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<H2><A name=Fl_Adjuster>class Fl_Adjuster</A></H2>
<H3>Class Hierarchy</H3>
<A href=Fl_Valuator.html#Fl_Valuator>Fl_Valuator</A>
<H3>Include Files</H3>
#include &lt;FL/Fl_Adjuster.H&gt;
The <TT>Fl_Adjuster</TT> widget was stolen from Prisms, and has proven
to be very useful for values that need a large dynamic range. When you
press a button and drag to the right the value increases. When you drag
to the left it decreases. The largest button adjusts by <TT>100 *
step()</TT>, the next by <TT>10 * step()</TT> and that smallest button
by <TT>step()</TT>. Clicking on the buttons increments by 10 times the
amount dragging by a pixel does. Shift + click decrements by 10 times
the amount.
<LI><A href=#Fl_Adjuster.Fl_Adjuster>Fl_Adjuster</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#Fl_Adjuster.~Fl_Adjuster>~Fl_Adjuster</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#Fl_Adjuster.soft>soft</A></LI>
<H4><A name=Fl_Adjuster.Fl_Adjuster>Fl_Adjuster::Fl_Adjuster(int x, int
y, int w, int h, const char *label = 0)</A></H4>
Creates a new <TT>Fl_Adjuster</TT> widget using the given position,
size, and label string. It looks best if one of the dimensions is 3
times the other.
<H4><A name=Fl_Adjuster.~Fl_Adjuster>virtual Fl_Adjuster::~Fl_Adjuster()</A>
Destroys the valuator.
<H4><A name=Fl_Adjuster.soft>uchar Fl_Adjuster::soft() const
<BR> void Fl_Adjuster::soft(uchar)</A></H4>
If &quot;soft&quot; is turned on, the user is allowed to drag the value outside
the range. If they drag the value to one of the ends, let go, then
grab again and continue to drag, they can get to any value. Default is
one. </BODY></HTML>