1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-13 20:48:12 +03:00
<H1 ALIGN=RIGHT><A NAME=functions>B - Function Reference</A></H1>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
This appendix describes all of the <tt>fl_</tt> functions and
<tt>Fl::</tt> methods. For a description of the FLTK widgets, see <a
href="#widgets">Appendix A</a>.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_color_chooser">int fl_color_chooser(const char*, double &r, double &g, double &b)<br>
int fl_color_chooser(const char *, uchar &r, uchar &g, uchar &b)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The double version takes RGB values in the range 0.0 to 1.0. The
uchar version takes RGB values in the range 0 to 255.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_color_chooser.jpg"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p><tt>fl_color_chooser()</tt> pops up a window to let the user pick an
arbitrary RGB color. They can pick the hue and saturation in the "hue
box" on the left (hold down CTRL to just change the saturation), and
the brighness using the vertical slider. Or they can type the 8-bit
numbers into the RGB <a
href="#Fl_Value_Input"><tt>Fl_Value_Input</tt></a> fields, or drag the
mouse across them to adjust them. The pull-down menu lets the user set
the input fields to show RGB, HSV, or 8-bit RGB (0 to 255).
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>This returns non-zero if the user picks ok, and updates the RGB
values. If the user picks cancel or closes the window this returns
zero and leaves RGB unchanged.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>If you use the color chooser on an 8-bit screen, it will allocate
all the available colors, leaving you no space to exactly represent
the color the user picks! You can however use <a
href="#fl_rectf"><tt>fl_rectf()</tt></a> to fill a region with a
simulated color using dithering.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_show_colormap">int fl_show_colormap(int oldcol)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<tt>fl_show_colormap()</tt> pops up a panel of the 256 colors you
can access with <a href="#fl_color"><tt>fl_color()</tt></a> and lets the
user pick one of them. It returns the new color index, or the old one
if the user types ESC or clicks outside the window.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_show_colormap.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_message">void fl_message(const char *, ...)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Displays a printf-style message in a pop-up box with an "OK"
button, waits for the user to hit the button. The message will wrap
to fit the window, or may be many lines by putting <tt>\n</tt> characters into
it. The enter key is a shortcut for the OK button.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_message.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_">void fl_alert(const char *, ...)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Same as <tt>fl_message()</tt> except for the "!" symbol.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_alert.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_ask">int fl_ask(const char *, ...)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Displays a printf-style message in a pop-up box with an "Yes" and "No"
button and waits for the user to hit a button. The return value is 1
if the user hits Yes, 0 if they pick No. The enter key is a shortcut
for Yes and ESC is a shortcut for No.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_ask.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_choice">int fl_choice(const char *q, const char *b0, const char *b1, const char *b2, ...)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Shows the message with three buttons below it marked with the strings
<tt>b0</tt>, <tt>b1</tt>, and <tt>b2</tt>. Returns 0, 1, or 2
depending on which button is hit. ESC is a shortcut for button 0 and
the enter key is a shortcut for button 1. Notice the "misordered"
position of the buttons. You can hide buttons by passing <tt>NULL</tt>
as their labels.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_choice.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_input">const char *fl_input(const char *label, const char *deflt = 0, ...)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Pops up a window displaying a string, lets the user edit it, and return
the new value. The cancel button returns <tt>NULL</tt>. <i>The
returned pointer is only valid until the next time <tt>fl_input()</tt>
is called</i>. Due to back-compatability, the arguments to any printf
commands in the label are after the default value.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_input.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_password">const char *fl_password(const char *label, const char *deflt = 0, ...)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Same as <tt>fl_input()</tt> except an <a
href="#Fl_Secret_Input"><tt>Fl_Secret_Input</tt></a> field is used.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="fl_password.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_message_font">void fl_message_font(Fl_Font fontid, uchar size)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Change the font and font size used for the messages in all the popups.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_message_icon">Fl_Widget *fl_message_icon()</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns a pointer to the box at the left edge of all the popups. You
can alter the font, color, or label (including making it a Pixmap),
before calling the functions.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_file_chooser">char *fl_file_chooser(const char * message, const char *pattern, const char *fname)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
FLTK provides a "tab completion" file chooser that makes it easy to
choose files from large directories. This file chooser has several
unique features, the major one being that the Tab key completes
filenames like it does in Emacs or tcsh, and the list always shows all
possible completions.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<center><img src="filechooser.gif"></center>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<tt>fl_file_chooser()</tt> pops up the file chooser, waits for the user
to pick a file or Cancel, and then returns a pointer to that filename
or <tt>NULL</tt> if Cancel is chosen.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p><tt>message</tt> is a string used to title the window.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p><tt>pattern</tt> is used to limit the files listed in a directory to
those matching the pattern. This matching is done by <a
href="#filename_match"><tt>filename_match()</tt></a>. Use
<tt>NULL</tt> to show all files.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p><tt>fname</tt> is a default filename to fill in the chooser with. If
this is <tt>NULL</tt> then the last filename that was choosen is used (unless
that had a different pattern, in which case just the last directory
with no name is used). The first time the file chooser is called this
defaults to a blank string.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>The returned value points at a static buffer that is only good
until the next time <tt>fl_file_chooser()</tt> is called.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="fl_file_chooser_callback">void fl_file_chooser_callback(void (*cb)(const char *))</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Set a function that is called every time the user clicks a file in the
currently popped-up file chooser. This could be used to preview the
contents of the file. It has to be reasonably fast, and cannot create
FLTK windows.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_list">int filename_list(const char *d, dirent ***list)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
This is a portable and const-correct wrapper for the
<tt>fl_scandir</tt> function. <tt>d</tt> is the name of a directory
(it does not matter if it has a trailing slash or not). For each file
in that directory a "dirent" structure is created. The only portable
thing about a dirent is that dirent.d_name is the nul-terminated file
name. An array of pointers to these dirents is created and a pointer
to the array is returned in <tt>*list</tt>. The number of entries is
given as a return value. If there is an error reading the directory a
number less than zero is returned, and <tt>errno</tt> has the reason
(<tt>errno</tt> does not work under WIN32). The files are sorted in
"alphanumeric" order, where an attempt is made to put unpadded numbers
in consecutive order.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>You can free the returned list of files with the following code:
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
for (int i = return_value; i > 0;) free((void*)(list[--i]));
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_isdir">int filename_isdir(const char *f)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns non-zero if the file exists and is a directory.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_name">const char *filename_name(const char *f)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns a pointer to the character after the last slash, or to the
start of the filename if there is none.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_ext">const char *filename_ext(const char *f)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns a pointer to the last period in <tt>filename_name(f)</tt>, or
a pointer to the trailing nul if none.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_setext">char *filename_setext(char *f, const char *ext)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Does <tt>strcpy(filename_ext(f), ext ? ext : "")</tt>. Returns a
pointer to <tt>f</tt>.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_expand">int filename_expand(char *out, const char *in)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Splits <tt>in</tt> at each slash character. Replaces any occurrance of
<tt>$X</tt> with <tt>getenv("X")</tt> (leaving it as <tt>$X</tt> if the
environment variable does not exist). Replaces any occurances of
<tt>~X</tt> with user <tt>X</tt>'s home directory (leaving it as
<tt>~X</tt> if the user does not exist). Any resulting double slashes
cause everything before the second slash to be deleted. Copies the
result to <tt>out</tt> (<tt>in</tt> and <tt>out</tt> may be the same
buffer). Returns non-zero if any changes were made. <i>In true retro
programming style, it is up to you to provide a buffer big enough for
the result. 1024 characters should be enough.</i>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_absolute">int filename_absolute(char *out, const char *in)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
If <tt>in</tt> does not start with a slash, this prepends the current
working directory to <tt>in</tt> and then deletes any occurances of
<tt>.</tt> and </tt>x/..</tt> from the result, which it copies to
<tt>out</tt> (<tt>in</tt> and <tt>out</tt> may be the same buffer).
Returns non-zero if any changes were made. <i>In true retro
programming style, it is up to you to provide a buffer big enough for
the result. 1024 characters should be enough.</i>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="filename_match">int filename_match(const char *f, const char *pattern)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns true if <tt>f</tt> matches <tt>pattern</tt>. The following syntax
is used by <tt>pattern</tt>:
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>*</tt> matches any sequence of 0 or more characters.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>?</tt> matches any single character.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>[set]</tt> matches any character in the set. Set
can contain any single characters, or a-z to represent a range. To
match ] or - they must be the first characters. To match ^ or ! they
must not be the first characters.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>[^set]</b> or <b>[!set]</tt> matches any character
not in the set.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>{X|Y|Z}</b> or <b>{X,Y,Z}</tt> matches any one of
the subexpressions literally.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>\x</tt> quotes the character x so it has no special
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>x</tt> all other characters must be matched exactly.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<H2>Fl:: Methods</H2>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="add_fd">static void Fl::add_fd(int fd, void (*cb)(int, void *), void * = 0)<br>
static void Fl::add_fd(int fd, int when, void (*cb)(int, void *), void * = 0)</a><br>
<a name="remove_fd">static void Fl::remove_fd(int)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Add file descriptor <tt>fd</tt> to listen to. When the <tt>fd</tt>
becomes ready for reading the callback is done. The callback is passed
the <tt>fd</tt> and the arbitrary <tt>void *</tt> argument.
<tt>Fl::wait()</tt> will return immediately after calling the callback.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>The second version takes a <tt>when</tt> bitfield, with the bits
<tt>FL_READ</tt>, <tt>FL_WRITE</tt>, and <tt>FL_EXCEPT</tt> defined, to
indicate when the callback should be done.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>There can only be one callback of each type for a file descriptor.
<tt>Fl::remove_fd()</tt> gets rid of <i>all</i> the callbacks for a
given file descriptor.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>Under UNIX <i>any</i> file descriptor can be monitored (files,
devices, pipes, sockets, etc.) Due to limitations in Microsoft Windows,
WIN32 applications can only monitor sockets.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="add_handler">static void Fl::add_handler(int (*f)(int))</h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Install a function to parse unrecognized events. If FLTK cannot figure
out what to do with an event, it calls each of these functions (most
recent first) until one of them returns non-zero. If none of them
returns non zero then the event is ignored. Events that cause this to
be called are:
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>FL_SHORTCUT</tt> events that are not recognized by any
widget. This lets you provide global shortcut keys.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li>System events that FLTK does not recognize. See <a
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><i>Some</i> other events when the widget FLTK selected
returns zero from its <tt>handle()</tt> method. Exactly which
ones may change in future versions, however.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="add_idle">static Fl::add_idle(void (*cb)(void *), void *)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Adds a callback function that is called by <tt>Fl::wait()</tt> when there
is nothing to do. This can be used for background
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p><i>Warning: this can absorb all your machine's time!</i>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>You can have multiple idle callbacks. To remove an idle callback
use <a href="#remove_idle"><tt>Fl::remove_idle()</tt></a>.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>Only <tt>Fl::wait()</tt> calls the idle callbacks.
<tt>Fl::wait(time)</tt>, <tt>Fl::check()</tt>, and <tt>Fl::ready()</tt>
ignore them so that these functions may be called by the idle callbacks
themselves without having to worry about recursion.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>The idle callback can call any FLTK functions. However if you call
something that calls <tt>Fl::wait()</tt> (such as a message pop-up) you
should first remove the idle callback so that it does not recurse.
<h3><a name="add_timeout">static void Fl::add_timeout(float t, void (*cb)(void *),void *v=0)</a></h3>
Add a one-shot timeout callback. The timeout will happen as soon as
possible after <tt>t</tt> seconds after the last time <tt>wait()</tt>
was called. The optional <tt>void *</tt> argument is passed to the
<p>This code will print "TICK" each second on stdout, no matter what
else the user or program does:
void callback(void *) {
main() {
<h3><a name="arg">static int Fl::arg(int argc, char **argv, int &i)</a></h3>
Consume a single switch from <tt>argv</tt>, starting at word
</tt>i</tt>. Returns the number of words eaten (1 or 2, or 0 if it is
not recognized) and adds the same value to <tt>i</tt>. You can use this
function if you prefer to control the incrementing through the
arguments yourself.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="args">static int Fl::args(int argc, char **argv, int &i, int (*callback)(int, char**,int &)=0)<br>
void Fl::args(int argc, char **argv)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
FLTK provides an <i>entirely optional</i> command-line switch parser.
You don't have to call it if you don't like them! Everything it can do
can be done with other calls to FLTK.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>To use the switch parser, call <tt>Fl::args(...)</tt> near the start of
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
your program. This does <i>not</i> open the display, instead switches
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
that need the display open are stashed into static variables. Then
you <i>must</i> display your first window by calling
<a href="#Fl_Window.show">window->show(argc,argv)</a>, which will do anything
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
stored in the static variables.
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p><tt>callback</tt> lets you define your own switches. It is called
with the same <tt>argc</tt> and <tt>argv</tt>, and with <tt>i</tt> the index of each word.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
The callback should return zero if the switch is unrecognized, and not
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
change <tt>i</tt>. It should return non-zero if the switch is recognized, and
add at least 1 to <tt>i</tt> (it can add more to consume words after the
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
switch). This function is called before any other tests, so you can
override any FLTK switch.
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>On return <tt>i</tt> is set to the index of the first non-switch.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
This is either:
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li>The first word that does not start with '-'.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li>The word '-' (used by many programs to name stdin as a file)
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li>The first unrecognized switch (return value is 0).
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The return value is <tt>i</tt> unless an unrecognized switch is
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
found, in which case it is zero. If your program takes no arguments
other than switches you should produce an error if the return value is
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
less than <tt>argc</tt>.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>All switches may be abbreviated to two letters and case is ignored:
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1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-display host:n.n</tt> The X display to use (ignored
under WIN32).
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1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-geometry WxH+X+Y</tt> The window position and size
will be modified according the the standard X geometry string.
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1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-name string</tt> Fl_Window::xclass(string) will be
done to the window, possibly changing its icon.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-title string</tt> Fl_Window::label(string) will be
done to the window, changing both its title and the icontitle.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-iconic</tt> Fl_Window::iconize() will be done to
the window.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-bg color</tt> XParseColor is used to lookup the
passed color and then Fl::background() is done. Under WIN32
only color names of the form "#xxxxxx" are understood.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-bg2 color</tt> XParseColor is used to lookup the
passed color and then Fl::background2() is done.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<li><tt>-fg color</tt> XParseColor is used to lookup the
passed color and then Fl::foreground() is done.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The second form of <tt>Fl::args()</tt> is useful if your program does
not have command line switches of its own. It parses all the switches,
and if any are not recognized it calls <tt>Fl::abort(Fl::help)</tt>.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="background">static void Fl::background(uchar, uchar, uchar)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Changes <tt>fl_color(FL_GRAY)</tt> to the given color, and changes
the gray ramp from 32 to 56 to black to white. These are the colors
used as backgrounds by almost all widgets and used to draw the edges
of all the boxtypes.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="background2">static void Fl::background2(uchar, uchar, uchar)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Changes <tt>fl_color(FL_WHITE)</tt> and the same colors as
<tt>Fl::foreground()</tt>. This color is used as a background by
<tt>Fl_Input</tt> and other text widgets.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="belowmouse">static Fl_Widget *Fl::belowmouse() const<br>
static void Fl::belowmouse(Fl_Widget *)</h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Get or set the widget that is below the mouse. This is for
highlighting buttons. It is not used to send <tt>FL_PUSH</tt> or
<tt>FL_MOVE</tt> directly, for several obscure reasons, but those
events typically go to this widget. This is also the first widget
tried for <tt>FL_SHORTCUT</tt> events.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>If you change the belowmouse widget, the previous one and all
parents (that don't contain the new widget) are sent <tt>FL_LEAVE</tt>
events. Changing this does <i>not</i> send <tt>FL_ENTER</tt> to this
or any widget, because sending <tt>FL_ENTER</tt> is supposed to
<i>test</i> if the widget wants the mouse (by it returning non-zero
from <tt>handle()</tt>).
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="box_dh">static int Fl::box_dh(Fl_Boxtype)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns the height offset for the given boxtype.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="box_dw">static int Fl::box_dw(Fl_Boxtype)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns the width offset for the given boxtype.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="box_dx">static int Fl::box_dx(Fl_Boxtype)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns the X offset for the given boxtype.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="box_dy">static int Fl::box_dy(Fl_Boxtype)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns the Y offset for the given boxtype.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="check">static int Fl::check()</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
This does the same thing as <tt>Fl::wait(0)</tt>, except because it does not
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
have to return the elapsed time value it can be implemented faster on
certain systems. Use this to interrupt a big calculation:
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
while (!calculation_done()) {
if (user_hit_abort_button()) break;
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
This returns non-zero if any windows are displayed, and 0 if no
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
windows are displayed.
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="damage">static int Fl::damage()</a></h3>
If true then <a href="#flush"><tt>flush()</tt></a> will do something.
<h3><a name="display">static void Fl::display(const char *)</a></h3>
Sets the X display to use for all windows. This function is ignored
under WIN32.
<h3><a name="enable_symbols">static void Fl::enable_symbols()</a></h3>
Enables the symbol drawing code.
<h3><a name="event_button">static int Fl::event_button()</a></h3>
Returns which mouse button was pressed. This returns garbage if the
most recent event was not a <tt>FL_PUSH</tt> or <tt>FL_RELEASE</tt>
<h3><a name="event_clicks">int Fl::event_clicks()<br>
void Fl::event_clicks(int)</a></h3>
The first form returns non-zero if the most recent <tt>FL_PUSH</tt> or
<tt>FL_KEYBOARD</tt> was a "double click". Returns N-1 for N clicks.
A double click is counted if the same button is pressed again while
<tt>event_is_click()</tt> is true.
<p>The second form directly sets the number returned by
<tt>Fl::event_clicks()</tt>. This can be used to set it to zero so
that later code does not think an item was double-clicked.
<h3><a name="event_inside">int Fl::event_inside(const Fl_Widget *) const<br>
int Fl::event_inside(int x, int y, int w, int h)</a></h3>
Returns non-zero if the current <tt>event_x</tt> and <tt>event_y</tt>
put it inside the widget or inside an arbitrary bounding box. You
should always call this rather than doing your own comparison so you
are consistent about edge effects.
<h3><a name="event_is_click">int Fl::event_is_click()<br>
void Fl::event_is_click(0)</a></h3>
The first form returns non-zero if the mouse has not moved far enough
and not enough time has passed since the last <tt>FL_PUSH</tt> or
<tt>FL_KEYBOARD</tt> event for it to be considered a "drag" rather than
a "click". You can test this on <tt>FL_DRAG</tt>, <tt>FL_RELEASE</tt>,
and <tt>FL_MOVE</tt> events.
The second form clears the value returned by
<tt>Fl::event_is_click()</tt>. Useful to prevent the <i>next</i> click
from being counted as a double-click or to make a popup menu pick an
item with a single click. Don't pass non-zero to this.
<h3><a name="event_key">int Fl::event_key()<br>
int Fl::event_key(int)</a><br>
<a name="get_key">int Fl::get_key(int)</a></h3>
<tt>Fl::event_key()</tt> returns which key on the keyboard was last pushed.
<p><tt>Fl::event_key(int)</tt> returns true if the given key was held
down (or pressed) <i>during</i> the last event. This is constant until
the next event is read from the server.
<p><tt>Fl::get_key(int)</tt> returns true if the given key is held down
<i>now</i>. Under X this requires a round-trip to the server and is
<i>much</i> slower than <tt>Fl::event_key(int)</tt>.
<p>Keys are identified by the <i>unshifted</i> values. FLTK defines a
set of symbols that should work on most modern machines for every key
on the keyboard:
<li>All keys on the main keyboard producing a printable ASCII
character use the value of that ASCII character (as though shift,
ctrl, and caps lock were not on). The space bar is 32.
<li>All keys on the numeric keypad producing a printable ASCII
character use the value of that ASCII character plus
<tt>FL_KP</tt>. The highest possible value is
<tt>FL_KP_Last</tt> so you can range-check to see if something is
on the keypad.
<li>All numbered function keys use the number on the function key plus
<tt>FL_F</tt>. The highest possible number is
<tt>FL_F_Last</tt>, so you can range-check a value.
<li>Buttons on the mouse are considered keys, and use the button
number (where the left button is 1) plus <tt>FL_Button</tt>.
<li>All other keys on the keypad have a symbol: <tt>FL_Escape,
FL_BackSpace, FL_Tab, FL_Enter, FL_Print, FL_Scroll_Lock, FL_Pause,
FL_Insert, FL_Home, FL_Page_Up, FL_Delete, FL_End, FL_Page_Down,
FL_Left, FL_Up, FL_Right, FL_Down, FL_Shift_L, FL_Shift_R,
FL_Control_L, FL_Control_R, FL_Caps_Lock, FL_Alt_L, FL_Alt_R,
FL_Meta_L, FL_Meta_R, FL_Menu, FL_Num_Lock, FL_KP_Enter</tt>. Be
careful not to confuse these with the very similar, but all-caps,
symbols used by <a href="#event_state"><tt>Fl::event_state()</tt></a>.
On X <tt>Fl::get_key(FL_Button+n)</tt> does not work.
<p>On WIN32 <tt>Fl::get_key(FL_KP_Enter)</tt> and
<tt>Fl::event_key(FL_KP_Enter)</tt> do not work.
<h3><a name="event_length">char *Fl::event_length()</a></h3>
Returns the length of the text in <tt>Fl::event_text()</tt>. There
will always be a nul at this position in the text. However there may
be a nul before that if the keystroke translates to a nul character or
you paste a nul character.
<h3><a name="event_state">ulong Fl::event_state()<br>
unsigned int Fl::event_state(ulong)</h3>
This is a bitfield of what shift states were on and what mouse buttons
were held down during the most recent event. The second version
returns non-zero if any of the passed bits are turned on. The legal
bits are:
X servers do not agree on shift states, and FL_NUM_LOCK, FL_META,
and FL_SCROLL_LOCK may not work. The values were selected to match
the XFree86 server on Linux. In addition there is a bug in the way
X works so that the shift state is not correctly reported until the
first event <i>after</i> the shift key is pressed or released.
<h3><a name="event_text">char *Fl::event_text()</a></h3>
Returns the ASCII text (in the future this may be UTF-8) produced by
the last <tt>FL_KEYBOARD</tt> or <tt>FL_PASTEM</tt> or possibly other
event. A zero-length string is returned for any keyboard function keys
that do not produce text. This pointer points at a static buffer and is
only valid until the next event is processed.
<p>Under X this is the result of calling <tt>XLookupString()</tt>.
<h3><a name="event_x">static int Fl::event_x()<br>
<a name="event_y">static int Fl::event_y()</a></h3>
Returns the mouse position of the event relative to the <tt>Fl_Window</tt> it
was passed to.
<h3><a name="event_x_root">static int Fl::event_x_root()<br>
<a name="event_y_root">static int Fl::event_y_root()</a></h3>
Returns the mouse position on the screen of the event. To find the
absolute position of an <tt>Fl_Window</tt> on the screen, use the difference
between <tt>event_x_root(),event_y_root()</tt> and
<h3><a name="first_window">static Fl_Window *Fl::first_window()</a></h3>
Returns the first top-level window in the widget hierarchy.
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<h3><a name="flush">static void Fl::flush()</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Causes all the windows that need it to be redrawn and graphics forced
out through the pipes. This is what <tt>wait()</tt> does before
looking for events.
<h3><a name="focus">static Fl_Widget *Fl::focus() const<br>
static void Fl::focus(Fl_Widget *)</a></h3>
Get or set the widget that will receive <tt>FL_KEYBOARD</tt> events.
<p>If you change <tt>Fl::focus()</tt>, the previous widget and all
parents (that don't contain the new widget) are sent
<tt>FL_UNFOCUS</tt> events. Changing the focus does <i>not</i> send
<tt>FL_FOCUS</tt> to this or any widget, because sending
<tt>FL_FOCUS</tt> is supposed to <i>test</i> if the widget wants the
focus (by it returning non-zero from <tt>handle()</tt>).
<h3><a name="foreground">static void Fl::foreground(uchar, uchar, uchar)</a></h3>
Changes <tt>fl_color(FL_BLACK)</tt>. Also changes
be a ramp between this and <tt>FL_WHITE</tt>.
<h3><a name="free_color">static void Fl::free_color(Fl_Color, int overlay = 0)</a></h3>
Frees the specified color from the colormap, if applicable. If
<tt>overlay</tt> is non-zero then the color is freed from the overlay
<h3><a name="get_color">static unsigned Fl::get_color(Fl_Color)<br>
static void Fl::get_color(Fl_Color, uchar &r, uchar &g, uchar &b)</a></h3>
Returns the color index or RGB value for the given FLTK color index.
<h3><a name="get_font">static const char *Fl::get_font(int face)</h4>
Get the string for this face. This string is different for each face.
Under X this value is passed to XListFonts to get all the sizes of
this face.
<h3><a name="get_font_name">static const char *Fl::get_font_name(int face, int *attributes = 0)</a></h3>
Get a human-readable string describing the family of this face. This
is useful if you are presenting a choice to the user. There is no
guarantee that each face has a different name. The return value
points to a static buffer that is overwritten each call.
<p>The integer pointed to by <tt>attributes</tt> (if the pointer is not
zero) is set to zero, <tt>FL_BOLD</tt> or <tt>FL_ITALIC</tt> or
<tt>FL_BOLD | FL_ITALIC</tt>. To locate a "family" of fonts, search
forward and back for a set with non-zero attributes, these faces along
with the face with a zero attribute before them constitute a family.
<h3><a name="get_font_sizes">int get_font_sizes(int face, int *&sizep)</a></h3>
Return an array of sizes in <tt>sizep</tt>. The return value is the
length of this array. The sizes are sorted from smallest to largest
and indicate what sizes can be given to <tt>fl_font()</tt> that will be
matched exactly (<tt>fl_font()</tt> will pick the closest size for
other sizes). A zero in the first location of the array indicates a
scalable font, where any size works, although the array may list sizes
that work "better" than others. Warning: the returned array points at
a static buffer that is overwritten each call. Under X this will open
the display.
<h3><a name="get_mouse">static void Fl::get_mouse(int &x, int &y)</a></h3>
Return where the mouse is on the screen by doing a round-trip query to
the server. You should use <tt>Fl::event_x_root()</tt> and
<tt>Fl::event_y_root()</tt> if possible, but this is necessary if you
are not sure if a mouse event has been processed recently (such as to
position your first window). If the display is not open, this will
open it.
<h3><a name="get_system_colors">static void Fl::get_system_colors()</a></h3>
Read the user preference colors from the system and use them to call
<tt>Fl::foreground()</tt>, <tt>Fl::background()</tt>, and
<tt>Fl::background2()</tt>. This is done by
<tt>Fl_Window::show(argc,argv)</tt> before applying the -fg and -bg
<p>Currently this only does something on WIN32. In future versions for
X it may read the window manager (KDE, Gnome, etc.) setup as well.
<h3><a name="gl_visual">static int Fl::gl_visual(int)</a></h3>
This does the same thing as <a
href="#visual"><tt>Fl::visual(int)</tt></a> but also requires OpenGL
drawing to work. This <i>must</i> be done if you want to draw in
normal windows with OpenGL with <a
href="#gl_start"><tt>gl_start()</tt></a> and <tt>gl_end()</tt>. It may
be useful to call this so your X windows use the same visual as an <a
href="#Fl_Gl_Window"><tt>Fl_Gl_Window</tt></a>, which on some servers
will reduce colormap flashing.
<p>See <a href="#Fl_Gl_Window.mode"><tt>Fl_Gl_Window</tt></a> for a
list of additional values for the argument.
<h3><a name="grab">static void Fl::grab(Fl_Window &)<br>
static Fl_Window *Fl::grab()</h3>
This is used when pop-up menu systems are active. Send all events to
the passed window no matter where the pointer or focus is (including in
other programs). The window <i>does not have to be
<tt>shown()</tt></i>, this lets the <tt>handle()</tt> method of a
"dummy" window override all event handling and allows you to map and
unmap a complex set of windows (under both X and WIN32 <i>some</i>
window must be mapped because the system interface needs a window id).
<p><tt>Fl::event_x()</tt> and <tt>Fl::event_y()<.tt> are undefined if
the passed widget is not a mapped <tt>Fl_Window</tt>. Use
<tt>Fl::event_x_root()</tt> and <tt>Fl::event_y_root()</tt> instead.
<p><i>Be careful that your program does not enter an infinite loop
while <tt>grab()</tt> is on. On X this will lock up your screen!</i>
<p>The second function returns the current grab window, or <tt>NULL</tt> if
<h3><a name="h">static int Fl::h()</a></h3>
Returns the height of the screen in pixels.
<h3><a name="handle">static int Fl::handle(int, Fl_Window *)</a></h3>
Sends the event to a window for processing. Returns non-zero if any
widget uses the event.
<h3><a name="help">static const char *Fl::help</a></h3>
This is the usage string that is displayed if <tt>Fl::args()</tt>
detects an invalid argument on the command-line.
<h3><a name="modal">static Fl_Window *Fl::modal()</h3>
The <tt>modal()</tt> window has its <tt>handle()</tt> method called for
all events, and no other windows will have <tt>handle()</tt> called.
If <a href="#grab"><tt>grab()</tt></a> has been done then this is equal
to <tt>grab()</tt>. Otherwise this is the most recently
<tt>shown()</tt> window with <a
href="#Fl_Window.modal"><tt>modal()</tt></a> true, or <tt>NULL</tt> if
there are no <tt>modal()</tt> windows <tt>shown()</tt>.
<h3><a name="next_window">static Fl_Window *Fl::next_window(Fl_Window *)</a></h3>
Returns the next top-level window in the widget hierarchy.
<h3><a name="own_colormap">static void Fl::own_colormap()</a></h3>
Makes FLTK use its own colormap. This may make FLTK display
better and will reduce conflicts with other programs that want lots of
colors. However the colors may flash as you move the cursor between
<p>This does nothing if the current visual is not colormapped.
<h3><a name="paste">static void Fl::paste(Fl_Widget *receiver)</a></h3>
Set things up so the receiver widget will be called with an <a
href="#FL_PASTE"><tt>FL_PASTE</tt></a> event some time in the future.
The reciever should be prepared to be called <i>directly</i> by this,
or for it to happen <i>later</i>, or possibly <i>not at all</i>. This
allows the window system to take as long as necessary to retrieve the
paste buffer (or even to screw up completely) without complex and
error-prone synchronization code in FLTK.
<h3><a name="pushed">static Fl_Widget *Fl::pushed() const<br>
static void Fl::pushed(Fl_Widget *)</h3>
Get or set the widget that is being pushed. <tt>FL_DRAG</tt> or
<tt>FL_RELEASE</tt> (and any more <tt>FL_PUSH</tt>) events will be sent
to this widget.
<p>If you change the pushed widget, the previous one and all parents
(that don't contain the new widget) are sent <tt>FL_RELEASE</tt>
events. Changing this does <i>not</i> send <tt>FL_PUSH</tt> to this or
any widget, because sending <tt>FL_PUSH</tt> is supposed to <i>test</i>
if the widget wants the mouse (by it returning non-zero from
<h3><a name="readqueue">static Fl_Widget *Fl::readqueue()</a></h3>
All <tt>Fl_Widgets</tt> that don't have a callback defined use a
default callback that puts a pointer to the widget in this queue, and
this method reads the oldest widget out of this queue.
<h3><a name="ready">static int Fl::ready()</a></h3>
Returns non-zero if there are pending timeouts or events or file
descriptors. This does <i>not</i> call <tt>Fl::flush()</tt> or any
callbacks, which is useful if your program is in a state where such
callbacks are illegal:
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
while (!calculation_done()) {
if (Fl::ready()) {
if (user_hit_abort_button()) break;
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="redraw">static void Fl::redraw()</a></h3>
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1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Redraws all widgets.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="release">static void Fl::release()</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Turn off the <tt>grab()</tt> behavior.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="remove_idle">static void Fl::remove_idle(void (*cb)(void *), void *= 0)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Removes the specified idle callback.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="remove_timeout">static void Fl::remove_timeout(void (*cb)(void *), void *= 0)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Removes a timeout callback. It is harmless to remove a timeout callback
that no longer exists.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="run">static Fl::run()</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Runs FLTK until there are no windows displayed, and then returns a zero.
<tt>Fl::run()</tt> is <i>exactly equivalent to:</i>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
while (Fl::wait());
return 0;
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="selection">static void Fl::selection(Fl_Widget *owner, const char *stuff, int len)<br>
static const char* Fl::selection()<BR>
static int Fl::selection_length()</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The first form changes the current selection. The block of text is
copied to an internal buffer by FLTK (be careful if doing this in
response to an <tt>FL_PASTE</tt> as this <i>may</i> be the same buffer
returned by <tt>event_text()</tt>). The <tt>selection_owner()</tt>
widget is set to the passed owner (possibly sending
<tt>FL_SELECTIONCLEAR</tt> to the previous owner).
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The second form looks at the buffer containing the current selection.
The contents of this buffer are undefined if this program does not own
the current selection.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="selection_owner">static Fl_Widget *Fl::selection_owner() const<BR>
static void Fl::selection_owner(Fl_Widget *)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The single-argument <tt>selection_owner(x)</tt> call can be used to
move the selection to another widget or to set the owner to
<tt>NULL</tt>, without changing the actual text of the selection.
<tt>FL_SELECTIONCLEAR</tt> is sent to the previous selection owner, if
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p><i>Copying the buffer every time the selection is changed is
obviously wasteful, especially for large selections. An interface will
probably be added in a future version to allow the selection to be made
by a callback function. The current interface will be emulated on top
of this.</i>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="set_boxtype">static void Fl::set_boxtype(Fl_Boxtype, Fl_Box_Draw_F *, uchar, uchar, uchar, uchar)<br>
static void Fl::set_boxtype(Fl_Boxtype, Fl_Boxtype from)</a></h3>
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1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The first form sets the function to call to draw a specific boxtype.
<p>The second form copies the <tt>from</tt> boxtype.
<h3><a name="set_color">static void Fl::set_color(Fl_Color, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b)</a></h3>
Sets an entry in the <tt>fl_color</tt> index table. You can set
it to any 8-bit RGB color. The color is not allocated until
<tt>fl_color(i)</tt> is used.
<h3><a name="set_font">static int Fl::set_font(int face, const char *)<br>
static int Fl::set_font(int face, int from)</a></h3>
The first form changes a face. The string pointer is simply stored,
the string is not copied, so the string must be in static memory.
<p>The second form copies one face to another.
<h3><a name="set_fonts">int Fl::set_fonts(const char * = 0)</a></h3>
FLTK will open the display, and add every font on the server to the
face table. It will attempt to put "families" of faces together, so
that the normal one is first, followed by bold, italic, and bold
<p>The optional argument is a string to describe the set of fonts to
add. Passing <tt>NULL</tt> will select only fonts that have the ISO8859-1
character set (and are thus usable by normal text). Passing "-*" will
select all fonts with any encoding as long as they have normal X font
names with dashes in them. Passing "*" will list every font that
exists (on X this may produce some strange output). Other values may
be useful but are system dependent. With WIN32 <tt>NULL</tt> selects fonts
with ISO8859-1 encoding and non-<tt>NULL</tt> selects all fonts.
<p>The return value is how many faces are in the table after this is done.
<h3><a name="set_labeltype">static void Fl::set_labeltype(Fl_Labeltype, Fl_Label_Draw_F *, Fl_Label_Measure_F *)<br>
static void Fl:set_labeltype(Fl_Labeltype, Fl_Labeltype from)</a></h3>
The first form sets the functions to call to draw and measure a
specific labeltype.
<p>The second form copies the <tt>from</tt> labeltype.
<h3><a name="test_shortcut">int Fl::test_shortcut(ulong) const</a></h3>
Test the current event, which must be an <tt>FL_KEYBOARD</tt> or
<tt>FL_SHORTCUT</tt>, against a shortcut value (described in <a
href="#Fl_Button.shortcut"><tt>Fl_Button</tt></a>). Returns non-zero
if there is a match. Not to be confused with
<a href="#Fl_Widge.test_shortcut"><tt>Fl_Widget::test_shortcut()</tt></a>.
<h3><a name="visual">static int Fl::visual(int)</a></h3>
Selects a visual so that your graphics are drawn correctly. This
does nothing if the default visual satisfies the capabilities, or if
no visual satisfies the capabilities, or on systems that don't have
such brain-dead notions.
<p>Only the following combinations do anything useful:
<br>Full/true color (if there are several depths FLTK chooses
the largest). Do this if you use <a href="#fl_draw_image">
<tt>fl_draw_image</tt></a> for much better (non-dithered)
<br>Full color with at least 24 bits of color. <tt>FL_RGB</tt> will always
pick this if available, but if not it will happily return a
less-than-24 bit deep visual. This call fails if 24 bits are not
<br>Hardware double buffering. Call this if you are going to use
<a href="#Fl_Double_Window"><tt>Fl_Double_Window</tt></a>.
<br>Hardware double buffering and full color.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
This returns true if the system has the capabilities by default or
FLTK suceeded in turing them on. Your program will still work even if
this returns false (it just won't look as good).
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="w">static int Fl::w()</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Returns the width of the screen in pixels.
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1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<h3><a name="wait">static int wait()<br>
static double wait(double time)</a></h3>
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
Calls the idle function if any, then calls any pending timeout
functions, then calls <a href="#flush"><tt>Fl::flush()</tt></a>. If there are
any windows displayed it then waits some time for events (zero if
there is an idle(), the shortest timeout if there are any timeouts, or
forever) and calls the handle() function on those events, and then
returns non-zero.
<p>Your program can check its global state and update things after
each call to <tt>Fl::wait()</tt>, which can be very useful in complex programs.
<p>If there are no windows (this is checked after the idle and
timeouts are called) then <tt>Fl::wait()</tt> returns zero without waiting for
any events. Your program can either exit at this point, or call
<tt>show()</tt> on some window so the GUI can continue to operate.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
The second form of <tt>Fl::wait()</tt> waits only a certain amount of
time for anything to happen. This does the same as <tt>wait()</tt>
except if the given time (in seconds) passes it returns. The return
value is how much time remains. If the return value is zero or
negative then the entire time period elapsed.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
<p>If you do several <tt>wait(time)</tt> calls in a row, the subsequent ones
are measured from when the first one is called, even if you do
time-consuming calculations after they return. This allows you to
accurately make something happen at regular intervals. This code will
accurately call <tt>A()</tt> once per second (as long as it takes less than a
second to execute):
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00
1999-01-07 19:36:11 +03:00
for (;;) {
for (float time = 1.0; time > 0; ) time = Fl::wait(time);
<h3><a name="warning">static void (*Fl::warning)(const char *, ...)</a><br>
<a name="error">static void (*Fl::error)(const char *, ...)</a><br>
<a name="fatal">static void (*Fl::fatal)(const char *, ...)</a></h3>
FLTK will call these to print messages when unexpected conditions
occur. By default they <tt>fprintf</tt> to <tt>stderr</tt>, and
<tt>Fl::error</tt> and <tt>Fl::fatal</tt> call <tt>exit(1)</tt>. You
can override the behavior by setting the function pointers to your own
<p><tt>Fl::warning</tt> means that there was a recoverable problem, the
display may be messed up but the user can probably keep working (all X
protocol errors call this). <tt>Fl::error</tt> means there is a
recoverable error, but the display is so messed up it is unlikely the
user can continue (very little calls this now). <tt>Fl::fatal</tt>
must not return, as FLTK is in an unusable state, however your version
may be able to use <tt>longjmp</tt> or an exception to continue, as
long as it does not call FLTK again.
1998-12-29 17:21:17 +03:00