
212 lines
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// "$Id: Fl_HelpView.H,v 2001/08/06 23:51:39 easysw Exp $"
// Help Viewer widget definitions.
// Copyright 1997-2001 by Easy Software Products.
// Image support donated by Matthias Melcher, Copyright 2000.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org".
#ifndef _Fl_HelpView_H_
# define _Fl_HelpView_H_
// Include necessary header files...
# include <stdio.h>
# include <FL/Fl.H>
# include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
# include <FL/Fl_Scrollbar.H>
# include <FL/fl_draw.H>
// Fl_HelpFunc type - link callback function for files...
typedef const char *(Fl_HelpFunc)(const char *);
// Fl_HelpBlock structure...
struct Fl_HelpBlock
const char *start, // Start of text
*end; // End of text
uchar font, // Text font
size, // Text size
border; // Draw border?
int x, // Indentation/starting X coordinate
y, // Starting Y coordinate
w, // Width
h; // Height
int line[32]; // Left starting position for each line
// Fl_HelpLink structure...
struct Fl_HelpLink
char filename[192], // Reference filename
name[32]; // Link target (blank if none)
int x, // X offset of link text
y, // Y offset of link text
w, // Width of link text
h; // Height of link text
// Fl_HelpTarget structure...
struct Fl_HelpTarget
char name[32]; // Target name
int y; // Y offset of target
// Fl_HelpImage structure...
class Fl_Image;
struct Fl_HelpImage
char *name, // Path and name of the image
wattr[8], // Width attribute
hattr[8]; // Height attribute
Fl_Image *image; // FLTK image representation
unsigned char *data; // Raw image data
int w, h, d; // Image size & depth
// Fl_HelpView class...
class Fl_HelpView : public Fl_Group //// Help viewer widget
enum { RIGHT = -1, CENTER, LEFT }; // Alignments
char title_[1024]; // Title string
Fl_Color defcolor_, // Default text color
bgcolor_, // Background color
textcolor_, // Text color
linkcolor_; // Link color
uchar textfont_, // Default font for text
textsize_; // Default font size
const char *value_; // HTML text value
int nblocks_, // Number of blocks/paragraphs
ablocks_; // Allocated blocks
Fl_HelpBlock *blocks_; // Blocks
int nfonts_; // Number of fonts in stack
uchar fonts_[100][2]; // Font stack
Fl_HelpFunc *link_; // Link transform function
int nlinks_, // Number of links
alinks_; // Allocated links
Fl_HelpLink *links_; // Links
int ntargets_, // Number of targets
atargets_; // Allocated targets
Fl_HelpTarget *targets_; // Targets
char directory_[1024]; // Directory for current file
char filename_[1024]; // Current filename
int topline_, // Top line in document
size_; // Total document length
Fl_Scrollbar scrollbar_; // Vertical scrollbar for document
int nimage_, // Number of images in a page
aimage_; // Allocated blocks
Fl_HelpImage *image_; // list of image descriptors
Fl_HelpImage *add_image(const char *name, const char *wattr,
const char *hattr, int make = 1);
Fl_HelpImage *find_image(const char *name, const char *wattr,
const char *hattr);
int load_gif(Fl_HelpImage *img, FILE *fp);
int load_jpeg(Fl_HelpImage *img, FILE *fp);
int load_png(Fl_HelpImage *img, FILE *fp);
Fl_HelpBlock *add_block(const char *s, int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh, uchar border = 0);
void add_link(const char *n, int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh);
void add_target(const char *n, int yy);
static int compare_targets(const Fl_HelpTarget *t0, const Fl_HelpTarget *t1);
int do_align(Fl_HelpBlock *block, int line, int xx, int a, int &l);
void draw();
void format();
int get_align(const char *p, int a);
const char *get_attr(const char *p, const char *n, char *buf, int bufsize);
Fl_Color get_color(const char *n, Fl_Color c);
int handle(int);
void initfont(uchar &f, uchar &s) { nfonts_ = 0;
fl_font(f = fonts_[0][0] = textfont_,
s = fonts_[0][1] = textsize_); }
void pushfont(uchar f, uchar s) { if (nfonts_ < 99) nfonts_ ++;
fl_font(fonts_[nfonts_][0] = f,
fonts_[nfonts_][1] = s); }
void popfont(uchar &f, uchar &s) { if (nfonts_ > 0) nfonts_ --;
fl_font(f = fonts_[nfonts_][0],
s = fonts_[nfonts_][1]); }
Fl_HelpView(int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh, const char *l = 0);
const char *directory() const { if (directory_[0]) return (directory_);
else return ((const char *)0); }
const char *filename() const { if (filename_[0]) return (filename_);
else return ((const char *)0); }
void link(Fl_HelpFunc *fn) { link_ = fn; }
int load(const char *f);
void resize(int,int,int,int);
int size() const { return (size_); }
void textcolor(Fl_Color c) { if (textcolor_ == defcolor_) textcolor_ = c; defcolor_ = c; }
Fl_Color textcolor() const { return (defcolor_); }
void textfont(uchar f) { textfont_ = f; format(); }
uchar textfont() const { return (textfont_); }
void textsize(uchar s) { textsize_ = s; format(); }
uchar textsize() const { return (textsize_); }
const char *title() { return (title_); }
void topline(const char *n);
void topline(int);
int topline() const { return (topline_); }
void value(const char *v);
const char *value() const { return (value_); }
#endif // !_Fl_HelpView_H_
// End of "$Id: Fl_HelpView.H,v 2001/08/06 23:51:39 easysw Exp $".