Choice, Fl_Menu_Button..)
\note An Fl_Multi_Label object and all its components (label text, images, chained
Fl_Multi_Label's and their linked objects) must exist during the lifetime of the
widget or menu item they are assigned to. It is the responsibility of the user's
code to release these linked objects if necessary after the widget or menu is deleted.
// Create a menu item
int i = menu->add("File/New", ..);
Fl_Menu_Item *item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
Example Use: Fl_Menu_Bar
Fl_Pixmap *image = new Fl_Pixmap(..); // image for menu item; any Fl_Image based widget
Fl_Menu_Bar *menu = new Fl_Menu_Bar(..); // can be any Fl_Menu_ oriented widget (Fl_Choice, Fl_Menu_Button..)
// Create a multi label, assign it an image + text
Fl_Multi_Label *ml = new Fl_Multi_Label;
// Create a menu item
int i = menu->add("File/New", ..);
Fl_Menu_Item *item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
// Left side of label is an image
ml->typea = FL_IMAGE_LABEL;
ml->labela = (const char*)image; // any Fl_Image widget: Fl_Pixmap, Fl_PNG_Image, etc..
// Create a multi label, assign it an image + text
Fl_Multi_Label *ml = new Fl_Multi_Label;
// Right side of label is label text
ml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL;
ml->labelb = item->label();
// Left side of label is an image
ml->typea = FL_IMAGE_LABEL;
ml->labela = (const char*)image; // any Fl_Image widget: Fl_Pixmap, Fl_PNG_Image, etc..
// Assign the multilabel to the menu item
// Right side of label is label text
ml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL;
ml->labelb = item->label();
\see Fl_Label and Fl_Labeltype and examples/howto-menu-with-images.cxx
// Assign the multilabel to the menu item
// ml->label(item); // deprecated since 1.4.0; backwards compatible with 1.3.x
item->label(ml); // new method since 1.4.0
\see Fl_Label and Fl_Labeltype and examples/howto-menu-with-images.cxx
struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Multi_Label {
/** Holds the "leftmost" of the two elements in the composite label.
Typically this would be assigned either a text string (const char*),
@ -87,9 +93,10 @@ struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Multi_Label {
if "chaining" multiple Fl_Multi_Label elements together. */
uchar typeb;
/** This method is used to associate a Fl_Multi_Label with a Fl_Widget. */
// This method is used to associate a Fl_Multi_Label with a Fl_Widget.
void label(Fl_Widget*);
/** This method is used to associate a Fl_Multi_Label with a Fl_Menu_Item. */
// This method is used to associate a Fl_Multi_Label with a Fl_Menu_Item.
void label(Fl_Menu_Item*);
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
// vim: autoindent tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab softtabstop=2 filetype=cpp
// How to use Fl_Multi_Label to make menu items with images and labels.
// How to use Fl_Multi_Label to make menu items with images and labels.
// Copyright 2017 Greg Ercolano.
// Copyright 1998-2021 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// Copyright 1998-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
@ -28,6 +26,8 @@
#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
#include <FL/fl_message.H>
#include <stdlib.h> // free()
// Document icon
static const char *L_document_xpm[] = {
"13 11 3 1",
@ -120,14 +120,20 @@ int AddItemToMenu(Fl_Menu_ *menu, // menu to add item to
// Right side of label is text
ml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL;
ml->labelb = item->label();
ml->labelb = item->label(); // transfers "ownership" to ml
// Assign multilabel to item.
// Note: There are two documented ways to achieve this. Both of them
// are supported, but one of them is commented out intentionally.
// There are three documented ways to achieve this. All of them are still
// supported but two of them are deprecated (see docs and comments below).
// The recommended way is to use Fl_Menu_Item::multi_label(Fl_Multi_Label *)
// which was added in FLTK 1.4.0 and sets the correct labeltype().
// All of these statements overwrite the old label (pointer) whose
// ownership has been "transferred" to the Fl_Multi_Label (correct).
// The old label is not released (as documented).
// item->label(FL_MULTI_LABEL, (const char *)ml);
// ml->label(item); // deprecated (1.3.x)
// item->label(FL_MULTI_LABEL, (const char *)ml); // deprecated (1.3.x)
item->multi_label(ml); // new since 1.4.0
return i;
@ -151,29 +157,37 @@ void CreateMenuItems(Fl_Menu_* menu) {
// This shows why you need Fl_Multi_Label; the item->label()
// gets clobbered by the item->image() setting.
// In the following lines 'menu->add(...)' assigns a duplicated label
// string which must be released prior to assigning an image to the label
// with 'item->image()'.
// This is "not nice" but it prevents memory leaks (see GitHub Issue #875).
int i;
Fl_Menu_Item *item;
i = menu->add("Images/One", 0, Menu_CB, (void*)"One");
item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
item->image(L_document_pixmap); // note: this clobbers the item's label()
i = menu->add("Images/Two", 0, Menu_CB, (void*)"Two");
item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
i = menu->add("Images/Three", 0, Menu_CB, (void*)"Three");
item = (Fl_Menu_Item*)&(menu->menu()[i]);
int main() {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Fl_Double_Window *win = new Fl_Double_Window(400, 400, "Menu items with images");
win->tooltip("Right click on window background\nfor popup menu");
// Help message
Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(100,100,200,200);
box->label(win->tooltip()); // no need to copy_label() because it's static
// Menu bar
@ -192,12 +206,11 @@ int main() {
// TODO: Show complex labels with Fl_Multi_Label. From docs:
// "More complex labels might be constructed by setting labelb as another
// "More complex labels can be constructed by setting labelb as another
// Fl_Multi_Label and thus chaining up a series of label elements."
win->show(argc, argv);
return Fl::run();
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Multi-label widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2017 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// Copyright 1998-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
@ -60,10 +60,63 @@ Fl_Labeltype fl_define_FL_MULTI_LABEL() {
Associate an Fl_Multi_Label with an Fl_Widget.
This method uses Fl_Widget::label(Fl_Labeltype, const char *) internally
to set the \e label of the widget, i.e. it stores a \e pointer to the
Fl_Multi_Label object (\e this).
An existing label that has been set using Fl_Widget::copy_label() will be
released prior to the assignment of the new label.
This sets the type of the widget's label to \_FL_MULTI_LABEL - note the
leading underscore ('_').
There is no way to use a method like Fl_Widget::copy_label() that transfers
ownership of the Fl_Multi_Label and its linked objects (images, text, and
chained Fl_Multi_Label's) to the widget.
The Fl_Multi_Label and all linked images, text labels, or chained Fl_Multi_Label
objects must exist during the lifetime of the widget and will not be released
when the widget is destroyed.
\note The user's code is responsible for releasing the Fl_Multi_Label and
all linked objects (images, text, chained Fl_Multi_Label's) after the
widget has been deleted. This may cause memory leaks if Fl_Multi_Label
is used and reassigned w/o releasing the objects assigned to it.
void Fl_Multi_Label::label(Fl_Widget* o) {
o->label(FL_MULTI_LABEL, (const char*)this); // calls fl_define_FL_MULTI_LABEL()
Associate an Fl_Multi_Label with an Fl_Menu_Item.
This uses Fl_Menu_Item::label(Fl_Labeltype a, const char *b) internally to
set the \e label and the label type of the menu item, i.e. it stores a
\e pointer to the Fl_Multi_Label object (\e this).
An existing label (pointer) will be overwritten.
This sets the type of the menu item's label to \_FL_MULTI_LABEL - note the
leading underscore ('_').
There is no way to use a method like Fl_Widget::copy_label() that transfers
ownership of the Fl_Multi_Label and its linked objects (images, text, and
chained Fl_Multi_Label's) to the menu item.
The Fl_Multi_Label and all linked images, text labels, or chained
Fl_Multi_Label objects must exist during the lifetime of the menu and
will not be released when the menu item is destroyed.
\note The user's code is responsible for releasing the Fl_Multi_Label and
all linked objects (images, text, chained Fl_Multi_Label's) after the
menu has been deleted. This may cause memory leaks if Fl_Multi_Label
is used and reassigned w/o releasing the objects assigned to it.
\deprecated since 1.4.0: please use Fl_Menu_Item::label(Fl_Multi_Label *)
\see Fl_Menu_Item::label(Fl_Multi_Label *)
void Fl_Multi_Label::label(Fl_Menu_Item* o) {
o->label(FL_MULTI_LABEL, (const char*)this); // calls fl_define_FL_MULTI_LABEL()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user