2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
R E A D M E . 1 2 3
This file listst the differences between FLTK 1 and FLTK 2 with annotations
for a possible implementation of FLTK 3. The all new and improved FLTK 3
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needs to be compatible with 1 and 2. It must have a modern API, a complete set
of widgets, lots of options, customization at run-time, but still be easily
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portable, fast, and, of course, light.
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2010-03-06 14:24:43 +00:00
FLTK 1 has evolved to be a great starting point for the first steps in GUI
programming. It runs on all major platform (and on many minor ones
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as well), is small, compact, and easy to use. FLTK 2 was the
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attempt to continue the success of FLTK 1 with a clearer and more modern API
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and many important details improved. Unfortunately many users never
made the jump to FLTK 2 and so it not only ended in a crawling slow
branch, it also became instable and at last unmaintainable.
FLTK 3 sets out to surprise FLTK 1 users and satisfy FLTK 2 junkies.
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It will basically be the improved FLTK 2 API combined with the proven and
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stable innards of FLTK 1. As an extra bonus, FLTK 3 will be compatible
to 1 and 2. Just prepend your code with the "coding_style" instruction
and FLTK 3 will do the rest. It is even possible to intermix F1 and
F2 coding styles at any place.
Nice challange, eh? So let's get going:
The Big Differences
FLTK 2 is based on FLTK 1 in many ways, and while the FLTK 1 API was based
on the Forms Library, FLTK 2 is Bill's take on how FLTK 1 should have been.
This chapter outlines the biggest differences between version.
(1) Coordinate System: FLTK 1 child coordinates are always relative to the
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window, not as most would expect to the parent group. FLTK 2 does the logical
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thing and uses group-relative origins. This is somewhat difficult to port
if we want to stay downward compatible. Fl_Widget will need an additional
flag indicating absolute or relative coordinates.
(2) Pulldown Menus: The developers of the Forms Library did not implement
the idea of hierarchies all the way through. Pulldown menus, which are
hierarchical by nature, were instead implemented as a list with lots of
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tricks and kludges to make them usable. FLTK 2 went half way by using the
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existing Windget/Group relation to create menus, however, menu items are
still specialized widgets. For FLTK 3, I would like to allow any widget
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inside a pulldown menu, using the hierarchical nature of the FLTK base class
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(3) Browsers and Tree Views: Browsers in FLTK1 are implemented even worse
than Pulldown Menus. FLTK 2 solved the issues in a similar way, and here
again, I prefer the FLTK 2 way very mch, but also would like to extend
functionality to allow arbitrary widgets as list items. A Tree-like
widget comes free with the FLTK 2 concept. FLTK 1 has no such thing and
even Fluid had to hack the library badly to generate a tree view.
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FLTK 1.3 now comes with Greg's Fl_Tree widget.
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(4) Namespaces: this is a minr issue that I include for completeness. FLTK 2
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introduces the fltk namespace, renaming all widgets. FLTK 3 will use the
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FLTK 2 naming scheme and map FLTK 1 class names using typedefs. This is, as
most things in programming are, a compromise. The "coding_style" function
must be used to switch between FLTK 1 and FLTK 2 code. No worries though,
it's easy and straight forward.
(5) Layout: FLTK 1 uses a top-down approach for widget layout in which the
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parent widget decides about the child's size "resize(x, y, w, h)". In FLTK 2
any widget can call "layout()" which will query children for their preferred
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size and propagate the information up. This is a great concept that FLTK 3
should adapt, plus it is compatible.
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(6) Rectangle: FLTK uses discrete coordinates and sizes. FLTK 2's base class is
fltk::Rectangle. This is nice and easy to implement. The API is pretty much the
same in both versions.
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(7) Styles: FLTK 2 uses a minimal number of styles to define the basic
(and often repeated) parameters of every widget. API's are similar though,
so this is luckily another pretty straight-forward upgrade.
Comparison Chart by Class
This chart contains a list of all classes in FLTK 1 and 2, how they
correspond, and how they could be implemented in FLTK 3.
1: class Fl
2: namespace fltk
*: this is a pretty straight-forward mapping of functions. The actual work
lies in finding and listing all global functions and adapting those.
1: class Fl_Adjuster
2: class Adjuster
*: should map easily
2: class AlignGroup
*: undocumented in FLTK 2. Minimal code. Can be transfered easily.
2: class AnsiWidget
*: There is no equvalet in FLTK 1, but the widget may be easily ported.
2: class AssociationFunctor
*: Associations are a new and rarly used concept in FLTK 2. We need to
decide if these should be moved into FLTK 3
2: class AssociationType
*: Associations are a new and rarly used concept in FLTK 2. We need to
decide if these should be moved into FLTK 3
2: class BarGroup
*: undocumented in FLTK 2. Minimal code. Can be transfered easily.
1: class Fl_BMP_Image
2: class bmpImage
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Bitmap
1: class Fl_Box
2: class Widget
*: This actually maps pretty much exactly to fltk::Widget. FLTK 2 provides
a bunch of other box-like classes which have some predefined properties,
however this is the best match for FLTK 1. fltk::InvisibleBox can be used
as well.
1: class Fl_Browser
2: class Browser
1: class Fl_Browser_
1: class Fl_Button
2: class Button
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Cairo_State
1: class Fl_Cairo_Window
1: class Fl_Chart
1: class Fl_Check_Browser
1: class Fl_Check_Button
2: class CheckButton
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Choice
2: class Choice
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Clock
2: class Clock
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Clock_Output
2: class ClockOutput
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Color_Chooser
2: class ColorChooser
*: should map easily
2: class ComboBrowser
2: class ComboWindow
2: class CycleButton
1: class Fl_Counter
1: class Fl_Dial
2: class Dial
*: should map easily
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1: class Fl_Box
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2: class Divider
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2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
1: class Fl_Double_Window
2: class DoubleBufferWindow
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_End
2010-03-06 14:24:43 +00:00
1: Fl_Box
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2: class EngravedLabel
1: class Fl_File_Browser
2: class FileBrowser
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_File_Chooser
2: class FileChooser
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_File_Icon
2: class FileIcon
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_File_Input
2: class FileInput
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Fill_Dial
2: class FillDial
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Fill_Slider
2: class FillSlider
*: should map easily
2: class FlatBox
1: class Fl_Float_Input
2: class FloatInput
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_FormsBitmap
1: class Fl_FormsPixmap
1: class Fl_FormsText
2: class Fl_FormsText
*: should map easily
2: class FrameBox
1: class Fl_Free
1: class Fl_GIF_Image
2: class gifImage
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Gl_Choice
2: class GlChoice
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Gl_Window
2: class GlWindow
*: should map easily
2: class GlOverlay
1: class Fl_Glut_Window
2: class GlutWindow
1: class Fl_Group
2: class Group
*: should map easily, must manage coordinate systems
2: class GSave
2: class Guard
1: class Fl_Help_Dialog
2: class HelpDialog
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Help_View
2: class HelpView
*: should map easily
2: class HighlightBox
2: class HighlightButton
1: class Fl_Hold_Browser
1: class Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider
1: class Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider
1: class Fl_Hor_Slider
1: class Fl_Hor_Value_Slider
1: class Fl_Image
2: class Image
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Input
2: class Input
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Input_
2: class InputBrowser
1: class Fl_Input_Choice
2: class ComboBox
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Int_Input
2: class IntInput
*: should map easily
2: class InvisibleBox
2010-03-06 14:24:43 +00:00
1: struct Fl_Menu_Item
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2: class Item
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*: this will be hard to emulate!
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2: class ItemGroup
1: class Fl_JPEG_Image
2: class jpegImage
*: should map easily
2: class LabelType
1: class Fl_Light_Button
2: class LightButton
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Line_Dial
2: class LineDial
*: should map easily
2: class List
1: class Fl_Menu_
2: class Menu
1: class Fl_Menu_Bar
2: class MenuBar
1: class Fl_Menu_Button
2: class PopupMenu
2: class MenuSection
1: class Fl_Menu_Window
2: class MenuWindow
2010-03-06 14:24:43 +00:00
1: class Fl_Screen?
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2: class Monitor
1: class Fl_Multi_Browser
2: class MultiBrowser
2: class MultiImage
1: class Fl_Multiline_Input
2: class MultiLineInput
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Multiline_Output
2: class MultiLineOutput
*: should map easily
2010-03-06 14:24:43 +00:00
1: Fl::lock()
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2: class Mutex
1: class Fl_Nice_Slider
2: class NumericInput
1: class Fl_Output
2: class Output
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Overlay_Window
1: class Fl_PNG_Image
2: class pngImage
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_PNM_Image
2: class pnmImage
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Pack
2: class PackedGroup
2010-03-06 14:24:43 +00:00
*: should map easily, FLTK 2 has some additional functionaity
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
1: class Fl_Pixmap
1: class Fl_Positioner
1: class Fl_Preferences
2: class Preferences
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Progress
2: class ProgressBar
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_RGB_Image
2: class rgbImage
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Radio_Button
2: class RadioButton
*: should map easily
2: class RadioItem
1: class Fl_Radio_Light_Button
2: class RadioLightButton
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Radio_Round_Button
2: class Rectangle
2: class RecursiveMutex
1: class Fl_Repeat_Button
2: class RepeatButton
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Return_Button
2: class ReturnButton
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Roller
2: class ThumbWheel
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Round_Button
1: class Fl_Round_Clock
1: class Fl_Scroll
2: class ScrollGroup
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Scrollbar
2: class Scrollbar
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Secret_Input
2: class SecretInput
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Select_Browser
2: class ShapedWindow
1: class Fl_Shared_Image
2: class SharedImage
*: should map easily
2: class ShortcutFunctor
1: class Fl_Simple_Counter
1: class Fl_Single_Window
2: class SignalMutex
1: class Fl_Slider
2: class Slider
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Spinner
2: class StatusBarGroup
2: class StringArray
2: class StringHierarchy
2: class StringList
2: class Style
2: class StyleSet
2: class Symbol
1: class Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar
2: class SystemMenuBar
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Tabs
2: class TabGroup
*: should map easily
2: class TabGroupPager
1: class Fl_Text_Buffer
2: class TextBuffer
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Text_Display
2: class TextDisplay
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Text_Editor
2: class TextEditor
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Text_Selection
2: class TextSelection
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Tile
2: class TiledGroup
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Tiled_Image
2: class TiledImage
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Timer
1: class Fl_Toggle_Button
2: class ToggleButton
*: should map easily
2: class ToggleItem
1: class Fl_Tooltip
2: class Tooltip
*: should map easily
2: class WordwrapInput
2: class WordwrapOutput
1: class Fl_Valuator
2: class Valuator
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Value_Input
2: class ValueInput
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Value_Output
2: class ValueOutput
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Value_Slider
2: class ValueSlider
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Widget
2: class Widget
*: should map easily for the most part
1: class Fl_Widget_Tracker
1: class Fl_Window
2: class Window
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_Wizard
2: class WizardGroup
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_X
2: class CreatedWindow
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_XBM_Image
2: class xbmImage
*: should map easily
1: class Fl_XPM_Image
2: class xpmImage
*: should map easily
2: class xpmFileImage
2: struct Cursor
2: struct Font
1: struct Fl_Glut_Bitmap_Font
1: struct Fl_Glut_StrokeChar
1: struct Fl_Glut_StrokeFont
1: struct Fl_Glut_StrokeStrip
1: struct Fl_Glut_StrokeVertex
1: struct Fl_Help_Block
2: struct HelpBlock
*: should map easily
1: struct Fl_Help_Font_Stack
1: struct Fl_Help_Font_Style
1: struct Fl_Help_Link
2: struct HelpLink
*: should map easily
1: struct Fl_Help_Target
2: struct HelpTarget
*: should map easily
2: struct ImageType
1: struct Fl_Label
1: struct Fl_Menu_Item
1: struct Fl_Multi_Label
2: struct NamedStyle
2010-03-14 21:29:12 +00:00
This is how to output all symbols in a library (interestingly, this seems
to output symbols for functions that are likely inlined as well)
> nm -g -j lib/libfltk.a | c++filt | sort -u | more
2009-10-02 19:08:55 +00:00
2010-11-16 20:13:17 +00:00
> ally hook bridge hitch span bond hookup joint weld